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@Joel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah but Chevy is meant to be old haha
heh, yea.
Dude, Ken Jeong (Chang) has a medical degree!
hey guys, milknhny.co.uk/SofiaWork... im trying to style the submenu...
so i put
.headermenu ul ul li... etc etc
and its not overidding the ul li styles... any ideas why that would be?
im getting REALLY confused lol
it dont take much like
@KirstyHarris, just give it a class.
even got to the point where i did sub-menu ul li... and it still didnt do naff all
its wordpress @phenomnomnominal
@OctavianDamiean Community would be so much better with swearing.
@OctavianDamiean I think you mean Kevin
lol... not my choice @phenomnomnominal
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
@BenjaminGruenbaum Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on line 1323 on column 50
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command keep does not exist.
is it possible to select all elements whose id is starting with a string
@crl Yes, just like any other attribute with an attribute selector
@OctavianDamiean just keep your damn hands off my Let's
Imma tell you what I'll do now.
I'll watch the first episodes of season four! :D
oh lol, go ahead :)
It's a pretty good one!
Communtiy time. Bye! :D
wtf, SO has a chat with an expert?
@crl nope
@crl that's an ad
heh lol
@crl also, adblock
is the jquery way $('tr[id^="'+'id_start'+'"]') ok?, because I think getElementsByTagName is not always available on IE
If IE doesn't have getElementsByTagName, then what does it have?
@JanDvorak getElementById
that's pretty all
@BenjaminGruenbaum doesn't cover all use cases
@JanDvorak Are you implying IE isn't fun to develop for?
@JanDvorak IE7..
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, it isn't.
@JanDvorak it has it
@crl please don't swear
@JanDvorak Shocking :O
you must be confusing with getElementsByClassName
@FlorianMargaine ah right ;)
@FlorianMargaine IE7 doesn't have getElementsByClassName ???
even IE8 doesn't have it iirc
even though it has qsa...
confirmed, ie8 doesn't have gEBCN caniuse.com/#search=clas
IE8 QSA only supports css 2 though
How do we shim document.gebcn in IE7? By crawling the entire tree?
pretty much, yes
@JanDvorak Yes.
@JanDvorak You can index it yourself though
I'd rather download Sizzle
my advice ^
complete with jQuery
@JanDvorak or jQuery altogether
Honestly, jQuery is very useful
use jquery if you want to deal with ie <= 8
Thanks god I don't have to develop for ancient browsers XD
jQuery 2.0 drops IE<9 support
I still think that jQuery API > DOM API 70% of times, then again the DOM API is getting there rapidly
@JanDvorak The disappointing thing about jQuery 2.0 is that it's still badly coded
@JanDvorak jquery will still keep 1.9 for a long time...
@BenjaminGruenbaum so, jQuery 2.0 is a bit like Windows 8?
@JanDvorak Windows 8 still supports everything Windows 7 does but it is more usable and generally better. jQuery 2 does less than jQuery 1.9 and is still badly written
@BenjaminGruenbaum Windows 8 dropped the start menu
@JanDvorak No, the start menu is just now fullscreen
That's what people not get, having a small start menu was dumb to begin with
If I clicked the start menu, I want to see the start menu, Y U display it on 10% of the screen >:(
No other operating system did that
All other operating systems moved from start menus too
OSX didn't have it to begin with
@marco_ms Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Did they keep window transparency? I use that often.
Most linux shells like Gnome 3 and Unity ditched the concept a long time ago.
They did drop Aero :-(
Yeah, Windows 8 is still pretty much windows 7, only slightly better
@JanDvorak Win 7/Vista Aero was a dumb compiz knockoff to begin with
You still get stuff like peek
I like my blurrish transparent window frames for design :-(
Windows are still transparent
(well, like in win7, not always)
@vitrilo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Also, you can hack your way if you'd like, there are plenty of third party tools to make windows like <INSERT OS NAME HERE>
So, MetroUI is still underdeveloped but the DesktopUI has been improved?
Unless you're copy, in which case gui is stupid, you only need two big buttons on your desktop, one for VI and one for FF with vimperator
@MirkoCianfarani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak MetroUI is useful sometimes. Desktop is very similar but improved
!!/google vimperator
@Cliff Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I use metro for some stuff like work email and that sort of thing
@vortex7 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SOChatBot stop that
ok I am wondering if it is possible to have a page with a script that redirects to another page only once based on user cookies and then takes them back to the original page and doesn't do the redirect again
@bryanlewis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SOChatBot that is this ?
@JanDvorak that's bad, I use keyboard shortcuts
@OlegOrlov fake, not really so, ad
is it possible
Q: What is "chat with an expert"?

AntonyA box just comes out of nowhere which says "chat with an expert". It happened once on Stack Overflow and once on Meta. Is this an ad? Isn't Meta supposed to have no ads? FYI, here's the code for that weird box: <div id="adviza-box" style="width: 380px; "> <div id="adviza-status"&...

I think that it's an april fools joke
then but nothing has changed? @SOChatBot @JanDvorak
Hi write that the expert do for me a blowboy
@OlegOrlov It would be funny if it was hooking users with each other
@Å imeVidas I got an official reply from Addy Osmani, he says it's a single reflow
> Would you have a problem with me being real person?
Our bot should reply with that on some occasions
!!/learn realperson Would you have a problem with me being real person?
@JanDvorak you write with me?
@JanDvorak (temporarily disabled)
@Å imeVidas that's as certified as it gets
basically I want to create a script to check to see if a user has been to a certain page and if they haven't redirect them there and then give them the option to go back to the original page
You can't sniff user activity on a foreign domain
@user1934722 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok good night
damn ie9, my page is working in debugging more enabled, but not in normal mode
Is the update ok?
Q: How many Reflows does attaching a DocumentFragment Cause?

Benjamin GruenbaumUsing DocumentFramgment allows us to attach DOM elements to each other without causing a browser reflow (i.e. work with offline DOM trees). A lot of libraries like jQuery use document fragments to improve performance. The document fragment can have a complicated structure. For example, let's say...

I edited his response as the last part of the question. I think that's as good as it gets.
@crl in IE console is not defined if the dev tools are not open
> IE has restricted the execution of scripts or activeX controls on this page Autorize blocked content?
it's probably set in total secure mode by default
I wonder if my scope is dirty or these dots represent floaters
yeah, it's dirt
It only does that once
im baffled!
You seem to have been responded
it aint worked thou :S
its as if the ul li is overidding it
@Noogen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KirstyHarris investigate with the Chrome's element inspector or firebug
@jan, i did
its inheritting the ul li:hover style
its going ul li ul li
i tried this
.headermenu ul li ul li:hover {background-color: #5bb5e5; border: none; }
and it didnt work neither :S
i even tried the sub-menu ul li.. and that didnt seem to overide it :S
!!/tell help
@alisamii Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
@OlegOrlov why are you posting it here?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool :-)
I had no idea that this works:
var x = 1;

switch ( x ) {
    case 1: document.write( 'This executes.' ); break;
    some_random_shit: alert('WTF');
@Å imeVidas some_random_shit does not get evaluated, so the ReferenceError doesn't occur
If x=2, you'll get a ReferenceError
@JanDvorak I thought that all clauses must at least be properly parsed.
Isn't that a lable?
@copy Nope
Labels are separate statements.
@Å imeVidas it's a variable called some_random_shit. If it were defined, its value would act as the switch case
This is baked in into the case statement syntax.
@JanDvorak Wat?
case some_random_shit yes, but not just by itself.
The case statements need not be compile-time constant
!!> var x=true; switch(true){case x: console.log("here")}
@JanDvorak "undefined" Logged: here
Coffeescript even defines that if you leave out the switch expression, switch(true) is assumed
@JanDvorak Notice how in my code there is no case in front of some_random_shit.
@Å imeVidas jsfiddle is broken
@Å imeVidas then it's just a label
@JanDvorak No, I don't think so. You can't put a label there.
jsfiddle doesn't work for me :(
Oh wait
Is it parsed as a continuation of the previous clause?
It's a lable
Yes, but no-op code
So, break; won't terminate the clause? You can have stuff like: case 1: a(); break; b();?
It won't terminate the clause, just its execution
anything that follows is a dead code
!!> (function(){console.log(3);return;console.log(5)})()
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: return not in function"
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: unlabeled break must be inside loop or switch"
@BenjaminGruenbaum "undefined" Logged: 3
So this
switch ( x ) {
    case 1: foo(); break;
    random: bar();
is interpreted as
switch ( x ) {
    case 1: foo(); break; random: bar();
This could be bad: defalut:
These syntax ambiguities are such a pain.
yoda switches, anyone?
First {}, then [], now :
@Å imeVidas That's why a lot of newer languages don't allow for switch fallthrough at all
What's the difference between domain model and just model?
Either explicitly (Like C#), or through smarter stuff like pattern matching to begin with
The physics is a model for the universe
it's not a domain model though
@TemporaryNickName what's just a model? Do you mean domain object?
A domain model in problem solving and software engineering is a conceptual model of all the topics related to a specific problem. It describes the various entities, their attributes, roles, and relationships, plus the constraints that govern the problem domain. Overview The domain model is created in order to represent the vocabulary and key concepts of the problem domain. The domain model also identifies the relationships among all the entities within the scope of the problem domain, and commonly identifies their attributes. A domain model that encapsulates methods within the entities...
@TemporaryNickName Are you asking about the difference between an MVC model object and a domain object?
Grails has domain models and it just looks exactly same as just model from ordinary MVC framsworks
@TemporaryNickName Let me tell you a little secret, it doesn't matter
@TemporaryNickName Arguments can go on for hours about the differences between domain objects, models, etc
ok what the actual fuck?
var x = 1;
switch ( x ) {
    case 1: console.log(1); break;
    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        if (i === 500) { break random; }
There are differences (for example, Grails models usually are in charge of persistency but domain objects are not).
But really, it doesn't matter one bit
@OctavianDamiean ?
@phenomnomnominal also note the syntax coloring
That about giving the Germans something small like Austria which ends up in them wanting to conquer the world must have been a joke.
Yeah exactly
I hope they are not teaching that at schools.
Remove the break and it behaves as expected.
@OctavianDamiean, probably just in 'mercuh
function format_price5(number){
	var x = parseFloat(number).toFixed(5);
	return "<b>"+x.substr(0,x.length-1)+"</b>"+x.slice(-1);
wrote that shit, is there better at first sight? rounding to 5 digits with highlighting first 4
@phenomnomnominal hunni can i ask your advice... im going out my tree here
Without seeing some markup it's impossible to know what your problem is
im stying the submenu... as in the submenu hover
@phenomnomnominal Wanna take a peep at my markup? Eh? :D
@crl why not do x.slice(0,-1)?
#headermenu ul ul li a:hover
thats what i put, so i would assume it would style the ul ul li....
@OctavianDamiean, oh yeah
but its not, the hover is being taken from the ul li and im PROPER confused lol
@JanDvorak ok
huh, that didn't turn out as great as I thought.
ive even tried !important... and its still not working lol
I'm off to bed, goodnight
@KirstyHarris, unfortunatey, what you want to do is style the parent of the hovered element.
ok... so to style the sub-menu?
Hmm, actually
Gimme a sec
well i just followed a normal CSS drop down menu!... so im really confused as to why its not working lol
Oh i get it
It's because you're using background-color
well shouldnt i be using that to style a bg colour?
is it because the other ones a gradient perhaps?
Well yes and no
It's because the other ones are based on the whole background property
And with the gradients, they actually take precedent over the color
right.... ok that makes sense now
i thought i was going mental
So unless you override it with another gradient, it will have no effect
ok, right get it... thanks hun
i thought i was going mental
can i ask another question as well? if i wanted the selected option to stay like the hover color? would i do a >
as in #headermenu ul ul li:hover > ul li ?
or would it be a < ?
@rlemon A Plain English Guide to JavaScript Prototypes. Didn't read it myself yet but it was featured in a Codrops collective.
@mtz1406 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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