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how can I see removed messages ?
you can't, only room owners can
hey, can anybody help me with some JS?
Don't ask to ask, ask
I have two elements, <div class="price">420.29</div> <div class="priceafter"></div> and I have two toggles that onclick toggle the class toggle-active. I'd like it so one of the toggles removes 8% off the price and the other removes 10% off the price and puts it in .priceafter and if they're both active, I want to remove 18%.
I have the math right, I just don't have the jQuery to put the values in .priceafter when the parent class has .active
"I just don't have the jQuery", you mean you'd like this done without jQuery, or that you don't know how to do it with jQuery?
I don't know how to do it with jQuery
I tried $(".10-percent-active .price").text(tenpercent);
tenpercent is a variable that contains the correct value
I also tried it with .html()
Hello every one
how much does a developer changes to code a simple landing page for mobile & browser ?
@AppDeveloper Hopefully, a developer doesn't change much when coding
Mutability of the developer means he/she doesn't scale well in multi-threaded scenerios
i typed wrong
my bad
how much should they charge to a client?
depends on the amount of hours involved
what currency?
what country
I think a common formula is money = money/time * time
what's the developer experience
what's the relation with the customer
etc etc
charging depends on everything.
@AppDeveloper as much as the client is willing to pay ;)
noone but you can answer
well client is willing
@Florian: Hi , Please let me know the chat rooms available for Flex questions.Can anyone help me ? please
i never done much html works
so cant say
for windows app work
i charge him around 12$ a hr
4 hours? I'd ask for a pizza
@Zirak - double pizza!
wow, that's cheap.. i would start with 50€/h
the client is willing to pay you for a simple landing page even though you've never done HTML?
well, indian customer :P
Seriously, order a pizza of your choosing and have him pay for it
@ThiefMaster Thats why companies give jobs to 3 indians then 1 you :P
And it ends up costing more
well, and usually they get crap back when doing that :P
true but they think all developers are the same
@ThiefMaster - you are quite right actually!
also since people like "Anand"
look actually better :P
will put tons of there resume which they dont even understand :P
Like @Work day before yesterday a person came to interview
@Darkyeb what's your phone name? John?
@FlorianMargaine thankfully its Abhishek :P
so listen to this..
he claimed to have written a 3d game in OPEN GL
and mastery in C++
// the game involved really low level C and really kickass knowledge of it
so my boss asked him to rate himself on c ... he goes 8 [boss smirks ]
People undercharging, or not charging hourly <- common mistakes
Boss asks him to write a program to show "Foo" if number is divisible by 3 , "Bar" if divisible by 5, foobar if divisible by 15
45 minutes later .. he fails to write proper code for that :P
@Darkyen it's called FizzBuzz
sad people fall for it
most overquoted blog ever...
Most over-quoted post in the most over-quoted blog which still, I'm sure everyone in this room is subscribed to :P
Although that guy from the blog, he never coded or built anything... not a single website :P
No, I'm not suscribed to this blog. The author doesn't seem to understand most of what he talks about. That's often painful.
Q: What kind of JavaScript design pattern is that?

dotNetSoldierIn our workplace we use simple ajax library for getting page data and submitting changes to server ,on certain occasions we do need to change the forms fields values ,now we know that fields can be of any type (dropdown , textbox and radiobuttons etc) and one of the most annoying and tedious task...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Atwood annoys me
@Zirak It's like, in the past two years there isn't any content in his blog. It's not nearly as interesting as it used to be 4-5 years ago.
I'd much rather read Rob Conery, or Eric Lippert, or well, pretty much any other big coding blog that still has content in it
Eric Lippert hasn't posted anything in months though
@Zirak Yeah, that's a dumb post, I think even he agrees later in the comments that typing isn't a big part of software development iirc
Also, it doesn't teach anything, chances are that if you read a programming blog, you can type
@FlorianMargaine Dude... He wrote (still is) an amazing series on Monads. Is it possible you just still have the old blog? He changed blogs when he left Microsoft a few months ago
( new blog ericlippert.com )
didn't know he left Microsoft
@Loktar show urself!
@ThiefMaster The guy just laughed at me when I said $50. Ended with $20/hr
I don't really mind being underpaid because, well, I'd be doing almost the same thing without being paid to do it at all
!!watch Evangelion or do something else?
@Zirak watch Evangelion
The thumbnail for the first episode had a naked anime character on it
I didn't watch it
oh, I forgot to refresh:
Awesome new question-answer content. Boring yes/no nearly eliminated.
@AmaanCheval It's hardly an erotic series.
!!Does Zirak have a life?
@AmaanCheval I expect so
!!Do you even lift bro?
@FlorianMargaine I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
@AmaanCheval 20$ is ok if the project is really interesting, or that you learn a lot from working with a better programmer on it. Otherwise 20$ is really being underpaid for high-quality freelance work
If you're up for some mind rape watch it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's indian...
$20 is a lot for indians.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, I'm 16, so I don't mind because I get lots of experience
And the other programmer is a dumbass
I don't have to interact with him much though
If you're 16 I guess 20$ is decent
At 16 a lot of it is getting a good resume
Q: First JavaScript project, am I doing it right?

Tom EllisI've been teaching myself a bit of web design and development over the past month or so, coming from an CG/VFX background with no prior experience so it's been a bit alien to me to say the least. I found the excellent Javascript is Sexy guide and have been going through it, but today was project...

Yet again a guy who doesn't know that jQuery is js based...
Q: Jquery Jscript best practice

user2056238Is it correct/ok to call a regular Jscript function within Jquery. I know that it works but I want to make sure that I am using best practice. for example: $(function(){ $('.click1').click(function(){ dofunction(); } $('.click2').click(function(){ dofunction(); ...

The good thing in being a young programmer is that you can blame others for the bugs
I'm literally going and editing every post in stackoverflow.com/questions/2490590/… replacing "Framework" with library for jQuery
I can't stand all the stupidity
One of them I couldn't save, so I downvoted and added a comment
I think I'm done after editing every single answer ^_^
Except the accepted one, which is actually good
And the unsalvagable one
I don't get why people would even think that. I mean the front page of jQuery starts with
> jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
@Darkyen The characters are
!!rewatch show or watch the movie?
@Zirak watch the movie
You really do love me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not 100% sure of what you meant with your comment ? Were you OK with me answering as CW or not ?
anyone here use openstreetmap?
i enter some lat and long in mexico, getting nothing back
@dystroy Yeah, I was ok :P
@dystroy I think it's funny, more often than not I give good answers and get only a +10, but when I give an answer like "jQuery's .width() accepts a parameter that lets you set the width" it's an instant +60 :P
Although it makes sense
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's the same for everybody. Most of my rep comes from the easiest questions that somebody's else would have answered one minute later...
People seem to up-vote answers they understand, usually the simpler the answer is the more up-votes it gets except for rare cases. I think that it's a big problem with SO
The fact is that when you answer something trivial, more people can understand and relate. And maybe it can help more persons even if it doesn't mean you're better...
Up-votes are in direct correlation to exposure. The more people see your answer, the greater the chance of up-voting. Stupid (but common) questions get attention because more people search for them.
@Zirak that doesn't explain the surge of upvotes you gain in the minute following your answer to a trivial question. People are more like "Oh, I know that, he's right, better show that he's right"
Trivial answers are more likely to get upvotes than properly researched complicated answers
@dystroy Point is there's a surge of people in the minute following your answer. There won't be a surge of people coming in on a niche question, because it's a niche.
The only reason I get upvotes for answers like this is because of this room
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone. — Bjarne Stroustrup
Thanks for the downvote guys btw :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where?
Ah, stupid answer of yours
@BenjaminGruenbaum After all I didn't really need it like that anyway. I put the element in a var and give the var a width, so that worked. Unfortunately your answer is not really what I need. You explain the basic usage of width() but I understand that. The thing that I didn't get to work was to set the width through a var. Thanks anyway. — Bram Vanroy 12 mins ago
Or maybe it was OP
Looks like he was just confused
sounds to me like "I'm an incompetent programmer in so many levels, your guess at how incompetent I am was only mildly incorrect, variables are hard "
@FlorianMargaine I feel like the asker on programmers just wants it to be called design pattern so he can feel smart
yeah, looks like so
@Zirak you have (/ had) 888 profile views. Yay!
Links, people, links!
@Zirak Lol, that's probably a solid 6 out of those 7 upvotes :) then again, that's actually a good answer to an interesting question
@AmaanCheval Huzzah!
I remember having 666 reputation. Those were some nice 2 minutes.
@Esailija I wanna rewrite the code with a simple object mapping text/val or custom function
I left my rep at 4,444 for quite a while
666 was very brief
Holy hell, when did I get 4k rep?
@Zirak Long ago
Wasn't I on 3.6k a month ago?
I don't think so
I remember you being 3.5 or 3.6 very long ago
-- 2013-01-03 rep +15   = 4006
3k rep with 1 question + 1 answer
but well, it's Alan Kay.
the answer he added is fun
hehe, "I don't remember" => 352 upvotes
hey how do i check when navbar-fixet-top is scrolling in twitter boobstrap?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick google
@FlorianMargaine what is it?
you're starting to understand how js and the dom work, right?
what if, and it's a suggestion, there was a scroll event?
@FlorianMargaine i think boobstrap add class not sure need to check sec
nope it uses .in class but only when collapsing, no way to check if navbar is scrolling over the content
uhmm i think i need some workaround
@FlorianMargaine does pageY is the offsetTop when scrolling?
Anyone here good with music?
@CCInc i'm a supa dupa music lover could be enought?
@FlorianMargaine why this won't work dude:
    if(e.pageY < 3){
always 0 in console :/
@CCInc what you need'? :)
I need help with the Alto vs Tenor sax
@CCInc oh and what they are? :O
Tenor is lower than alto, right?
i mean what are you asking for? is javascript related? :O
@CCInc ok but what dahelll :D it is not javascript
No. This is the JS room?
Stop trolling me.


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
yep D
ehm ... sorry didn't know about :/
@CCInc Alto is in E♭ and Tenor is in B♭, so yes, the Tenor is "lower' than the Alto.
I see.
Soprano > Alto > Tenor
I am attempting to arrage a pop song for Concert Band. It's hard when the only instrument used are strings, and concert band doesn't have strings :/
That sucks (especially the "pop song" part)
@Zirak help my frined pls
@Zirak $(window).scroll(function(e){
    if(e.pageY < 3){
why it returns always 0 in console? :(
@Zirak yes, you wouldn't to be considered unhelpfull i strongly know
@Zirak help me please
@Zirak scrollTop(ç) fixed
hey the chat is died?
@Zirak The hard part is, in the pop song there is a string part, purcussion part, and voice part. I don't know how I can divvy up those accross all the instruments in a band
@CCInc you c# guys are rly much funny than js dudes ;) i think i'll join your room one of these days
@CCInc Have you considered some re-purposing? You can take the theme and give it a different spin.
@AmaanCheval :D joking, want you a pool party today?
@Zirak Hmm, in what way?
@AmaanCheval you make games?
@CCInc Yeah, why?
@CCInc Here's an example: Army of Me, Army of Me cover
@AmaanCheval Not in JS, surely?
@CCInc In JS
They're just simple casual ones
There's the same theme and direction, but the cover went in a different way. You can take the essence of the song, the harmony and melody, and use them differently.
Huh. Should I just come up with parts to fill in the other instruments, or try to divvy up the melody and baseline?
@Zirak The cover isn't bad
@tereško delete at +17 score? reason?
@JanDvorak it is a "shopping list" question
doesn't close/lock suffice?
please, stop judging question quality based on score
@CCInc Having it sound the same is an impossibility. Listen to the instruments you have, look at what they're good at. For instance, you can take a particularly smooth singing part and give it to the sax; you can take the melody and give it to the piano (some rewriting needed, of course)
It's not easy work at all, so decide whether you actually care first
shrug I just want to get into musical composing, and I am having a hard time with my own melody, so I am trying this
The question itself is not much differently from "give me a list of good accordion plugins", it is only upvoted because instead of accordions it is asking about SO's tagging system which is asked on a weekly basis at least
@rlemon That looks like it'd be perfect for you to karma-whore
@AmaanCheval It's probably the best cover I've heard. It'd be awesome to combine it with this one: youtube.com/watch?v=lYg_6p1zybc (can't find the album version)
Eatliz are (were) surprisingly good. "Violently Delicate" is a wonderful album.
Awesome, I'll check them out
This cover sounds good too
delv'd. It's at 3/4 now.
@Zirak that's quite cool
the second question is too young for my vote
"baritone horn"? does that mean a baritone?
@Zirak Eatliz is an Israeli band. Huh, more indication that you're from Israel!
Also, thanks
I stumbled on them by accident. Their song "Hey" was in a lot of music video contests and caught my attention
Where are you from, then?
And I tried listening to some Israeli bands, was sourly disappointed. Asaf Avidan had some gems, especially in Reckoning, but other than that (and Eatliz), couldn't find anything noteworthy.
hah, what a pun...note worthy
Go away!
I'm happy to see you too
@Zirak Hahaha
I've been in an Eatliz concert. Lee Triffon is hotter than what the music videos reveal. Insanely hot. oh, and she's a great singer, yada yada.
It's hard to find good Israeli music that's not in Hebrew

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