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@l2aelba If I recall correctly no
Try to find some simple code I can test to send a simple data @BenjaminGruenbaum (Any link to learn ?)
@l2aelba The whole point is that it's direct p2p
Meself: Okay, THAT was a dumb response
The Awesome One: Am I female?
Good morning all
var pc_config = {"iceServers": [{"url": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}]}; ??? @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum Looking they using a google server...
@l2aelba iirc they have an example with and without a server. Not sure though
I just played around with it for a bit, didn't really spend a lot of time with it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh yeah , Okey, thanks so much
@Neal Mornin
@BenjaminGruenbaum hows it goin?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure I followed : you say you saw an example of webrtc without ice server (not just a local video) ?
@dystroy Wasn't that the point? Making p2p connections?
@Neal Pretty OK, workin :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum ditto
From what I understood, the ice server is needed to establish the connection, especially due to firewalls
But I didn't spend enough time on this complex topic
And in my tests I couldn't connect without google's ice servers
I thought that it was needed so they could find ecahother, and that once they know they can do it on their own. I really didn't study this in depth
is kirupa getting interesting again?
Flash people can really contribute a lot to HTML+CSS
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think some of their ideas were already used, no ? That's why we don't have the crap we have in most canvas low level API (eg java)
A lot is used, yeah, but it could be a lot better
i mean, look at mr.doob for example
requestAnimationFrame is nice but it's nowhere near flash frames and keyframes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, yeah. So much
@GNi33 Paul Neave too
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requestAnimationFrame is there to serve a completely different purpose than keyframes on the other hand
@GNi33 It's like onEnterFrame
@AmaanCheval yeah, i love neave.com, great stuff
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep
@GNi33 Yeah. One of the biggest HTML5 game producers was a Flash game dev
I'm still waiting for someone to make a decent HTML5+JS IDE with a stage
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(Richard Davey / photonstorm)
i just love the design of this site -> colbowdesign.com
@GNi33 omg no... the ribbons... come on
it's a design element i actually enjoy
jumpstartui.com has a nice design imo
Wayne is Selling Hotdogs by the Thousands
@rlemon That reminds me of Ubuntu.com
(Yeah, it's just how orange it is. They changed it and reduced the orange!)
Q: How do I get a drop down image view just like Google?

Lasse StenløsI'm creating a portfolio webpage for my school project (High School), and I have got a section called work. There I want to have images appear along side eachother (just some padding) and then if you click on them, there will be a kind of a dropdown menu where the image will appear on the left si...

@rlemon they're selling responsive themes, so why isn't their main-site?
On one hand I feel like I should tell him there is a jQuery plugin that does this, and that since he's more of a designer than a programmer he should consider jQuery
@GNi33 Hahaha
On the other hand, I don't want to encourage incompetency
@BenjaminGruenbaum this could lead to sparking their interest nontheless
add plugin -> woah, that stuff works nicely, let's see if I can do this too
worked for me
@GNi33 It could, but answers that are 'use jQuery' are frowned upon
oh, it's not tagged jQuery, ok
didn't look that closely at it
fkey you right back
I left it as a comment
fkey is a function that's on this chat page
Used for authentication or something
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hah, you were working on an auto-binner too?
@rlemon The binning extension works now?
$.post("/admin/movePosts/17", fkey({ids: "8427068",to: 23262}));
just figuring out the mechanics
Hahahaha, both of you?
I started yesterday
I am making a 1 button > bin all from this user
I think I've finished the logic of mine if you want it
sure, post it
hey dudes anyone good with css? damn i have a stupid question
@rlemon Here's your chance to test it! :P
i have <div class="content"><div class="one"></div><div class="one"></div></div>
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick What's up?
how do i apply style only to first child of content?
.one div @RyanKinal
.content .one:first-child
is there a unicode letter that looks like a number?
Interesting, came with JS weekly (ariya.ofilabs.com/2013/03/…)
Though it might be better to add another class to it
<div class="one first"></div>
Note the SEXY format, where you don't have to type the name:function(){ part
@RyanKinal thanks, it seems not-working for me :(
I saw that in the spec, it's nice to see tutorials using it
<aside>Every time I see the syntax highlighting in makes me smile</aside>
@RyanKinal i can't add new class, huge refactoring will be :(
@RyanKinal if i use .left-col .header:first-child{} it affects all the .header divs inside :(
unbelievable :/
@RyanKinal so i fixed
ah, found a better way to select the user posts
.left-col > .header:first-child{
is the solution :P
oh, I can't wait for the new Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! - album
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Ah, makes sense
those french people got something going on there :D
@RyanKinal yep but rly strange i would like to know why, your sintax was correct too
I have a question, if I call a jquery widget more than once on the same element will that have detrimental effects? more details here: stackoverflow.com/questions/15558401/…
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick What does your actual HTML look like?
<div class="left-col"> <div header><div header> ... </div> so your sintax is rly ok too
Glad to see @Darkyen thinks I'm some sort of node genius
@SomeKittens Do you mind being a guinea pig for a sec?
@SomeKittens lol
GUYS did you see that? chrome.com/maze
@Zirak Only if I get free food pellets
That's effing incredible
i dont think you are a genius but i know for a fact that you know more programming in general then my college set
It involves having your recent messages binned
genius would be um @Zirak or @Raynos :P
@dievardump No smartphone, sad!
@Zirak Fair enough.
@Darkyen Flattery will not get you sexual favours
@Zirak not even needed :P
I'm probably third best node guy among room regulars.
you have helped me out of no where on times i didnt even expected anybody to help :P
@SomeKittens And the first two are ?
Actually, fourth. Florian, copy and BenjaminGruenbaum. Don't know how much node Zirak knows
PS we cant compare each other in this room :P
@SomeKittens you can do it with browser only
This is awesome
TRYT IT @Darkyen
Same @Zirak
@dievardump try what ?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@dievardump Oh, yeah, it's freaking amazing
That's awesome
@dievardump my, that is fun
its loading
That is incredibly awesome
PS i dont have chrome
does it even work on FFOX ?
It's an experiment. I doubt it.
it doesnt even work in chrome for me
I guess not, seeing as it's a Chrome experiment
fuck it then
i mean I do not know what it does
i just see some loading animation
because google doesnt care about linux drivers
Chromium is not ok on Linux?
I cant install chromium
the v8 dependency for node.js messes up
so i installed chrome
@Darkyen what os?
but all hail google ... they dont support my GPU
@SomeKittens ... Fedora 17
whats your gpu?
you talking about your mobile one?
Did you see thi awesomeness @Loktar
@dievardump yeah, checked it out yesterday
about my dell inspirion
some ATI GPU
heck i want to see it
so proprietrary driver :-/
it just loads and loads
i will check it out when i get home
I bet it works on chromeos :P
i doubt
Im @work otherwise id try it on chromeos
When to use at and when to use on:
Exchange rate at invoice date
Exchanger rate on invoice date
Which idiot did invent those eco cars running 4l/100km
$news The introduce feature got an upgrade.
Im confused by the last few messages..
who when did what this?
@SomeKittens Command introduce does not exist.
When to use "at" and when to use "on":
Exchange rate at invoice date OR Exchange rate on invoice date?
@Loktar I'm not yet confused by the last few messages as I'm still blocked at when Chromium doesn't run on linux
@dystroy Darkyen messed it up, and then he blamed Google :p The GPU driver thing is legit, though
@KendallFrey $help didn't work or you hadn't yet the script on ?
@KendallFrey Ah
@KendallFrey what is that?
@dievardump A chat bot he made
@AndersMetnik on
Thank you, can you tell me why?
@KendallFrey Seems pretty (I mean the bot, not you)
^Your best bet
@dystroy Nice burn
Is codeplex github's brother?
Calling Ken Doll ugly
@dievardump Kind of
I don't actually know the rules, as a native speaker "they just work that way", but there's bound to be a real academic reason.
@Incognito Reasoning? Behind English? BUHAHAHAH.
$g test?
@Incognito I'm not a native speaker, but that's my answer too :P
English makes PHP look consistent.
1 US Dollar equals
0.77 Euro
$introduce @KendallFrey
$g %00
1 Canadian Dollar equals
0.75 Euro
have to start buying in canada now
alright, i'm off for the weekend (and a beer, yay)!
@GNi33 Have fun!
everybody, have a good one, see you
if I come back home with 4000 CAD I will only get 3000Euros
@GNi33 woo beer!
$i @OctavianDamiean
My bot doesn't do edits.
@OctavianDamiean Welcome to JavaScript! Please read the FAQ.
@dievardump so rather come home with 4k Euro
@Incognito Or you could say In months/years, on days/dates, at times/clocks
@dievardump At first I thought it was weird, then read about it. Pretty cool project, giving the ability to use git without installing anything
anyone who's been through a US school knows how locked-down the computers are
(can't comment on other schools)
@SomeKittens ask us here ..
@dystroy pointer-events
A: Canvas selectable over div

LoktarYes you can use pointer-events: none; Supported in everything besides IE8 and below.. but Canvas isn't supported in that anyway. Live Demo

@MaxBurucker Who is "us" and where is "here"?
I mean sure we get newest hardware and software but try to run smth executable
@SomeKittens beloved germany
What is index.js for in some web apps. And is it a Node.js thing?
@skopp Doesn't have to be a node thing
@Loktar What do you mean canvas isn't supported ? It seems to work.
p.s. that was a tldtr question. THought I'd not post an essay here. TGIF etc.
@dystroy I mean in IE8 and below canvas isn't supported
@Loktar I just learned...
so peoples usual complaints about "Oh this wont work in IE8!" dont really matter
@SomeKittens okay, is it for dynamic DOM manipulation?

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