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(even more so than before).
@JohnGreenPageSpike That's not the impression I've got from guys on the team, at least. Putting more and more resources into it, and stuff like that.
Putting more resources into Silverlight?
How old is your information? : )
No, IE
@JohnGreenPageSpike Ongoing over the past few years, pretty much :)
Yes, IE will be a major investment. They do understand the importance of that.
@JohnGreenPageSpike I use IE9 at work, its quite nice
Maybe my Windows box is still corrupt from the IE9 beta. : )
@JohnGreenPageSpike SilverLight :( Why do we even have silverlight?
I mean whats the point of it
What problem does it solve
They thought it was a good idea. They didn't get the Web.
They did make a ton of money off of it... not sure how much they're still in the hole though.
You've got to understand... there are nearly as many C# developers out there as there are real Web devs. Maybe more.
@Raynos Flash is successful. We need a cross-browser way to compete with Flash. Let's make our own plugin.
@gsnedders ... :( Why cant we just use HTML5
<strike> Or a proper thing like Unity </strike>
The C# guys needed a foothold to start developing Web stuff well. Plus, the way that MS architects its stuff... it is so easy to fall into the trap of building a communications layer that requries MSSQL and Windows Servers.
@JohnGreenPageSpike why dont they use sharepoint
In some ways, it was brilliant... more brilliant than the original idea, by far.
The C# guys can clickie clickie draggie draggie all day
and keep protending they can program ;)
HTML/ CSS / JS is a lot easier then .NET
That's how they feel about Webdevs. : )
How can I get only the contents within a div on ajax request

this is what I have so far, but I only get the whole page http://jsfiddle.net/KpCtR/
I find learning ASP.NET hard.
webbie stuff is easy to pick up
I mean using ASP.NET without it shitting all kinds of tables and poorly written js into my page
I won't disagree. But the moment you have to open up a unix terminal... that's when you lose people.
@JohnGreenPageSpike :\ what?
@Raynos - That's because it was written by C# devs, not proper web-devs.
terminals are awesome
I mean I cant actually use unix but there still awesome
I cant grep to save my life :(
@Raynos - SSH scares the shit out of most people. Even devs.
@Raynos - I could 15 years ago. Not so much anymore.
Ugh I dont like M$
Anyway... I'm off to find coffee.
I can't live on an OS without a POSIX shell. :P
they create half backed developers
@gsnedders DOS isn't that bad. You should try it
@Raynos - And most Web developers aren't? Look at the questions coming into SO... and most of those are people taking money for their services. : )
if Linux wasn't so expensive, it'd be super popular by now. I mean, you can do anything.
@Raynos Most of the software I run isn't available for DOS. Or at least not recent versions thereof. :P
@JohnGreenPageSpike thats true aswell
90% of web devs are just key mashers :D
@Zirak stop trolling
To say something on-topic: curses the fact that he now has almost 1k unread emails on es-discuss
@JohnGreenPageSpike people should only use unix. That will weed out the bad developers
@Raynos and a tiling WM
@MattMcDonald everybody loves elitism
@Raynos Pff, elitism. I'm above that.
@JohnGreenPageSpike is it possible to use microsoft technology without IIS and MSSQL ?
When hovering over a small picture, I'm trying to place a zoomed in picture over top of it. Then, inside the zoomed in picture is a close button that will remove itself. When removed, and the user is still hovering over the small picture, I don't want the zoomed picture to appear until the user has mouseout'd of it and re-entered.

ex: http://jsfiddle.net/mackry/RgymF/2/
Firebug's log limit has been reached. 3617 entries not shown.
Having a hard time figuring out the correct method to do this.
Speaking of ES6 a while back, anyone got opinions on the following: wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:arrow_function_syntax
Error: b.replace is not a function
Source File: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.4.min.js
Line: 19
@gsnedders wants
@MattMcDonald are you using jQuery with IE3 again?
As you can see I'm having a hard time doing this.
that's @Ryan's code in FF4
and it's busted beyond belief
Why are you using jQuery 1.4?
Isn't that about 2 versions behind?
Because that's what the server is running.
I only go as low as IE 5.5 (just installed 5.2 for OSX as work), anyways :)
Not my choice
@Zirak Still the same issue with 1.6 anyways
A server runs jQuery 1.4?
Can't that be fixed by rewriting some <script> tags?
Oh well, see y'all tomorrow. Time for me to go sleep, after being up far too late in another country watching ex-Opera people get married. :)
@Zirak Not sure what you're referring to.
"javascript: and data: URIs typed or pasted in the address bar are disabled to prevent social engineering attacks.
Developers can enable them for testing purposes by toggling the "noscript.allowURLBarJS" preference."
hey buddies, do you know any good tutorial on css layouts?
this was really bothering me
a line break was being added in IE 5.5 after a hyphen
Well then time to answer this... using DOM and DOMXPath methods: stackoverflow.com/questions/6090789/php-regular-expression
Answering this with regex over my DOM body
You know, Google Chrome, when I say "Save Password" I really do mean "Save Password"
Hi there
anybody here?
just ask the question already
is this chat for questions only? or is it for general chating?
this is my first time to enter the chat!
I see
we're used to people coming in here asking for help
hehe ok I am looking for web developer that will work for an open source project to help me via github to make somethings with ajax, because I can write only PHP
I'm looking for a code monkey for free.
Thank you. Please do my codez.
@TooCooL what are you trying to make. If it's something really interesting I might help ;)
well I am making a system to handle
the reservations
You can write in AJAX? puts of skates and goes to hell
for bus agencies
to manage the reservations of the travelers
the travelers
Fair enough.
click my link above
That doesn't sound exciting enough. If you want to hire a freelancer you can find plenty of them ;)
it will allow you to search SO careers members by skill
hehehe ok then
Anybody have experience writing chrome extensions?
@Vap0r Why? What's your real question?
@Zirak @MattMcDonald we should be nicer as a community, less sycinical
but yes, I agree
What would be the best way to save my extension's settings? I've seen mention of using bookmarks, but that seems highly inefficient. The best way I can think of would be AJAX.
Nice is hard, cynical is a shortcut and is fun
@Vap0r localStorage?
Clarifying: save extension's settings cross computers
@Zirak, mainly because chrome sync doesn't deal with that... yet.
Can't you hardcode them in?
Hardcode user settings in?
And do checks in your options page? e.g. check if options previously saved, don't override, otherwise do
The impression I'm having is you want more settings available. You don't after all make a single user-setting shared across everyone. It's a user setting
Not across computers, here's the scenario, I have a work and home computer, and I save setting animal to equal cat, when it defaults dog, on my work computer, I go home, where the extension is synced, but that version of the extension still has setting animal equaling dog, not cat.
If you want a single user setting shared across, then yes, a server is needed.
You can see the tutorial here on writing options. In your background page, you can fire an AJAX request to your server, asking it for the setting.
I already wrote the options page, I'm just attempting to do cross computer settings sync. Also, would I have to have some sort of user-entered auth scheme for connecting to the server so the server knows which settings set to retrieve, or is there anyway to gather user-specific sync information, such as the email address of the google account used to sync the browser?
1)See second part of previous post, 2)You can do the decision according to the settings already chosen - if cat chosen, you know you need to pick dog and not firewood
I apologize, maybe I'm not explaining myself fully. Say I have 1000 users, each with a different setting choice that needs to be synced. They don't log in to use my extension. Each one goes on a new computer and syncs their google chrome extensions. Each user now has the setting animal set to dog, how does the server know which one receives which personal setting?
So you want something like a login system
Well, why not make a login system?
As I said though, I'd like to stay away from user entered data, and if there is any way to read a unique sync setting, such as the user's google account they use for syncing, then that would be the best way to do it.
Q: Separate an HTML document with headings into sections

Victor PHow can I separate in sections a document with headings? Convert this <h1>chapter 1</h1> <p>lorem ipsum</p> <p>sit amet</p> <h1>chapter 2</h1> <p>lorem ipsum</p> <p>sit amet</p> into this <div class="chapter"> &l...

jQuery will solve all your problems :D
@Vap0r I hope there's no way for an extension to know anything about my Google account
I hate that you pretty much have to tag jQ with js alongside it
Sorry. But it's a login system or incredible security loss
@Raynos I'm assuming he can't write this directly in his html
@Zirak why not
Lame user input?
-2 ? For suggesting he uses proper HTML
jQuery fanboys are a pain -.-
having trouble submiting a form
hey raynos having trouble submiting a form with jquery
Too bad we don't know what the problem is.
@fello Oh man, your a lucky fellow
I just happen to be the only person that can read your mind and solve all your problems without being told what they are.
@Raynos ((see? cynical >> nice))
the problem is that I have some php variables that I get from the URL
and then I use jquery to submit the form and return the variables back again in the same page
the data is not submited
That narrows it down to only several billions possibilities. Hint: What's your code?
my form
<form align="left" id="blab" action="profile.php?id='.$idc.'&ids='. $id2.'&name='.$name1.'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="blab_from">
<textarea name="blab_field" rows="3" style="width:97%;"></textarea>
<input id="blabinput" class="blabinput" name="submit" type="button" value="submit" align="left" />
I am working on a facebook like form submit
where you can have a user comment on another user comment
the form above is like the wall
You now have two problems. 1)You try to copy Facebook 2)Your action attribute can't work. You didn't echo any variables, so your action is gonna look like profile.php?id='.$idc.'&ids='. $id2.'&name='.$name1.' no matter what
Zirak I already have called the $idc, $id2 and $name1 variables through $_GET
and have contain it into this variables this variables have values in it
It's nice that you know what his name is, too bad you're mute
If you don't tell php to say his name, it won't be said.
There. I dislike people trying to parse HTML with regex THIS MUCH: stackoverflow.com/questions/6090789/php-regular-expression/…
man that was some crappy non-semantic markup...
@onteria :D
lol, believe the variables are passing
@Raynos lol you jerk
crappy? too many divs!
I know
but I parsed it anyways
because I dislike people trying to parse HTML with regex THAT MUCH
Zirak the variables are passing
what I don't know if I should leave the action string in there or pass them through jquery
had to pass around the xpath parser a bit for node context based
so far I don't know how to parse in jquery
Ugh, divs floating in my head
What's everyone's thoughts on this post? stackoverflow.com/questions/6091329/…
JavaScript is meant to enhance, not to fix broken non-semantic markup
I'm working on a solution right now
with modulus
Now you have to have JQuery do strange dom selection / manipulation instead of just getting it right on the server side which would have loaded faster
but the markup is ugly
@jodes You can see my thoughts
render the HTML properly

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