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Q: How make .executable file from html5 css application?

crynaldo madridI would like to make windows desktop application using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. I am trying tdesdk from http://www.tidesdk.org/ XULRunner from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/XULRunner appjs from http://appjs.org/ I read documentations of these technologies. But i didn't see expo...

@BadgerGirl I asked my chemist friend, she didn't work in any programming environment, so sorry.
Any luck on your end?
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. [Edsger W. Dijkstra]
The Git status bash script I linked to yesterday. Don't install it!
@OctavianDamiean ?
it's a trap?
There must be some error in the script which will cause you display manager to jump into a login loop.
If your Linux-foo isn't strong enough you'll end up crying.
god bless ctrl + alt +f1
or just rebooting the pc...
Still even then you have to figure out what it is.
That doesn't help you.
oh, the script is run on startup?
You won't be able to login unless you fix your .profile
It's extremely tricky to catch since there's no error message for that. :D
It just silently fails.
@AmaanCheval you just lost THE GAME!
!!/forget guesswhat
@AmaanCheval Command guesswhat forgotten.
@OctavianDamiean yeah guess so
wouldn't have thought about it
I probably would've gone and see what the script did
why is google shutting down reader? i don't get this at all
It took me a couple tears till I thought about the .profile
@GNi33 Because they have users, not customers
..is what I read on a blog post about it
They have ads, don't they?
I'd get if they stopped updating it and shit, but let the service be!
yep, it works fine as it is
and it has ads in it, is it really not working out for them as a product?
i use that thing all the time
@AmaanCheval it's expensive
Q: A JS-based WYSIWYG HTML editor with flexible image upload?

Alexei AverchenkoIs there a good JS-based WYSIWYG HTML editor with flexible image upload out there? Ideally, I'd like an editor that allows me to handle image upload in a custom callback.

@FlorianMargaine Yeah, it must be
They wouldn't be shutting it down if it wasn't
Anyone know any decent music streaming apps for iPhone?
shut down youtube instead, would be better for me :D
Reader? Pfff ... who needs RSS ...
Couldn't find Grooveshark or the like on the App Store
@AmaanCheval and on safari?
@XCritics I'm from Austria, it was around 1:30am for me
@FlorianMargaine App preferred
@AmaanCheval you'd have to pay for it on the phone
(It's for my sister, not me, so I don't know why she wants an app over a webapp)
because web-apps can't run in the background?
@GNi33 They can now, I think
@GNi33 they can
that made grooveshark unusable for me on the phone/pad
not on apple though
but they can
on android in the UIWebView
Ah, that's probably why
@GNi33 Grooveshark has an iOS app?
Android allows multiple apps to run
iOS has different states for apps and forces them to die
@AmaanCheval not sure, but I think so...
basically there is NO background app except for those which "apple" allows
ah, yeah, right
it's not in the app or play-store
@Darkyen hm, will have to look into that, but I don't think that they let a chrome-tab run in the background
@AmaanCheval Do you have an iPhone!?
A: Obfuscated C Code Contest 2006. Please explain sykes2.c

nneonneoLet's de-obfuscate it. Indenting: main(_) { _^448 && main(-~_); putchar(--_%64 ? 32 | -~7[__TIME__-_/8%8][">'txiZ^(~z?"-48] >> ";;;====~$::199"[_*2&8|_/64]/(_&2?1:8)%8&1 : 10); } Introducing variables to untangle this mess: main(int i) { ...

@OctavianDamiean Nope. My sister does
@GNi33 iOS just cant
@OctavianDamiean he has an iPod though ... right ?
I've got an iPod Touch, though
Oh i love the side..
12 stars for rlemon
Meh, I don't care for iPods.
I wouldn't get an iPhone. Overpriced shit
I was just afraid that I'll have to hate you now.
Would have hated to hate you ...
I use a Galaxy Nexus
Better? :p
@FlorianMargaine holy...
Yeah. Insane.
@OctavianDamiean dude, i'm so glad that i waited to get the nexus 4 over the s3
@GNi33 I don't like you.
but.... why? ;_;
I waited for like 6 months for Google to release a new phone. They took over Motorola. So I waited. And waited. Then I gave up and just got the Galaxy Nexus. 2 months later, the Nexus 4 is announced
Meh, the GN is still good.
But my phone is still pretty good
well, and i waited like half a year till it was finally available to buy
Better than being stuck with a Nexus S.
Hahaha fair enough
though it was already out
It still isn't available in India
Neither was the GN
But shhhh
@GNi33 Should have imported it from Canada or something.
) dudes is it time for NOT using jquery more?
jsfiddle.net/6d6We/6 <- look at the comment <3
well, i survived the wait, so no need for that :)
do you have valid alternative for not using jquery?
depends on what you'll need to target
GNi33 what you mean? device type?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yea, use Zepto.
Octavian i heard about it, what's the advantage?
no, old browsers
Forget about old browsers ...
Use Zepto, thank me later.
@GNi33 you mean html5 ?
@OctavianDamiean yeah... i'm not going to have this discussion again
jQuery 2.x will drop the support for old browsers anyway ...
and why exactly Zepto?
@OctavianDamiean i checked the doc time ago, and i was to trying zepto, so can you just say to me which advantages you taken from it? )
yeah, i think i'd rather use jQuery 2+ then
Because, it is modular, it is jQuery API compatible and it is mobile device friendly (in fact it was developed for mobile devices).
(i think on present and future, i don't care on old browser sincerily)
@OctavianDamiean, semi compatible
@OctavianDamiean oh good, what about issues? do you encounter them often? i mean any problem, well supported?
Most developers don't care about old browsers themselves
It's those nasty clients
Well yea, some things are not 100% jQuery compatible but that's not as much of an issue.
But it's useful to know about them
Specifically event helper events
@OctavianDamiean well if doc is well done no problems
like $(document).ajaxStart(...) doesn't exist
It is fairly well documented.
You need to use $(document).on('ajaxstart', ...)
@OctavianDamiean Weren't you working on a website for yourself? (Which I said I'd be copying?)
but i mean, i saw many js helpers in these days, i checked backbone,mustache for example
Any progress?
@phenomnomnominal i tend to not use shorthand-functions anyhow
i would like to use lightweight js support when coding on js, so zepto is the choiche for all i need?
They released the latest BF3 extension which I had to checkout. :D
or i'll need mustache and/or backbone too
what also about modernizer ?
@OctavianDamiean ^
@GNi33, I'm the same - but it tripped me the fuck up when someone elses code completely broke when we switched to zepto :)
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Well, you can't compare them, they're all for different things.
@OctavianDamiean hehe, no need to whistle, that's a totally valid reason for not working :D
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick If you don't care for older browsers then modernizr is not really of much help to you.
@GNi33 But whistling is fun!
@OctavianDamiean modernizer, was it not html5 ?
An odd number of people get pissed off if you whistle all the time
@phenomnomnominal i'd really expect it to break if i'd switch to zepto i think
Guys, I have a question.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Modernizr is a feature detection library.
what does this regex do? '/([.!?])\s*(\w)/e'
@OctavianDamiean no, that's not true
I know, you can detect some obscure things with it but for what?
@OctavianDamiean understood, so as i understood i can put jquery to the basket and use zepto )
there are a lot of differences when it comes to features in newer browsers too
and Modernizr catches a lot of them out of the box
@OctavianDamiean minified version of zepto is 9kb WTFFF
@OctavianDamiean, yeah it's really useful for normalisation more than anything
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I wouldn't say that. I mean jQuery has some interesting stuff that Zepto hasn't but you'll have to find out for yourself if you need that stuff.
do i need jquery+zepto or zepto is kind of magic? )
@GNi33 That's a good point.
@OctavianDamiean but 9Kb :O soooooo light
why does?
using Modernizr or not shouldn't depend on what browsers you target, it should depend on what features you're going to use
Best you can do is target only Chrome. (obvious troll) :P
just saying "I don't care bout IE<=8" doesn't make using Modernizr useless
* Canary :)
@OctavianDamiean hehe
btw. seems like the fixed canary again
@OctavianDamiean why zepto min 9kb?? :O
rly lightweight :O
can't understand
It's so weird seeing people talk to someone you ignored
i just realised what day it is
Thursday? :/
(in 45 mins)
@OctavianDamiean ^ ))
sadly, this day doesn't really help me though :(
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Where are you from?
@AmaanCheval india ... eheh ... italy dude
it's steak&bj - day guys
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick What?
@OctavianDamiean i mean ... zepto minified version = 9kb :O
how can it be possible !?!?
jquery min = 50++ KB
so i guess, zepto jquery based, should be 59kb ++
Well, you obviously don't understand anything.
it's not jquery-based
@OctavianDamiean i don't understand many things, pls tells me ..
and jQuery min+gzip is about 30kb
not jquery-based and how can it support jquery?
I said it is jQuery API compatible not based on jQuery.
> Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API.
It's very similar to jQuery for its API. It isn't based on it.
oh so you need jquery anyway !?
god, no
but you can avoid jquery using zepto ok
think about two libraries that share the same API
For gods sake, you'll have to find out what features you need and then pick the library you need or do it all in plain JS for the kicks.
won't go without problems, would it?
@GNi33 $.noConflict();
@AmaanCheval u from st kitty right?
@AmaanCheval if i'll ever see that in some code....
st kitty?
"I use jQuery, but I needed this one little tiny feature of prototype, so i smashed in the whole bloated library, but nao is all brokeeen, plz hlp"
Like you you'll need deferred objects then Zepto is not going to be what you're looking for but if you can do with the simple ajax interface then Zepto will be just fine.
@AmaanCheval no sorry nothing
yeah, zepto is like the core-features of the jQuery-lib without a lot of the sugar
Mustache is a templating library, Backbone is an architecture framework, you can use all of them together of course ...
but probably just fine for most websites and alike
They all solve different problems (and introduce new ones).
thanks understood now dudes
i'll try zepto for sure
anyways, happy steak-and-blowjob - day to everyone in here with a girlfriend
need to grab a smoke
@GNi33 r u on drugs?
steak-and-blowjob day? Today is Pi day
@GNi33 You can have that without a girlfriend too. Just sayin'. :D
italians will catch this LOL
@AmaanCheval I refuse to accept this dayclaration.
habemus Papam
How old are you?
Congratulation to Argentina for new Pope, he will bring Argentina in the final of the next World Soccer Cup
13 @OctavianDamiean
...this explains so much
That explains a lot.
wut is this?
almost 14 !!!
cant wait
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick why would i be?
@GNi33 joking ))
@GNi33 don't you catched here all dudes are on drugs?
@OctavianDamiean meh, no, not really
And I thought I would have more tolerance for kids
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Can you do me a favor, type a colon and send it. (colon -> :
Where's the colon?
Now a colon and a closing parenthesis.
(colon ->: )
Now only a colon and a closing parenthesis.
I give up ...
ehm... sorry didn't catched what you need :(
Why are you even talking to the little people? :)
Trying to educate him. We're starting with small things like proper smilies ...
dudes ) does the stackoverflow chat system is open source?
Nope it's not.
oh damn, it it sooo cool :(
At this point I think it would be a lot easier to teach a Chimpanzee to type emoticons ...
@OctavianDamiean lol )))
I've been to Italy, I know that the people down there have eyes, so I don't understand why your smilies don't have eyes.
@OctavianDamiean how can i retrieve all messages i posted on chat? what if i want to remove them all?
@OctavianDamiean ))) it's faster/cooler
seriously, where did this "trend" to not even write completely normal smilies come from? i wanna punch the initiator in the face... hard... with a shovel
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick You can only remove messages that are not older than 120 seconds.
))) -> :)
it's even a char shorter
To delete older messages, you need to perform the Rite of Deletion.
@OctavianDamiean oh understood, @Zirak what is Rite of Deletion?
@GNi33 wrong, ))) = :) :) :)
okay, then do it like that
It's not easy. It's not for those who are light of heart. I wouldn't recommend it, but...are you sure you want to proceed?
but usually, one smiley is perfectly enough
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick they might know!! upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5a/Rite_Aid.JPG
@Zirak no would like to know how to do :)
@bPratik lol
...yes I'm not sure if that's a "yes" or a "no", since that "no" at the beginning could indicate negation (assuming invalid english)
So I'm going to eat soup
you're entering a dangerious path there
Here be dragons unicorns with chainsaw legs that can spit fire and pee acid.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick stop. doing. that.
i don't really know why, but it pisses me off so bad
@GNi33 wtf i'm free or not to post ))) instead of :) :) :)? want you the second each time??
Oh congratulations @Gordon! You've been one of my votes. :)
!!/awsm just like this, it's a freaking disgrace
@GNi33 jst lk ths, it's a frkng dsgrc
Another german mod? oh my!
Congrats @Gordon
@Gordon i voted you down lol, joking +1
voted for him too, one reason being that DaveRandom promoted him
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Stop making jokes, you're bad at it
@Gordon Congrats! You deserve it
@Zirak i'm training them sorry
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick See, that's one of the reasons you will not pass the Rite. It requires a fully functional emoticon.
@Zirak oh noh ! :/
you guys want a fun javascript problem to solve?
@GNi33 can i really make you going out of your head? :D
@andho give it to me, anyothers not good on js
@GNi33 i don't really know why, but it pisses me off so bad
yeah, it does, can't help it
@GNi33 oh sorry i tought it was referred to me rly sry
oh, @Esailija, hi! long time no see. how are you doing?
bye dudes
have nice time ))))))))))))
it's a useful thing when creating an autocomplete. This is the problem to solve:
* You are given a string (haystack)
* You are given another string (needle)
* Highlight the words from `needle` that occurs in `haystack`

Eg: Sample haystack: "Google Reader is going to be retired"
Sample needle: "read tired"
Expected output: "Google <b>read</b>er is going to be re<b>tired</b>"
shit, why didn't ** work
why didn't any formatting characters work?
markdown only works on single-line messages in here
let me change that
alright that's it.
markup doesn't work at all in here :D
you people :-(
didnt even saw my jsfiddle :-|
A copyright notice in your fiddle isn't much to comment on :p
bad... jeesh man it was my first canvas thing that worked as expected!
@andho, what part of that can't you manage?
Really? How about that stick animation?
and i am proud of the transition thingy init :P
@phenomnomnominal i can manage it, just thought it would be a fun problem to solve for the some guys here
@AmaanCheval it was CSS
Then why bring it up?
@Darkyen Oh, right
@andho I've done that once, lemme see if I can find it
The clock thing was canvas, wasn't it?
the only reason this is JS is because browser is out of css resources
@AmaanCheval yeap
u are wrong again (XD)
it was CSS -_-
go check on codepen
CSS again?
there is a reason why i say ... i can do anything in css -_-
@Zirak i'd like to see what you have. I didn't it once before. but left it at my previous company
oh yeah?
calc 2 + 2 in css please
@FlorianMargaine smartass :P
btw wikipedia fired a great developer
for saying F word -_-
i was like wait wtf ?
they fired somebody who nearly wrote there whole mobile frontend on server side
for saying f word ...
@Darkyen Well, did he say it to his boss?
The accepted needle is technically a regexp, but same principle
@OctavianDamiean i think collegue
@FlorianMargaine like calc(2+2)?
@Darkyen :/
@GNi33 i am actually solving florain's challenge with calc (XD)
something like

le div with all numbers .
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 ,7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]
le viewport of size of [ ];
copy posted something about HTML+CSS3 being turing complete yesterday, right?
turing ?
var haystack = "Google Reader is going to be retired"
var needle = "read tired"
var needles = needle.split(" ");
for (var n = 0; n < needles.length; n++) {
    var regexp = new RegExp(needles[n], 'i')
    haystack = haystack.replace(regexp, '<b>$&</b>');
cool guys, now to make it interesting :P

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