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well no.. you would also need to invoke GetWindowProcessId or something like that ofc
would work maybe, but not worth the effort
I was looking for xkill not kill
Q: xkill equivalent for Windows

DrJokepuMy question is quite simple: Is there a reliable equivalent of xkill for Windows? For those who don't know what xkill is: it is a Unix tool which basically kills the process of any windows you click on. A Windows port can be downloaded from here: http://solo-dev.deviantart.com/art/Windows-xKill...

I didn't even know xkill. When bad things happen I always went to terminal and kill stuff with killall
now I'm curious if that still works if the underlaying process really hung/crashed
I have it hot keyed that's probably just because I do a lot of stupid stuff
That, and good ol' (but not default in ubuntu any more) control+alt+backspace
man, can't tell you how many times, just writing a question solves the problem
thats indeed a true story
if you know how to precisely describe a problem, more than likely its only a small step to the answer
look up duck programming
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a likely apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. To use this process, a programmer explains code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck, with the expectation that upon reaching a piece of incorrect code and trying to explain it, the programmer will notice the e...
@BenjaminGruenbaum hehe of course
holy cow its past midnight localtime
@jAndy so... early?
@jAndy happy birthday!
@Trufa: thanks
@jAndy I'm toasting my glass of wine through the screen
hehe.. much appreciated, don't kill the screen nor the glass !
@jAndy I'll do my best
@jAndy no celebration?
I wish there was no celebration, but I'm afraid.. there will be something like that
stupid friends persist on stuff like this.. j/k
@jAndy haha the older we get, the less we celebrate being older huh?
@jAndy Happy Birthday, fellow Kraut!
@Trufa: another true story :p
@GNi33: thanks kollege :p
dohh, I'll go to bed, I need to be fresh today.. to fake happyness all day and keeping that smile up
laters, gn'8
good night
@jAndy good night, happy birthday
@GNi33 hi there! you're from austria?
hi. yes, i am
hehe cool!
I'm uruguayan but living in austria now
near graz
oh, cool :)
ever met OctavianDamien in here?
@GNi33 yeah sure
we were speaking the other day of having a beer or something
yo should join
no idea where you're from
yeah, wanted to point out that he's living in graz
@GNi33 indeed
I'm from Salzburg, but I work in Linz
@GNi33 cool!
what do you do in Austria?
@GNi33 I have family here, I'm living here for a couple of months
@GNi33 looking for a job :)
that's awesome
how do you like it so far?
@GNi33 great! the only thing I can complain about is the weather
but no one force me come in winter
hehe, well, we occasionally get a lot of snow here ;)
@GNi33 hehe no! the snow I love
my main problem is not seeing the sun
coming from where I come from
it drives me crzy
@Trufa what is your phone number?
kind of depressing
haha, okay, I guess I can understand that
I'm kinda used to it
@BadgerGirl Do you want to have my number?
@BadgerGirl hi to you too!
@copy No, I already have it. But thanks.
@BadgerGirl can I ask what for?
To call.
I can show you my Spanish skills.
@BadgerGirl I'm a little confused, but what the hell, send me a mail to [email protected]
I don't want to post my number here
hehe, i wouldn't do it, i heard stories of strange calls :D
You could tell it to her in private with Diffie-Hellman key exchange
Lukas, shh.
@GNi33 not so surprised :)
@Trufa Sent.
@copy true that
I want to see that in the chat one time
@copy so, lets see, lets get a big prime number
and a base
how convinient, they just discovered a new one ;)
@GNi33 did't know!
@copy perfect
@copy base?
@copy done
so now I'll send you my calculatio
@copy 34032390751426299362099057113404
@copy I screwed up it's: 46529557955993540278508205127852
@copy wait, I'm confused
Damn, I screwed up
@copy are you reading the wiki article?
We have a shared secret now
@copy ok so we both should have the same secret number
And I xored an ascii string with it
but wait, was the last number you sent me (18403509532588452224438724878658188910653827293979859) the secret one?
No, that was a message.
In browsers that do not implement MathML, does MathJax implement MathML, or does it emulate MathML?
@copy yes to me or to badger :)
It was the message
@copy kk
@BadgerGirl sent
@Trufa It worked, but the message is reversed
@Trufa Country code? Austria?
@copy I'm guessing the string is not ÓøG��h`Âè*«ë
@Å imeVidas It renders using math-ml when possible
Not quite
@BadgerGirl yes, as is
@copy wanna try again or call it a day?
We'll try another time
@copy :)
Next time RSA, then elliptic curves
I'm pissed it didn't work :(
Yay :)
I wanted my not working excuse to be worth
@copy You're next.
You did calculate pow(my_base, your_number, n) xor my_message, right?
@copy nope!
I did exactly that
(BTW whe is oneboxing for gists commig back?)
taken from here
So you multiplied instead of taking the power?
I did a XOR of you number with our shared secret
And you got the shared secret by calculating pow(my_base, your_number) mod 38!+1, right?
@copy correct
Does the secret start with 1254 in decimal?
@copy nope
@copy let me double check my math
Does it start with 1187?
@copy soory, have to go to work now
maybe next time :)
No problem, I have to sleep now
That @Kazark
Why isn't my avatar showing on the right?
@Kazark I joined the room a first time, and your avatar jumped all the way to the front before mine, even though you had been here and hadn't said anything.
This is my first time visiting too
That's probably it
It's a bug in the room, where it's not setting "g=1" in the URL
https://i.sstatic.net/jsN88.png?g&s=32 doesn't work
https://i.sstatic.net/jsN88.png?g=1&s=32 works
Hello guys. Can you tell me how can i get index of each occurrence in text ? For example I have like this.

var word="ab";
var text="this is ab text abd some abd text";

var index_of=text.search(word);
But how can I return each index of word "ab" in the text in form of an array?
Guys, can I ask you a pretty dumb question?
ask man
no one is here any way
Question is about Base 64 encoding. I understood Base64 as encoding a string to make it smaller in its size. But when I encode Strings like ip address, the encoded string is much larger than the original one. I've been referring to this post stackoverflow.com/questions/5766802/…
i don't know this
ask here and wait for someone to answer
about encoding Base64, but am I doing it right? So when I encode "", it becomes "MTkyLjE2OC4wLjE="
if not then ask on stackoverflow
Which is longer than the original one.
@IceD Unfortunately I cannot ask on stackoverflow on this account anymore =(..
should be pretty straight-forward from there
I don't know why but I am currently banned =(
@GNi33 thanks man
I should really read more developer.mozilla.org
I found 95% of questions answered there
Hey can I ask a question?
I dunno, can you?
I'm using jQuery getJSON and it isn't firing the callback
It's literally being called right after the document.ready statement.
I know that the script is being called too.
My call is
`$.getJSON('projects/projects.json', function(data)`
maybe something is wrong with your json-data?
i'd recommend using $.ajax and providing an error-callback
because, when that one gets executed, you know somethings wrong
It's giving a parse error saying there is a syntax error {}
Is json supposed to be wrapped in {}?
@rlemon that's freaking brilliant!!!
@MikeNolan I'd read up a little on json - syntax then, yeah
buzzah! codepen.io/rlemon/pen/pvyla commented.
I feel like this has been an experience
I was going to blog about it, but I felt commenting the code was good enough.
@rlemon did you make that address bar js1k game?
it's not crap
made the rain
hmm IDK why but it does not show me anything
blame codepen
or you are on a browser with no canvas support
or no requestAnimationFrame
if so blame yourself ;)
it works on chrome tho
but not on FF
yea i never tested in ff
probably errors
nice rain effect XD
I don't even have FF on this machine :P
i probably should install it
but I would never use it unless cases like this
no, I think i'll leave it
if anyone tells me the error they're getting in FF i'll fix it though
I started like Firefox recently, I think it is becoming better than Chrome
cept it's slower and you just said it sucking with canvas
I do like their ui
but chrome is just .. well. better for what browsers need to do
which is: display and run their content
FF is still a nice browser, but I will not be convinced it's nicer than chrome on anything but maybe looks ;)
and some features I suppose.
I have grown to love chrome dev tools > firebug
they have way better tool than firebug built in Firefox now
for what? inspecting css? :D
the built-in dev-tools are still a joke
chrome dev tools are just so damn useful
welcome new moustacher!
I think it's only fair I show you guys how I see you
woah, it's nearly 5am again
@rlemon haha neat!
Q: JavaScript: How to Rotate/Slideshow Text DIVs on page?

ooooI am trying to modify the script below to slideshow/rotate through a handful of text DIVs. I need these DIVs to appear in order-- div 1, then div 2, then div 3. Each would appear for 5 seconds, then show the next div... but in order. The script below works well for Random divs, but I need them ...

Q: JavaScript: How to Rotate/Slideshow Text DIVs on page?

ooooI am trying to modify the script below to slideshow/rotate through a handful of text DIVs. I need these DIVs to appear in order-- div 1, then div 2, then div 3. Each would appear for 5 seconds, then show the next div... but in order. The script below works well for Random divs, but I need them ...

@Loktar hows this for a first attempt at velocity jsfiddle.net/rlemon/9UTm6
trying for my wind
it was quickly turned into snow. jsfiddle.net/rlemon/9UTm6/1/show
something up right the right side
it's late here
Hey guys. I'm working on a site gilead.lamp.14four.com and could use a bit of help. I'm finding the function on line 126 of gilead.lamp.14four.com/assets/js/main.js is running twice.
Any advice would help
Anyone can answer my question above ? =)
Does JSON allow HTML in strings?
Q: Can a json string contain HTML tags with it?

Chendur PandianConsider this my json string, [{"Mat_id" : "2","Mat_Name" : "Steel", "Measurement" : "mm","Description" : "Steel"}] Can i add HTML Tags inside this json string like this, [{"Mat_id" : "2","Mat_Name" : "Steel", "Measurement" : "<bold>mm</bold>","Description" : "Steel"}] Whe...

@Loktar sorry last ping - you're the only one I know who's done this before :P jsfiddle.net/rlemon/9UTm6/3 how does that look so far (code wise)
@ZachShallbetter I saw that earlier. My problem is that my JSON isn't validating.
And it's pointing to a html tag.
@rlemon you should add more wind.
@MikeNolan jsfiddle.net/rlemon/9UTm6/4 edit windmultiplier
too high is no good
i could wrap the x after a distance I suppose
So the wind speed keeps multiplying?
function windtimer() {
    windforce = Math.random() > 0.5 ? windmultiplier : windmultiplier;
    setTimeout(windtimer, Math.random() * (1000 * 30));
it's pseudo random at the moment.
forgot to - the other value o_O
Hello Folks
Good Day :p
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/9UTm6/9 I think that kinda solves the wrapping issue
anyways, midnight - work in the am
enough of this
I can't remember ever seeing @rlemon on at this time
I still can not figure out why my ajax call is throwing a parse error on valid json.
@MikeNolan where is it?
@andrewjackson the website that's throwing it or the json file?
the JSON
it's fun to play with.. i'm addicted. jsfiddle.net/rlemon/9UTm6/10
ff u canvas! y u so cool!
@andrewjackson relative to the javascript file that's calling it, it's projects/project.json
who made that?
it's been an ongoing process
are you releasing it? lol
javascript has classes?
started with this caution! not safe for people who don't like boobs
Oh objects = classes
I'm going to need a library of elemental type animations soon (water, wind, earth, fire, etc)
it's been stared like ten times today
don't mind me canceling that
I imagine it's not up there because other room owner dudes are doing the same
it needs a tweet and share on fb buttons
I'm going to make it interactive first.
click a boob and it jiggles or something
touch too (maybe)
it's a meme site - sorry it's low brow
I see good things to come for this site
windows 8 comes with IE10?
@wes yup
good to hear that... especially because
> Best thing about Windows 8 is that every copy sold = another person not using IE9 or below - 14h ago by Simon Sarris
IE10 is on Windows 7 now too
Please for the love of god may corporates everywhere make the upgrade
Although IE9 will have auto upgrade too
would be nice already to get rid of IE7
Haha what was this idiot talking about? pages.citebite.com/b2x0j8q1megb
@phenomnomnominal SAY WHAT?!?
ohhh. Not what I thought it meant, but still a good thing.
of course, I don't actually know, does IE10 itself autoupdate like chrome does?
or is MS going to continue to let IE sit around and become a piece of shit within a year or so
Yep, that's exactly what it does
No longer will shit get out of date
which? The good thing or the bad thing?
@phenomnomnominal !!!!!
The good thing!
I had tried to figure out the answer to that a while ago but couldn't
That almost makes me want to stop hating MS
Did you see that ad for IE10....?
The whole, "we're trying to make up for being awful" thing?
Now will chrome allow web-font antialising?
Since... You know... They have a massive web font library
It reminds me of the comercials for kids toys. Like everything is so intense and amazing, but in reality its boring and doesn't actually do any of that shit.
@phenomnomnominal Not waht I meant, but you mean the "Browser you love to hate" commercial?
I was talking about the touch screen ad at the bottom of the article you posted
Oh yeh that one
I saw that ad on some website, and I left a comment about how IE9 is awful compared to other browsers.
A microsoft employee seriously argued with me... quite funny... haha
@twiz he probably viewed it as being racist lol
@andrewjackson I don't judge people by the color of their skin, but I will judge them by the color of their souls... Their black rotting incorrectly rendered Microsoft souls.
they're just confused
They're bi-curious when it comes to destroying the world?
they're ignorant to making the world better
@andrewjackson The shouldn't be. Everyone(me) is yelling(typing) at them. haha
so not only are they blind, but they're deaf....
try beating them
or feed them foul tasting objects
or fart in their face. they must have some sense left
I don't know what I'm talking about.... sleep probably isn't a bad idea.
@andrewjackson These are the people who make IE... that's senseless.
@SOChatBot I appreciate your silence.
Q: Compiling multiple languages and Javascript

backToBasicsI have read numerous times that programming languages when making games or large software often use multiple languages / scripts together. I'm wondering how that works. How do they compile it? How does it work together? Also, how does this work with web design also, i.e. How does one combine th...

@twiz balls
Anyone still on?
I've recently awoken
Q: Javascript in wordpress

MidhuNI have featured images shown for different posts of same category in a page in a specific div. I need to show the whole post related to this image in the same page in another div. I know i must use JavaScript in this. But i need some reference which i can use for this. Can anyone help me with thi...

I'm about to hit the hay but I got a question.
I am useing jQuery's .html function but it is rendering all of my tags as text
what do you pass as the argument?
If you want to get the content as text, use .text()
I think the problem is I am using mustache.js and It is rendering tags as &lt
If you need to HTML-unescape the content, do $elem.html($elem.text()) where $elem is the element where you insert.
(after the insertion)
don't forget to add a semi-funny comment explaining why you did it ;-)
The problem is that the html i am assigning in is a string that I am pulling from a JSON file so I can't call .text() on it yet.
This won't work? $elem.html(input).html($elem.text())
or (unchained) ` $elem.html(input); $elem.html($elem.text())`
Oh yeah. I didn't think of it that way haha.
Yeah that worked great.
PS: you promised to change your profile photo
Stupid gravatar.
Well, it's 3am I guess that means bed time.
Thanks for the help! Night/Morning.
good night.
afternoon. hehe
It's 8:43 here, so I'm awakening.
I just figured out the difference between rgb and ryb by staring at yellow for 2 minutes
Red-Yellow-Blue? Is it anything more than a color wheel? I can't imagine that as an interchange format
I mean, the difference in making the colors
with RYB, we usually have pigments, and we add yellow with blue to get green.
with RGB we just take the blue out of the green we already have to get yellow
Then again, I'm just guessing
Yellow = Red + Green
without blue?
Yellow = White - Blue
Green - Blue = Green (in RGB, there's no blue in green)
we're talking about light though
If you combine red light and green light, you get yellow light

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