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4:02 PM
"Robert Skelton" is one person
fucking assholes
I swear if I ever meet any of these guys....
the scrapers?
I don't mind if I get some attribution
the guy selling it needs to die - the clones just need to link to my fucking github and i'd be happy
I don't want their money - I want people to know i'm awesome so they'll give me money
4:06 PM
wanted to suggest that too ;)
I will get a well written letter and forward it to all of the hosting companies about the illegal activities.
breaking my LIC agreement and all
removing my copyright. etc.
I emailed the guys and none of them responded (figured)
my #1 goal now is to make lemonmeme better and have the updates closed source
Did they break any license ?
no one will use a shitty alternative filled with ads if mine is slicker and better.
@rlemon Good plan
@copy GPL revision 3 states they must at a very minimum retain a link to the original source (unedited version).
4:13 PM
posted on January 30, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Our kids' comic, Snowflakes, has finally reached its conclusion. Muc

as far as I understand it
OR ship the source with the original lic unedited.
basically you can't change shit and not tell people where the original came from
hey sexy people
@Darkyen Nobody answers you... Try "Hey ugly bearded coders".
I know you love me
@rlemon hey sexy rlemon (source)
4:23 PM
@rlemon yes you were the 0ne who i was targetting my l0ve
@Sam IT's absolutely awesome :D
hi all
anybody worked with kendo ui?
@BeginnerCoder i use it several times but i'm not a master
@BeginnerCoder not I said the dev to the beginner.
Looks like a paid twitter bootstrap
4:31 PM
@GNi33 wow that has a lot of ads. How much r u getting of the take @rlemon?
@Neal ... stfu man. :P
@rlemon :-P
that's the problem. they don't even bother to change any styling, they just smash their ads in, change some text and good to go
@GNi33 most did that
seriously... there is no attribution there at all and random ads stuck in...
4:32 PM
seriously, there has to be a way to fuck with those people
diner time :D
Developed by lemon
hey Mike, did you use the kendo window to open up a local aspx page in the same project
@rlemon haha ur name is now just lemon (still no attribution though....)
4:35 PM
@rlemon are they using a different imgur - api - key?
dammit :D
my name isn't "lemon" it's Robert Lemon or "rlemon" as a handle.
changing it to "lemon" is in fact removing my attribution
@rlemon lol same guy as baby godfather. how many of those does he have?
a lot
4:36 PM
DCMA Takedown
he has like 90 domains that are all clones of other sites
yea it's my legal disclaimer as well
they know nothing of the source
commented code is left in
includes that are never used are still included
lememe was strung together without much regards to anything
Haha if you click on his header on the legal page it goes here: rlemon.github.com/Mememing @rlemon
he just went replaceAll on lememe to mememeing
go to the legal page and then click on the Headline in the header
4:38 PM
@GNi33 I just said that :-P
44 secs ago, by Neal
Haha if you click on his header on the legal page it goes here: http://rlemon.github.com/Mememing/ @rlemon
oh yeah :D
that is just....
ohhh rlemon has ideas
<p>It appears to us that you have decided not to enable Javascript.....<br>Are you an idiot?! It's 2012, don't be a douche, turn on Javascript.</p>
> Node 0.9.8 is out. This release includes an interesting patch from Jake Verbaten to support arbitrary objects in streams.
hey, i know that guy!
4:42 PM
@ThiefMaster NoScript is cool though...
..Today's Recoding article was one of my most successful ever and I can't figure out why. Total hits - Hits from referring sources = 250
why didn't Mr Claus and Mrs Claus have any kids?
@BeginnerCoder cuz it was too pointy
because they don't exist
4:43 PM
a couple of questions: 1- what about other elements ... 2- what about other values ... I might have the attribute data-food on many elements: div's, img's and a td's, where each has a different value. — dsdsdsdsd 10 mins ago
@BeginnerCoder This had better be really funny or you're going straight to the ignore list.
^ then learn how to use selectors ffs!
because santa only "cums" once a year
@SomeKittens hmmmm what sources?
4:43 PM
evil laugh
and we all know you can't get pregnant with just one shot a year
@ThiefMaster where did you see that?
HN/Twitter, mostly.
<noscript> on rlemon's github page
4:44 PM
like you can't get pregnant when you have sex the first time
oh, hello teenage pregnancy
@ThiefMaster huh?
what if she is on her monthly during those times and she never heard of taking pills to stop it
> <!-- Le NoScript, for Le Dummies -->
4:46 PM
ohh yea
fun times fun times
mememing.com/legal.html click on the header now ;)
i was kind of expecting you to do something like that :)
No rickroll? I'm ashamed.
hey - I don't want the users to suffer - they are clueless.
setTimeout(function() { window.location = "http://beta.lemonmeme.com/"; }, 5000);
please @rlemon ^
u developed an app to read my mind
4:49 PM
@rlemon hehe you should alert ur message 1st :-P
so stupid - had to view-source:rlemon.github.com/Mememing to clear the cache
Yeah, have to do that sometimes
Just keep the console open with the Disable Cache option checked
im out
well that was fun
@rlemon :-)
hehe this guy doesn't have a good header:-P rofl.us/legal.html
4:52 PM
@rlemon that doesn't wait 5 sec to redirect, the redirect happens right away for me.
2 mins ago, by rlemon
so stupid - had to view-source:http://rlemon.github.com/Mememing/ to clear the cache
at least he changed the date in the legal to the date he edited it
@Neal ahh, gotcha. that worked. :P
@rlemon true. but still no attribution and crappy ads
4:54 PM
funny thing is, it waited the first time, the second time it was immediate.
yea they are still dicks.
The comment system it stupid and backwards on hn....
@rlemon yaa
Hehe we can troll his blog: rofl.us/blog
Guess who's on the frontpage of HN!
for small values of "us"
@Neal I like that blog. Leave it alone.
4:58 PM
@SimonSarris old news :-P
@user973810 yea... just cuz you said that... NO
Does everyone see the viagra advertisement on top of the blog ?
@copy what blog?
Not yours
@copy Nope.
@copy not that i can see
4:59 PM
"targetted ads"...
The rofl.us one
also, it probably has to do with the fact that I have adblock
Evening. Anybody know what's up with chrome dev tools console sometimes just showing a red <error> and a stack trace, but no more specific error message?
Or the fact that I have noscript
Google is kind of useless with angle brackets
5:01 PM
@fencliff acuz.
also it usually gives a line number for the error.
@fencliff Take a screenshot, maybe
@copy I see nothing I have no adblock installed
I don't have one happening right now. There's a SO question open, and I remember seeing it myself before, but never bothered to figure out why.
Yeah, it's for google and hidden by Javascript (TM)
stackoverflow.com/questions/14607919/backbone-js-save-error FWIW, but no real info there, just curious
5:02 PM
@copy it appears to be random
err yea I guess :P I see nothing
facebook.com/Roflus I got my GF's account so I could post this on the FB page.
fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/… <- this is a rlemon original meme base
expect to see LOTS more - I spend lots of time on the web looking for new 'meme bases' no one has discovered yet
@rlemon booo no facebook in the office
@AmaanCheval my gf is going to be all like "Who the fuck is Amaan?"
That was my intention
I should make a lemonmeme FB account
stop using hers :P
I always laugh when I see this
5:07 PM
@rlemon Even more so considering it's an Indian name! :D
@rlemon hehe and a like via mi phone
I laughed so hard at this
addthis.com offers a share link for over 300 'services'
social media has gone too far man
alias yolo='git commit -am "DEAL WITH IT" && git push -f origin master'
I don't like GaGa but damn, well done. reddit.com/r/videos/comments/17jzzg/…
@RyanKinal r u here?
5:18 PM
@Zirak I awoke on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:11:16 GMT (that's about 20 hours ago), got invoked 40 times, learned 30 commands
Don't wanna ruin the runtime, but about to push a fix for the /learn stupidity. @rlemon, could you run something on the bot's browser in a sec?
This to be exact. It should fix the problem with the substitution fail.
posted on January 30, 2013

Howler.js was just released this week and it looks like a nice way to control audio playback from your JavaScript application or game.  It defaults to using the Web Audio API over the HTML5 audio element for performance and control reasons.  For a game, the Web Audio API is really important for precise timing and effects, as compared with the HTML5 audio element which is more suited towards cas

What were some other prominent bugs?
oh, `/listcommands` pagination?
5:35 PM
@Zirak 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, spec, get, todo, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, stab, popcap, guesswhat, whosthere, knock, knockknock, say, heybuddy, echo (0.26 pages left)
yeah, that's an easy fix
one second
@Zirak few things that should be done: 1)
clear the console for the bot and kill the chat messages in the DOM
memory consumption gets pretty bad after a few days of messages are in the DOM
Minor, it's supposed to move to a server soon
@SOChatBot You iz in mindjail
lol damn.
5:38 PM
~_~ I should also refresh the owners list
!!/unban 1839506
@Zirak User 1839506 freed from mindjail!
@SOChatBot 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, spec, get, todo, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, stab, popcap, guesswhat, whosthere, knock, knockknock, say, heybuddy, echo (0.26 pages left)
well I ran that code for you
!!/echo 4
!!/echo "1233"
@Zirak 4
@SOChatBot "1233"
nice :)
There, that's fixed
5:41 PM
@ShotgunNinja I think therefore 5318008.
@ShotgunNinja @KirstyHarris you're needed
ahhh today I received my fine because I used my cellphone while driving.. ok alright, no problem.. But this so for the LULZ. penalty = 40€ and fees = 20€ ... ROFL!==!=!=!=!=!=!=!
thats 50% fee
are you kidding me, its about time to drift
5:43 PM
@Neal you just lost THE GAME!
@Neal knock knock
@Neal It's me. I kill you!
What should be the display? n pages left, or page m/n ?
@Zirak m/n I think
makes it easier to skip pages (maybe)
I prefer m/n
Hey, theoretical question, is there any way, as hacky as it may that I could access a function's closure? For example get b in

var b = 3;
return {a:5,d:function(){console.log(b)}};
5:47 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope
no hacks, evals, reflection, non-standard stuff, nothing?
its gone at the end of the fn scope @BenjaminGruenbaum
@Neal but the returned has a reference to it, it's part of the closure
a.d() would return 3
huh? You want the returned value to contain b? It's not a problem
@BenjaminGruenbaum .... no it wouldn't, it will log 3
5:48 PM
Sure it would
@Zirak I want a hacky way to access a closure variable
    var b = 3;
    return {a:5,d:function(){ return b; }};
@Neal which is the value of B, if it were magically changed some way, or if b was an object it would log that
Why do you want a hacky way when The Way is to...just access the variable?
^ @BenjaminGruenbaum
5:49 PM
@Neal oh stop being a pussy
@Zirak lol.
setInterval(function() {
  clear(); // clears the console.
  var rows = $('div.user-container'); // all rows
  rows.filter(':lt(' + parseInt(rows.length-10,10) + ')').remove(); // remove all but last ten
}, 36E5);
@Zirak @Neal I was wondering if theoretically there was a way to access a closure, not how to write correct code.
@rlemon wuzzat for?
none of your damn business!
5:49 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just showed you.... my fn gets it...
@rlemon pfffft
@BenjaminGruenbaum From outside the closure? No.
Scope is too elementary for you to have control over.
@Zirak nothing? No way at all to access a closure from otuside the closure?
I see why it would be a bad idea to do so, I just think it's strange you can't
rrrg im still writing about scope...
5:50 PM
If there was, the whole encapsulation it provides would amount to shit
Hopefully this works crosses wires
Why is it strange?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why is it strange? Do you know nothing about encapsulation?!
@Zirak encapsulation is stupid
5:51 PM
@rlemon clear is a console method, won't work outside it
really - no way to call it from outside?
@Loktar how do you manage your games? Do you have any good tutorial?
Just do bot.stoplog = true
5:51 PM
@rlemon not that I have seen
var does not exist in order to provide encapsulation, the module pattern uses the way function closures work to provide functionality similar to private members
@dievardump what do you mean manage?
I have so much ideas of how to make it work that I don't know which one choosing
however, they do not work as private members since inheritance in javascript works differently
5:52 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, we should all loiter the global namespace.
I did this a few weeks ago @dievardump somethinghitme.com/2013/01/09/…
A: clear javascript console in Google Chrome

cobbal Update: As of November 6, 2012, console.clear() is now available in Chrome Canary. If you type clear() into the console it clears it. I don't think there is a way to programmatically do it, as it could be misused. (console is cleared by some web page, end user can't access error informati...

@Zirak how is that any way what I said?
the game loop, the characters moves, the character inputs, are the character moves completly disociated from the game loop etc...
5:52 PM
@Zirak Oh.
what I was wondering is if there was a way to access a closure from outside of it, other languages let you do that through reflection, in java or C# I can access private members through reflection
I don't like you, @rlemon
@AmaanCheval OHHHHHHHH
Don't say that
well what I do it is the game loop, then a render loop, and logic loop basically
pfft - who wants to run Canary
5:53 PM
@Loktar 3 loops?
.. lol dont know why typed hoe..
What's the game loop and logic loop?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't have the heart to argue on the trivialities. Closures are a way of creating a scope. You do not have raw scope manipulation abilities.
So more than one loop.
Rendering loop at 60fps and logic loop at 25?
game loop calls the logic/render
5:53 PM
@AmaanCheval :( that makes me sad panda
Something like that?
@dievardump pretty much, I use deltatiming for the logic
@AmaanCheval: I lost the game
I generally have two loops running independently
5:54 PM
@Zirak cool.
I run the render loop as fast as it can go
I heard the rendering loop should be as fast as possible
and delta timing keeps things consistent regardless of framerate
Someone say something
@Zirak functions closure are the only way to create scope (well, maybe except the global scope and node.js domains and vm modules), I was wondering if there was a way to bypass scoping in a hacky manner like there is in pretty much every other language I know through reflection
5:54 PM
screw you @SOChatBot
Woo no logs!
@SOChatBot who are you?
I will eat your heart.
@Loktar sure opens up audio jack - thats big enough for you right?
@dievardump It's rlemon.
5:55 PM
I know.
eh.. thats a bit too big, I need the hole in the cd tray
the little hole for the paperclip
@Neal 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, spec, get, todo, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, stab, popcap, guesswhat, whosthere, knock, knockknock, say, heybuddy, echo (0.26 pages left)
thats my fav spot.
5:55 PM
mine too
@Neal rlemon: Trolling, I call trolling here! See VoidKing, no one cares, and your tears sustain me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What does reflection have to do with it? Reflection doesn't give you access to inner scopes, it gives you access to class/object bullshit. I do not know of a language that allows you to fuck with scopes.
I don't know why I said I run both at 30 FPS, because I use reqAnimFrame for the rendering loop
^ yeah same here
5:56 PM
@Zirak lol ignore the troll...
@Zirak I see logs :/
Does anyone know how if (elem is documentFragment) { can be done?
@m59 wadya mean?
idk I could be doing it wrong. My stuff could be better for sure
5:56 PM
I've actually even built myself a mini-module to help me make the UIs for games
@SOChatBot Probably because I messed up and slipped a few console.log, I'll grep for that in a sec
sometimes I feel liek when I make games I just throw code at a wall until it sticks
and I have a game yay.
@Neal I have some vars that are element and some that are fragments
And to scale the game correctly on mobile browsers
@m59 :-\ no idea what u mean
5:57 PM
iz only on response so it's likely ok
@Loktar Hehehe, it does feel like that at times
@m59 Write that functionality, I recommend depth-first recursive descent
@Zirak just about every language, java, PHP, C++, you name it, as far as I remember python doesn't even have private members
var mind = 'blown';
@BenjaminGruenbaum what planet are you on? of course they do in some aspects...
5:58 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, they do not. Seriously. This is not a discussion about members, this is about variables
@BenjaminGruenbaum Pythons don't have private members; they're armless and legless, and their reproductive organs sit under folds of their skin.
def foo:
    bar = 42

#you CANNOT access foo.bar
hence private, no?
@Neal Agh, I guess that's correct...
They're local, as opposed to global.

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