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Orphanedland are critically acclaimed but personally I'm not a huge fan
Oh, @Zirak! Are you from China?
That'd be pretty surprising
@BenjaminGruenbaum They don't sound so good :/
How can I delay removeClass() in a simple manner?
Oh, wait. It got better
Because the song just ended
@Dave Delay? setTimeout
@AmaanCheval Tried that onto $('#' + id1 + ', #' + id2).removeClass("show"); but it didn't wait :s
@AmaanCheval You looked at Eatliz's concert schedules, and discovered they recently played in China?
@Dave Make a demo
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll check them out
@Zirak Yep
China, US, Germany, and Canada
And Israel, of course
@Dave are you intentionally hurting us ?
Are you going to hammer me down again?
@Dave That's just what tereško does
We call him M.C.
@Zirak So, are you from China or not?
@AmaanCheval If I answer, it'll ruin the game.
!!am I from China?
@Zirak Probably
Aren't chat rooms illegal in China?
I really like Habiluim but that's Hebrew so not much point
@twiz Zirak said he uses a proxy. But good point
@Dave google.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So far, they're pretty meh. Generic post-Metallica metal.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't really mind; good music is good regardless of language.
@BenjaminGruenbaum tried delay() but then realized it's not suitable, then tried timeout but that didn't work either. hang on
@AmaanCheval haha I was joking, is China really THAT bad?
Yeah, like I said, I'm not an Orphanedland fan
@twiz No, not that bad, but I think he'd have complained about something by now
yea, true
@Dave, check the mdn page for setTimeout
החתול שלי מת אתמול. :(
Actually I think he would probably be in jail...
@BadgerGirl That was so hard to copy because I kept selecting left to right
Also, aww
You suck at being nice to cats
@badgergirl wait, what? How did it die ?
Assuming you wanted to delay the restart
Oh it didn't. I was just joking.
Wait... Why was that in Hebrew?
I didn't want to mess with the code you've got
Oh, googled random Hebrew?:p
@BadgerGirl You're a big meanie.
@Zirak Do you know Hebrew? :)
We sat next to each other in elementary school
@AmaanCheval Yeah I know that too, but that's not where I'm trying to get it to work. Look at line 65, delay the removal of the class when incorrect.
He was kind of a dick though.
@Zirak Who?
מטרייה יעילה בגשם חלש, אבל כשיורד גשם זלעפות אין במטרייה תועלת רבה. @BenjaminGruenbaum
@AmaanCheval Hebrew. Badger Girl asked me if I know Hebrew.
@Dave That must be the alert. Remove the alert and try
@Zirak Haha, that's one of your lamer jokes
@badgergirl, you called my mother what?!?!
> Weak effective umbrella in the rain, but when it's raining cats and dogs umbrella is not very useful
@AmaanCheval I give, and I give, and I give...
@Zirak Hahaha better
@AmaanCheval Profound
Contains a very deep truth.
גשם זלעפות means really stormy rain
@AmaanCheval I'm definitely doing this wrong: jsfiddle.net/94jerdaw/CMaw9/3
I know the letters of Hebrew I think. The first one's Aleef, isn't it?
@badgergirl sounds like the automated tests in SO reviews
I knew the alphabet of Urdu, and I'm not sure, but I think Hebrew has the same
@AmaanCheval yeah
@Dave What's it supposed to do?
( for aleph)
@AmaanCheval delay the removal of the "show" class by three seconds
@Dave Of course. What am I supposed to see happening?
Ah, the effect for a card being selected?
Anyway, I'll be back later
@AmaanCheval If you click two differently colored divs i want it to show them for three seconds, then hide them again. It's a memory game. Pretty much like with the alert, but no need to confirm, simply wait 3 seconds
@Dave You're doing this: setTimeout( fn(fsdfj, fdfjh), 100);
@Dave alerts are blocking
So if you use it, the player will need to confirm it
Do you see what's wrong with the setTimeout the way you're using it?
You're calling the function
Not passing a reference of the function to setTimeout
@AmaanCheval i removed the alert, all i want is that it keeps the incorrect card revealed for three seconds before hiding them and letting me guess again.
hmm okay
@AmaanCheval aha now I get the difference
How do I mustachify my gravatar?
The only places for icons is in a church, a burning church at that. [mhat]
and eyewear
how can I make sure my text renders the same between different browsers
render it yourself
Q: d3.js realtime streamgraph memory problem

Kurtosis[repost b/c spelling, can't edit title] This page (full source) tends to gradually use up an increasing amount of memory until there's none left, both on Chrome and Firefox (on Ubuntu 12.04 x64). I'm working on profiling it, but wondering if any JS experts can eyeball it and see it. <body&g...

Hey guys. I have a problem with jQuery AJAX, more specifically with JSON parsing. My website at http://djdavid98.zymichost.com/.ip/ seems to be producing invalid JSON, but I have set the content type (application/json). When trying to send an AJAX request, the error function is trigered.
@Zirak Eatliz is actually pretty awesome, never really heard their music before
@DJDavid98 Don't produce invalid json, how are you creating it?
( { ip: "" } is invalid json, so yeah)
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Content-type: application/json');
if ($_GET["api_key"]=="nagyanyád") echo '{ ip: "'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'" }';
Quote the IP
{ "ip": "" }
@JanDvorak what do you mean
@JanDvorak I mean the text on a site I am working on looks a little different in every browser
@benlevywebdesign Use canvas or something else. Or use images. Otherwise, your text is up to the rendering engine that the browser uses
I mean, you can't guarantee pixel-perfect rendering unless you do the rendering yourself
@benlevywebdesign How is it different?
is % a valid operator in php by the way?
I think so
@DJDavid98 As in modulo, yes
that is an awesome domain, lol.
I think @DJDavid98
I sure hope so
@DJDavid98 php.net/manual/en/language.operators.arithmetic.php , also php sucks. Also, if we were in the php room you would have gotten a w3schools reference and not this one for troll
PHP sucks.
Use ASP.
ASP sucks.
f**k it, i'll stick with php
> programming is hard. Let's go shopping. ~ Barbie
@Zirak of wow, the guitarist is Guy Ben Shetrit, he's well known from another band
omg, he signed my butt
@AmaanCheval False.
Oh wait we alredy had C# vs JS war
I believe C# won, right @BenjaminGruenbaum?
@CCInc No, it ended with the realization none of you really know JS :P
The entire argument was like "C# room:X is true about JS, Me: No it's not, C#: Prove it,Me: K, here's a jsperf and a link from the spec"
Also, C# is awesome ^_^
Oh yeah.
And then you went to the JS room and asked
and they AGREED with us
And copy trolled, that was hilarious ^_^
The reason this argument is fun is because JS and C# _agree_ on many subjects
argument is pointless. DSL or best language for the job
C# thrived by borrowing stuff JS has been doing all along and vice versa
They are both pretty cool languages.
Also, this should be pinned in the C# room stackoverflow.com/questions/575513/…
I think every C# programmer in teh world has seen that qustion
@CCInc for the Java programmers :P
why the fuck js is giving me access control allow origin eror when asking for json?!
@DJDavid98 Are you trying to access data from a different domains in the browser?
but form the same page, I was able to get json from freegeoip.net/json
@AmaanCheval look at this:
and no errors whatsoever
@DJDavid98 That emits 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*
that's why it works on this site
@AmaanCheval top one is FF and Opera and bottom one is Safari and Chrome
!!/tell ThiefMaster ninjad
@ThiefMaster HOLY SHIT, HOW YOU SO FAST!!!???
@benlevywebdesign Don't know how I can help, but I don't think it matters
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do I set that in .htacess or in the php file?
yeah I'm not to concerned about it
@DJDavid98 it's a response header, read up on those. Or more generally, on how HTTP works
I have another issue though that maybe someone else can help solve
@BenjaminGruenbaum That menas in the php file.
@DJDavid98 Yes. I really don't like answering php questions though :P
Just make sure the first thing you do is set the header in your file
I strongly suggest you learn how HTTP works though, it'll make sense in all of this
yahooooooooo it works
thanks for the help :3
@DJDavid98 YW, it's not magic though :)
Everything is magic if you don't know how to do it xD
I have a div with text that has a scroll bar and I am using flexscroll.js to change the look of the scroll bar and I have anchor links to jump to sections of the text but on chrome/safari the anchor links don't jump
why jump when you can fly
php is bad
@ThiefMaster php is worse (source)
Best Harlem Shake so far
any ideas
looks a bit weird
just after I rejected the edit, the suggester is gone and the suggestion doesn't show up in the thread either
thought it always required 3 rejects
You should use comments sparingly
Indeed bot.
Q: Can regular cellphones play Javascript games?

Lana TisdelOr can these games only be played on smartphones. Thank you. Excuse me if this is in the wrong section; I'm new here.

How do I change $(this).addClass("test") so that I instead add the class 'test' to two divs by id?
$('#' + id1 + ', #' + id2).addClass("test") ?
is there any "cleaner" way?
You have misspelled boring there
runs away crying
you guys made me laugh out loud
my gf gave me a weird look
@copy You know how hard it's been for @AmaanCheval ever since the scenario C soldier went off to Hispania again!
expertsexchange is better than StackOverflow
@FlorianMargaine I read the article, its a good one. However as I agreed so someone on the comments, the biggest issue against browserfiy at this point for me, is to be unable to conditionally load modules. That aspect makes requireJS and AMD more interesting for me
require.js overhead is way bigger now though
@jAndy browserify has virtually no overhead now
the bundled files are the size of the minified code
@FlorianMargaine what kind of overhead are you talking about
with require.js you still have to download the library
how big is require.js compressed+minified today ?
like 5kb ?
several kb?
browserify is like 100b
How do you usually call the directory you put the stylesheets & scripts in (the top level one, of course it's nested deeper). I usually call it "resources" or "mint", but it seems meh.
eh, that's better than mint
I'm not arguing against browserfiy, I just don't like that "complete static build process" and pushing the whole shebang out, on every code update + the annoying thing for me that I probably ship tons of KB without ever using them
I just feel its so un-javascript like
the only thing I really love on browserify is the NPM support because of commonJS modules
but, you can also upgrade and hold your modules with NPM when using requireJS
how do i remove two classes at once with removeClass? meaning, instead of writing this: $("div").removeClass("show"); $("div").removeClass("lock");
@Dave just separate the classnames with a whitespace
$("div").removeClass("lock show");
@jAndy wow thanks, I tried that first but it didn't work so I gave that one up. Tried again now and it worked so must've been a typo :)
very first thing they mention in the docs
y u no bot
!!/tell jAndy jquery removeClass
@loktar is an awesome shooter :P
haha ty
wish CS had iron sights
it does for some guns
Aug / SG550 has it
no wait they are scopes ... err sorry
Well, his prime years were spent playing games instead of being socially accepted, so there's that possible reason.
Any of you use reverse proxies?
like nginx -> node ?
@OctavianDamiean I have a reverse proxy running
Right, 'cept of nginx.
@Zirak LOL
@PeeHaa What do you use and what for if you don't mind me asking.
@Zirak you should come join us :P
hey now, I tried to balance both :P
@OctavianDamiean You said 'cept nginx sorry :(
@OctavianDamiean I hope you don't have in mind to proxy with apache :p
@jAndy Oh god, not at all.
!!/choose css_fractals css_ui_pack
I'm running a tpb proxy and for some service of a friend of mine
@Darkyen css_fractals
Me gusta bot :D

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