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I'm planning to learn Klingon.
@AhmedSabry Borrow some from NASA
That's a kick ass language.
my internet no internet it tiny×mini(internet)
:D, sorry i thing that pic refer to you so i said that
@DJDavid98: don't whip out your huge ePenis in here :P
@ThiefMaster Not mine.
stole it from facebook
ah right, it even says it's from 2011 on top
yeah :D
and apparently photoshopped
look at the typo in the "(anything faster)" part
oh yeah, right
i doubt that's real.. but maybe someone just added that message
my internet 1MB XD
and that test result would also mean that one of the speedtest servers has a 600gbit connection, too - which i highly doubt
@ThiefMaster Google Fiber, b* please.
ah right, speedtest.net displays the bits/s value but shows b/s as the unit
still 73x faster than the typical fiber connection (i guess google fiber has 1gbps, right?)
umm, idk
1gb upload/download
my pic appeared ?
@AhmedSabry how is cairo? are there really as much protests there as the media says?
wtf are those numbers by the time?
yes, just now
btw those tabs, geez
that's after I cleaned it
But I mean what ARE those numbers for?
Oh they must be the message #
In front of the Federal Palace not demonstrators but some vandals
that's strange they started appearing
i transalted that as i can't type some words
ah, sounds scary :/
@CCInc ohhhh those numbers
Who wants to pretend go to Tahrir Square and not to the Federal Palace
what are they protesting about?
@CCInc for me it looks like this:
yeah somethings wrong
clear your cookies & cache
Here are some of the thugs who pay them money in order to tarnish the image of President on the ground that they claim to popular demand
did you understand my words ?
sort of
yeah, though the situation in Israel isn't a lot better, no violent protests but a stupid government :/
I'm not a native speaker either xD
amm, thanks for all and i had to go now, thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum
sure :) good luck
any other help from me ? XD
i helped you alot
Peace be upon you :)
Upon you too.
Looks like the chat is dead
I'm off, seeya later.
would it be more performant to use css translate instead of simply setting the top / left values when implementing draggable ?
anyone here? :o
Anyone used to bootstrap?
Lookin' for a decent Sub-Version Control tool for OSX. And.... GO!
3 hours later…
Q: Web App Structure & User Adjustable Settings

user1822824I'm working on my first web app and would like some feedback on the code I have completed. I asked for a similar code review a few weeks ago but I have since improved my structure and added some user adjustable settings. The app is a simple math quiz (addition, subtraction, multiplication, &...

Q: Is this there a better way to use AngularJS to create a simple login?

tommyfI'm brand new to AngularJS. I would like advice as to whether I'm approaching the design of a simple login section of an app built with Angular correctly. The app consists of two view partials: login.html and user-admin.html. Of what I have so far, the user types their username into the login pa...

Q: custom page url slug needs illegal ?id=1 for javascript

DeanoI have created portfolio page which contains a image-slid-menu for navigation. For an menu item to appear as open, javascript gets instruction like ?id=0 appended to the url. for instance portfolio/art.php?id=0. However wordpress does not allow url slug containing ? or = for pages. What should I ...

@Raynos you should have done it months ago.
But GG.
@Raynos i think i did that a year ago
Q: Anonymous macro in scheme

Shou YaI am recently learning scheme and curious at a design that a macro can't be evaluated without an identifier, while a lambda(procedure) can be done so. For example, I can use an anonymous lambda as this: ((lambda x x) 1 2 3) Where it seems I have to define a macro using the following syntax: ...

> what's the fundamental difference between a macro and a lambda?
There are users with more rep. What's special about him ?
he's close!
@dystroy there is only one btw
Yes, I just saw this
Can you find the error ?
Q: uncaught Syntax error:unexpected token /

user2035111Following is the error i am getting while running javascript code on server. Exact error is: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token / and Uncaught ReferenceError: chrome_fix3 is not defined. Thanks

Hello, was just wondering if I minify my js files, if that would increase efficiency significantly?
The main gain will come from the concatenating of files, which will reduce sequential queries
After that, you'll mostly gain from the reduced size, which is a much smaller gain.
But yes, replacing 5 sequential requests by only one (for example) is significative.
Ahh, I see
But you can see the cost of the requests by looking at the timeline tab of chrome developer tools.
So multiple intervals will cause overheads then
I feel like a noob
getting C++ compiler errors that I don't see how to fix
I didn't code in C++ since the old times when it was still a precompiled C... So I can't help you there...
Its been a while for me with C++ too
Question please: If I send from c# (handler) a response with content type application/json - and Im reading it in jQuery call back ( success) - Must I still do eval there ? ?
function okCallBackFunction(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $.each(eval(?????data.result), function (i, n){.......}
You crazy?
1) you usually don't need eval but JSON.parse to parse JSON
2) jquery does the work for you
eval or Json.Parse I know. but if the contenttype is json - why should I do json.parse ? isnt it automatically converted to json object?
Did you try it ? Was data.result a string you still have to parse or not ?
@dystroy Im not using getJson ajaxc short cut.
Im doint it regular with datatype=json
@dystroy only works with eval
type: _type,
url: _url + '?Method=' + _MethodName,
dataType: _dataType,
contentType: _contentType,
data: _data,
cache: false,
success: _cbSuccess,
error: _cbError,
complete: _cbComplete
where datatype='json'
@dystroy can you help please ?
Hai guys
hey hey
@RoyiNamir eval(?????data.result) tries to eval the variable ?????data.result which does not exist, thus giving an error
@DJDavid98 who said it is not exists ?
Holy crap @RoyiNamir Why are you doing AJAX like that :O?
and the code which im trying to read with : ` $.each( data.result , function (i, n) {...`
So you have JSON into your JSON ? Yo...
@RoyiNamir Oh, okay then.
interesting string
what ?
Im asking a simple question
should I use json.parse when getting json from server
and writing datatype=json
jQuery does it for you
why would you put a json in a json? it will be your response regardless
you should not use JSON.stringify either, what you're doing if you're parsing a JSON response form jQuery is parsing a javascript object as if it's json
alright, C++ problems solved, I just didn't entirely get how to use C++ within v8
well done florian
I'm fu___ stupid.
you guys were right
I created a dictionary which at the end im serialising to json
but every key i inserted - it was also json
now it does work.
I'm glad we could help, also seeing your JSON is in hebrew I'd like to invite you to meetup.com/NodeJS-Israel/events/101595812 ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum Im nodejs beginner.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Im nodejs beginner.
not a pro or something
that's ok, these sort of meet ups aim at developers in all levels, if anything you'll benefit more from it :)
(the first question i'll ask as an asp.net developer ) will be the differences between asynchttphandler vs nodejs ?
and the answer will be : If you know how to program async in c# - you can give up of nodejs
It's not nearly as fast, I develop asp.net a lot too and LOVE what they have done with the language in the last versions, async await is bauce, tasks are awesome and so on
but it's no nearly as fast :)
I was talking about ihttpasync and not async keyword
Q: Node.Js VS HttpAsync (asp.net)

Royi NamirAfter reading a lot of stuff about nodejs, I still ask my self : What are the benefits over asp.net HttpAsync requests ? The only limitation ( as I see) is the concurrent number of requests which IIS limits. I tried to paint how I currently understand it : any help ?

yeah HttpAsync, it's cool, I use it at work
FlorianMargaine here also answered it
gotta go. ( sorry) .
good luck :)
anybody who can make a j2me app?
@NSharma I made some j2me apps a long time ago. You'd have to pay me a lot now...
@dystroy i have a query , if u can help?
No, I can't.
posted on February 03, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Early update since I'm flying out to do Story Collider with Kelly! I

@RoyiNamir It holds true that C# in general is faster than JavaScript, but the answer doesn't mention the maturity of async libraries (database access anyone?). Most libraries do not support true async at all, and those that do (incl. ADO.NET) just use a thread from the thread pool to block so that's not true async at all.
A: Node.Js VS HttpAsync (asp.net)

Florian MargaineThe main difference between node.js and ASP.NET is the library eco system. Most node.js libraries provide an asynchronous way. ASP.NET methods don't, only a few of them do. And if there is something synchronous along the way, the point of being asynchronous is lost. That's the problem most platf...

Ah. Yeah. It's a big point because the most prominent libs (db) are blocking.
@RoelvanUden I tried to run node.js+nginx and HttpAsync against each other several times, both using non-blocking APIs, node was faster
Need a help in Jquery
@RoelvanUden we ended up using .net anyway because node.js has other problems
@AvishekhSinha don't ask to ask a question, just ask it
@BenjaminGruenbaum what problems? :P
@RoelvanUden who said i cant do async operation in db via c# ?
@RoyiNamir DbConnection has Aync funcs that block. :P
block what ?
a thread pool is released while the operation runs in db
@RoyiNamir a thread
They fire up a thread, if you call it 8 times for example if you have a quad core with ht it'll block, node won't
once you call DataReader.Beginread() //for example , the thread is back at the very first moment to the threadpool. I can't see what you mean. please elaborate.
@RoyiNamir When you do an 'async' operation on ADO.NET it creates a thread in the thread pool and blocks that thread until the operation is done. This uses memory and CPU cycles, and you have a limited amount of total threads (1000 being default, IIRC). Node however, uses libuv for notifications of something happening and schedules to retrieve the data. It doesn't spawn a single thread, keeping CPU and memory low, and allowing much more operations at the same time.
Whereas .NET would choke on 1000 DB operations, node won't even be bothered.
Of course, once ADO.NET does proper asyc operations there is no real difference with node. It doesn't do that yet, though, and when it does all the other providers need to match (MySQL, etc) and frameworks on top of it need to start supporting (nhibernate, dapper, ef, etc)
Hello all,

Can anyone help in this dilemma:

scrollWidth doesn't work as expected in Firefox (but works well in Chrome!)

Also, context switch
Mhmmm, I tend to agree that the Node.js vs. ASP.net HttpAsync question is kinda not constructive.
@RoelvanUden can you find a reference that shows that async ADO.NET blocks a thread ?
@OctavianDamiean the whole idea with programming is to know A and B and to know what are the differences. specially when I can do the same operations both in A and B
it is perfectly valid question.
@RoelvanUden I agree that it will chokse on 1000 operations. but if you're programming it with async operations - then there will be no difference.
the only thing to remember is that people dont program usually with async operations in .net
so nodejs is to the rescue.
anyone who can help me with j2me?
This is a JavaScript room. Not Java
@Orion try scrollLeft
or offsetWidth
@rlemon What's the longest Awesomenauts match you've played?
ohh it was a while
I played for one hour
got like 20K solar for it
Haha, I had like 7k, I think
Yuri and his mines
He just kept putting them at his base, and anyone who tried going there would die. So it was just stalling till they managed to get our turrets (all of them were intact) and then eventually our base
i want to show YouTube video here do i need to get any permission or i can just show youtube video here ?
I was playing against a team last night - yuri would drop just mines - nothing but and leon would just pull you into them
one shot kill.
@rlemon Thanks for the advice you gave to replace tables, it actually made my css a lot smaller :D
gnaw had his plants there as well.
@DJDavid98 html was designed to be used semantically :P
Yeah, I think Yuri's mines are too annoying. Coco kept trying to push us into the mines. Thank God there wasn't a Lonestar
it is SO much easier to write once you stop trying to hack around it
I still manage to get away with the dash, though
@rlemon I have no idea what that word means.
!!/define semantics
@AmaanCheval semantics: Linguistics The study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent. (source)
I don't understand it because I can't speak english on this level.
Thus I don't really understand the definition either.
@rlemon: doesn't work :(
@DJDavid98 BANG describes the sound and action of banging
@rlemon The dirty minded midget in my head just LOL'd from that last word.
<nav> <!-- Navigation -->
  <ul> <!-- unordered list -->
    <li> <!-- list item -->
      <a> <!-- anchor/link -->
        <img> <!-- Image -->
see how that is semantic?
I could do the entire thing with css and js and just have this:
<div class="nav">
  <div class="link"></div>
but thats not semantic
Instead of what? <div class='nav'><div class='ul'><div class='li'>? :P
Damn, ninja'd
@AmaanCheval js to do the link action. css for the styling and background image.
but ugly and harder to maintain if you ask me
Yeah, I was saying the same thing as you
In brief: Using elements for things they were created to be used for, right?
Got it.
Is there an element for displaying dates?
<input type='date'>
<p>The concert took place on <time datetime="2001-05-15 19:00">May 15</time>.</p>
Ah, to display dates
@AmaanCheval display not input ;)
@NullPointer Dat jsfiddle button
@DJDavid98 just an image link
@NullPointer Ikr.
Shows how seriously you take your answers :p
@rlemon by the way this time element is valid if I use it like this: <time>2013.02.03</time>?
@AmaanCheval not that serious
This question has been answered in its current form: How to override !important; is to simply add another !important rule on the same or higher specificity for the element later in the document. If this answer still does not fit your needs your question requires revision. Not a bounty with no further explanation. — rlemon 10 secs ago
@RoyiNamir Yea, the question itself is valid but just not for Stack Overflow.
@NullPointer w/e if he doesn't award a bounty you'll auto get it for most votes no?
@NullPointer Why do you post an image for the source code?
@NullPointer ultimately if he does never accept anything we should make a new question: answer it - accept it - vote close his as a dupe and merge them
i dont think ill get bounty ..Op is stupid
@OctavianDamiean to prove how it works in the interpreter.
I would guess.
why test when you can just read the code
So instead of copy/pasting the text he posts an image of it!?
I do that as well. :P
I like images
I should slap you for that.
@OctavianDamiean there is nothing wrong in it ? isn't it ?
There is. Text posted in an answer is not going to go away unless SO is down. Images depend on a third party service.
When that service is going down, the image is gone, rendering your answer useless (mostly).
Also, an image doesn't scale.
and if the SO CND goes down but not the SO servers your fucked anyways.
we depends on multiple CNDs being up
@rlemon We don't depend on imgur (or just an external host) for answers though.
nope - but there is the cdn so uses for everything else
or.cdn.static.net or w./e
@rlemon http://brightmeup.info/img/css_iimportant1.PNG
Does that look like a CDN hosted image to you?
@OctavianDamiean don't be a douche i'm making a point
bitching about single hosting on SO is pointless.
SO is not single hosted
It isn't but that fucking image is.
@OctavianDamiean well but this will never goes down
his answer also gives relevant examples
Octavian needs a chill pill and a ice cream sunday.
Na, Ovaltine!
Also, the image is getting down-scaled. Reading becomes a pleasure.
Oh yea, not to mention viewing it on a mobile ...
it's the end of the world!
So yea, using pictures for that is absolutely and in every possible way stupid.
@OctavianDamiean because it's funnier that way
@OctavianDamiean well that is snapshot of Firefox parser also link is there .. what if so goes down ? what if my kitten goes down ? :P
I don't know why I'm actually discussing this. I'm just going to fix it ...
You can write your whole website using <kitten> tags :)
user image
@OctavianDamiean better?
I just died
I think it's totes more reads yo
Although I was too lazy to look up the source code so I copied it by hand.
I must say, had it not been an image this trolling effort would have been aprox 18% easier.
@NullPointer what an awesome album :)
@NullPointer Wait a minute. Of what nationality are you?
@OctavianDamiean ?
That meant, where are you from, if you don't mind me asking.
> mayankkumarswami
Indian, methinks.
@OctavianDamiean India (i dont mind ) and reason for asking ?
Yeah, that ^
I see, makes sense then.
What a bitch! :P
I was just checking if my Indian-sensing still works.
He is actually the pug from the image - the small bald human is his new master (for this couple decades). You might recognize him better here:
he said your mom smells too
It's been a while since I had to use it.
@AmaanCheval You know what I mean.

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