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If anyone here has a better answer I'm interested in hearing one, edits also welcome stackoverflow.com/questions/15724806/…
@Darkyen [insert language] programmers are polluters
( Although I'm interested in interesting shimming solutions)
@crl lol
I am listening his keynote on C++
I hope c# is also environment friendly, doing that now
@crl C# is Microsoft doubtful hence .. jk hk
it shouldn't be too much less efficient than managed c++
@phenomnomnominal, @OctavianDamiean nimbusbp1729.github.com/hawkthorne-server-lua
@Zirak you gotta hear that keynote
you will like it
hes funny once he starts getting into code
I expected more people to enjoy the IE hate :( lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum what ?
Q: Does Microsoft Internet Explorer support WebRTC?

Benjamin GruenbaumChrome and Firefox both support WebRTC. Does Internet Explorer supports it? If it does not, are there any plans to support it in the future, and if so when? What about shimming support using projects like webrtc4all, is that a practical solution?

I don't care about IE
@copy That's because you're a tough guy
You're just pissed off because nobody upvoted your IE hate :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Does Internet Explorer supports it?"
@MatthewDean ?
It should be "Does Internet Explorer support it?"
@SamLanning Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AdamLynch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it's obviously the same if the vars are defined in the for definition right?
in the example they're defined before the loop
add a test case if you think there might be a difference :)
@FlorianMargaine 1. I think there isn't at all. 2. I'm lazy :)
all this jsperf is showing: don't care except if you're playing with old browsers
even better: don't use for loops
they're from an old era
Bjarne Stroustrup is funny
@FlorianMargaine ya I noticed the legacy browser thing but I'm working with IE8 a lot
what would you suggest instead of a for?
the iterators methods
and use es5 shim or iter-shims if you care about IE8
Is there gonna be much benefit on legacy browsers?
I'd have to convince people to re-write a lot of code
@AdamJCanter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^- Bjarne Stroustrup's slide ... lol
@AdamLynch it's just about readability
and no, it doesn't mean you should rewrite your code...
@FlorianMargaine you should watch this one
!!>"Benjamin Gruenbaum".toUpperCase();
@Darkyen does it have subtitles?
No but his english is understandable, if i can understand it you should be able to :-)
@FlorianMargaine ya ok not a big deal then
but I'll keep it in mind in future
but would forEach act like a for in?
@Darkyen I need subtitles for french videos too
would I need to use hasOwnProperty I mean
@AdamLynch no
@FlorianMargaine cool
and you use for in for objects, not for arrays
Should I watch Nikita?
@FlorianMargaine yeah. I'm just thinking in general and out loud here
@AdamLynch you can look at the code of iter-shims, it basically shims the iterator methods
Defining the vars in the loop definition is faster each time but not by much jsperf.com/browser-diet-cache-array-length/20
@FlorianMargaine ya, I should actually
In node.s, what is the difference between ServerRequest close event and ServerRequest.connection close event?
@fastreload Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I guess I'll just read the source...
shows a slide { his graph disappears }
he takes a pause and says
"Imagine this to be a graph" pointing towards the screen
Mostly, when you see programmers, they aren’t doing anything. One of the attractive things about programmers is that you cannot tell whether or not they are working simply by looking at them. Very often they’re sitting there seemingly drinking coffee and gossiping, or just staring into space. What the programmer is trying to do is get a handle on all the individual and unrelated ideas that are scampering around in his head. [Charles M. Strauss]
starred because I like that
@PimpTrizkit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have another question
Hy:) Can anyone(if anyone is familiar with example on: simonsarris.com/project/canvasdemo/demo2.html) explain me this stuff about "ghost canvas" and "fake canvas context". I don't get it all, why do i need something like that. Thanks a lot.
I am trying to get the animation of the countdown to be where the numbers slide down and slide the new one from the top
whatsup @Srle
Hy Simon glad to see you :)
you should really start with this tutorial:
but it doesn't use the ghost canvas concept.
@Srle the best help you can get ^
The fake canvas is an in-memory canvas. In other words its a canvas you create with JavaScript, in memory only and never add it to the DOM
i finished the first tutorial, it is awesome :D get stuck with second
the second one funny enough is much older, so its not as well organized :/
when you do
var can = document.createElement('canvas')
you make a canvas element, but don't add it to the page
you can draw stuff on that canvas, and then either draw from that canvas to your "real" canvas, or you can look at the image data of that canvas
in that example, for selecting an object, I was drawing every object to this in-memory canvas, using getImageData to inspect a single pixel (Where the mouse was) on this in-memory canvas, to see if the object drawn was at that location
this is a very slow way of hit-testing, but its pixel perfect, meaning it will work even with complex, partially transparent images
char *res = strncpy(name1, name2, LEN);
*(res + sizeof(res)) = '\0'; // I guess there is easier...
thanks a lot ! i get it now :D
it's nice having Simon on facebook
I could just summon him and he came!
@SimonSarris :P
!!> Infinity + -Infinity
@crl "NaN"
^ as expected
what's weird is that infinity isn't greater than infinity, but mdn says it is
!!> Infinity > Infinity
@Nile false
but of course adding infinity to negative infinity won't be a number because infinity isn't a number :p
it just uses string comparison there
@Nile That depends on how you define numbers
Technically, it's a number
!!> Infinity === Infinity
@crl true
not a real* number
infinity is a number!
Oh wait, you two already talked, nvm
@SimonSarris define 'number'
IEEE floating point number
or anything that === itself
!!> parseFloat(Infinity)
@crl "Infinity"
Wonder why parseFloat of infinity is infinity but
!!> parseInt(Infinity)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "NaN"
@SimonSarris It's not a real number
I guess not
I guess it describes a limit on real numbers
which is, well, infinite
@JamieTreworgy another CQ question here stackoverflow.com/questions/15725531/…
Learn C The Hard Way is really nice
I like the teaching way
especially when being an experienced programmer
@SimonSarris really closing the real numbers under the lim operator if you will
well, you feel like the author is lowering you down for nothing sometimes, but the end result is impressive
@SimonSarris really closing the real numbers under the lim operator if you will
alas I'm out for now
functional languages are probably the most interesting to learn
Javascript isn't a real language
bot's trolling
@twiz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SOChatBot Screw you bot. I do what I want.
!!/ban twiz
@phenomnomnominal User twiz added to mindjail.
!!/unban twiz
@phenomnomnominal User twiz freed from mindjail!
So isn't there a way to make it easy to progress between form elements on mobile
as in, not have the "GO" button submit the form on every field
or am I just insane?
@twiz Command commands does not exist.
you could preventDefault onsubmit until the user selects the last input
Yea, but I thought there was like a pure HTML way of doing that....
!!/tell twiz listcommands
@twiz help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo (page 0/0)
@twiz Command banception learned
!!/jquery foo
@crl Chuck Norris originally wrote the first dictionary. The definition for each word is as follows - A swift roundhouse kick to the face.
Okay, finally reproduced the EventSource failing silently on another server.
Software obeys the law of gaseous expansion – it continues to grow until memory is completely filled. — Larry Gleason
@AhmadAmin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Exhausted Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone alive? i need some help: stackoverflow.com/questions/15725645/…
I'm not
@Exhausted does your last bit of code there work?
a beer says you are!
nope it doesn't
im useless at js, i was hoping to just get away with css3 and html5 for a build but i need it now :-/
are you trying to do something like this?
JqueryUI is a horrible horrible thing... that is my only input. Haha
well... yes and no. its not something that slides, its when something is visible on screen it needs to bounce. i got the bounce end of things working but by the time someone reaches the part of the site where the bounce is it will have happened already
i could delay the js by x amount of seconds but then thats hit and miss
i was hoping for... if its visible on screen then run the effect
@Exhausted use the same concept that Chris uses in that link, but instead of adding a class, execute what you need to execute
you see one of my issues is that my js skills go as fas as what i've managed to write
after that i haven't a clue what yer talking about!
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" The horse, incapable of understanding English, shits on the floor and leaves
why do people change their console to have green font colour?
it's annoying just by looking at their screen
to become "the one"
like in matrix?
@TemporaryNickName WAT?
@TemporaryNickName You're probably young, right?
I just don't really know what "the one" is
See, when I was really young and learned about computers, my old XT computer only had two colors, black, and green
So, not surprisingly, the terminal was green.
It's a matter of taste,
Also, stop removing all your messages...
Doesn't make them any less visible
Only for room owners
Or people with the userscript
ok got it working, but im having a problem with livequery blinking
pastebin.com/kCkCP6LQ @BenjaminGruenbaum @Jan-StefanJanetzky [ here is your pong if u want a dos binary just ping me i will send u a zip with drivers ]
i comment way too much ?
Smilies in comments
@Darkyen and yes, binary please
// Somebody has won lets find the victorious!
// Who won ? [ its conditional operator ] if u cant understand
// Go read wikipedia about it or ... change ur hobby
For the protocol, PONG takes ~ 30 lines of code and ~ 15 minutes to make with Flash :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum // i know :D
i just did it for the heck of it (x
feels so old and low level (x
@BenjaminGruenbaum for the protocol about 8 blocks of code & barely 5 minutes with Scratch
That's what I love about flash. Especially AS2... need something like that outputs to canvas...
I was being really generous with 15 minutes in flash. It is literally drawing a circle (and making it a symbol) and attaching an onEnterFrame listener to it for changing its (alreay built in!) x and _y properties, then _literally drawing two rectangles and making them symbols, for one changing its _y based on the mouse _y, for the other whatever simple logic you have there. Checking (in either the ball or paddles) for collision (it's also built in!) and inverting speed (yspeed = -yspeed)
@BenjaminGruenbaum with scratch u get all this pre-done
collision detection is part of language
As in Flash
its parallelly executed.
The difference is AS is a real programming language just like JavaScript
u dont have to worry about antyhing
heck u don't even type scratch
u drag and drop blocks of code :P
I'd bet you 20$ I can make it faster in flash than you can in Scratch, but I don't have Flash installed :P
Not that I have anything against scratch, it's a great tool to teach kids programming
@BenjaminGruenbaum Scratch now compiles to flash -_-
Yeah, I know that
PS i wrote a 3d renderer in scratch bro
heck i made a fps init .. then got pissed on the community so blew my account
I think everyone realizes the size of the mistake Adobe did with AS3
Kind of like PHP, couldn't take the peer pressure from all the classical oop kids
I doub't scratch team realizes
what mistake they did by leaving java / js and going to
Now every 100 line games needs an IoC container, classes and stuff
flash :-(
The problem isn't with flash as a concept, flash AS and JS are very similar
no , if you see how scratch is implemented in smalltak / squeak .. a pure java / c++ powered vm for scratch would off been a better solution.. what they did now is basically writing an interpreter in AS3
The problem they did is that they overcomplicated a language. In AS2 typing was optional, classes were optional, etc
According to the W3C specs for Server-Sent Events, "HTTP chunking can have unexpected negative effects on the reliability of this protocol." What is the alternative to chunking?
People kept telling them AS2 was weak as a language, that it couldn't be fast. They made a strategical mistake. The fact modern JS engines beat AS performance by a lot showed us all that you don't need AOT compilation to be fast.
Their dual OOP model (prototypical and classical) was the first mistake
Canvas needs something like newgrounds.com/portal/view/256289 . For the record it was made in a day, the guy who made this: works in delivery. Probably one of the biggest wasted talents I know.
@BenjaminGruenbaum, it wouldn't be that hard?
Just whip it up
Q: How to make matrix like text change effect in javascript?

monkI was trying to make this text change matrix movie like effect in JavaScript.The basic concept was that there is a div present in html and JavaScript take that div's inner text and manipulate it to create the continuously changing random text effect like in matrix movie. I am quite new to JavaScr...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah, adobe just needs to make the next version of Flash (the program, not the plugin) entirely focused on canvas... ditch AS3 and go back to something AS2ish or just accept JS
@phenomnomnominal probably not, but flash is a much friendlier environment for it, I can see how I'd make it myself in a day using flash, or in a week or two using JS
@BenjaminGruenbaum But that's the ridiculousness of it, canvas needs something with the friendliness of the flash environment. Not a helpful tool made in flash because its too annoying to make with canvas since there is no friendly environment for canvas... haha
@twiz Oh, obviously :P
2 hours later…
Q: Manipulating HTML in Javascript

monkI am trying to manipulate the text that is already inside the div and replace it with another strings from JavaScript, creating a basic animating effect by replacing particular character from strings present inside the div element, more precisely position based replacement of string. However when...

anyone here
I am not here
hey guys how r u
any1 alive?
im playing with mongo can some give an advice about my schema
im not alive
@rlemon @florianmargraine @loktar sorry am on my phone on a public spot. Can you ping me and tell me what do you think about the Ultrasons Samsung serie 9 , look Pretty good on shop, but I do not dare buy it without advice
@dievardump it's the best ultrabook bro. No problem at programming. You can play cool 3D games on a 8 hours flight (no battery recharge required). I highly recommend it =D
@dievardump I think @OctavianDamiean got the Series 9 a few months ago. He liked it
is it possible to have the caret permanently focused?
Q: JavaScript codes complexity and maintainability

Roman SaveljevI am trying to make my way back to JavaScript (been there last time some 7 years ago) with the help of lovely "Eloquent JavaScript" book. While I admire author's capabilities and approach, I have also began being concerned. I am from C/C++ background and there I learnt it rather hard way that fu...

u saw my pong ?
yush. opened it 5 minutes ago :D
good work.
cya later :D
need some time to get it running etc. right now food is ready
:-) okay .. .don't u worry i am sending u details.
* Download dropbox from wherever
* Download turbo C from there http://s1.freedownloadme.info/turboc_installed.zip
* Extract it
* Paste contents of BGI folder to the in the BIN FOLDER [ easing graphic drivers load .. ]
* Open dropbox and type
`mount D: <path to your turboc>
* get into D:\TC
* Run TC , goto options and set directories to There VIRTUAL paths in dropbox
* And then open the pong.cpp file ( i hope u know how to do that ... jst copy paste it in where u want in ur TC Hierarchy
* RUN -> RUN~
.// Disclaimer i myself hate using turbo c
// you meant DOSbox xD
> Troy and Abed being normal.
awesome. 6 minutes to download 2 mb :D
wait what.. my internet flat has been renewed but i still download with 64kbit/s oO
yeah dosbox
@Jan-StefanJanetzky DNSflsuh
it helps
na would not help
the bandwidth itself is sucky
just do it
i got 21meg rise after doing so
at office
i r usin linux
wel when u can play it u will love it if ur cpu speaker
is same as ur main speaker :D
cause it has sounds
sharp metallic sounds
@Darkyen while(1)?
@FlorianMargaine turboc .. no bool support
hence the delay later
nice one :)
i am adding more to it though :D by tonight we should be able to play it ;-D
arch + gnome3
@Jan-StefanJanetzky shtap speed teshting
and play my game u ****
@Darkyen now guess what i continue to download now
can anyone see anything wrong with this? result = '(' + query[1] + ') is a undefined query!');
then query is probably undefined.
@Connor no opening parenthesis but a closing one
!!> '(' + query[1] + ') is a undefined query!');
also, no var :P
var query = [5,1]; '(' + query[1] + ') is a undefined query!');
@phenomnomnominal using var wouldnt work?
@Jan-StefanJanetzky i got it working had to take the ) from the end, whats the 5,1?
No i meant you needed a var.
@phenomnomnominal but i don't do i?
Do you want it to be a global?
@phenomnomnominal it already is
the thing is
at the end
just try this: "(" + "penis" + ") is a undefined query!)";
works fine
just replace "penis" with query[1] and it shall work
' is for chars
not in JS
or PHP
or python
or ruby
or whatever high level language you want
@FlorianMargaine why?
@Connor cause aliens
@FlorianMargaine sure but give me a reason to do it differently
it's prettier
so who cares?

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