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Well, there's a server, but it doesn't communicate with its own server
Uses wikipedia's API for the bulk
@Zirak great
dudes which are most awesome API you ever work with or used?
So...what was wikipedia built in? php?
Q: Automatically bookmark last viewed page

PrometheusThis excludes RSS feed A.K.A Live Bookmark. I am looking for a bookmark[let] that gets updated automatically so that it directs to the last viewed page for a given website. I am guessing something similar might be implemented via javascript preferably or through a web browser extension. Is there ...

can't find them Zirak
@Zirak you sure you're not Australian or New Zealander?
Why do you ask?
That would explain things.
will we ever be able to create shadow dom in user code
> Most likely historical events that aroused your parents:
> Two U.S. Army helicopters collide in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, killing 17 servicemen.
For sure.
@dievardump ...now I'm curious. What things?
well you know like input type number
that's all just hidden elements
oh..oh.. dunno )
with their own css
not affected by global css
"honey, have you heard the news!?"
"yes, it's horrible!"
well.... i think it depends on browsers...!?
Can a guy own a pug?
I don't understand the question.
you can encapsulate a complex widget with its css completely into a single meaningful element
@Esailija oh..oh... gotcha now
nice, you can pattern validate date inputs aswell
my girlfriend wants to get me a pug for birthday she said
i think they are related to browsers future nope?
@MaxBurucker So?
and anyway i don't like browser default style ))
wtf should i do with a pug
@Zirak You humor. Your way of saying things. Your, sometimes, pedant way of talking to people. I love it.
holy shit i leave for 10 minutes to read a blog post and there are over 100 new messages.
@MaxBurucker Well, you walk it, feed it ... you know all that crap.
stop it
yeah but
you know
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick exactly, to provide perfect shims / customized widgets / own widgets like this you need shadow dom
@dievardump Those are unique to Australians and New Zealanders?
i got no time for it
(and thank you)
but will we ever be able? :(
it would be the best feature ever
are you an australian and new zealander zirak?
@Zirak No. But that's very Australian. Like smelling cheese is very French. And always saying 'Sorry' or being offended by jokes is Canadian
@Esailija and you wondering when we will be able to use them? i think early, but i wonder if they can be styled ))
@MaxBurucker Well, tell her not to get you a pug then. :D
she wants the pug not me
its just to justify it
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick no I mean ability to use shadow dom, so that the CSS and DIV vomit is hidden and cannot be touched from outside
for safety reasons you mean?
@MaxBurucker BOXER tell she u want a BOXER!
for awesomeness, robustness, cleaner html and css
@MaxBurucker You want to maintain the relationship or wanna break up?
i will just buy her a stuffed pug
should be enough
@Esailija gotcha, well hope soon
@MaxBurucker Better than my idea.
@MaxBurucker eheheh, she is lovely anyway
@MaxBurucker She wants to buy you a pug, when she wants one? Do you live together?
no we dont
you can not understand her
Best you can do is to tell her to get you a hooker.
She'll like that.
Is her birthday "far away" from yours?
...you can re-surprise her
its next month i think?
With a pug!
or 2 months?
You know she always wanted one.
a fucking pug costs 1k ..
@MaxBurucker wtffff
Must I spell it out for you? Give her the pug she gave you!
pedigree yep i believe you
Also, adopt a poor pet, don't buy one
yeah but her birthday is before mine
Then tell her to shove it
i think so atleast
Not remembering your girlfriend's birthday is already a sign of trouble
Wait, for how long have you been together?
do not buy dog, stole dog from some garden
"oh, 37 years or so"
haha i know her birthday
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I'd so like to reach through the line to slap you for that.
To say the least, that's very uncool. One of my dogs stolen a long time ago.
people steal dogs?
i'm just joking, i really think no one can get italian humorism here ))
Especially pure-breeds or exotic looking ones
anyway, always better to take dogs from doghouses/kennel
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I have Italian friends, that's not a problem with Italian humor, it's just you.
@Zirak That sucks :(
@OctavianDamiean your friends boring italians i guess, u can't image me in real life ))
that's why you get one from the spca
spca dogs are the best dogs
My dog is a cross-breed, I don't think anyone would steal it
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@Zirak Aw, sad to hear that. We had a pure-breed cat which got stolen.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick that was not a joke :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum i believe it )
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick What makes you believe I'd want to?
Yeah, it does. I don't get why she was stolen though; she probably doesn't fit any regular stealing categories, she was just pretty
People who steal animals are bigger assholes than people who just steal stuff
@OctavianDamiean nothing ))
@OctavianDamiean wtfff where your friends from? which part of italy?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Indeed, I wouldn't mind losing objects but animals ... that's just horrible.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I don't know they live in Austria now.
@dievardump Drama Drama Drama :(
My gold-fish went missing once
@OctavianDamiean live in vienna?
i have friends in Vienna, italians living in Vienna
When I was a child, we had gold-fish who was most certainly on LSD.
did you... put lsd in the tank? o_O
Occasionally, he'd jump out of the aquarium like a fucking dolphin and plop back in
@Zirak u drug fishes?
!!/urban fish
@Shmiddty fish An animal that lives in the water and swims. They might kill you in some instances.
@dievardump Why did they fire her?
And he only did that in the dead-end of night, so nobody believed me (the tank was just outside my door, so I could hear the splashes. after a while I timed them and predicted when he'd jump again, so I caught him blue-finned (like red-handed, only...for fish...))
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think the article explain it.
@phenomnomnominal ~1:20:00 youtube.com/watch?v=47Ceot8yqeI Crockford giving compliments to cs
@Zirak why SO CHAt bot doesn't works whit me? ))
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick You were most likely banned from it
@Zirak 227646 895174 1065129 1321941 1762305
oh ... oh.... oh .... so SO chat unbiased too :(
Boo fucking hoo
He's unbiased, yea. He's a bot.
@Darkyen still want one?
@rlemon -_-
@rlemon :O
why would anyone do such a horrible thing
Dude, you're banned ...
@Zirak you get logs of bot executed commands?
where is privacy policy dude?
need i judges?
where is privacy informative? so so ?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Seriously, we're assholes, but we're very tolerating people, you're making this extremely hard.
Why should I unban you?
in PHP one can do ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2 ] + ['b' => 4, 'c' => 9] , and it will result in ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 9] .. how can I do the same with objects in JS ?
cause i'm fkn needed in this chat
without manual labor
@tereško that is an array not an object
@tereško I've implemented something similar (mine overwrites, but you can easily change that)
@tereško I think that's union. underscorejs.org/#union
@tereško The only way without manual labor I can think of and is built in is Object.mixin, it's in the spec but it's not implemented anywhere
@Zirak unban me pls
@OctavianDamiean notice, i wrote "objects"
Oh crap ...
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick No, and begging won't help. Prove that you're responsible (not by pinging me that you're responsible)
@Zirak it was all wonderful , and then i got to [].reduce ... it needs to work on IE8
@OctavianDamiean _.extend maybe?
i can ban people for the bot, can't i?
i guess, manual labor it is
@tereško var obj = {a:1,b:2}; obj.extend({b:4, c:9}); There is no built-in extend method, but you can roll your own, and some libraries have them.
@GNi33 yes
@tereško Sorry then, you'll need the manual labour
@GNi33 If I'm not mistaken, yes; I recently updated the owners list
@Zirak how can i prove that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yea but you'd need to augment extend with a union-like function.
@Shmiddty don't tell me to use libraries, and i won't explain where you can shove them
@OctavianDamiean Isn't extend "union like" by design anyway?
I'm not sure if it is implemented like that. I should probably check.
@Zirak cool, thanks
@OctavianDamiean Object.mixin it is then, it's actually OK to shim since it's in the spec
@Zirak i made home works today, i walked my dog and i cleaned my room ...
> (not by pinging me that you're responsible)
That's a very important part
@tereško I didn't. I merely mentioned them as an option.
@OctavianDamiean Why the huh?
Nothing ... I misread something.
crap, i'm going to die
@GNi33 eventually, yes
but they don't need to tell me :(
Aw sucks to be you.
@GNi33 I like you when you have your mouth that open.
@OctavianDamiean it does :(
I think I should come to see you in Austria.
    Object.keys( merger ).forEach(function ( key ) {
        ret[ key ] = merger[ key ];

Could be
        return accum[newval] = merger[newval];
@Zirak if you like a more functional style
(Also with ret = if no refactoring of the outer loop)
<script type="text/javascript">
function LoadPage() {
// alert('cool');
document.getElementById('framed').src = "http://www.google.com";

window.onload = LoadPage;

<iframe id="framed" src="#" width="100%" height="300" >
Why does that not work? Can someone help me?
Anyone? @BenjaminGruenbaum @OctavianDamiean @dievardump
@JABFreeware jsfiddle.net
@dievardump ookaaay? :D
Object::extend = (obj) -> this[k] = v for own k, v of obj
@JABFreeware Don't post code twice, indent your code, don't ping people
@dievardump okay, sorry. Can you help me though?
Nope, I can not right now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it give this error: {"error": "Please use POST request"}
@JABFreeware Sounds like google is blocking you
Define "not working". How does it error?
Q: Improving Javascript code of a failed test

Webritosenter code here Hi. I just failed in a javascript test and I would really appreciate some comments of how I can improve so I can keep learning. The test was about making a form interactive, where the code should do things like changing to the next tab while showing not visible content, validat...

@JABFreeware Same-Origin policy.
nah, it should work, he's using an iframe
> Refused to display 'https://www.google.at/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
@Zirak Tried in going to my site. Still no work
Then yeah, it's same-origin policy
(why do I remember it working? maybe because they recently added that header)
You replace the URL with http://www.mainerror.com for example, it'll work.
2 messages moved to Trash can
@OctavianDamiean see thats my problem. I can link to any site, if I hardcode the src to say google. But through JS it doesnt work
@JABFreeware Initializing it with google.com won't work either.
> xml is like violence, if it doesn't work, use more
They just don't want you to display their website in an iframe.
@OctavianDamiean sorry. My abd. I meant to say I can link to mainerror.com in src, but it doesnt work through JS
Of course it does.
welcome to nginx!
@david My webserver is very welcoming.
@OctavianDamiean mine is more welcoming. it gives you candy
@OctavianDamiean hmm. I see my problem now
function LoadPage()
@david Whoa!
seems to make it stop working
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick (and all others who may care) I fixed the select FF bug
Can't tell, I don't like to bind the onload event. I generally just run my scripts at the bottom of the body.
@Zirak Confirmed.
@OctavianDamiean yeah this is in a .aspx site
it seems chrome limits the depth that you can nest iframes? ram.zk.io
@david If it does, you shouldn't reach it anyway
it limits it to like 2 :p
Which is one too many. iframes are used as hacks
I only ever used an iframe when I couldn't write my code in a way that made sense
Like when I wanted to isolate CSS in a foreign environment
i'm not advocating their use... i'm commenting that there seems to be a limit
I wasn't blaming you of anything, I was stating my opinion :)
Aw man, I completely missed the SMBC forum pages
Someone already posted some Python program to do it. I'll probably never get those 50 internet points now, even though I'm probably their rightful heir. :(
looks like firefox limits it to just one deep
does anyone have ie?
AW MAN! What an awesome domain ... wasted byt.es
@david I do
can you fire up ram.zk.io in there and tell me how deep the rabbit hole goes? :P
Also limits, 2
I should contact them. Maybe they want to sell it.
Even in quirks mode, or in IE7 compatibility mode
@david Want me to check netscape 7 XD?
byt.es would have been amazing
i should put it through that website that does a whole bunch and screenshots them
can anyone remember what it was called?
In case somebody need stuff like this (async ping calculation): gist.github.com/BonsaiDen/5217815
@david netscape 7.2 lets me do 5 levels of nesting, best browser so far

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