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@Asad interesting.
No thanks, I suck at code golf
@Shmiddty How do you do IO there?
@Asad wag1 bro wag1 !!
Nevermind I got it
@copy It uses spidermonkey/js1.8.5 you can readline() and print() and putstr(), print is basically the same as console.log, putstr doesn't add a line-break, so you can put multiple characters on one line individually
You also have access to expression closures:

function(x)x*x    will return x**2
hi @copy
Why are you a badger?
I didn't choose my species.
@BadgerGirl Hi
Why am I so good at Starcraft, somebody tell me
@XCritics Lack of a sexlife?
No I don't think that contributes in the slightest
@XCritics You're amazing at "micro" management
dick jokes are funny.
sorry dongle*
Micro dongle
FLIRT TIME , Oh yeaaah :D !
Q: Issue With Drop Down Menu in IE with tabbed content (based off css3menu)

hawkhorrowOkay, so long story short, I have a website which contains both static elements, as well as tabbed content (on a few pages) for the content. All the pages with static elements display my menu bars perfectly across all browsers. However, when I switch the content to a dynamic, tabbed content are...

I haven't gotten heart of the swarm yet. I'd probably only play the campaign. Worth the $60?
I'm poopin on these little forks so hard on the ladder
Fuck you. (then they quit out)
Fork you and your dongle.
I'll fork you right in the dongle
I believe that is referred to as "docking"
Deep USB penetration?
!!/urban docking
I think Lea Verou had a really good point
not to change the topic
chat bot offline?
@phenomnomnominal And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
but who wants to let me talk about my new javascript repo in exchange for the opportunity to insult my new javascript repo.
@Shmiddty What exactly are you? A Koala?
!!/urban docking
@Anfurny ME!
@Shmiddty docking The act of placing the head of ones penis inside the foreskin of another's penis.
@BadgerGirl A koala peering into your very essence
(found in the sample images on my work computer)
It's the love-child of underscore and functional.js
@Anfurny, oh, we saw it yesterday
alright, then inappropriate attempts at humor it is.
@Shmiddty That's cute.
mustachify didn't work.
@phenomnomnominal u busy right now?
@rlemon, please put a mustache on this here koala ^
@BrandonGelfand, not particularly
would u be able to help me with a form, tht acts as a quiz maker
Meh, can't really be bothered right now, I'm making fun stuff for my site
I cant get it to do make it so there is a box for the answer
right now it seperates the title and the question by a ? mark
<input type='text'></input>
@phenomnomnominal invalid!
its a little more complex then that.....
Is it that obvious that I don't give a shit right now?
@BrandonGelfand, make a fiddle, and I might look at it
So... Nobody warned me this was a phonebook:

@XCritics, its a very very good book
6th edition?
Good, memorise it
@phenomnomnominal it is mostly jQuery, tht ok?
@XCritics cute cat.
@BrandonGelfand yep
What is her name?
cats are awful
my girlfriend has two
and they destroy everything with their vicious claws
theres a little bit of php, I will put it in the html area
it is almost all jQuery though
and then they cuddle with you like you aren't mad at them or something
and then you forget that you hate them
@copy did you see that? We should have 2.
until they destroy something else
Frobes.com should be a site talking about afros and finance.
@Shmiddty is right about the cats.
@OctavianDamiean, I was saying before Lea Verou made such a good point - when did it become sexist to talk about sex?
!!/urban cats
@Shmiddty Cats He set us up the bomb. Also took all our base.
see! urban dictionary knows.
@phenomnomnominal Read the guys comment on HN. Forking there wasn't even in a sexual context, they really meant forking a repo!
@phenomnomnominal I basically want to make it so instead of putting a ? mark then the answer, there is a text box under it where u put in the answer
@BrandonGelfand, dude I don't have an hour to read through that and see whats going on, make a minimal example of the problem, not the whole thing.
@OctavianDamiean, yeah that's fucking crazy!
@phenomnomnominal please
I spent like 4 hours already on this
I am still back to square one
@BrandonGelfand, well then spend another 15 minutes removing all the shit from that so it doesn't take up my day
@BrandonGelfand Dude... at least make a fiddle with the generated html, php won't get parsed...
@phenomnomnominal wht am I supposed to remove?
is @BrandonGelfand still in highschool?
Actually yes, 9th grade
Boy did that take a twist on u buddy!
!!s/on u/on you/
@OctavianDamiean Boy did that take a twist on you buddy! (source)
How did it? You're behaving like a child.
@OctavianDamiean Took me a minute to realize what you had changed haha
How am I behaving like a child?
@BrandonGelfand the point of jsfiddle is to create a working example of the problem. What you've done is use it as a bastardised gist
If I say "No, I won't look at it busy right now", how would you respond?
k, i see ur point, so begging for help makes me look like a child?
@phenomnomnominal I don't think anybody could top the guy from last night (or your afternoon) asking how to put a div in html :P
Especially when I gave a perfectly good reason as to why I wouldn't be looking at it, and told you how to change it so that I might.
@BrandonGelfand Like, are you really surprised!?
@XCritics, there's being new to this stuff, and being immature about asking for help
@OctavianDamiean Surprised at what?
@phenomnomnominal true nuff
@BrandonGelfand That begging makes you look like a child or help vampire.
wht else am i supposed to do?
Look for a solution yourself?
If you didn't have this chat room, or Stack Overflow, what would you do?
at least isolate the problem so it's easy for someone to reproduce
Nothing cause I couldnt find a solution
So you'd just give up.
Again, childish.
@david there is no problem, I can't figure out how to add something after working 5 hours on it
Not only childish, you'd lose your job.
anyone here suffer from the OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error when using google reverse geocoding?
Apparently you only have a certain amount of requests per day.
Is there an alternative?
@JohnMerlino, yep that's exactly right
@Shmiddty 102
You can maybe pay for more, not sure, I think it depends on the API
@OctavianDamiean I spent 5 hours working n this bloody thing and have gotten absolutely now where
Im using this:
Try isolating the problem.
There is no problem
I've been working on replication for our go service for 5 hours and i've managed to get through the first 20 odd pages of reddit
I cant figue out how to add something
Im wondering if there is an alternative to google maybe yahoo or something?
@BrandonGelfand To what?
If it's just a UI thing, then remove all the rest of the crap, and make a minimal example of the HTML around the part you need to add
In a quiz builder, it takes the title, and parses it, where ever the ? is after that is the answer
If it's a JavaScript thing, remove all the other stuff, make a fiddle with only the elements you need to change.
I am afraid it will confuse people though, so i need to make it so that there is another text box for the answer
@phenomnomnominal any alternatives to google?
its in jQuery and PHP
so a fiddle wont work
@BrandonGelfand, no, it's in JavaScript and HTML
@copy Damn you for not including stats. I can't try to figure out what you did!
I need an api which i can use within my application, like google
@BrandonGelfand It it is a PHP question, you're in the wrong room anyway.
http user agent
Where is the HTML @phenomnomnominal ?
Well, PHP just generates the HTML.
hello @MirkoCianfarani
@Shmiddty That was not intentional. My <100 character version will have stats :p
HOw to write on url the variable without the submit's form?
with JS
@MirkoCianfarani you need to use jquery and backbone and coffeescript
@david wat!?
"write on url the variable without the submit's form with js"
see I just did it.
@david, no, he needs MooTools, Ember.js and IcedCoffeeScript
i'd suggest 3 parts jquery, 4 of backbone and just a pinch of coffeescript
mix thoroughly
@copy Oh snaps
only jquey please,,,
@MirkoCianfarani Can you reword that? I didn't understand a thing ...
@Shmiddty where are the print, putstr and readline methods documented?
because I have the server programmed in python and I don't pass the variable's python to JS
This is pass I csan only on URL
That makes even less sense.
@Shmiddty thanks
I've seen it before, what's that?
@JanDvorak Yep. Looking forward to more potential JS competition there. There's like 3 other dudes that submit JS answers
@Shmiddty does that mean I can test these methods in FF?
@OctavianDamiean I recognize you
@octavian why?
@CCInc Good for you I guess. :)
@Mirko are you trying to append a JS variable to the url? or a python variable to the url? or are you trying to read something from the URL and store it into a python variable? or read it and store it into a JS variable?
@JanDvorak I made this jsfiddle.net/qx5vm/9 to help with that
/slap @Shmiddty
wtf is that <script> tag doing in a jsfiddle?
you beautiful person
@david, its kind of reasonable
It's so the script window is clear
@MirkoCianfarani At this point all I know is that you're using Python and apparently JS. I have no idea what you're trying to do.
He's seperating his utility functions from the actual script.
@CCInc Probably from the Android room.
This gets messed up if you change the screen dimensions. Try resizing your browser window in various ways charliepark.org/hatchshow
@Shmiddty I want to test how print behaves when called without arguments. I want to shave off two characters.
@OctavianDamiean THat might be it.
Possible fixes?
@JanDvorak it makes a new line
@octavi are you trying to append a JS variable to the url? or a python variable to the url? or are you trying to read something from the URL and store it into a python variable? or read it and store it into a JS variable?
wait or attend
that's no excuse. it should still go in the js frame. Although maybe tabs would be a useful addition to that
@OctavianDamiean, is he now trying to help you with the problem you're trying to help him with?
@david because codegolf is all about best practices :P
@Shmiddty great, thanks. My shim prints undefined additionally. I guess the shim's at fault.
@phenomnomnominal I think so. :D
@OctavianDamiean, that's so META
Kinda funny.
@JanDvorak yeah, it won't print undefined in the actual site
@Shmiddty I refuse to compromise when it comes to modularity
@david I could've done the "</style><script>" hack in the CSS window, would that make you happier?
@OctavianDamiean and @david
are you trying to append a JS variable to the url?
With append I can write on Url the variable's interest???

or a python variable to the url?
This is possible but using the redirect that i not want

or are you trying to read something from the URL and store it into a python variable?

or read it and store it into a JS variable?
@Shmiddty only if you properly closed it off with </script><style> at the end :P
@Shmiddty I'm at 92 characters
@MirkoCianfarani Are you using Google translate by any chance?

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