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and so world IPV6 day begins
Happy IPv6 day
Can someone tell me how I can set a delay after page load before performing an animation?
something along the lines of this?
$(window).load().delay(2000, function() {
doesnt work though
r u asking me?
im a newbie hehe
lemme search that real quick
It was meant to say "have you tried/heard of, if so did it go wrong"?
ok so i could basically wrap the animation in a function and then use setTimeout to call that function after a period of time?
awesome im on it thanks!
if it's simple you can use an anonymous function inside settimeout
rather than wrapping it in a named function
awesome it worked... not sure what you mean by an anonymous function David
i just named it showGallery(){ ...
A function that has no name: function() {}. Sexy.
who knows maybe I can reuse it
ahh ok
"Function Expression"
i see what you mean
As ecma so gloriously refers to it
Lispers know it as the precious Lambda
function expressions don't have to be anonymous
The production FunctionExpression : function ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody } ...
though this is from ECMA 3rd edition
Versus function declarations
The production FunctionDeclaration : function Identifier ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody }
I wonder if my code will ever pass both JSHint and JSLint :/
@onteria you're reading the wrong thing
bottom of page 97 of ECMA 262
that's 5th ed though, if you're reading the 3rd ed it's at the top of page 79
7 hours later…
posted on June 08, 2011

This week’s. Horace Dediu points out that with HTC paying Microsoft $5 per Android phone to avoid patent stuff, Microsoft makes five times more money from Android than from Windows Phone. The Next Web has an interesting thought about what Apple ought to do with their billions sitting around in their bank account: buy an operator. Wouldn’t be a bad idea. Businessweek takes a lo

> Microsoft makes five times more money from Android than from Windows Phone
I'll just... say that again
@YiJiang what is HTC paying Microsoft for?
RT @mathias: What’s new in iOS 5 for web developers: http://mths.be/bac
RT @BoazSender: Boston's own @beep just announced his new book "Responsive Web Design": http://gul.ly/16z. This is bound to be a good read!
RT @dalmaer: Fast Browser Image Manipulation using WebGL: The webgl-filter Project: Evan Wallace introduces WebGL filters as ... http:// ...
RT @kangax: Will we see a color picker in Chrome/WebKit inspector? http://goo.gl/XoUUn (I know Opera's Dragonfly already has one)
RT @Paul_Kinlan: Modern Debugging Tips and Tricks http://6sen.se/lY595N
RT @mesh: 20 Websites Using @font-face : http://t.co/BJWzEvp
RT @codepo8: Like Mozilla's documentation about web technologies? http://mzl.la/mGl4VB - promote us on your site :)
RT @reybango: Media Capture API prototype for IE9 released. Focuses on the audio portion of the W3C spec. http://bit.ly/jtHZa1
RT @mathias: Everything you always wanted to know about @​font-face, in 126 slides: http://slidesha.re/indSmE /by @jaffathecake
So I've got this ASP.NET thing. Who's an expert on it
@Raynos: I hear Bill Gates is quite savvy
Q: history.go('url') issue

VikasI've seen that history.go() method can have two types of parameter: see: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_his_go.asp But url does not working at all. I use JavaScript console of browser to test this method but got no success. I know that there are security issues, that you can't read histo...

^ W3Schools claims another victim
@AndyE I hear he knows nothing
Hate w3schools :(
I may DDOS it
@Raynos What's your .NET problem? I might know something about it.
1 hour later…
@RyanKinal Oh Its no longer a problem. Because we evaluated it not to be worth solving.
RT @erikdahlstrom: emberwind game being ported to web - http://goo.gl/b2dp7 don't miss the presentation + demo: http://bit.ly/lz91Uk (vi ...
@Raynos Hah. Fair enough.
Everytime someone mentions W3Schools, God becomes a kitten
@onteria link
downvotes galore!
you know when we use margin:auto; to get the wrapper in the center of the page. is there any such thing to get that wrap in the center vertically when the hight of the parent div is dynamic
I mean, you can use some JavaScript and do some calculations, but it's not terribly reliable.
But there is no pure CSS solution
ok thanks
From an email I got from paypal saying my browser may be outdated
Sorry paypal, but I hardly think Firefox 5 and Google Chrome Canary are "outdated"
Though if this is a sneaky attempt to get users to mass upgrade their browsers, paypal++
ladies and gentlemen, userAgent sniffing in a nutshell
I have to wonder whether that text is actually based on UA sniffing
oh, looks like a static page
misread the intro to it
It definitely reads like they're using UA sniffing
I wonder if the email is sent to particular users based on previous UA sniffing
I think it's a cover-all
I mentioned this yesterday
Q: Design and usage of ES5 in jQuery plugin scaffolding

RaynosI ended up writing a jQuery plugin template that emphasised on setting up good structure but also tried to not get in the way of plugin development. I also attempted to stick to writing JavaScript rather then taking on various patterns that come from other languages into JavaScript. Could this...

Have ideas on how newbs could learn jQuery to earn badges? Feedback for School of Webcraft requested here: http://goo.gl/LrtmC
Typical microsoft code -> Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.HtmlEncode
Oh enterprise namespaces, I love you.
@Raynos Java/C# developers trying to write js code...*sigh*
@aurel if you know the height of the child you can center it
by putting a top:50% and a negative top-margin of half the height of the child
and a few position:relatives
@Zirak thanks but the hight is determined by dynamic text
it is basically I tick near some text
you can use table(s) in this case if it's nothing major
I am design a do to list website so the table would be used for the main content
then you need to rethink your design
@aurel Me? Why me?
sorry that was thanks to @david sorry @Zirak
@Raynos that is the kind of thing I am trying to do, but I wanted to "radio button" in the middle, if the use types a long paragraph
even google does not have the radio button in the middle so I'm just going to leave it at the top
I got bit by IPv6 day last night...
my browser wasn't sending requests to my Apache vhost running on localhost because I only had the IPv4 entry configured in /etc/hosts...
is it ok/valid to use an input tag outside a form (I thought it wasn't)
is it valid? probably not.
is it ok? no
do browsers parse and render it? yes.
according to the w3c validator inputs are alright outside of a form
Controls are valid outside of a form, they're just not considered to be "successful," which just means that they aren't candidates for submission by a form (pretty obvious).
which is fine if you don't actually want them to be submitted anywhere
in the case
What do people think of P2PU ?
sorry about the above line, didn't mean it
@Raynos that site took 31.51 seconds to load in FF 4
@MattMcDonald yes.
its full of trolls
seems they forgot to use background-image(s) in CSS instead of hundreds of img requests for the same file
fork it on github and fix it for them :D
doesn't have a github account nor enough git knowledge
though I'm figuring out the command-line
I wrote a script for terminal that zips 4 folders, moves them, makes a folder, then zips them again
couldn't figure out copy+paste in time
I'm stuck on japanese.stackexchange.com now
I think my SO participation is going bye bye :s
@onteria o/ have fun
It's kind of small at the moment though, so I'll have to wait out and see how it turns out
There's potential for questions similar to SO "Write the code for me" to happen in the form of "Translate this for me"
@onteria review my code >_>
The hell is a compound assignment?
Ehm not sure
maybe var o = 4, b = 5; ?
Looked at the answers to qfox.nl/weblog/233 (annoying questions...most of them parsing-related)
It was listed that a use for the forward slash / is "compound assignment".
oh, it's for /=
of course
var foo = 4;
foo /= 2;
alert(foo); //2
Oh that >_<
I didnt recognise divide-equal
>>>= :D
--> operator ftw
I'm not sure you could come up with worse example data for /= than dividing 4 by 2.
I suppose var foo = 1; foo /= 1; alert(foo); //1 would be worse.
var foo = 4; foo /= 0; alert(foo);
ha! (although the Infinity would actually be a fairly good clue to what happened)
I want to bitch-slap whoever made it Infinity. x/0 !== ∞
Throw an error or even better, NaN...it's really Not a Number
Well, infinity isn't a number too, so...
console.log(typeof Infinity) //"number";
typeof NaN === 'number'
you can't really do anything with it unless you go Infinity ^ 0 or reset it
NaN !== Nan;
number the type is not necessarily a number any more than String as a type can be used to tie up a package.
hi has anyone here used Twilio or have knowledge of it?
I just noticed something....to hit Ctrl+1 for example, instead of using the pinky and middle or ring finger, I move my hand outside the keyboard and use my thumb and index finger. Weird. :P
@Zirak your weird
@ErrorErrorError fail
1 message moved to PHP
Well, typeof null is object if it makes you feel any better :p
The more and more I use StackExchange sites, the more and more I understand what the maker of the 2ch message board was talking about when he stated that anonymous presence means you have to back yourself up every time
@onteria what do you mean?
@Raynos In sites where a name is attached to someone, it's easy to look at a person's answers with bias
@Raynos When you're dealing with an anonymous system, no one knows who you are. You can't just claim "I'm a PhD" or "I have 10 years of experience" an expect people to just go with what you say
@Zirak I used to do that before I swapped capslock and ctrl.
@Raynos Also since people are anonymous, they're more likely to call you out on things they normally wouldn't
@Raynos Indeed stop claiming being @Raynos!
of course how they do that is a different story all together
@onteria thats not completely true for SE
I respect 10k+ users
@MattMcDonald I do UA sniffing all day long...
but that's because of mobile devices, no?
@Raynos Not entirely true, but true non-the-less. There's a lot of bias towards, say, Jon Skeet. If he and I posted the same answer, he'd probably get hella more upvotes than me.
@MattMcDonald It's because of variying support of translate3d etc. and rendering being faster with really different methods :/
But I do like the fact that users with lots of rep still respect my opinion enough to argue with someone like me.
there are a fair amount of users with high rep I don't care for
btw Opera is the worst browser EVER
in terms of rendering performance
though I still give courtesy upvotes to users I know do a good job
@IvoWetzel Why not feature sniff instead?
@IvoWetzel Tried running Mosaic lately?
@codelahoma Then tell me how I'm going to figure out what rendering method is faster...
the best isn't always the fastest, sadly
translates SUCK in FX
@IvoWetzel I misunderstood. Disregard.
left / top is actually a LOT faster
@Zirak I installed Netscape 4 a while ago to settle an argument.
@Zirak Yeah! Runs the 8bit C64 version pretty well :P
wget has the fastest rendering since it doesn't do any at all :P
So if anyone needs Free AOL & Unlimited Internet, I've got it on my Start menu.
Man I have tons of AOL CD's laying around my place
I used to, but I've moved since they stopped sending them.
@codelahoma I've looked for early Netscape (vr. 1-4) for a really long time, couldn't find any.
I've always liked Konqueror as my weird one off browser
"At the heart of Konqueror is the KHTML rendering engine supporting the latest Web Standards such as HTML5, Javascript, CSS3 and others. Alternatively, Konqueror can also use Webkit (a KHTML-derived engine now used by Google Chrome and Apple's Safari)."
@Zirak Can't help you with earlier ones, but you can get 4.78 here: browser.netscape.com/releases
@codelahoma Sweet, thanks
I have a quick question, how can I make a copy of the Math.random function?
Reason I ask is because im using something that turns math.random into a seeded random function
var random = Math.random;
`var math_rand_function = Math.random;`
I tried that
it seems to be overwritten
ill try again
> var rand = Math.random;
> rand()
yeah but is that a truly new duplicate Math.random now?
or is it just referencing Math.random
It's referencing it
because my math.random gets overwritten by this function that turns it into a seeded function
is there a way to clone it without it being a ref?
you shouldn't be attempting to overwrite math.random
im not, this function I got is.. maybe ill just change it
it just makes it really easy on me, because I can seed the program at start
and all my math.random calls are the same then
as long as I use the same seed
Then do something like Math.seeded. Try to overwrite built-in stuff as little as possible
yeah ill see if that works
it should
r = Math.random();
Math.random = function() { return 6; // determined by fair die roll }
r(); // worked for me
what Zirak said, plus you can modify the seed function to overwrite the built-in. That way you get the builtin if you don't seed, but the seeded if you do. Best of both worlds.
yeah onteria was getting confused
you can just copy Math.random somewhere temporary, it should work @Loktar
ok ill try that again then, I think im just getting confused myself because im trying to use 2 diff rand functions in tandom
ack, inconsistent code
what im doing is making a random image
but, I want to gen a random seed
so I have to use the standard random to make the random seed, for the seeded random function
I always find it funny that people generate a random number in order to generate random numbers...
create and store your random seed before you swap out the functions.
right now you have to manually type in a seed
which just gets annoying
he can keep a copy of the old function, you just need to do it before your library overwrites it
if you check the docs the library might make a backup for you already
yeah ill do that, it overwrites it when included Ill just change it to overwrite when its first initiated
heh, no its a pretty small file I cant even remember where I got it
@Loktar o/ Where is that awesome JS game you were making?
@Loktar You could use something like new Date()/100000.00 % 1
Its minified
but running it through the beautifier its easy to follow
its pretty cool overall
yeah @codelahoma I think they do something similiar just to a greater extent.
@Raynos lol.. idk
I meant you could do it to create your random seed instead of typing one in.
@Raynos I got bored of it :?
good idea @codelahoma
thanks man, thats perfect actually
glad to help :-)
@Raynos now im working on a ship game with procedural generated ships :P
worldofrot.com/stuff/shipgen Small ship gen, not seeded
56 wpm; I'm still crap.
that's quite cool looking @Loktar
Hey, if anyone's still looking for good ideas for cool JS/webapp projects... last week I made a slideshow using iPhoto and iMovie ('09), and I realized all the fancy effects could be done these days with HTML5. You could take an array of video/photo URLs and output something like that.
@david thanks, David Bollinger came up with the intial algo for it
You can get some cool results
SUPER SWEET: play.typeracer.com
Probably pwned by script kiddies, though
I managed 66 wpm that time.
I remember trying Dvorak for a few days.
var img = new Image();
img.src = foo;
img.onload = function() {};
What are the cross browser pitfalls I should be aware off?
a couple
opera and I believe older versions of IE
don't fire onlaod for cached images
but you can do a width check after setting the source
if it's > 0 it's cached and ready
A: What is the best JavaScript code to create an img element

bobinceoImg.setAttribute('width', '1px'); px is for CSS only. Use either: oImg.width= '1'; to set a width through HTML, or: oImg.style.width= '1px'; to set it through CSS. Note that old versions of IE don't create a proper image with document.createElement(), and old versions of KHTML don't cre...

oh, and you have to set the onload handler before assigning the src
because the onload event can be dispatched before the handler is reached
Why, oh why do programmers everywhere seem to think they know the best way to calculate dates, and it's always functions that make no sense and are full of problems and based on magic values?
function dateToDays($day,$month,$year) {

	$century = substr($year,0,2);
	$year = substr($year,2,2);

	if($month > 2) {
		$month -= 3;
	} else {
		$month += 9;
		if($year) {
		} else {
			$year = 99;
			$century --;

	return (
	    floor(( 146097 * $century) / 4 ) +
	    floor(( 1461 * $year) / 4 ) +
	    floor(( 153 * $month + 2) / 5 ) +
	    $day + 1721119

because parsing dates looks easy at first...and by the time you realize it isn't, you have a big old mess of code that you're now determined to make work? :)
Or they're just total idiots. Case in point:
default :
case "S" :
inside a switch case
Because the Javascript date functions are horrible, like with 0-based months and 1-based weekdays or whatever it is?
oh actually, they were just written by programmers everywhere like you're talking about.
@Nathan I just realized I'm ranting in the wrong room. That was php :S.
I need to stop using default
useless, just like continue
@MattMcDonald How so?
Default and continue can have their uses.
for default, you just add your code after the switch
I am trying to style an element through jquery, so that if js does not exist, it would not make a difference, but this code is not working
'backgroundColor': 'red',
'background-Image': '../images/tickbox.jpg'
every search points to something like that
need a few curly braces in there
@MattMcDonald Wait, what?
@MattMcDonald Are you not using breaks in your switch-cases?
of course I'm using breaks
What do you mean, goes after the switch?
That code will always run, a switch-case's default is conditional.
take it easy on the assumptions
I know this already
@david if that was for me, the background color now works thanks, but the image does not
hey, anyone here a canvas expert? I have some pretty general questions. I'd like to use it for building a genome browser but I'm not sure if it'll just make things harder. Currently I'm "drawing" things using spans and divs and I'm wondering if using canvas will offer benefits in terms of performance and extensibility
try chucking url() around it, 'background-image':'url("../images/tickbox.jpg")'
canvas is fun!
obligatory link inc
I know you have to redraw things on window resize and stuff like that, can you draw in overflow though?
@MattMcDonald I'm confused, are you trolling me?
a close equivalent to what I'm trying to do is something like Google Finance I guess
except instead of graphs I'm dealing with horizontal bars
	if (orientation == "+") {
		var element = '<span id=' + geneId + ' class="gene"></span>';
	} else {
		var element = '<span id=' + geneId + ' class="gene antisense"></span>';

	if (length >= 1) {
		.css({'width':length.toString() + 'px','left':position.toString() + 'px'});
and that's how I'm drawing them
not very complicated but I need each of these items to expose some means of interaction, is this possible with canvas? Ie. on hover I want to display information relevant to the item
you could do it, but it would mean reading the mouse position and trying to work out which item they're interested in
you could try SVG instead, which actually has elements for each line you're drawing
do you know if I can draw in overflow with either SVG or canvas? I need to be able to store extra information as a buffer so that the user can scroll through seamlessly
pretty sure you can, not sure if you can scroll through canvas though without redrawing
Yegge is usually good. My absolute favorite part is the very end where Eclipse breaks the couch :)
@Zirak Hah, it's actually really fun. We used to have that in the office.
@IvoWetzel We certainly should fire it for cached images, if we don't that's a bug. Though I guess if you define the load event handler after setting the source there's a race-condition so if we load it from cache quick enough then the load event will fire before the load event handler is set.
I remember introducing js to a friend Java developer. It was like, hate-hate-hate-hate-hate-not using-hate-hate-this is the best language ever
Oh man >_<
So many bugs.
Must make unit tests pass.
@Raynos Set img.onload before img.src otherwise you have a race-condition.
@gsnedders thanks
@Zirak flash === RAGE
Rewrite it in HTML5
then link it
@Raynos It's a game where you kill bugs.
I play it every time I have to write C++ (or C) code and run it through a compiler
I've made a monster jsfiddle.net/radu/sjcbp
@Radu what the...
view it in fullscreen mode jsfiddle.net/radu/sjcbp/show
just a hastily written component I've put together but there's so many issues that I'm going to end up scrapping it and starting over
Object.defineProperties you are my friend
I'm really annoyed by the direction flash games are taking
that game overloaded me with achievements and notifications
heh...yeah. i got an achievement for just playing the game...that's a little too achievementy.
generally, you leave an instructions "page" for those interested and let anyone who doesn't read it try to swim
that's part of what makes games so much fun
hi can someone help me with some code.... i'm at my wits end trying to solve this puzzle... you might need to know some jquery and php if needed.... anyone??
if you see people in the room, go ahead and ask
Using jsfiddle pointing at github to test my stuff
so I do
git add .
git commit -m "minor bug"
git push origin master
<refresh jsfiddle>
For all my testing
Which seems plain retarded.
well first i can't find getubCat() ; defined anywhere in this code...
usually, you describe the problem before posting the code
@user481913 pastie.com is your friend
That's a giant wall of shit you have there
uh, you've declared the id on the select element twice
2 messages moved to PHP
@user481913 have fun in PHP
they'll love that
guys... you're tossing me out :)
@user481913 most of that code was PHP & HTML
before even letting me describe the problem...
i was coming to javascript... when did programmers become so impatient....:)
I'm just redirecting you to the PHP room. We don't do PHP
your problem looked to be improper HTML
sadly, the html tag on SO is crap and there's no (active) chat room for it
ok let me see where the 2 id's are....
they're on the select with the onchange
I have no idea what was your problem can be, since I can't for the life of me read your code. pastie.com or some other close alternative
It's pastie.org
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