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Hey guys, I posted a general question that was closed yesterday
Tried to edit it to make it more suitable for SO
Q: Suggestions on getting Highstocks graph images sent to server

TyrickI know highstocks gives the option to download the chart images via javascript on the client side, but I was wondering if they have released a preferred method of generating these images on hosted server?

How do I get it reopened?
'General questions' are frowned upon.
How insightful
hence the "Tried to edit it" part
1 hour later…
Wow, definitely did not know javascript accelerometer support was this this good... caniuse.com/deviceorientation
It's... pretty bad..
@copy does it not annoy you that you can't do anonymous functions properly in python?
Anyone still alive in here?
@MikeNolan yes
Q: Select text between two words

jQuerybeastI am retrieving some data from the Wiktionary API. Their API parses an entire block of text with no html attributes or xml attributes. An example of the text: ===Etymology=== {{-er|develop}} ===Pronunciation=== * {{a|UK}} {{IPA|/dɪˈvɛləpə(ɹ)/}} * {{a|US}} {{IPA|/dɪˈvɛləpɚ/}} ===Noun=== {{en-n...

lol, author tagged with jQuery :(
Q: How to get the default value in mysql database using jquery and ajax?

user2117832Great day!! mysql database order_no __order_name 232123 __ abssss Picture:http://i.imgur.com/yQAErOk.jpg let say that: i have a 2 textbox as you see the image.. ORDER NUMBER 1. ORDER NAME 2. Ive already finished the 2 case but the 3rd case not yet done kindly help me please ca...

it seems like every major browser manufacturers are making their own browser based OS.
@TemporaryNickName Does that mean we won't need to write Objective-C or Java based mobile apps with craptastic emulators anymore?
How does a user get ~1500 rep called jQuerybeast not even knowing what jQuery is :(
No, and you can even package your current JS apps and run it on their OS
Q: new to javascript - using in <head> instead of functions.php, not loading correctly

user1255049Live site. I've decided to incorporate javascript in my new theme; this is my first time doing so and have pieced together what I've down with help of blog posts and forums. I have the javascript within the tag instead of in functions.php. I've noticed the site ceases to load after the navigati...

Yeah but then all you are doing is having a native web browser that is compiling into an native app which is the same thing as going to a website in what is probably a faster web browser and running the app from there.
Probably not, mobile web browsers tend to be pretty slow
So do HTML5 apps.
(Although Tegra4 sunspider benchmarks seem pretty leet)
Hey, anyone mind looking at a question of mine?
Q: Sticky footer wrapper not expanding to correct height

Mike NolanI have a problem getting my sticky footer to "stick" to the bottom of the page. I am using the method given here I am using a wrapper and push just as the method says to but my wrapper div doesn't seem to have the correct height. You can see the problem being displayed at michael-nolan.com Tha...

Why does your website have for .wrapper height: auto important! and then on then ext line height: 100% ?
I think it's an IE6 hack.
I'm not sure whether it's a problem with having javascript load in extra content or what. I don't think the structure is too goofy.
It's a problem with margins
Why does your head have an empty style tag?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You mean deviceorientation? Why?
Most desktop browsers don't support it, it's not fun when I was having a HP TM2
why would you really need that for desktop?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It shouldn't... There isn't one declared in the html file.
@MikeNolan I solved your issue :)
Oh wait, you just got an answer, that dude also found it :)
Basically, you were not following the instructions correctly on that article
Oh christ.
I feel like an idiot.
Thanks for the help though.
@twiz ^^
@MikeNolan sure
Ok. I see what you mean, so basically it just sucks for tablet-esk things ha
Not really, I only use chrome :P (for personal browsing)
so tablet-esk things not using chrome...
wait... which version of safari does the iPad use?
it is iOS right?
So basically I assume a majority of phones/tables support deviceOrientation?
Cause thats what I mean when I said it was "good". ha
yes tables
Guys, I have a question. This is actually from yesterday but I did not receive any answers unfortunately =(

Question is about Base 64 encoding. I have understood purpose of using Base64 encoding is to shrink data to make it smaller (source = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766802/send-and-receive-binary-data-over-web-sockets-in-javascript#5772093). However, when I encode Strings like ip address, the encoded string is much larger than the original one. So when I encode "", it becomes "MTkyLjE2OC4wLjE=". Furthermore, when I encode "JASON" it becomes "SkFTT04=" which is much la
My table has an entirely different interface when I flip it upside down.
@TemporaryNickName Base64 encoding is not used to make data smaller, compression algorithms make data smaller
"Evenly distributed binary data (0-255) will be 33% larger than the raw data." damng, that's right
@TemporaryNickName Base64 makes a string that can be easily stored out of data that usually is binary like an image. Images are stored in 0s and 1s normally, you can't store that in a string since some characters might be control characters like newline, end of string, null or reset line.
@TemporaryNickName let's go over stuff that gets sent over the internet when you send "" over the internet, shall we?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've noticed that as well, newline chars disappeared when I decoded using Base64
There are two important things to notice here:
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok
1)For shorter strings (anything under 100 bytes for sure) encoding and decryption will likely make your string longer since it needs to store some sort of meta-data for decryption.
(If you'd like information on how it's done look up Hoffman encoding, it's not complicated)
2)Modern HTTP servers support compressed transportation, when you send data it's usually G-Zipped (or using DEFLATE) so it's already compressed, you don't have to do this manually
2.1)Moreover, more often than not the HTTP Headers themselves are longer than either "MTkyLjE2OC4wLjE=" or ""
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/7997839#7997839 I obviously meant compression not decryption here :P
So you can safely send :) SPDY mitigates sending headers uncompressed by the way. SPDY is the protocol used instead/on top of HTTP on a bunch of modern sites, all google sites use it under chrome for example
After all everything you store in the computer is just low-voltage and high-voltage, 0s and 1s. Text is based on how you agree to parse them :)
This is awesome. It's like going to class with a teacher who knows what he is talking about.
Except I don't have to shell out thousands of dollars.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thx, am just going to read about Huffman compression =D
Hey, does anyone know if it's possible to anti-alias web fonts in chrome?
Q: How can I improve font appearance in google chrome?

hughes. On the left is firefox 4, on the right is chrome 12. Is there a way to make chrome render prettier fonts? The above image was taken on windows xp. Below is another example from windows 7.

It is? I used webkit-antialias to no avail. Putting stroke on the font sort of works but looks bad imo.
So it's all up to the user to change their settings?
Look at the answer about order of svg rules
@BenjaminGruenbaum So would it be beneficial to implement just encryption because encoding short string is going to make it larger and HTTP header is more likely larger than those strings?
@TemporaryNickName it would be beneficial to not implement compression (encryption seems irrelevant), the browser does it for you any way
ok, thank you so much!! =D Saved all these conversations
If you'd like to make sure that this works as expected, open the developer tools, go to network and look at the response it should say "Content-Encoding: gzip" as one of the others (or Content-Encoding: deflate)
Hmm... All right. Does that mean I have to download the fonts (which are available in .ttf) and convert them to .svg for this to work??
Honestly I'm not sure, I'd avoid web fonts altogether
I just remembered seeing that question :)
@TemporaryNickName: If you're on Windows that's just the way it looks. On Mac/Linux looks fine. There are workarounds but not worth it IMO.
i have a small javascript question about dealing with POST requests if anyone could help
after i POST to a server, how do i get the reply?
cardiac arrest awaiting
Also, navigating around unstable stacks of food is a challenging task, and any failure is likely fatal
> Killed by a falling stack of french fries
eat your way out
> Choked on food
ever played NetHack?
Also, I see no point in trying to impregnate my food. It won't taste good.
Hugs and kisses won't be appreciated eiter
Q: How to filter a kendochart based on tree-view check-box?

user2049357I am working on a project using Kendo UI. In my project there is a treeview with checkboxes on the left side and a Kendo chart on the right side . The chart datasource needs to be filtered based on the values of the checked treeview nodes. I need this to work with multiple checked nodes. Please h...

@JanDvorak no
an ascii board game?
single-player and complex
complexity helps put the fun back when there's no one to play with
it features perma-death. If you die, you have to start over.
(unless you have the right amulet on your neck when you die)
note that having the wrong amulet on your neck is permadeath.
Dreamweaver just did a trick
it crashed
Guys, can I ask you a question regarding to encoding using Java example?
it's the JavaScript room here, we despise Java
I would only code in Java if one gave me money for it
Not even then
@TemporaryNickName you offering coffee?
I think this is very general topic and applies to Javascript as well XD...
not even at twice the wage of the best Javascript job you've been offered? @phenomnomnominal
@JanDvorak nope
can you code in Java?
Sure can
Did it all through uni
I don't get any pleasure writing Java code
I'd rather work for half the money and love my job than get paid heaps and hate it
I probably wouldn't hate coding in Java.
It's more than that though
Guys, so basically my question is when I encode this byte array that has an element with value 1 doesn't not encode into "1" but into a weird string
It's the kind of people who get employed writing Java
		byte[] b = new byte[1];
		b[0] = 1;
		try {
			String s = new String(b, "UTF-8");

			//s is a weird character.. I want it to be "1"
			System.out.println("Hello: " + s);
		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
@TemporaryNickName well, Javascript does that better ;-)
this is how it looks. (please take it down if you guys think it's not appopriate)
the weird string is the important part...
@TemporaryNickName try Arrays.toString(b)
@JanDvorak But I need it to be inside new String(). Because I am receiving list of ascii characters (decimal values)
I guess I will have to just create a if condition saying if it's less than 9
it prints out value itself
@TemporaryNickName (byte) 1 is not a valid ASCII character. It's a control character that fell out of use with the last hardware terminal.
'1' is a valid ASCII character representing the digit 1. Its char code is 0x31, also known as 49.
@JanDvorak yep, that's right. I didn't word it properly
that 1 is not ascii representation. it's a control character sent from server
An encoding that represents '0'..'9' using '\0'..'\9' is a weird encoding and needs to be decoded manually.
If you want to print out 1 as "\\1"... hm...
I think I have to fix current implementation
you mean, fix the server? Yup.
ye lol
@JanDvorak Thanks
Now I realised what's the error
dude i do i make a post request without ajax?
need to create form on the fly and trigger click?
oh iframe on the fly?
but i need to load the post page then
not in iframe
do you know what a server side language is?
i use php sure
i have a search page
i just need to post from another url data to that url
for launch search and load results
without ajax
on tags click
What's wrong with $(document.body).load(...)?
it's cross domain?
@JanDvorak $('body').load()
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick on a scale of 1 to 10, how experienced are you with HTML/JS?
don't lie to me
no it's not crosdomain
same domain
then use ajax...
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick $(document.body) is correct and faster than $('body')
@andrewjackson kidding? )
@JanDvorak so use that )
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I will, and I recommend the same to you
you sad it was somenthing wrong )
not me )
@andrewjackson so ? )
@FlorianMargaine i can't i need to send HTTP request
tbh I don't really get the issue. I thought this was fundamental stuff
an AJAX call is an HTTP request
ajax XHR request man...
iframes would be the alternative to ajax
> It provides an easy way to retrieve data at a URL. Despite its name, XMLHttpRequest can be used to retrieve any type of data, not just XML, and it supports protocols other than HTTP (including file and ftp).
"supports protocols other than HTTP" means that it supports HTTP.
yes but i need then to load content in page
content is an enteire html page
I give up, good luck
not only a html partial
What's wrong with .load()?
!!/jquery load


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Hey guys
Because that isn't valid at all
You need a key to have a value
Yeah, this was a stupid question
How do you expect to access it?
like that
Objects don't get numerical keys unless you define them yourself
yeah, XD I was confused
anyways, thx again for all your help guys =D.. I am going to get something to eat lol!...
Ohe hello
Oh god those devs... they develop a web app since years and they didn't know what firebug is
And its frequent to see an sql request in loops in their code...
@FlorianMargaine ouch
I confess to having done that once as well (email-generating code)
what did they use "Microsoft(R) Internet Explorer(TM)(R) Developer Tools (R)" ?
balls balls balls balls
that is all
sorry for the spam
Learn to love the delete link
is there a documentation on bootstrap, rather than just a summarization?
im using jquery 1.8.2 for one website. if i dont use new features of 1.9.0, does it worth upgrading to it ? (is there lot of bugfixes from 1.8 to 1.9 ?)
> Visit the Bootsrap docs
don't do it, it's a trap
.splice isnt zero based. Arrays are zero based. Why not have it all zero based?
@OliverSchöning splice is 0 based
@phenomnomnominal ahh F'**K youre right..
Anyone here done lots of Three.js?
Ivo must have
@andrewjackson thanks
hey, I'm going over the pings of the last week, please hold. And I-I-I... will always..love...YOOOUUUOOOUUUU!!! (in case that wasn't clear, it's call-waiting music)
@Zyrak hey cousin !
Fuck you Three.js, and your house.
@FlorianMargaine Beautiful words. Except you tried executing a listener, not a command. Commands are prefixed with /.
@copy 4
@rlemon I told you before how to remove it: IO.events.heartbeat.pop()
@AmaanCheval Get friends
I thought you were my friend ;_;
Who are these people?
@Zirak That is not a prime
@rlemon damn you and your newline characters
i have a question :P
If i have an image say 3992 x 2048px
that's quite large
i put it in a container 492 x 492px
how to tell the image tag to constrain the image as per height and let the extended width overflow ?
when i do height=492
So the other day I talked to this guy who is studying IT. And I said I am trying to learn JavaScript. He told me he could teach me a little and send me to a Java website. I told him that I am learning JavaScript, not Java. And he said it was basically the same. And the brainchild of the same person.
What ? Something I didnt notice, or him trying to hide his ignorance?
try height=100% in CSS, @Darkyen
@OliverSchöning Whoa whoa. Not the same at all
@JanDvorak been there done that
Not even the brainchild of the same person
@OliverSchöning Tell him he's wrong.
Thats what I am thinking
Yeah, well.. I told him, but it trailed of into awkwardness
Java is to Javascript as W3schools are to W3C
Hit him on the head with a sink.
PS the image is dragged and dropped by user :$
@neal Your nomination's being raped
Anyone in here familiar with Heroku data clip' ? I'd like to delete some
prntscr.com/ul726 <- see the magic!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but rarely
You misspelled "focus" (k=>c)
@copy Neither is 1
@Zirak intentional accentification
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, but it's still a good number
Pretty much the best number
4 is better than 1. It's fourier.
i is my favourite number
awww fuck
Sums up how fucked up and awesome maths is
But I need a natural number including 0
Why not just have 1000i cats?
@JanDvorak thank you :D
// even though i tried it but you made me confident :P
What's your max allowance of cats?
2 + 3i cats
and bootstrap has a wierd friken max-width:100% on images >_<
5, but I knew you wouldn't pick that, so 3
1's not enough, 3's too many
!!/parse $rand(0, 3)
@Zirak Invalid command /$rand(0, 3)
@Zirak 3
@copy 3
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law. ~ Roy Santoro
Hm.. I think ive seen a fallacy that looks like that one somewhere :p
or talks about that one*
Why can't keys in object literals be expressions...why oh why
but you should use the bracket notation instead
All I need is a truth-map. I can make a truth map factory.
Later maybe.
huh, I seemed to have made the term "truth map" up.
XD Funny paragraphs from JS ninja book
In this example we’re creating a total of 240,000 DOM nodes, populating a table with a
large number of cells. This is incredibly expensive and will likely hang the browser for
a noticeable period while executing, preventing the user from performing normal
interactions. Much in the same way that Uncle Bruce dominates the conversation at
the family get-together.
What we need to do is shut Uncle Bruce up at regular intervals so that other people
can get a chance to join the conversation. In our code, we can introduce timers
Any programer should learn regular expressions as it brings easy reputation on Stack Overflow
Should I feel bad for wanting to star the bot?
one more reason to shun IE:
Q: IPv6 address giveing syntax error in internet explorer-10 websocket

user894554I am getting ipv6 address from server . Then i am creating url for websocket. my url looks like ws://[xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx:xxxx]:(port in decimal) where x(0-f in hexadecimal) this url is working fine in chrome and firefox . but in ie 10 it give syntax error .can anyone tell:- 1:-Ipv6 is supp...

(@SomeKittens, @AmaanCheval) man I suck: players.planetside2.com/#!/5428019223851994113
I never played again
Just went back to playing Awesomenauts thinking I'd try someday, but I never did
@Zirak That's not too bad if you play a support class.
@JanDvorak This bot quote is from me :)
@JanDvorak The bot has plenty of stars: starleaderboard.azurewebsites.net/Room/Index/17
22	Amaan	1 I'm 27th :p	 111	 66	 1.68
That site won't load
Random starred message is about my ranking on that page
It's also wrong, like most of the things said here.
What's wrong?
> I'm 27th //You're 22nd
Yeah, that's why it's ironic
Sort of? Gah, not going to get into if this counts as irony.
And ninja'd
Thanks. (oh noes!)
Also, suggestions on what subreddit to submit that to?
posted on March 01, 2013 by Randall Koutnik

As a senior Computer Science student, it's hard to miss the absolutely abysmal education that hackers get.  Instead of spending my time in all-night coding sessions, I find my time disrupted by homework and classes that are tangentially related to my career at best, horrible time sucks at worst.  I'm not here to discuss why this horrible tragedy has

Totally saw that coming
I knew the page would be empty.
i thought full of curroption cases :$
first day at job ended for me :D
and i love that i get ... i get ...
a fucking saturday off :D
\o/ i love this :$
Huh, I think HN may be detecting my attempts to stuff the ballot.
Why did the boy drop his ice-cream? He was hit by a bus
@SOChatBot Or he took a breath when @rlemon farted :D
Anyone know why this was closed as "localized"? stackoverflow.com/q/5490783/561731
@Neal "how do i fix it?"
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol that is every question on Stack Overflow :-P
How likely is it that other users will benefit from this question?
posted on March 01, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Just since it got lost during the kickstarter, we now have 3 Shakesp

@BenjaminGruenbaum Order of operations and many other issues
Exactly, many other issues
OP presented a question without a single problem but with many problems
All specific to your problem
OP being Neal :P
It could not be renamed as 'Order of operations in JavaScript"
Or another specific problem
@BenjaminGruenbaum doesnt matter. The fact of the matter is that not all SO questions have one specific problem.
There is no reason for it to be closed as "localized"
@Zirak Yea...
How is it relevant to anything but your specific calculator?
You had a bug, it's not about understanding how something works or how to approach some coding task.
I wouldn't vote to close it, but that's only because I know you :-)
Also this should not have been closed: stackoverflow.com/q/6376007/561731
It is very constructive!
It was closed over a month after it was asked
Also, it's not really relevant anymore, it's like asking about issues when upgrading from IE5 to IE6 now, you should not use either anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum huh? it was closed this week! I asked it over a year ago..
It should be reopened.
Oh, I thought it was closed after a month, I'm not sure why it should be re-opened
morning morning
Honestly, I think closing questions is overused, if you don't like a question just downvote it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Then you obviously do not know how to read if you think june 2011 is a month before feb 2013 :-P
But I can totally see why other users thought these two specific questions should be closed
@BenjaminGruenbaum But then people bitch about 'explanations' and such.
@KendallFrey They can bitch all they want, closing is important but it is way overused imho
@Zirak OMG thanks to you we're now having 3 cats. You made my day.
Wat? Zirak - The Resurrection?
2 hours ago, by SO ChatBot
@Zirak 3
@BadgerGirl It was technically his bot, not him.
I saw that. Well the bot just made my life perfect twice.
I'm guessing that the first time would be when you met copy?

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