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@AmaanCheval You still having trouble to get a RPi?
@OctavianDamiean Genious my ... master
@OctavianDamiean I'm not actively looking for one, but there don't seem to be any sellers here, and the ones that are there on eBay are charging way too much (which defeats the purpose)
@AmaanCheval ask @KirstyHarris to send you one
@AmaanCheval Amaan werent you struggling with the chrome webstore too?
@OctavianDamiean you'll have to learn cross-compiling btw :P
@Nexxpresso No, not recently at least
compiling node on RPi takes like... 8 hours
@AmaanCheval If you want one, let me know. I'll get you one and send it to you via goats or snails.
@FlorianMargaine I know.
@OctavianDamiean Haha brilliant, thanks!
posted on April 02, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} We've sold over 2/3rds of the BAH! tickets. If you want to guarantee

this comic is weird
I wish I didn't read it
... i^i is real?
...my brain...
actually i^i is ~0.20788
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, it's a bit strange. But what do you expect from a guy called "Weinersmith"?
Weiner is awesome.
@rlemon Which is a real number
oh my
I wish I could do this
it's more true than false tho i'd say
Isn't the comic lacking a ^i somewhere ?
!!> var i=Math.sqrt(-1); i^i
@JanDvorak 0
meh, too much rounding
@dievardump Came across a sort of decent, cheap laptop; thought you'd like to know - newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834312518
@JanDvorak Nice xor
!!> Math.sqrt(-1)
@Zirak "NaN"
@AmaanCheval one of my clients had issue with lenovo g serie, like after 1y it began to shut for no reason and the power button was no more responding
!!>NaN ^ NaN
@BenjaminGruenbaum 0
@Happyninja Oh, strange. @dievardump, don't buy that ^
!!> NaN & NaN
Look at 11.10
It does toInt32
!!> NaN | NaN
Don't forget that bitwise operators only handle the integer part
Error 0 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
oh yeah... I never remember till I get bitten by it
!!> NaN|0
@JanDvorak 0
maid @Zirak? What's error 0?
I have no clue
Ask the maid
That's the only time that error's triggered. It happens about once a week.
!!> Math.sqrt(-1)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'Sqrt'"
damn you C#
Q: What tool is being used for the animation at?

Christian FazziniWhat tool is being used for the animation at? At http://www.pagemodo.com/ If you scroll down, you will see an image with animation. I hope they are using some jquery plugin, instead of manual js and css animation. Anyone know the name of the plugin or similar plugins that can be used to achieve ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum "NaN"
Tag: doesn't work anymore ?
@dystroy put it between []
@FlorianMargaine oh yes, thanks
like [tag:cv-pls]
yeah yeah, got it...
!!/stat 501171 extended
@JanDvorak That dude sucks
!!/stat 501171 extended
@AmaanCheval [Christian Fazzini](http://stackoverflow.com/users/501171/christian-fazzini) has 5237 reputation, earned 1 rep today, asked 296 questions, gave 91 answers, for a q:a ratio of 296:91.
avg. rep/post: 13.53. Badges: 3g 19s 80b
Haha, nice ratio.
!!/stat canon extended
@canon [canon](http://stackoverflow.com/users/621962/canon) has 8012 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 271 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:271.
avg. rep/post: 29.45. Badges: 0g 9s 29b
This looks like a basic question but I don't get what it is :
Q: Javascript prototyping inheritance

Ajay beniI want to know why does child scope create a new property when using literal type like string and it does not create a new object when using object notation below example will clarify paretscope.aString = 'parent string' now initialize a string in child scope so it will create a new propert...

!!> (3^2 + 4^2 == 5^2)
!!/stat happy ninja
@JanDvorak Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand `3^2 + 4^2 == 5^2`
@Happyninja [Happy ninja](http://stackoverflow.com/users/1864539/happy-ninja) has 153 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 3 questions, gave 8 answers, for a q:a ratio of 3:8.
@JanDvorak 7
@JanDvorak 7
@dystroy Seems like he's confusing himself with some code he saw somewhere. I doubt the problem he's running into is code written by him from scratch
!!> 3+4
!!> (3^2) + (4^2) == (5^2)
:8617790 `7`
!!> 7==7
we confused the poor bot
@JanDvorak true
@Zirak Shouldn't it evaluate in the correct order (the order in which it was asked)?
27 secs ago, by SO ChatBot
:8617790 `7`
@Nexxpresso "Infinity"
Some pople should have a look at operator precedence
How come == isn't lowest?
@dystroy I don't even want to downvote the guy... :/
@AmaanCheval Not necessarily
!!/google operator precedence javascript
I want to split a string into prefix and integer combo, can I do this without regex? would be like ABC123456789 I need ["ABC", "123456789"]
I'm not downvoting him because he's having a hard time explaining his question
I know how to do with regex, just avoiding regex
@AmaanCheval exactly.
I didn't downvote him. I rarely downvote when I don't understand the question.
You guys have to try that
@JanDvorak Comma is always (citation needed) the lowest
@xcritics yes, you can use Jade outside of Express, blah, blah, looks like it was all handled.
@rlemon How do you distinct the part ? length ? letters ?
letters vs numbers.
I suppose I have to use regex.
stupid regex
if you don't use a regex, you have to loop to find the first digit
A regex will be easier, but you can loop and construct string by yourself.
regexes are very fast, no worry
bitwise operators should be above == IMO
yea but that would be worse than regex :P
FOOKING try that game
it takes 2 mins
@JanDvorak ...they are?
you will laf!
@JanDvorak everybody get bitten by that one. Now I put a lot of parenthesis in my code involving bitwise operators
The + was what messed you up
@Loktar Loading
lol lord it had me cracking up
!!> 1^2 == 3
@JanDvorak 1
@JanDvorak didn't you see the parenthesis in my code ?
3^2 + 4^2 === 3^(2+4)^2 === (3^(3+4))^2
!!> (3^2) + (4^2) == 5^2
@dystroy true
@dystroy 2
@Loktar Hahahahah
@AmaanCheval lol its pretty well done eh?
@Loktar eh, it's funny. but not like fall off my seat funny
I liked it
@rlemon psh whatever dude
its an awesome game lol
it's less funny when I realize the amount of artwork put forth to produce an april fools joke.
the art is badass and the concept is so retarded
!!> ((3^2) + (4^2) == (5^2)) == ((3^2) + (4^2) == 5^2)
@dystroy false
@Loktar :P
its way better than google nose.
...people believed google nose was legit.
"Isn't this the strategy pattern? The UML diagram looks exactly the same" //THE JAVA, IT BURNS!
But it isn't better than YouTube's competition ending
That was awesome
I saw it the night before
and was like.. oh this is Google's prank eh?
@JanDvorak No
yea google nose was kinda stupid
My mom didn't realize it was April Fools
I didn't see the youtube thing
@rlemon Really? Hold on
Next year, Valve should release HL3 on April 1
@AmaanCheval did they really stream that whole thing?
@GNi33 Haha, no, I don't think so. I didn't check, though
i was tuning in when they where about 2 hours or something like that in
oh they announced thief 4
at least that's what the stream told me, could just be a video that looped at some point
but funny idea nontheless
or well trailer
@GNi33 Oh, that'd be awesome!
it kinda looks like they really did 12 hours of coverage...
Huh. It does seem like it
They've put a lot of effort into this one
haha, have a look at the top-comment
the one with the timestamp :P
"ASD123".match(/(\D+)(\d+)/) is returning ["ASD123","ASD","123"], why is it returning the entire string as the first match? can I stop it from doing this?
Haha, yeah, the second one
@rlemon No. $0 is always the entire match.
ohh well.
You can always shift
Can someone link me to a page which is a LOT of nested iframes?
@Incognito what is a lot?
@Incognito make one
Make a page with an iframe with the page itself in the iframe
iframe recursion
@AmaanCheval not that many iFrames :-)
@Happyninja I don't know. I just wanted to troll someone. So instead I'll just leave this here
a=1; b=1 + Number.constructor.constructor("return a;")();
You keep doing this one, @Incognito.
You really like that blindside eval
Because I really like it.
It's so evil
generate the code using php and make it random with a src pool... total waste of time isn't?
Never a waste of time when you're writing PHP
this is what i call a great internet connection :P
I'd say
I'd settle for 10 MBPS
looks like some fancy gbit port you have there
my god...
@ThiefMaster Da fuck ?
i can photoshop that
@ThiefMaster how'd you even get that ?
@Darkyen guess he was at CERN?
s/was/is/ (for the next 4 months)
A virtual bridge not bound to a network interface on Linux? Anyone?
Mhmm, bridge_ports none perhaps.
@ThiefMaster oh wow ... congrats!
download a copy of all internet porn for me & lemon please :D it'd just take you about 7 days :D :D

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