@BenjaminGruenbaum i am doing the same thing/... i need to replace double quotes occurences in my html with escaped double quotes so that when i save to localstorage it doesnt break
@Nezam this can be solved easily using at least three different ideas, but I get the feeling you do not understand your own code which makes teaching you redundant. Also, you didn't google 'how to escape a string in javascript' before asking me
@BenjaminGruenbaum i need to submit this thing by few hours i have this simple problem.. plz help.. i am not actually using raw jscript i am using titanium to communicate with jscript.. SOMETHING LIKE:
@Nezam also worth noting is that you're using localStorage wrong :P don't use it with an indexer that might cause problems (try to store a number and then get it back for example, see how it comes back)
i used 1 html which have text...i only need that to display a text in nxt html........i can make in same html but i want text to appear only in another html....no need of network or server part......i am using phonegap....just for an application
i used 1 html which have text...i only need that to display a text in nxt html........i can make in same html but i want text to appear only in another html....no need of network or server part......i am using phonegap....just for an application
@sam786 yes, you can start by reading 'Javascript: The definitive guide', when you're done read 'Javascript the good parts' after that read 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns'
@BenjaminGruenbaum another example is this...learningaboutelectronics.com/Articles/… i dont no how it works.... i can do that when clicking button its go to another html but i cant find out how text appear in next html which i declare in 1st html
@OctavianDamiean from the preface of JavaScript The Good Parts: "This is not a book for beginners. Someday I hope to write a JavaScript: The First Parts book, but this is not that book"
That book was designed to educate the web developer public at a time when most javascript tutorials and courses were horrible. I think he wrote it in that mindset
In 2008 a lot of people were writing horrible javascript which made them hate the language.
I think that a programmer with little/no experience will find the good parts harder. The good thing about the definitive guide is that it's structured like a reference so when you're not sure about something you can just look it up
I'm coding with extjs4, I want to clear a panel that contains a tpl code tpl: [' <p align=right>{naturerevenuF}aa</p><br>'] removeAll() is not working.Thanks
Recently I found one weird line in the jQuery sources (last version 1.9.1, Sizzle package, line 129 funescape function):
funescape = function( _, escaped ) {
var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
// NaN means non-codepoint
return high !== high ? // <--- LINE 129
I'm having a problem with the parseFloat function
Total is 0
this.value is 49
total = parseFloat(total) + parseFloat((this).value);
After this line of code is ran total = 50...
I'm not sure why I'm sure I've used this function before without any problems.
no, it is not a powerful tool, it is a mistake in the design of javascript, == should have been normal equality and they should have had another operator, maybe ~= for that sort of thing
@ThiefMaster - sorry to bother you, but you are the only mod I have found around. Can I ask you something (please tell me if you prefer to move the discussion to another board)?
@ThiefMaster I have flagged a question on meta because the asker was starting to flame some of the commenters (usual "why I am banned" stuff). He deleted some of the more offesive comments. I would like to ensure that mods can still see them when processing the flag
You should just use the noscript tag
Enable javascript man!
document.write("Hello World!")
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
I just wanted to start, writing a little Chrome extension, mainly for training javascript and getting used to the Chrome Extension Api.
And to keep things simple and being able to make use of prototypal inheritance
I decided to write a little Instantiation/Inheritance Helper before I get started...