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Pretty sick.
Che Guevara.
@BenjaminGruenbaum HOLY SHIT, HOW YOU SO FAST!!!???
@XCritics I downloaded this app earlier today and I'm already through, it's pretty nice though
this is cool, not that they are only apologizing for the incident, they're showing technical infos about it and their plans to prevent it happening in the future. way to go, github
The Pen of the day has to be “Hexel Flames!” though by @loktar00 http://codepen.io/loktar00/details/Khqio
@GNi33 k
@Loktar AWESOME! congrats
@Loktar congrats!
@Adidi huh?
Nice one bro.
@Loktar o_O
thanks, pretty cool
I think its a mediocre pen tbh
one day i'll be able to understand this... one day :(
Z = (x) -> ((z) -> x ((y) -> z(z) y)) (z) -> x ((y) -> z(z) y)
factorial = Z (self) -> (n) -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * self n - 1
console.log factorial 5
"Hey Hipsters! I loved Loktar before it was cool to love Loktar!" cries in a corner with his typewriter
man, Hipsters have it so easy. just look cool and it's ok to be dumb. I wish I was a hipster.
No matter how many love me, I will always love you @rlemon
instagram couldn't handle me
... shit just got real
@david That's actually pretty clear
@david Functional programming is something you get once and then you know, kind of like recursion
i'm too stupid for math-jokes :(
it's not a very accurate math joke :(
@OctavianDamiean If shit wasn't real to begin with, it still wouldn't be real.
For example, if shit was i the square root of shit, squared would be -i
shit just got thick!
Hum.... Shouldn't the last Parentheses  be outside of the square root
^ hehehe
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you sure? wouldn't it just be i?
@BenjaminGruenbaum No. Look at the parentheses. First you evaluate this
@david no, because -1 ^2 is 1
(sqrt(-i))^2 is -i
So if shit was i
(sqrt(-shit))^2 = -i
Then you evaluate this.
<- Is a teaching assistant in a math course in a university
That -shit squared has some major syntax problems
<- Is hungry (But still agrees with ben, also, graduate engineer)
<- is a final grade computer engineering student. And your maths is wrong @BenjaminGruenbaum
<- is bored. and now hungry. thanks @phenomnomnominal
It is wrong because you assumed -shit is i
-shit just stands for -n where n is a number
-shit is -i, if shit is i
shit === bananas; // true
<- just realised he hasn't had anything to eat all day. now hungry too
shit is just a number
It is not i
couldn't each letter in shit be a variable?
@OctavianDamiean i is a number
no it isn't, you just imagine it is.
A non-complex number ...
@OctavianDamiean "Shit Just got real" implies that "shit" was a complex number that is not also real, and that the result of the expression is real
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, i didn't see the - in the pic. Why is that even there? ><
^ this is what you are doing. STOP RAINING ON MY PARADE!
Loktar loves me, can't you just let that be!?!
@OctavianDamiean However, if shit got complex (for example if i was shit), it did not get real
I agree that the description might be wrong but the term isn't.
yea i'm bored of this now. later.
great, now i'm hungry and i feel stupid, thanks guys
hopefully netflix will entertain me
@OctavianDamiean Do you agree that if shit was a number and was not real, evaluating that expression would result in a number that is also not real?
so you're saying that if shit was real to begin with, then it would remain so under the operation in that image?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's bullshit. sqrt(-1) is?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I think that may be the best thing I've ever read.
@phenomnomnominal which?
1 min ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@OctavianDamiean Do you agree that if shit was a number and was not real, evaluating that expression would result in a number that is also not real?
@OctavianDamiean sqrt -1 is not a real number, however -1 is
Right, so if sqrt(-1) is i then i² is what? -1
Yes. i^2 is -1
-1 is a real number.
Shit just got real.
so if shit was -i, the function is valid
But it's not
Yes, it is, however, it is not the result of sqrt(-shit) ^ 2
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dude look at the parentheses
The function should just be (shit)^2
Then as long as shit is imaginary, it becomes real
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, I know...
@OctavianDamiean dude, you're wrong
@phen nope :(
@phenomnomnominal Shit itself isn't imaginary.
@OctavianDamiean Of course it is imaginary, otherwise how it would "get real"
Then it was already real to begin with and is stupid!
If shit wasn't imaginary, it couldn't 'get real', it was real to begin with
Then it's already real
Shit HAS to be imaginary
Yea the description sucks
shit has never been more real than it is right now
@OctavianDamiean <- this dude is never wrong :P
It is supposed to be a punny joke ... not a highly accurate mathematical definition.
@phenomnomnominal (1+i)^2 = 2i still complex
shit * converse(shit)
converse is cheating
^ You've gotta be shitting me (how did the first edit get so bad :/)
You think Real shit became imaginary and then real again sounds funny?
Generally my shit starts out as food. WTF are you guys eating?
shit is a variable name, it doesn't become imaginary, it starts out as such, and is transformed by a function to become real?
Meh whatever, it's been a way too long day for me to be having mathematical conversations, especially in a language which isn't my mother tongue. :D
The point is, it is supposed to be funny.
Yeah and it is, until you think twice about it!
The internet isn't funny, it's serious business
When you make incorrect math puns, real people get hurt
I only just found out that 'bees knees' come from the word business
(shit)² ... just got real        # where shit === i
There, oh the fun. Hope you're happy Sheldon.
Man I love the syntax highlighting
Yeah it's great :) I still get room tags highlighted though :P
Me too haha
Can't be fucked fixing it
poof, gone
going slower than usual though, 6 mins -12votes for such spam :P
Was that question really titled "why is jquery poon smelly" ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha, i din't even look at the URL
what's this i don't even
I usually see spam on c# or .net most often, one of the rare times I see it under jQuery lol
@FabrícioMatté I'd argue most jQuery questions are spam :P
@FabrícioMatté it was a java script expert, you just all couldn't understand so it got down voted
Lol true that :P
Either people using god-forsaken libraries and they can't get them to work, or they're asking a javascript question but calling it jQuery
netflix is boring. :(
@AmberRoxanna seems legit enough :P
I wish my life were more naturally exciting.
posted on March 20, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

ISS Startrails - TRONized Scientists clone extinct frog that gives birth from its mouth Curiosity Once Again in Safe Mode – If Only Briefly From idea to science: Knowing when you’ve got a good idea

@rlemon, you need to embrace the boring
@rlemon Turn off your anti-virus, install a bunch of viruses, try to save your computer before it is doomed
"Scientists clone extinct frog that gives birth from its mouth"
enough internet for a day
@Rujikin is that the ultimate programming test ?
@rlemon Release some snakes in your apartment
@FabrícioMatté That was awesome
hi, i'm using jquery. this line gives me "cross origin..." error, any obvious mistake in this line? <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='Dev.aspx'">Search</a></li>
@Amber Nah it is the ultimate computer recovery test
@Rujikin It's just a sign of severe brain damage.
@MLS Several, why :javascript? It's a psuedo-deprecated protocol that shouldn't be used
@Octavia that is what backups are for
@phenomnomnominal no, no. nooooooooooo!
@MLS It's not what's giving you the cross origin issue
@Rujikin it does sound tempting.
@Rujikin Pfff, backups are for kids.
@OctavianDamiean no snakes. but I might be able to russle up some gofers in a pinch
I can put lasers on their heads?
@BenjaminGruenbaum it is interpreted as a namespace thingy (or I forgot what), but you're right, it shouldn't be used as JS is implicit for all onevent attributes
@rlemon I can hire some Romanian thugs from your region if you like. :D
@FabrícioMatté Yeah, but he also used it in the href=
@Rujikin i once installed an anti-virus program and asked it to scan itself and it returned 10+ threats
cross origin error usually occurs if we use filesystem path, but dev.aspx is on server
@AmberRoxanna Oh yeah :P I see now
@OctavianDamiean hehe
@AmberRoxanna Let me guess. Norton?
idk, maybe... crazy thought... I might program.
@OctavianDamiean you're too clever
@Amber was it panda?
@Rujikin it was Norton
That's a classic.
The logical part of my brain is shutting off too early lately, probably due to the the lack of sleep.. So instead of sleeping I stay vegetating in front of the comp waiting for my energies to recover
@OctavianDamiean I was making a canvas game but then decided I don't know enough about inheritance to do it well, so now i'm back to "learning" ;/
Not sure if the plan is going as expected but yeah
@Amber Sounds about right. If it was panda it would have returned the whole directory as a virus
!!/choose sleep node canvas
@GNi33 sleep
query: who here uses antivirus?
if you say so
@rlemon How many levels of inheritance did you plan for your game? :P
I'm past my first sleepy point.
I haven't in years. never had a virus since I stopped tbh.
Now I won't feel sleepy until 4am.
@FabrícioMatté two or three
I haven't used one in years either. Inb4 ddos attempt
wonders if he can't just do a tripple-shift and not work for two days
@OctavianDamiean i won't too, still got major sleeping problems :/
too -> either.. damn
but it's more, it's knowing all of the patterns and picking one that suits me well and my coding style
Oh I see
I'm planning to do a JS game too, but multi-player with node.js back-end
^ same here
my deadline is for 18 months
mines more simple :P canvas and physics
@rlemon I use one
eww physics :P
well, I like physics, but physics don't like me
i figure this could be cool. codepen.io/rlemon/pen/JdHtI
okay, i'll at least go to bed... notebook comes with me though
if you check my other pens I have more experiments with canvas. most are similar. I'm trying to get a handle on it slowly :P
You guys ... playing with yourself is a lot easier. The backend is your brain, the frontend your body.
Simple as that.
You've got all you need. A joystick 'n stuff.
Simple yet nice, I liked the particles effect for collisions
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command joystick learned
Alright, it looks like I don't feel tired but my brain doesn't really work either ...
I know that feel bro
I thought about sleeping 4 hours ago, but then I found out that This Is The Only Level 4 was out
The dev either made this release with asian difficulty or my brain has shut off earlier
@SOChatBot what's joy stick?
aww, if only I was at work
!!/tell AmberRoxanna joystick
nice, chat filtered the second message as a dupe
wins all around!
!!Will TNG ever be boring to me?
@rlemon No
@SOChatBot so joystick is a java script command for games ?
Let's call it that.
!!/urban joystick
@SOChatBot oh ....
penis is offensive now?
Totally ... erect as well apparently.
Good god guys, grow up.
I don't know, I felt like we were leaving the realm of good taste a while ago
when were we ever there?
It's a fact. Men have a penis, it can erect. Women have a vagina. It is simple anatomy ... nothing dirty.
Element.prototype.css = function (a, b) {
    var style = function(t,k) {
        return window.getComputedStyle(t)[k];
    if (typeof b === "undefined") {
        if (typeof a === "string") {
            return style(this,a);
        } else if (Array.isArray(a)) {
            return a.map(function(s) {
                return style(this,s);
        } else {
            for (var k in a) {
                this.style[k] = a[k];
    } else {
        this.style[a] = b;
You act like Eliot from Scrubs ...
there, javascript.
room: discuss.
that is not part of the rules @BenjaminGruenbaum, you're not discussing the snippet.
Too many if/else
There's one.
meant to emulate jQuery overloads - couldn't be helped
I know this isn't exactly important, but is it reasonable to use <ul> within <nav>?
Oh if/else ... I read that as else if ...
also without once looking at their source, i'd say a-ok :P
I always see it that way, and don't really get if there is a point
@twiz semantics
what is a navigation list
Well yea, but is I guess my point is if that is redundant...
I can have a list that is not a nav.
code semantics
but can yuou have a nav that is not a list?
but what goes in the nav?
a list
how do we represent lists in html
sometimes semantics means over verbose code. but IMO it is worth it
so long as you don't go overboard.
Then its not overly verbose haha
Looks at Java
actually Objective-C is worse than Java for verboseness (i wish that was a real word)
By the way, did you ever try using a screen reader? I feel bad for blind people...
Well the free one I tried sucked anyway
It clearly couldn't comprehend HTML5
@twiz SQA for almost 5 years. extensive testing for accessibility. ever try a braille reader?
Ha Didn't know that existed
yea they are not very forgiving to bad code.
basically the same as a screen reader (good ones)
The screen reader I used wasn't even forgiving for good code...
you had a shit one then
the $$ ones are not bad. so long as your code is not stupid
First one that came up when I googled "free screen reader" haha
wonders why the browser won't recognize "baddong" as padding
but still, they take a while to learn how to use. it's a disability I wouldn't wish on anyone.
I've been noticing this lots lately
Q: Users post my comments as answers

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm sorry if this was asked before, I've looked for it and couldn't find it. Recently I've been running into the following scenerio: I look at a recently asked low-quality question. I vote to close it, usually because it is not-constructive or it is a duplicate. I comment with the fix to the p...

actually scratch that, the screen reader was fine, but the "browser" it used sucked
are you judging by how it appeared or how it was read?
@rlemon Things just ended up out of order, there were "blank" lines, etc.
ahh, yea
anyways... mAOR JS!
Definitely not what I expected to see based on the code
var pRand = function(nseed) {
  var seed, constant = Math.pow(2, 13) + 1, prime = 37, maximum = Math.pow(2, 50);
  if(nseed) {
    seed = nseed
  if(seed == null) {
    seed = (new Date).getTime()
  return{next:function() {
    seed *= constant;
    seed += prime;
    seed %= maximum;
    return parseFloat("." + seed)
pseudo random number generation
how can i create bots using java script for this chat, just curious
!!/tell AmberRoxanna help
@SOChatBot thanks
@rlemon how about like a simple script with the dancing men or something?
haha thats awesome
@rlemon nice one
@rlemon since I guess you've used them a lot, would using a <ul> in a <nav> make a differnce for a screen reader?
I mean the fact it was asked for.
One day someone will say "Oh yeah well what about rain on boobs?!"
@twiz no clue. nav element did not exist when I used them. I assume yes.
@Loktar Boob Rain*
Ah ok
LOL boobs raining eh? I can see it now.. them hitting the ground and bouncing high into the air.
@rlemon to be honest I seem to have forgotten everything about JS with chat. I meant I saw a script that some used and it posted the animation in chat
what a glorious day it shall be!
well it's more of a boob shower
@JABFreeware yea that was me
A: Unicorn Voting - Bringing the Joy of April 1 All Year 'Round!

rlemonUnicorn Staring a userscript to bring unicorns to chat stars! Only uses the OP images. Same License. Don't sue me George Install

@Loktar Miracles of modern technology
@twiz done nsfw??
@rlemon what that ... ?
haha yea, I saw it before. I will be anticipating the bounce though....
I was really bored and when I asked what I should do "boob shower" was said.
this was the result.
@rlemon what's so special about a boob shower
well it led me to my canvas stuff. so thats pretty special.
@rlemon the dancing one was awesome
What isn't special about a boob shower?
you don't know me. I write a lot of really random shit because.. well.. its fun
pages.lemonmeme.com/rot13 i'll admit this was more fun than it should have been
mobile devices...
(I'm getting there :-))
Anyway, I've got to get some sleep, good night :)
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
7 days off start now wooooooooo
Hi guys, is SO down for you?
Q: IndexedBD and localStorage undefined error

BatmanI have an indexedDB which im trying to use to capture form information on user registration. That part is working fine but the prof wants an account to be create once with the username and password set on creation so he can log in. The way I approached this was with a localStorage API. I create...

why does this code not work?
var danceMessage = ["0\n//\n/\\","0\n/\\\n||","0\n\\\\\n/\\","\\o/\n`|`\n/\\"];
var count = 0;
function editAnimation(){
 var lastMessage = $("div.user-1739957.monologue").last().children(".messages").eq(0).children(".message").last()[0];
 count = count % danceMessage.length;
var winInt = window.setInterval(function(){ editAnimation(); },750);
says: [20:45:58.205] TypeError: $(...).last is not a function @ Web Console:4
@rlemon ?
no clue
switch eq with get
@rlemon huh?
@rlemon You got those backward
get is a DOM element. eq is a jQuery object
@JABFreeware in codepen.io/rlemon/pen/lEoIz the scenes are the array index of the 'parts'
@rlemon nut I cant see to make it appear on chat
use some js to append the div to where you want it

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