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it doesn't show my numbers in dialog box
Make a JSFiddle
(Or similar)
thats all code
Prove that it doesn't work!
Don't argue, do it.
Looks fine to me, so it should work. You probably haven't loaded jQuery or something
Look at @OctavianDamiean being a bully
It's just that we had that discussion already. He didn't want to make a fiddle of one of his problems.
Annoys the living crap out of me.
@devWaleed you are grabbing values on page load
not on button click
You need to get them when the button is clicked
@AmaanCheval oh yeah, thanks man!
no thanks @OctavianDamiean
In Chrome's Developer Tools, under the Network tab, the files all have an icon
The icons contain "<>" for html, "CSS" for CSS, "JS" for JS, etc
but I've a JS asset with a blank icon
any ideas?
@devWaleed Whatever, if you're too childish fine.
@devWaleed: in case you are (not) complaining about the numbers getting concatenated instead of adding... you need to do a parseInt() as well
@AdamLynch I don't see any of those in the Network tab on my machine. :/
@AdamLynch How does it matter?
All JS files ending in .js have the icon for me
Improved it a little bit. alerts are a no no.
Improved your improvement a little :P
@devWaleed You should probably use a button instead of a link for the calculate
@OctavianDamiean if you have nothing at all; open the tab, then reload
@AmaanCheval Oh they get spaced out by default? That's neat. :)
@AmaanCheval I am fine with that, its a start of something so I would change it later...
@AmaanCheval we're having issues with our assets on a new environment
@AdamLynch No no, I mean I have no special icons.
@OctavianDamiean Yep!
Didn't know SO had chatrooms. How vintage
all JS is being sent with the text/x-js MIME type
which is obviously incorrect
@Sebastien vintage? Dude!
but one file which uses google closure is loading but not being executed
this is the one with a blank icon
Welcome to the chat though.
@OctavianDamiean look at the first image here: developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/network
@AdamLynch You sure the file is error-free?
What's weird is there's no console errors except warnings like: Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/x-js: "".
@AdamLynch Oh, I was using small resource rows ...
That should be okay
@AmaanCheval yeah, we've it running on other environments
and there's no console errors
I'd understand if it said '"goog" is not defined' or something
text/x-js, really!?
@OctavianDamiean yeah. Not sure why tbh
could it have something to do with the way the GZIP compression is done or something?
We don't have the type attribute on any of our script tags btw
Yea, I was about to ask.
You guys using MOD_DEFLATE by any chance?
Does the type attribute enforce the MIME type?
not sure, why?
the apache server in question isn't under our control
@OctavianDamiean Yeah like ol' timey radio
@AdamLynch Because there's reports of MOD_DEFLATE doing that for some reason.
hmmm I'll look up MOD_DEFLATE
@Sebastien Here's where all the real deal JavaScript guys hang out. At least that's how we like to think of ourselves. The reality is that we're just complete psychos, each in his own way.
@OctavianDamiean Which phone do you have?
@AmaanCheval I'm using a Nexus S right now.
@OctavianDamiean got a link for any report of it happening?
Got some strange scaling issues on the S3's stock browser
Which I haven't been able to reproduce on any other Android stock browsers
@AdamLynch Well, I've got one but it is on German. kau-boys.de/859/webserver/…
@AmaanCheval Have it fiddled up?
Nope, making one now
Can you translate "Einige JavaScript Dateien wurden interessanterweise mit dem Content-Type text/x-js ausgeliefert, obwohl weder der Standard Content-Type in HEAD noch das Attribut des STYLE Tags diesen Content-Type angaben."?
google translate mushed it up a little
"Some JavaScript files were interestingly with the content type text / x-js delivered, although neither of the standard disclosures Content-Type in the attribute of the HEAD still STYLE tags this Content-Type. "
Basically it says that some JS files have been served with that funny text/x-js content type even though it wasn't explicitly defined.
@OctavianDamiean inteleg
I conccur
@Sebastien wtf!?
@OctavianDamiean dece wtf
@Sebastien Like, why can speak Romanian?
I mean in your profile you wrote that you're from France.
About the type attribute: "If this attribute is absent, the script is treated as JavaScript." - developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/script
i.e: text/javascript
I mean for the browser it's not relevant if the content type is text/x-js.
@OctavianDamiean pentu ca sunt destept :)... si nu sunt franceza, sunt canadian. dar locuiesc in franta
@Sebastien Oh yea, I just read it on our CV. :)
@OctavianDamiean then why am I seeing the warning?
the browser says it's interpreted as "Script"
@AdamLynch I mean according to an SO answer it isn't relevant.
A: Difference between application/x-javascript and text/javascript content types

Quentin text/javascript Obsolete application/x-javascript Experimental (hence the x- prefix) for a transitional period until application/javascript could be standardised. You should use application/javascript. This is documented in the RFC. As far a browsers are concerned, there is no dif...

si eu locuiesc cu romana ;)
@Sebastien I see. That's quite impressive.
I wish I could speak French that well.
i dont speak romanian that well... but i do get around
That's the difference, I don't even get around in French. :P
@OctavianDamiean Do you live in France now ?
Location fields are deceptive...
Na, he's in Austria
Graz or something
@OctavianDamiean Hmm, yeah
Well do like I do. Date a French girl..
yeah .. and I go to timisoara once a year or so
@dystroy No.
So it's the server where the solution lies?
Or not?
@AdamLynch Try a local server
If the file executes fine on your local server, then yes
If it doesn't, it's the file
@Sebastien Timisoara, nice! That's just about 70km from my place of birth.
@OctavianDamiean timis baby.. still revolutionary
@OctavianDamiean where you from, arad ?
You made a good choice to date a girl from there. Those girls can cook like gods.
@Sebastien Lipova
Same as the mineral water brand.
@OctavianDamiean haha
@OctavianDamiean i must have got a broken one.. i do most of the cooking
@OctavianDamiean well pleasure speaking with you.. g2g.. pa pa. la revedere
@OctavianDamiean see ya
Oh, I'm still here.
@AmaanCheval yeah, we're trying
gotta set up MOD_DEFLATE though
@OctavianDamiean ah k
@AdamLynch Wait a minute, I remember your name. Weren't you into Android development ages ago?
I remember his name too
But he comes in here every now and then methinks
I think I remember him from the dark ages before the Android incident.
@OctavianDamiean emmm a little bit. Worked on this: fonesense.com
but not much
@AmaanCheval yeah that's it I'd say
I come, I ask, I leave :P
Nah, sometimes I stay :P
I gotta pay craploads of money for some old DDR2 memory now, just because it has to be ECC registered. Pisses me off.
Hahaha, why?
Those modules have become quite rare here in Austria. I mean no one really needed them when they were new but now that there's even less demand.
Hah, you'll easily get plenty here
ECC registered ones?
Not sure about that
Oh no. Was that noob1992 troll back? Urgh ...
I was just reading that
@Loktar I tried Chivalry on the free weekend. That shit is difficult
@AmaanCheval And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
Why do people keep killing the poor thing?
@OctavianDamiean @OctavianDamiean What DDR2 ECC ram modlues are you looking for? I might have some (Styria)
That is, if you're not offering $10 million, I'm not interested.... kids those days...
That guy is a parasite and doesn't see shameful from that.
Q: What do I need to know re. Javascript frameworks?

AnonymousI recently asked this question on SO, which quickly became downvoted and closed. Clearly I lack a deeper understanding of JS, which I'm hoping you'll help me fill here. I'm a perfectly capable web developer and have built plenty of visually and functionally pleasing websites but am struggling to...

Pfff... Even for programmers.se, this looks far from constructive enough...
Morning All
Is there anyone from Australia or Canada here -_-
@Viehzeug You're kiddin! Well, to answer your question, PC-3200. I planned to have 4GB in total but I'm thankful for everything I can get. :)
Viehzeug, moar Austrians?
How in the hell did he find us though. :D
I mean I'm asking for some special sort of RAM and a fellow Styrian joins the JavaScript chat. :D
@TimeToShine, that's racist
@TimeToShine Why'd you need Australians or Canadians exclusively?
@OctavianDamiean Command stats does not exist. Did you mean: stat, stab
@OctavianDamiean That dude sucks
@OctavianDamiean I awoke on Wed, 06 Feb 2013 18:27:00 GMT (that's about 16 hours ago), got invoked 48 times, learned 33 commands
@GNi33 GNi33 has 1236 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 43 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:43.
man, i should start answering questions again
This bot isn't really welcoming to new SO players...
You fucking kidding me. when I stat myself it tells me I suck?
@dystroy dystroy has 51698 reputation, earned 95 rep today, asked 27 questions, gave 2200 answers, for a q:a ratio of 27:2200.
@OctavianDamiean Octavian Damiean has 15182 reputation, earned -2 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 405 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:81.
That's better.
@FlorianMargaine Florian Margaine has 10863 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 21 questions, gave 499 answers, for a q:a ratio of 21:499.
soon 500 answers.
27:2200... that's really not useful as a computation...
Also, it is not really a ratio.
@dystroy told that to Zirak, he doesn't want to change it.
He wants to be mathematically precise.
!!> 27/2200
@dystroy 0.012272727272727272
Oh, hey, @Darkyen!
Well, what does that say anyway!?
@AmaanCheval ;D
wrote the shittiest javascript of my life :D , couldn't resist to get critqued
@OctavianDamiean I tells that the period of the decimal writing of my q/a ratio is 2
(very useful)
I mean it is the question/answer ratio no one actually cares about. It's the other way around if you ask me. It's the answer/question rate but whatever.
What would be more interesting is the ratio of rep from q or a. I saw a guy almost at 20k with no answer and only trivial stupid questions (like what is HTML)
Yea that'd be a useful metric too.
pastebin.com/atVPy201 <- That defines a template , i know its the shittiest way to implement that , so guide me better ways :D
why var _this = this;?
you can just use this everywhere
dunno , why but it was leaking into global scope.
so to fix it i put in _this
Why no var props?
then fixed it . and
forgot (x_x)
Nor var prop?
boy ... i have became insanely stupid! :D
Lets drink a bottle of water and think :D
@OctavianDamiean since u reminded me
@OctavianDamiean Lol because I am living in Uk and thinking about Moving to Canada or Australia
@TimeToShine @rlemon and @KendallFrey live in Canada
I don't know anyone from Australia in here
@TimeToShine Canada.
Do it.
Shouldn't soChatBot be able to understand !!stat Darkyen or !!stat 855760 ?
@dystroy that should work, yeah
!!stat Darkyen
@dystroy Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand stat Darkyen
!!/stat darkyen
@Darkyen Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand stat darkyen
!!/stat darkyen extended
@Darkyen Darkyen has 1045 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 26 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:26.
@dystroy @D exrkyen Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand stat darkyen (source)
@dystroy its !!/
@dystroy [Darkyen](http://stackoverflow.com/users/855760/darkyen) has 1045 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 26 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:26.
avg. rep/post: 28.24. Badges: 0g 6s 20b
btw @OctavianDamiean , @FlorianMargaine , @Loktar , @rlemon :P hey ho!
hey ho, um halo!
how have yall been ?
hai to all
well hello there
i have some doubt, so any one guide me?
@karthys Sup?
@GNi33 :D
!!/choose voscast tapeer
@Darkyen tapeer
@Darkyen Don't mention it
now i am test for validation http:// and https:// with regular expression using javascript
hey anyone has an idea why the images seem to be blurry in chrome but not firefox? rolfvohs.com/sponsors.php
really weird if you ask me : /
seems to look fine offline
i get result for like this(some text ) allowed but i need http:// is allowed.
@OctavianDamiean I'll have to look once I'm home, but no I'm not kidding ;)
regular expresssion is var pattern1 = /^(https?:\/\/)?([a-z\.])([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/;
@AmaanCheval can u pm for 10 mins ?
@karthys Not making sense.. Maybbe try to ask on the forums to see if you get a better response then you can talk about it in more detail
@GNi33 Moar!
@Viehzeug Where are you from exactly?
I mean where in Styria.
one day, we shall rule this room!
more detail:
@OctavianDamiean I live near to Radkersburg, but I currently work in Lebring.
@karthys I think your regex is wrong though, it seems invali
@GNi33 You know they could stop one Austrian back then but I don't think they can stop three Austrians.
@Viehzeug WHOA! I lived in Radkersburg for about 9 years.
its wokring well when i give input like http://a or https://a but i need http:// or https:// that time also working.... so how it? @Phorce
@OctavianDamiean Godwin's Law strikes again.
@OctavianDamiean I'm actually from Halbenrain.
@karthys I checked with a validator, it doesn't work with "http://" nor "https://" tools.netshiftmedia.com/regexlibrary
hah, been there too, had a friend there.
@OctavianDamiean This is becoming scary.
If you know Radkersburg, you also probably know Gasthaus Zum Lindenhof.
Those are close friends too.
@OctavianDamiean well.... that didn't work out really well the last time, so.... :D
@GNi33 Yea but it was only one!
i'm sure we can do better :D
Think about how much havoc we can wreak together. :D
We could be Le trio infernal di Austria
this is what i have got so far for oauth
Are you just playing the drums on your desk or something?
Alright, what the hell?
yep, stuff like that can be a bitch
I just cannot find out where those extra pixels come from.
@Darkyen Hahaha, I like that you corrected the echo in the end :p
have a look at it in IE7 ;)
@AmaanCheval :P i am totally out of it :-/
@GNi33 Fortunately I have to support only >=IE9
Good for you then
then look with some Android 2 Browser :D
@GNi33 LOL
@GNi33 And no mobile browsers.
dont even wanna discuss that shit!
dnt evn wnn dscss tht sht!
Hahaha, awesome
that browser will drive me insane one day
see, I'm bitching about it again
good boy
Oh ffs, looks the same in Opera.
I mean equally fucked up as in Firefox.
you know what really sucks?
i got some stacked main-navigation here that mostly works over hovering over elements
getting those to work on all mobile-devices properly can be a real PITA
@GNi33 Hovering? On mobile devices? trollololol good luck with that. :D

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