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Roel van thats a good point )
I think that the locking has to happen on the server side
He'll still have to handle the possibility on the server
Connections aren't always reliable
Even here on SO, sometimes I send duplicate requests because one supposedly times out
not really safe
@mikrowelt read nodebeginner.org
Benjamin can u be more specific?
I guess you could just keep recent requests stored, and if the same thing is requested in a set timeframe, decline the duplicate request. (Probably won't scale too well)
Unless you give some context to your question I'm just assuming the server response is something that changes, like the time, and you want them in the correct order. The logical response I can give is that the client shouldn't be doing that in the first place. Give us context. We're guessing here.
Benjamin i dont think that this resourse have some thing about making scalble applications
@mikrowelt you don't need a tutorial on scalble applications you need a basics tutorial :) no offense intended
basic of what?)
basic of JS?
or of what? callbacks, async?
Synchronization in a single thread is something really basic in node, it's also pretty simple since it's single threaded, it's actually one of the strongest selling points of node.js
tell me that's a typo and isn't supposed to be a smiley
did you guys any of you made an application server/client with async communications?
^ That is Node/JS.
I made a basic WebSockets chat once
( <--- me sad
may be a chat or something like this?
Very basic, though. Pretty much just following a tutorial
@mikrowelt I've made plenty, I've worked in building XMLSocket servers for flash for a year (that was horrible, and in C)
recently, I've made quite a few node.js async applications, it's a part of my job
any way ... i failed explaining my qustion ))
building those servers in C, and also later on in java is what makes me love node, it's simple once you get the grip of it
@mikrowelt what you're facing is a very basic synchronization problem when coding node.js code, it doesn't make you a bad developer you just have to learn how it works, nodebeginner.org is a great resource for node beginners, it already assumes you know javascript
I know Benj.... but i read it all already)
ok, so what is your specific problem?
@mikrowelt That's why I said, context.
i thought of making some system like... when u send request u add an addition field with uniq id... and when the server response he sends id back so you can like find what callback should u use now
i looking for some thing like this^^^
not actual code but the ideas
ok )))
let me try to do it again
so you have a database, a server, and the user, your problem is that when the user sends the data the database has not finished storing the data yet because it's asynchronous and the user has not gotten the response for the first request right?
Meaning, the user can send a second request before the server finished processing the first request, and you would like to be able to deal with it
i have an app its uses sockets... i want my app to comunicaet with server... like a chain off callbacks.... cleint send -> server reciev -> server send back to client -> client recieve -> send back to server etc....
and its like a big chain
of callbacks sending to each other
Ok, I'm going to assume you have a good reason for all this traffic (like authentication), what is the problem with that model that you're facing?
@AmaanCheval is Zirak's mk_awsm - function already built into the bot? :D
@AmaanCheval In fact, no, I couldn't decline the flags...
(30 minutes, that was)
@GNi33 Hahaha, no, I was about to ask him to add it, though
@dystroy Yeah, because I remember others complaining about not being able to decline their own flags when the flags were silly
what i am facing is when i send some thing like "getData" {blabla} to the server.... he must response something like "hereIsYourData" {takeit} .... and my app has a call back on "hereIsYourData" right? so how i supposed to know is that data what i am asking for?
i mean of course it is
becouse it has the same name on the callback
why would the server send it something else? it's your server...
but if send twice
awesome EcmaScript is awesome, its just such a beautiful language.. its, art !
thanks for attention
Hey @AmaanCheval .. for some reason var obj = {}isn't working..
like u know i send chat msg 2 chat msgs.... and something happens becouse of conditions changed
@AndréSilva Set up an example that reproduces your problem on JSFiddle or Tinkerbin or something
and when i get response from the server if its like late or something i can get some msgs in different(bad) order
@mikrowelt the server knows which message it got first
just respond in the correct order
it will do it automaticly? what one request used some db functions and other not?
@AndréSilva A return does nothing in an object
one get data from db other dont....
I updated accidently..
so one that dont get data from db will fire faster anyway?
And JSFiddle is broken for me
Ah, so jsfiddle.net/YUh8N/1 is the correct link?
@mikrowelt so they are different requests, are they not?
How is it broken ?
Want me to upload it in codepen ?
Right. You never call Modal as a function
I can see the code, but it doesn't update and I've got some console errors. I'll copy it over to Tinkerbin
Ok then ._.
@AndréSilva What's it supposed to do in the end?
Benji loook.... "getSomeData" {badrequest}(no db data becoue of bad request so send just an error) and "getSomeData" {goodrequest}(go to db and send data)
Not error would be a start..
But it would create the elements necessary for a modal element
Why can't I use makeModal directly ?
You could use makeModal().init('blah'); too
But you have to call a function
makes sense..
That creates a new lexical scope, which lets you have your private variables
@mikrowelt and you still want bad request to be responded to first?
i dont know... but there must be a way... do something with this kind of issues
i mean this is just a simple exmaple
Thanks @AmaanCheval
if your like making a game
u will have alot of this kind of issues
yeah, but it's not an issue
sorry for my bad english ^^
I need to see a realistic use case, usually you just respond when you're ready
you don't wait, and you minimize DB calls in real time as much as you can
but what think about sending uniq ids of a callback function that when it comes back u know what to expect?
@mikrowelt you want the users of the game to have to wait as little as possible
in practice, assigning IDs and waiting for them is too slow and usually works against the language
in games ppl like to spam theire functionality... attack,attack,attack,attack or something like that
which is why synchronizing all the actions is usually bad, just update whatever comes in first in the server and transmit the relevant state of the game to the user
any way thanks Benji )
I'm with him
^^ u 2
Assigning an ID will probably be pretty slow
it is in practice
yeah i got that... but i know one guy.... he make an isogenicgameengine
u know that engine?
he made
Depending on the exact specifications you could opt to use WebSockets as that is FIFO and you can make the server queue actions while stuff is processing. Basically like any AAA game does.
^^ that, no need to assign ids, this is the usage by design
so hes idea was like this .... why send 'bigRequestNamesToServer' {data}.... he does this way.... he has something like an obj where he has {1: 'bigRequestNamesToServer'} and what he sends he send only 1 byte of request name like '1' {data}... and reson is that he sends less data
That makes sense. But that isn't assigning an ID to each request
That's just shortening your requests by creating a map
Even this chat does it
but its almost the same as having an uniq id with each function
The chat has 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 I think, all of which represent an event like users entering / leaving, new messages, edit and deletions
hah, we've had a whole department of algorithm experts who worked on reducing the number of packets and data sent :) it's a lot more complex than just sending 1 instead of {1: bigRequestName}
{cid: '1'}
@mikrowelt you don't have to pass cid
anyway, I got to go, Going to buy a third monitor, old one broke. and a new desk, good luck
so it just ands a little data to my request size
there are plenty of good books on how to transfer only a little bit of data
ok i got it
posted on February 04, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} NEW VIDEO DAYYYYY!

Guys, can someone help me with something? I have 2 textareas, and a button. I need to populate first textarea with the text from a second one when button is pressed.
Smiley u use jQuery?
@mikrowelt Well can be whatever it just have to work :)
@Smiley It's just $("#id_of_button").on("click", function() { $("#id_of_ta_2").val($("#id_of_ta_1").val()); });
$('#mybutton').click(function(){$('#firstText').val($('#secondText').val());retu‌​rn false;});
Well but the problem is that second textareas id is ta_'.$text['id']
nice id, but it seems not enough cryptic to me
Also a first textareas id is id="cell_<?php echo $text['id']
And the button id is...?
thats what I was talking about, getting closer
Button id is btnko
@Smiley: in generell, you have to double escape any special character when used within a jQuery selector string
var btn = document.getElementById('button'),
    texts = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
  texts[1].value = texts[0].value;
}, false);
@Smiley: like $('#some\\.special\\#chaaracters');
.value is correct lemon
textareas are stupid though
as he types in one to tell us they are stupid
Smiley i think u looking trhough a php file.... when it renders it is different? or just change the id
I was trying that way but never got it correct because of those ids, still cant get it working
Smiley do you Google Chrome or FireFox with a console?
Do you only have two textareas on the entire page?
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.setAttribute('id', 'a');
a.style.display = 'none';
@mikrowelt Chrome
@rlemon No, they are created by a while loop, there is 100s of them
@AndréSilva why in good name would you set the attribute here?
@rlemon ._. Because I know no better way of doing it ?
and how do you determine the initial one?
Come on, people
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.id = 'a'; // o_O
a.style.display = 'none';
a.id = 'a';
ok Smiley i got a solution for u
Does that make that big difference ? ._.
Smiley put ur textareas in a div with the same class name
I knew that, but didn't know it would work after creating an element without appending to nowhere..
does using a rock make a big difference when you need a bottle opener?
no it doesn't, don't listen to those fools, go ahead using setAttribute() its totally fine and specced
@mikrowelt They both already are in a div
But my problem isn't that..
For some reason, when I attribute the style.display to none
Nothing happens ..
directly setting attributes on HTMLElements is nowhere in the spec at all (it works in any browser I know tho)
@jAndy Really?
Don't rely on Mozilla handling attributes the same as it handles properties, if XUL is anything to go by.
I mean, I inspect element in chrome and no inline style..
at least that is what crocky said once
Man I hate Mozilla
might have changed, but Idon't think so
Any ideas ?
That's what I used to decide ^
$('.divClassName').each(function(){var that = this;$(this).children('.buttonClass').click(function(){$(that).children('.txt1')‌​.val($(that).children('.txt2').val())})});
@mikrowelt: please format code you paste you unless you want to annoy several ppl :p
CTRL+K !!!!
@AndréSilva ^^
works for me
I tried it that way:

			function displayResult() {
				$("#btnko").on("click", function() { $("#ta_'.$text['id']").val($("#cell_<?php echo $text['id']?>").val()); });

And button's onclick is displayResult()
@Smiley: as I told you, you have to escape special characters
Hello . is this a valid command of property creation : var obj={getData:function (){this.NewAttr="1"}} ?
how do yoi post a code )
And don't hate me..
function displayResult() {
	$("#btnko").on("click", function() { $("#ta_<?php echo $text['id']?>").val($("#cell_<?php echo $text['id']?>").val()); });
dont use IDs Smiley
they are uniq and you 100 of them
@FlorianMargaine eh? did I miss something?
> body.innerHTML +=
@RoyiNamir Totes.
^ quit right now
you just raped your DOM
use classes and my code form above and you have to have a parent div on every 2 txtareas
@AmaanCheval ?
is it valid or not ?
@AndréSilva we avoid innerHTML for many reasons - when we do use it we defiantly do not apply it to the entire body.
!!/tell RoyiNamir urban totes
So, appendChild ?
one more time, I have no clue whats going on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> This word is most commonly used by teenage girls.
@AndréSilva Setting properties does not alter the DOM, that's the difference between properties and attributes. But el.style.display = 'none' and el.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;') should be functionally equivalent in pretty much all modern browsers. But obviously setting the attribute potentially destroys any other inline styles, and properties are generally the safer way.
but it is a singleton pattern ( object literal).
Hah, no proof.
and it ain't suppose to have this
@mikrowelt I dont know how, could you look at my pastebin pls?
@Smiley you are making me frown. :(
@rlemon Why? :(
JavaScript doesn't have singletons
Object.freeze( @rlemon );
singleton pattern
Smiley link plz i cant find it
its the same as object literal
@DaveRandom So, you recomend setting attributes?
rlemon can you help here ?
@jAndy jerk you froze my pc
Anyways. Hi all ^_^
@mikrowelt Sorry, pastebin.com/s3zzb2SX
@rlemon ... F*cknut, changing it to appendChild made it work.. lawdy
@AndréSilva No, set properties. Don't worry about the fact that it doesn't modify the DOM, it's not supposed to. As long as the rendered page updates as desired, you don't have a problem.
But besides being modifying DOM or not, what do you recomend as best way of doing it ?
A bloody mess. Try influencing attributes in this order:

1) Try getting or setting a specific property, like x.id or y.onclick.
2) If there is no specific property, use getAttribute() or setAttribute().
@AndréSilva seriously your code is atrocious though
@rlemon Yeah yeah, I'm updating some stuff still..
Smiley where did you get this code? whats is the name of the file?
@mikrowelt Its a file I must work on..called prevodi.php
how much sense does it make to call something like Object.freeze( window ); or Object.seal( window ); at the very end of your code :p One day I will write a library called egoism.js which does just that !
Smiley ur russian skype me n0c0mments ill help you
maybe one-lib-to-rule-em-all.js is also nice
Lunch time. Thanks for all the help guys.
@mikrowelt Not russian, slovenian :) Still ok?
no probs
Also...I dont have access to skype atm, long story :S
why I do i have the strange feeling that my productivity fall about 50% since I joined this chat
its hard for me to tell all things what are happening anyway you have clue that ur in php file and everything that is in <?php *** ?> is render by php so you get other values from your db or something like that
to see the IDs of your elements use Chrome
right click element and inspect it... "inspect leement" and there u can find the real id name
@mikrowelt Well yes, but each has different as they are generated from while loop
@rlemon That looks really cool rlemon!
So first has 1, second 2 and so on
Why I shouldn't code at 2AM: You can only reset your password *after* logging in. #timetofix #hackweekend2
ok thats greate... do they have a parent div? what u need to do is to add classes to the parent div of this little module(i mean there is like 100 of them right) and they must have the same class name... also u need to add class to textareas something like this class="txt1" class="txt2" and to button class="button_blabla"
posted on February 04, 2013 by Randall Koutnik

We're in the thick of our second weekend trying to bang out an MVP to launch our first startup.  It's harder than it seems (already).  There are tons of stuff they never taught us in class (proper password resets, for starters) that we've got to learn.  Node's modularity has helped immensely, having the ability to drop in a single module in to do a single thing is so useful. &nbs

add parent div class="divClassName" to button use class-"buttonClass"
and then use my script above
it will work
@mikrowelt Well they are all in one div, also I added class to each textarea.
if not send new pastebin
name them as i asked you
if they are already name do liek this
class="classname1 classname2 etc"
first txtarea has class= txtarea11 second one has txtarea22
Element.prototype.css = function (a, b) {
    if (typeof b === "undefined") {
        if (typeof a === "string") {
            return window.getComputedStyle(this)[a];
        } else {
            for (var k in a) {
                this.style[k] = a[k];
    } else {
        this.style[a] = b;
someone stop me now.
this just looks like it would make my life so much easier going forward.
@SomeKittens mornin sir.
@rlemon: no problem, I'll stop you. its not crossbrowser
or wait a second, maybe it is, but you don't want to do that anyway
you'll endup re-inventing jQuery light, MooTools, YUI, you name it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
next is .animate(), followed by .ajax(), maybe a little .before and some .after() ? well lets just continue with .data()
Smiley do you have my code that sended you earlyer?
@jAndy .data would be a fabulous shim to break away
but not .data
.dataset :P
Hi all. Can anyone who knows little bit about d3 look the link and say why can't i see my arrowheads? jsfiddle.net/Kobayakawa/eFxFC
Saw it on Reddit an hour ago
Hi guys
this reddit thing is really addicting isn't it ? should I start using it ? mhhh
lets see
rlemon lolk :D
@jAndy DON'T DO IT
I'm spending like 50% on facebook.. 25% in this chat.. and like 20% on twitter
so 5% worktime
I could spend another 2-3% for reddit !
becomes 97% reddit, 2% here, 1% other.
reddit is the game
Reddit isn't that addictive after a while
I visit maybe twice a day for 10-15 minutes
In the beginning it was hours, though
whats so special about reddit
Do someone know a good tutorial to create beautifull and smooth animations
Hours and hours everyday
It's hilarious
maybe one who explain time based/frame based
@PointedEars I hoped for a spock reference... was not disappointed.
Also everyone please visit this site because it is awesome: pointedears.de/index.en
Thanks a lot, I just put the new version online this morning. More to come :)
please make all pages LCARS
and sound.. needs sounds.
I am going to :)
one of the few pages I would expect sound for
That, too.
Next step will be switch to HTML5, then sounds will be easier.
UFPDB already has sounds, but old layout.
Enjoy :)
I wonder if I could do an all ascii console LCARS (no mouse of course)
@rlemon What's LCARS?
!!/google LCARS
@rlemon This should give you some ideas.
I will look
LCARS have all the same interface ?
@MikeBoutin No, there are different versions for each TNG+ series/movie.
And since @jAndy hasn't spoken in a while, I'm going to assume he's been sucked into Reddit
I lost the game
You have a very nice name.
no I did actually work
@MikeBoutin lcars47.com/p/lcars-101.html helped me a lot there. But the rounded shapes, the Okudagrams[tm], are essentially the same.
cya around
@PointedEars lol cool ty
maybe i wasn't enough geek to know that
i'm more old Star Wars than Star trek ;)
Hey guys, clearInterval() seems to require a handle - can I just use it without any params within setInterval() and that'll do it? :)
@Jimbo put your setInterval variable in it
var timer = setInterval(...)
@MikeBoutin What if I don't have a setInterval variable and I've just done it as an (anonymous?) function
setInterval(function() { . . .
@Jimbo u can make one? just put var variableName = setInterval(function() { . . .
@MikeBoutin Yeah, I suppose. Was just wondering if I have to :P
kk, don't know, but i think it's a good practice to have one
except if you'll never interact with this timer
@MikeBoutin Alright then, I'll do it with a variable. Cheers :)
back with stupid questions..
np ^^
Good morning. I am trying to think something through and was hoping for better brains than I to help with a means to a solution?
@AmaanCheval Zirak's SEN
I have three portals and am trying to do a mobile first approach to an error page - the system I work on throws everyone from three portals to a single error page, so rather than send them back to their portal to log in, is there a way to have a login box and three submit buttons that are tied to javascript that will help to omit the additional step in having to send them back to a separate login page?
@rlemon @AmaanCheval @FlorianMargaine post some funny pics y0 reddit folks
This is fucking great. I have an important exam in about two hours, now my headache is kicking in. Brilliant.
Body, I just love you sometimes.
@OctavianDamiean Good luck on your exam. :)
Since no one is asking anything, or talking about anything. Let me introduce you guys to a level of mindfuck that goes through the roof.
where the heck has @darkyen been?
Anyone got experience with $.post and c# webservices ?

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