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very possible indeed.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick then wrap the text in another element like a span and it's easy
yep @rlemon but then how to push span at the bottom?
i tryed :  <div class="span9 myfont-ligh" style="font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:-1px;font-size:24px;text-align:left;line-height:23px;">
          <span style="position:relative;bottom:0;">What about  dude</span>
with no ends :(
parent -> relative
child -> absolute
@rlemon nooooo OO absolute is a hell
dude never use absolute NEVER !!
@rlemon u on drugs? OO
good ones. they allow me to put up with you
hope not OO
and you know nothing of layout if you are saying never position:absolute
it's in a relative container.
it's fine.
@rlemon absolute is for flash
absolute was used for flash videos, it's a hell
and your messages are for the Trash
i'm not trolling doc on it
and we're talking about HTML and CSS with layout presentation, this isn't flash.
position:absolute; was introduced by adobe
is shit
@rlemon my face is consequence of abusing position:absolute;
yes now it is ooook at 120%!!
thanks a lot
anyone using tw-bootstrap?
i would like to make my versiontn,rows,container, much more bigger
is there anyway to set up bigger dimensions for all? btn,rows,containers,fonts etc in percentage?
also, I would like to know where you got the idea position: absolute is bad, or that Adobe invented it for flash?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick ok, you've been warned. timeout
@rlemon do you know how to make my tw-bo bigger?
@Gordon Is this like a daily thing? I feel like it is.
@copy hooray is for morons in italy
@rlemon is google webfonts ok?
should be, I use them for prototyping or experiments. you should serve your own fonts though.
Google WebFonts is pretty good
what's up today with the chat? sometimes it puts off me strange
We host the font on our own server
But use WebFont.js to load it and fire the event for when it's loaded
I like Google WebFonts just because of the ease of searching and including for demos
Yeah, it's very handy
@rlemon that is wonderfull but how to know how much i need to make it bigger?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick its not putting you off. I am kicking you out because of your obnoxious behavior. if you cannot maintain a conversation without annoying the people in here, I have to suspend you.
but I advise you always host or at very least have a local fallback for all external resources
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick deduction
i mean ... if i want font-size :18 instead of 13, then row-fluid etc !!?!?
damn fixed font-size sucks :/
media-queries with stepping points
@Gordon oh )) what about suspension? how does it works?
@rlemon stepping points??? give me more
no, dude use fucking google.
I am not holding your hand over every issue
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick dont try me. just behave.
you were right about the font. It was the font itself.
@Gordon no seriously which is the highest kickass i can receive? suspension? what is that pls?
good stuff, hopefully you can get that sorted or at least find a font that works.
Jeff Atwood on April 06, 2009

Are you familiar with the Penalty Box?

The penalty box (sometimes called the sin bin, bad box, or bin) is the area in ice hockey, rugby football and some other sports where a player sits to serve the time of a given penalty, for an offense not severe enough to merit outright expulsion from the contest. Teams are generally not allowed to replace players who have been sent to the penalty box.

It’s not something we looked forward to, but as of tonight, we’re instituting a penalty box on Stack Overflow. …

rlemon, do salt water and fresh water fish eat the same food?
Like all trolls of his kind, he's egging for a suspension
@Gordon how much it goes on? 1 day ? on what is based suspension time?
banning him would be "high score"
@BenjaminGruenbaum for the most part. pellet food is different, but both will eat blood worms so my staple is blood worms
Gordon, he isn't worth your time...
He rolls on 4chan and the last digit is your suspension time
Dear diary, today copy was...
i asked serious question, and watch at consequences :/
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick read the blog post please. it has all the information.
... a pretty cool guy
@rlemon thanks
thanks who care on me, bye bye )
@BenjaminGruenbaum Puffer Fish eat blood worms, so do my fresh water fish. but they also eat the flake food I feed my shrimp and crabbies. The salt water fish (puffers, wrass, and goby) will eat blood worms, and the goby and wrass will eat pellets.
if you're thinking about it; you need ~3 types of food and you just give them a little bit of all three
when do you only ever eat one thing
but my freshwater fish never see pellets, and my puffer fish never see flakes or pellets.
If I only have flake food, and I just don't want this salt water fish a friend of mine caught to die, would that be ok?
(Small fish, stores closed)
lol depends on the fish. it's more likely to die from water conditions
they can live without food for a few days.
can you snap a pic?
where did you get the water you put it in? how are you maintaining the tank temperatures and flow?
Not here, I'm in a family event, using mobile
is it in a tank?
It's still in the sea, just in a big net
ahh, ok well if it is still in the ocean, don't worry about feeding it
there are things living in the water you cannot see that it will eat
for a day or two at least
If food isn't an issue I'll just tell him to not worry about it
not immediately no.
Cool, thanks
then depending on the type of fish, most will eat almost anything. if you are SUPER concerned, go buy 1 fresh uncooked shrimp from the store, cut it into very small pieces (like in a food processor) mix it up with some sea water and pour it around him slowly until you see him eating it
there is almost no animal in the world that won't eat shrimp.
shrimp eat shrimp :P
Noticing all the @donotuse... drama, I think we tend to forget he's 13
The only good thing he's done here is made me write this: gist.github.com/rlemon/e2ff662e4731ecf81a95
which I think is freaking awesome!
I'm not concerned :p I don't even know what he wants
to annoy it would seem
man if I lived near a tropical part of the ocean I would have saved SO much money on fish and fish stuff.
Anyway mobile sucks, I'll be back in ~ an hour
1lb of "live rock" or figi rock, is $10
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
if a special webservice (name starting with G) returns me this as XHR data - is there any way to convert it to a variable? pastie.org/7082906
@skripted try parsing it as JSON
hey rlemon
didn't work out well .. json.parse told me there is an error with a comma
im back just to say thanks
You really helped me fix the issue when you told me the problem was the font itself. In fact it was. I didnt know there were quality differences
@skripted at first sight, it looks like a bunch of deeply nested arrays. Will investigate.
@rlemon love this article
@JanDvorak thank you!
@Demorus I've had issues with font's mucking up on certain browsers before, it's a pain and generally if you cannot find a better version of the font, or why the server is serving it funny, you're stuck behind a rock and a hard place.
@skripted I just stole it from your twitter.
whaaaat :O
btw, at 22, trying to "reinvent the web" sounds childish.
dont stalk me
i'm new at this
it's what I wanted to do at that age. now I realize making a place for myself on the web is all I need
@skripted you posted it in your profile, it's all fair game
tbh, I was checking out your pic. at the 16*16 it kinda looks like you are a funny looking horse? idk, I needed to see larger.
it's okay :s
you can stalk me too, i don't mind.
@TheGreatRupert, Kitchener, Ontario. Canada
a.k.a rlemon - Software Designer: Tickling your keyboard until fun stuff happens.
1.1k tweets, 65 followers, following 128 users
Pffft, 65 followers
@skripted JSON.parse(x.replace(/,(?=,)/g,',null')) succeeds. You can start from that.
i'd be ignorant to just copy that .. i'm gonna try figuring out what you did there :o
You just have to hope there are no two consecutive commas inside some string
Query: How is clicking on the links they put in their public profile (which is in place for others to view so they can know a bit more about the person they're interacting with) stalking? skripted is not the first to say "stalker" from me clicking on their profile webpage link.
@rlemon It's stalking because for some reason people don't expect strangers to check the public things they share
i wasn't serious :>
And I think people only say it because they're surprised
@skripted I doubted you were, but Amber was
she got all freaked out when we clicked on some links
@rlemon When?
Oh, the picture thing?
and then there was Brendan, deleted his FB
or 'blocked it' at least
I mean, common people, we're all nerds... we like to nerd-search newbies
no, common. I speak phonically.
and we'd love to be found by some nerd gods .. and get accepted :O
I want you to understand how I say it, and not just what I said.
@skripted I inserted null between each pair of commas, hoping they don't occur inside a string
gets album art from apple ;D
err ..
are you ... linking a competitor?
2 messages moved to Trash can
I love that button
@JanDvorak well... if null is your only issue... var obj = eval(str); // ugly as sin, but works.
Hi, quick question, how do I format quotes in chat?
@rlemon I'm not letting eval touch untrusted code. With some validation, however, it's perfectly fine
@alisamii with >
> like that?
nice :D
did u setup some userscript?
@rlemon thanks
posted on March 22, 2013 by Randall Koutnik

A project manager at Microsoft recounts this story: I once was at a meeting with Bill Gates himself.  Right before it started, I noticed that Gates was staring directly at me.  I flushed, not knowing what to do.  After the meeting, I got up and realized I had been sitting right in front of the window.  Gates' stare had nothing to do with me, he was just enjoying the view.Eve

@rlemon How do I install it?
check the protip in the comments
@rlemon it is safari-enabled as well? I switch back and forth
@rlemon That's horrible.
Lets blame jQuery for incompetent developers :/ Also, speed is more important than anything else -_-
Let's blame developers for the complaints about the DOM, that's stupid
The DOM was very poorly designed, and people are working very hard on fixing it
The new spec introduces very nice stuff, it's getting there. The reason people use libraries is because they want those features
"If your web-app is slow, it’s because of your code, not the DOM."
The DOM is slow and poorly designed, the fact people abuse it and don't understand it is bad on its own, but that doesn't mean the dom is p[erfect
@rlemon wait what?
One nice thing about jQuery is that it uses createDocumentFragment internally where available when appending multiple elements.
"Ten THOUSAND divs in about 200 milliseconds" - More like < 90 ms
@rlemon the DOM is a horrible interface. jQuery's interface for the dom is better than the native one. The native one is constantly getting better.
He is making a very good point in an extremely poor manner
@rlemon The W3C disagree in many cases :) jQuery is far from perfect. However the DOM contains truly stupid stuff
Simple example, parent.removeChild(child) is silly, child.remove() is better.
if you want speed do not use jquery 1)
"slightly" ? The main reason jQuery is so used is that it's even hard to remember the stupid and incoherent native functions names
.onClick or attachEventListener is verbose. .on or .click etc are better
@dystroy That.
@rlemon luckily the W3C disagree and the DOM will have .remove() (at least in the current draft)
@Esailija lol...
The child is removing itself. A.remove() means I'm removing A, very simple.
People abuse jQuery, yeah. People write code they do not understand, yeah. One of the reasons is that the DOM api is horrible to begin with.
It's getting better, but it's still far.
@dystroy man the wrong beliefes are so ingrained in some people that I wonder how they ever get any work done
@rlemon It's not ambiguous. .remove removes the element, how is that not clear and concise?
jQuery used to have a lot of stuff that made it into the DOM . $.grep (filter), map, etc. It's all awesome
When making chrome extensions I don't use jQuery because the API got good enough.
@Esailija now you made me lose 1 or 2 points for this downvote I had to make and I'll have to stay up to regain them :)
For example, because the DOM got better. Part of the reason the DOM got better is jQuery.
he will probably delete it =D
Crockford talks in some lectures in length about that by the way (The meetings when they decided on adding jQuery stuff natively)
@rlemon Not bad. Should I turn off all my VMs and give it another go? :P
The reason people don't understand the DOM properly is because it's not easy to use or understand. It took me a considerable amount of time to get comfy with. A developer can use jQuery right away and understand what's happening and be good enough for the most part.
Which is what the DOM should be like to begin with.
Also because people don't use any kind OM in their code :P
"People who don't understand X write bad programs using X" Is a trivial argument. Somehow he implies "People who complain about X are wrong because they don't understand it" is a bad argument.
@rlemon It's the principle of least power.
@rlemon don't get me wrong, I agree with his rant about incompetent developers who think they know JavaScript but don't really understand it. I disagree with the way he is making it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good enough to write sloppy, un-maintainable code? Because the only thing that matters is whether or not it works?
@rlemon It's not about being verbose, it's about being expressive. The problem isn't with JavaScript, if anything JavaScript has too much stuff in it as a language. The problem is with the DOM api.
@Shmiddty 99% of writing a program is making it work, makeomg a site 'dynamic' using jQuery is like making a site have state with php imo.
Pfff... superstition...
Q: Regular Expressionison or something else?

Andrey IvanovHi I am trying to protect my web site from Prevent Cross-Site Scripting I think to use RE to walidate user inputs here is my question i have list of dangerous HTML tags <applet> <body> <embed> <frame> <script> <frameset> <html> <iframe> <img&g...

@Shmiddty I'm not saying people should use jQuery for web apps or anything.
@rlemon people abuse jQuery, people abuse the DOM, people abuse anything. X is misused so the problem is with the people using X is an extremely poor argument.
The trivial way to work with the DOM api should be the correct way.
@rlemon Again, I completely agree with his point, not the way he is making it.
@rlemon We're not arguing we're having a discussion :P
Arguments imply disagreement
The only reason the DOM api wasn't fixes years ago is Microsoft, they insisted.
@BenjaminGruenbaum more details on that point ?
Same reason we still have == and === (ALL other teams wanted to change === to == and fix that years ago)
@dystroy That'll take some digging, I'm not sure who said it. It was either Branden Eich or Douglas Crockford, probably Crockford
I wasn't saying 'listen to Crockford', I said that iirc the part talking about which company insisted on what is in one of his lectures.
ES should keep evolving.
@rlemon go ahead, I'm willing to learn?
43 messages moved to Trash can
Stop talking to yourself @BenjaminGruenbaum!!
I love this script!
I am trying to find a good script to replace a scroll bars style on a text box with overflow
@rlemon Hey everyone, @rlemon is ashamed that he was talking to himself. Also, try typing !!/slidepoop . Also meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/155103/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum you assume i'm ashamed of either.
meta post: actually i'm proud of that.
slidepoop: everyone poops.
Not on slides, what were you thinking :P ?
any good ones
IIRC that's a pretty good lecture anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum the slide turned counter-clockwise. Having never been south enough to witness this phenomenon myself I figured watching it slide down counter clockwise would be good enough.
@benlevywebdesign it's easy peasy
@benlevywebdesign "I'm trying to find a good script" Is a bad approach
Scripts aren't "found"
Figure out how what you're trying to do works, and write it
@rlemon also, node lists are horrible :(
ok I'm looking for a good cross browser script to replace a scroll bar?
NodeLists are horrible. but Florian has a nice Array prototype polyfill for nodeLists and HTMLCollections
I already looked at jScrollPane
and it would "hide" the scroll bar if I clicked on one of my anchor links
Do you know how is $("a").width() done in the DOM API? (according to the spec, and not what browsers are actually implementing?)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would assume window.getComputedStyle(elm).width but implementations probably mean there is a bunch of inner/outer/offset stuff going on
var node = document.querySelector("a");
var prop = document.defaultView().getComputedStyle(node,"").getPropertyValue("width");
var propValue = parseInt(prop);
Now you tell me which API is better?
Ohh wow ben! I'm so proud of you! you found one case where DOM sucks! YaY!
I can find a 100
we can be at this comparing the pitfalls of both apis all afternoon.
you won't convince me because I prefer some verbosity for clarity
The problem with the DOM API is that when it was written JavaScript was misunderstood, the people who were writing it did not understand JavaScript very well
@rlemon dude, it's a horrible way to do it, you know it, I know it, and neither one of us uses it.
yea, and there are horrid ways about the abstraction APIs
All I'm asking is that you admits that the DOM api is bad, not that jQuery is better :P
one is not better than the other, just different.
Wasn't the whole point of that article that people should use the proper tool for the job?
I never said DOM api is better, just that jQuery API is not better.
they both have their shity aspects.
@Shmiddty I'll repeat again, I agree with his point, just not with the way he's making it
@rlemon name some 'shitty aspects' about the jQuery DOM API
Inconsistent, multiple shitty confusing overloads, multiple aliases, method names don't always make sense. Method functions don't always make sense living where they do. Properties are also methods on other elements, etc.
@rlemon hey
DOM API shares some of these.
where you from?
@rlemon Specific example?
Kitchener, Waterloo.
@BenjaminGruenbaum api.jquery.com
good ol waterloo
@BenjaminGruenbaum 4pm here, i'll get you more examples when i'm not constantly alt-tabbing back here
but you have to wait at least an hour and a half :P
@SeanWM yup, Just like Toronto but less traffic, less to do, and cleaner.
10pm here, heading out to drink responsibly with friends soon
@BenjaminGruenbaum HOLY SHIT, this message right here was the one (after ~600 days on this site) that i discovered you can tab multiple times to cycle through the peoples names in the autocomplete list!
benlevywebdesign came up and I hit tab again by accident and it switched to you... instant O_o moment.
I just assume everything works the same, tab for autocomplete works in the command line, so it should work everywhere
@rlemon NYC?
but if there are more people tab pushes to the next.
rlemon, Ontario
7.4k 1 17 50
people people people... I post my info publicly so I don't have to keep answering

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