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the calculator powertoy for Windows is disappointing, that it can't do bitwise operations
I guess I can always just use Chrome console as a calculator
OOP stands for "Oh Oh! Poop!"
!!stripes or blade
@Zirak stripes
!!hookers or blow
@david hookers
Just trying to make that dragon slaying console game from Codecademy this is what I have but the problem is it loops the same thing, it's nothing different every time around, it just says the same thing in console over and over.

var randomNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);
var slaying = true;
var totalHealth = 100;
var totalDamage = 0;
var health = 100;
while(slaying &&
	totalHealth >= 1) {
	var youHit = randomNumber;

	if (Math.round(Math.random()) == 1) {
		var totalHealth = health - youHit;
are you being serious?
Are you insulting me right now?
only if you're being serious ><
var randomNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1); only gets called once ever
and will keep the same result forever
ah herp snerp
Rgr rgr
you need to either make that a function, or put it in the loop
Didn't have to be SUCH A DICK ABOUT IT lol jk
My sub conscious put on Blade.
!!will you forgive me?
@Zirak All signs point to Yes!
var randomNumber = function(){return Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);}
@XCritics Protip: If you want to end your sentence in "lol jk", it'll be better off if you didn't write it in the first place.
i have to be a dick about everything!
Zirak makes a good point. LOL JK
!!>var randomNumber = function(){return Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);} console.log(randomNumber);
@CCInc "undefined"
need to actually call the function @CCInc
@CCInc "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
semicolons bro
!!>var randomNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);console.log(randomNumber);
@CCInc "ReferenceError: ath is not defined"
!!>var randomNumber = function(){return Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);} ;console.log(randomNumber);
`"undefined"` Logged: `1`
:8337239 `"undefined"` Logged: `function (){return Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);}`
@CCInc "undefined" Logged: 2
@CCInc "undefined" Logged: 4
!!>var randomNumber = function(){return Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);}; randomNumber();
`"undefined"` Logged: `2`
:8337245 `4`
i think we broke the bot
that's pretty random
!!>var randomNumber = function(){return Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 1);}; randomNumber();
@david 2
@david the totalHealth variable keeps getting set back to 100, (I removed the var in front of it in the while loop to just totalHealth = health - youHit
@rlemon This
the bot undid the message in the sandbox
@XCritics is it meant to be health = health - youHit rather than using totalHealth?
@rlemon This is the stupidest conversation I have ever heard.
grumble grumble
@XCritics infact, why do you even have 2 healths?
wait... technically you have 3 healths. If you include the damage
yesterday, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Darkyen I got married when I was 18. True story.
Please use the sandbox
Health keeps getting set to 100
Should it be -=?
yay I fixed it
@CCInc ?
health - randomNumber; should be health = health - randomNumber; :P
I just did health -= randomNumber;
that works too
So proud of myself right now
Gonna go celebrate with a smoke brb
mmm cancer
mmmm Cyanide
@Shea Invalid command /Cyanide/penis/
I have a dropdown box that reads the value fine but when clicked it's supposed to perform an ajax call to a php file that runs a MySQL query based on what it got and then populate another drop down box but I don't know how to actually get the other drop down box to populate. I've asked the question a few times and I feel bad for asking it again.
You'll need to be more specific about which part you're struggling with
is the ajax call succeeding? do you get the data you need back?
once you have that data you just need to use dom operation to create the option elements and append them to the select element you wish to populate
I can see it's getting the value of the first drop down box in firebug but after that it does nothing.
move my delete you sonofabitch
I have a <select name="size" onchange="ajaxfunction(this.value)"> but the ajax stuff isn't inside that function and if I put it there it just keeps yelling at me saying the function isn't defined.
then you should probably define the function
Maybe this'll help me better explain it. pastebin.com/iuW77W6u
@david :D
@MichaelN that code doesn't throw any function not defined errors
You guys ever see that HTML5 mmo game where people can write their own javascript skills ( they set certain boundaries so it doesn't get out of hand ) looks pretty cool
Yeah because I have the function (ajaxfunction) section
Remove that and it poops the bed.
I thought the succces: function(data){$("#sub").html(data)} was supposed to draw where the select id was sub the results of the PHP file.
yeah you don't need that
just remove the onchange="ajaxfunction(this.value)" bit on the select element too
Oh wow I don't need that.
I got it!!!
I love you @david
that's pretty awesome.. i kind of hoped for someone to implement StackSort
Yep, it's pretty awesome
> Uh… it evals both user input and random code, unchecked, from an external site. This is what security-minded folks would refer to as Very Bad™.
nice. would be funny if someone created a StackSort that works with real programming languages, too
i wouldn't ever run that outside a VM though and certainly try to get a rm -rf /* post on SO that would be picked up by such a tool ;)
It runs in the context of your browser
"The site will only fetch accepted answers, and it only uses answers that were posted before the xkcd was released (meaning that if someone posted malicious code now, it wouldn't matter)."
You can fork this guy's github and use an interperter for whatever language in JavaScript
@copy thiefmaster was talking about a real programming language variant
3 mins ago, by ThiefMaster
nice. would be funny if someone created a StackSort that works with real programming languages, too
I feel like such an asshole, stackoverflow.com/questions/15489726/regexp-in-split , all he needs to do is realize JS . doesn't match newline, that's 99% his problem
I don't want to help him with his bad approach :P
Updated my BIOS. I feel so fresh now.
i really don't need to spend $1k on a monitor... but i want to :(
Spend $1K on 3 monitors instead
Can that monitor cook or what?
i already have 2 24 inch ones ><
but this one is 30!
30 inches!~
so good
What resolution?
You know, it's not about the size. :P
Alright, that's good.
it's totally about the size
Nah, not really. If it would be a 30" monitor with a shitty resolution then not.
we have them at work... (i'm using it right now)
2048*1024 is bad resolution for 30"
@BenjaminGruenbaum 2560x1600
Yea, that's not bad.
yeah i don't know why the description says 2048
Two of those are more than my 3
1920*1080*3 is less than 2560*1600*2
Defiantly want
Yea but 1k!?
Urgh ... I accidentally switched off USB legacy support in the BIOS, guess who has to find a PS2 keyboard now so he can undo that ...
remove battery from motherboard
wait for 2 minutes
attach battery back to motherboard
No no no no no, I don't want to lose all of my BIOS settings.
you should be using ps2 anyway for nkro >_>
@david I'm not using the mechanical keyboards right now.
are you at least wearing pants?
Need to go all silent at the moment.
@david No.
full naked
what was the youtube link about that "motion control" device
doesn't your bios let you back up bios settings to usb?
someone posted here earlier
@BenjaminGruenbaum Probably but did you forget? I turned off USB legacy support. :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea thanks
I'm halfway through Blade, and it's a mixture of shit and shittier.
!!should I keep watching or do something else?
@Zirak keep watching
Meh, I'll do that later. Off to bed now, past 2 a.m. ...
You really hate me don't you
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. [Leonardo da Vinci]
@rlemon my bot will kick your bots ass
Yay. High tech phone chat
Im in a situation. Im only available to work part-time. The guy wants me full time. he sends me an email back that says "I can't promise anything because of your availability. I'll contact you back with a solution for us". What should be my reply to that?
hi all
A: REGEXP in .split()

Benjamin GruenbaumHere is a solution that does not involve any external library and is easy to understand. For starters, let's grab the edit div's contents var $edit = document.getElementById("edit") Now, we create a small function to iterate through our DOM. There are plenty of ways to do this, here is the wa...

trying to add auto refresh to a question
asked at stackoverflow
I wouldn't reply... wait for him to contact back
@kayhanyüksel what?
Q: Simple Ajax Jquery script- How can I get information for each of the rows in the table?

moomoochooI'm following a simple ajax>php>mysql example posted here http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/107 I can only display information from the first row. My table is set up like so -------------- | id | name| -------------- | 1 | Pat | | 2 | Joe | | 3 | Rob | -------------- The php ...

should I at least say "ok thanks"
I have asked my q as a comment added to the end of it
couldnt add autorefresh , tried setInterval , timeout etc.
@kayhanyüksel That's PHP, correct?
Stack overflow questions are auto refreshed
php jquery json
@JohnMerlino Nothing, he said he'll contact you back
@benjamin I'm not sure wbhy half your answer uses dom methods and then suddenly switches to innerhtml
@BenjaminGruenbaum so even saying "ok thanks" is inappropriate?
@david how would you do it? <br> isn't very semantic anyway, I assumed he wants to match some specific html text in a div
@JohnMerlino I wouldn't sweat it too much.
@JohnMerlino Possibly something about you being a responsible guy that takes his job very seriously and doesn't want to commit to stuff you're not sure you can guarantee. That you'd appreciate the job opportunity but as a professional that's all you can promise... but probably nothing
I am just looking out for a jquery sample that refreshes data to create a table , I have been able to create the table, get the data, cant debug that auto-refresh part
something like a FIDS board at the airport
I'd probably use queryselectorall and check if the br has no siblings
@david not crossbrowser
@JohnMerlino Say we decided to meet for ice-cream and sprinkled doughnuts, but I still don't know when I'm free, so I send you a message: "I'll tell you when I can".
You can't really reply to that message, since the ball's not in your court
But wouldnt you say something loike "ok thanks" or "ok keep me updated"?
Just to let the person know you are interested in a response at some point
any ideas?
@JohnMerlino No, I would on the other hand contact more employers meanwhile
If you really feel like responding, then yes, you can say something around those lines
Now, where're the ice cream and sprinkled doughnuts?
goodbye Blade. I'm walking out on you. You're not a good movie.
@Zirak Would be cool if you made the bot respond with "Is it me you're looking for?" When a user says "hello"
@SOChatBot kind of how it works with stop
A language that doesn’t have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. [Dennis M. Ritchie]
any ideas?
we can't help you with the information you've given us @kayhanyüksel
Quick question I can't seem to find the answer on google, how can I run certain things as root on Fedora 17, I'd like to click on the Sublime Text icon, but the only way I can save is if I run it as sudo through terminal or else it says failed to save
Depends on what you're editing
Does it always say that?
Yeah, and I'm only trying to save to my home/documents folder, I just made a new file, test.js and failed to save no matter what, sudo it works fine
Weird. I'm a Debian derivative guy, so I can't help, sorry.
@SomeKittens Which you runnin now?
Just upgraded my main PC to Mint 14
Yeah I do enjoy me some Mint I must say
Cinnamon or?
Yeah, Cinnamon
I just wanted to try Fedora, think I might go back to Mint lol, kinda wanted to install Mageia 2 but, for some reason it won't boot from usb
Mints webpage responding for you guys? Http://www.linuxmint.com
I tried Arch once. Enough trouble that I'm sticking with Mint (and mintesqe) distros for now
@XCritics Nope. Odd.
> It's not just you! linuxmint.com looks down from here.
Oh science I'm trapped forever
What's it do?
The whole project is a joke on how people can use OOP and design patterns to overcomplicate things
oh haha
My presentation is on: Design Patterns!
@SomeKittens That is hilarious
@SomeKittens why do they specify the bitesize in with dd bs=1048576?
I cannot comment on any of the practices used in that project, for purposes of sanity.
It's funny because it's true
People are actually writing java code like that
That's actually a fairly clean example.
This code iswrong though
Lol, how was I ninja'd @phenomnomnominal you weren't even here :P
I wish I could post some of the code from my old job.
It doesn't do enough dependency injection
Where is all the XML?!?
That's the best piece of code I've ever read
9k loc "functions" file, no documentation, unsure how much of it was actually used.
This isn't Java, you can't do Java without XML
@ThiefMaster you avalible?
Just tried to git apt-get update. Yeah. I need sleep.
CoffeeScript sucks
try sudo npm install git apt-get update that might help
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you know about CSPs?
*wants to learn Spanish *
donde es @BadgerGirl
@Shea El elefante es grande.
at a glance: "the elephant is huge?"
Well, big would be a better word.
si veo
when I put that in Google translator, it says, "if I see"??
I thought it would be "yes I see"
these are the types of things confusing me
Well, I see is translated into "ya veo"
how would you say it then?
Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. [Alan Kay]
"Ya veo"
Gd mrng
Is your time SO valuable you couldn't bare to type another five letters?
Ok, Good Morning
Have a nice day ahead.
It's late afternoon here :)
Oh sorry, I am from Indian.
@BadgerGirl Entiendo completamente lo que quieres decir
@RenjithJR नमस्ते।
@BadgerGirl: नमस्ते।
en espanol por favor
सभी जानवरों में से मुझे बिल्लियां सबसे ज्यादा पसंद हैं.
@Shea El idioma oficial del chat es ahora español.
@phenomnomnominal ya sé, jajaja lo amo
@BadgerGirl: I know little Hindi. Try to chat in English. I am from South India.
@RenjithJR What is your mother tongue?
en anglais, s'il vous plaît?
@BadgerGirl: Tamil and Malayalam.
@RenjithJR എനിക്ക് ആ പ്രശ്നം പരിഹരിക്കാന്‍ സാധിച്ചു.
@BadgerGirl: Do you know Malayalam?
You are from?
yo fallar
ഞാൻ ആരാണെന്ന് നിനക്കറിയില്ല.
This looks so weird.
@BadgerGirl: You are from?
looks like a bunch of boxes to me :)
@Shea The number of boxes represent the level of excitement.
you were very excited to see @RenjithJR than
That's right.
@phenomnomnominal help me with CSPs.
What is happening here?
Content Security Policies?
Communication Sequential Processes?
Constraint Satisfaction Problems?
!!/google CSPs
Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Ooh fun!
Very much!
Well depends
Or sarcasm? :(
On a scale from automating timetabling to tetris AI, how fun is the problem?
Small excercises. I'm studying for an exam.
I can perhaps help!
Ok. Variables: X1, X2, X3, X4
Domain: X1, X3 is 1, 2, 3 and X4, X5 is 1, 3, 5, 7
Restrictions: X1 <> X2, X1<> X3, X2<>X3, X2<> X4
What is the exploration order when using most-constrained-variable?
Oops, domain for X2, X4 is 1, 3, 5, 7
I answered X1, X3, X2, X4 just based on the domains. Am I right?
That is too easy. :(
X1 and X3 are the most constrained right?
So it makes sense
Why the :(?
What is the relaxation factor in X1 <> X2?
Oh, I know.
I should start paying attention to class. I always play tetris.
Oh, I wanted to ask you, do you know about minimax?
Minimax yes!
with or without alpha beta pruning?
With! :)
We used Minimax with AB pruning to write an AI for playing 4x4x4 tic tac toe
Nice. :)
What language did you use?
JavaScript haha
Oh. I have to use Scheme.
Had to fudge an implementation of lazy evaluation in JS haha
Scheme will be ok
Linux Mint 14 with KDE Desktop is phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal Skype?
I'm out getting food sorry!
It's fine.
Lisp is for lusers
Q: Yahoo Authorization OAUTH:oauth_problem="timestamp_refused"

NezamI have been following Yahoo OAUTH guide closely and successfully established a connection and was able to retrieve the access token along with other objects which i get in response URI.But, now when i try to fetch the Contacts of the authenticated user i always get this Error no matter what NTP s...

@Nezam all I can to is to increment your view counter.
@JanDvorak how abt a vote up too ?
@Nezam you are right. I could upvote ... done.
@JanDvorak thanks for that
Q: indexDB not displaying new entires in Chrome

BatmanIm using the indexDB API with an HTML5 form. For some reason when I add a new entry into it, it display right away in Firefox but in Chrome is do not show until I refresh the page. JS: var mainForm, fName, lName, uName, pass, email, dob, phone, bio, nl, terms, school, gender, save, reset, db;...

1 hour later…
Can i load a page at a specific time using javascript
only if the page-loading page is loaded at that moment
then it's easy
Yo mamma's so fat, your father no longer finds her attractive so now they're getting divorced
Hello ranting space. I just want to say that HTML5 Boilerplate's responsive template sucks dick... that is all.
hello our fellow ranter. Thank you for your contribution.
WTF is this shit? rantingspace.com
I'm offended by that website... offers nothing in terms of ranting
still better than lemonparty.org
which has nothing to do with lemons or partying either
ok.... maybe partying. But not lemons.
haha yea, I could have done without that
Q: Issue in drawing two graphs in same page using springy js

prashu132When I try to draw 2 graph in same page first one starts to expand and nodes go out of the canvas boundary. A screenshot is given below for better understanding. I am using dhotson's springy framework for drawing graphs. I have raised an issue in their github page https://github.com/dhotson/sprin...

please help me to solve this
“Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration. ” - Stan Kelly-Bootle
Q: how to get the DataKey value in gridview using jquery or javascript?

ramanI have a gridview and i am adding two buttons "Edit and Delete" dynamically(by code). Here is my HTML Code: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CellPadding="4" BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None"> <Al...

Please help me
Is there no way to send a json object together with a $.get ? (and not having it being made into params)
Nope. If it's a GET request, your data being passed has to be in the params
Okay thanks :)
Or in the URL somehow
@AndersMetnik can you not use POST?
Changed to post already, thanks :)
Im getiing this message whenever posting question
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more
any idea
Q: Issue in drawing two graphs in same page using springy js

prashu132When I try to draw 2 graph in same page first one starts to expand and nodes go out of the canvas boundary. A screenshot is given below for better understanding. I am using dhotson's springy framework for drawing graphs. I have raised an issue in their github page https://github.com/dhotson/sprin...

help me guyz

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