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Q: Is setting element.id as a side effect bad practice?

RaynosI'm writing a little cached function in a plugin / library. It takes a HTMLElement and returns a Decorator. return function _cache(elem) { if (elem.id === "") { elem.id = PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + uid++; } if (cache[elem.id] === void 0) { cache[elem.id] = _factory(elem); ...

Working on a plugin template
Does anyone have any comments on this? It would be much appreciated.
I'm with @Zirak (or at least what @Zirak implied). Use data-cache-id or similar.
I still don't get why you're using id instead of data-, that's what data is for
fail ;_;
so much fail -.-
Also, I'm pretty sure document.getElementsById isn't O(1)
Put an answer saying "hurr durr use data- you noob"
@Zirak It is.
@Zirak I bet you're right. If it were using a hash, then calling it on a page with duplicate ids (I know they're illegal, but I've got a lot of crap code to mitigate here) would retrieve the last one instead of the first one (in document order).
@codelahoma Depends how the hash table is maintained.
@gsnedders Do you have a citation for O(1)? (not being snarky, genuinely curious)
@MattMcDonald how cross-browser are getAttribute and setAttribute ?
@codelahoma If I point at my own comment that doesn't work, does it? :)
Afraid not. :-)
pretty cross-browser, though quirky in IE
@Raynos They're DOM Level 1, work everywhere.
@codelahoma read the webkit source
@Raynos DOM level 2 methinks, so pretty cross-browser
return function _cache(elem) {
    var attr = "data-" + PLUGIN_NAME + "-cache";
    var val = elem.getAttribute(attr);
    if (val === "") {
        elem.setAttribute(attr, PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + uid++);
    if (cache[val] === undefined) {
        cache[val] = _factory(elem);
    return cache[val];
Have I done anything else stupid in the above snippet?
The sAttrName parameter requires the name of the desired content attribute (property, not attribute. they goofed here) and not the Document Object Model (DOM) attribute. For example, in IE8 mode, this method no longer requires sAttrName to be "className" when setting, getting, or removing a CLASS attribute. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer 8 in compatibility mode still require sAttrName to specify the corresponding DOM property name.
grr, I hate my answer:

> Instead of using the `id`, use `data-x` - that's what it was created for.

`id` has a specific meaning, is confusing to see it automagically generated (even if properly documented, which is nearly never.) You're also risking a slight chance of override.
@codelahoma Treat my comment as a comment from a browser vendor. :P
bah, wth
afk :/
data- attributes are html5, no?
@MattMcDonald yes
right, so you only have to worry about IE 9 in quirks or compat mode
@gsnedders Will do. (Beats reading source in pursuit of something I'm really not all that invested in)
@codelahoma But you'll learn stuff!
className, htmlFor, cssFloat (IE9 + w3c)/styleFloat (IE <= 8 | IE Quirks), etc
@gsnedders I'm always learning stuff, but there are only so many hours in the day.
I should have been able to notice that myself
@codelahoma But working on browsers is fun!
@gsnedders I don't doubt it. Speaking of hours, it's time for me to head home. Good chatting with y'all.
Whilst you guys are here Some feedback on this would be awesome
Fine I'll shoot a CodeReview.SE question about it :P
Anyone got any tips for troubleshooting the 'Oh Snap' chrome error page?
something is blowing up the tab...
@david are you using chrome 13?
@david thats the problem
its unstable
I have the same problem
Writing [].toString() in the console crashes chrome 13
le drats
A: jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact

RaynosSince I gave critique about this template I will propose an alternative. To make live easier this relies on jQuery 1.6+ and ES5 (use the ES5 Shim. Turns out my critique was unjustified. I ended writing more boilerplate code. I have tried to keep it properly loosely coupled so you have boilerpla...

1 downvote already -.-
What's up with that
Oh, he changed his mind.
Can anyone tell me why list items are not floating left, even though I specify them to float left. Rather the first two sit next to each other, then the third sits to the right (rather than the left) on the next level down and then the fourth sits below that to the left. So strange I dont understand it.
Q: Extract the current DOM and print it as a string, with styles intact

D-NiceI'd like to be able to take my DOM, as is, and convert it to a string. Let's say I open up the inspector and make a change to the margin-left property of a particular element. That change should be reflected in my string. The function should properly take all the styles currently applied to an...

oh man this is such a cool question
You've probably done something wrong @JohnMerlino
But what? I even forced it to display: inline and float: left
yet neither of them work
css problems are useless without code + markup
thats the link
container width + height are likely an issue
The immediate container, I changed around but didnt do anything
made sure the width wasnt less than width of li tags
yeah, looks like inconsistent heights is the problem
if you add height:250px; to your .hoverbox li rule
that didnt do anything. There is a form that allows you to add images, and thats how images were added, but I cant image that should affect anything since the php gets converted to html.
$gal_imgs = $post->gallery_image->get();
echo "<div class='gallery_image'>";
echo "<ul class='hoverbox'>";
foreach($gal_imgs as $gal){
echo "<li>" . "<a href='#'>" . image_tag(array('src'=>'system/application/public/images/'. $gal->image_file_name, 'alt'=>$gal->image_file_name,'width'=>200)) . "</a>" . "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
I think there is some css declaration thats not related to this that is causing an issue
got to go, @david thanks for taking time to look
WIP relating to that question I posted: jsfiddle.net/mkmcdonald/pMZDH/1

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