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hack the planet!
haha awesome
I'm thinking of using event delegation though
I've never done it before and it wasn't very practical for this project until now.
If I make the context of the plugin responsible for all of the click functions that take place inside of it (there are a lot) this would be pretty clean
There are 3 different kinds of li's...I'm thinking I'll check the target's parent (which is the menu) for a data-attr that will tell me which kind of li it is
your jsfiddle is win, though.
gotta go for now
thanks @rlemon
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/jWgt9 its hard to get a smooth fade with a hex value :/
I'm just not thinking it out right.
ohh well. i'm bored of that now
Hi,I want to start learning javascript. I have plenty of time to learn. can anyone of you suggest me some books on javascript with exercises and projects in it. I know many people have asked the same question, but any help would really be appreciated, thanks.
I don't know about exercises and projects, but that's a helluva book.
Has anyone here worked with pager.js? Its adding a weird "<" directly to the body if i plug a model into my view
ok thanks ryan
@copy sick, is that ur game?
Yes, I made it when I was 5 years old
@copy Hats off man
did u draw all the characters too?
Nah, I didn't make it. But it's the best game in the world
Any jquery selector to find a (text) element? Something is plugging a weird "<" as the first child of the body tag and i want to remove it using jquery as a workaround
puu.sh/1UEQX I want to nuke that highlighted entry using jquery
How do Mac people test Internet Explorer?
@ŠimeVidas Try using a VM/Bootcamp/Have a buddy test it out?
@ŠimeVidas, just ignore it :)
That's a way more useful tip
@Machinarius A VM sounds good.
@phenomnomnominal I don't think that as a serious front-end dev, one can ignore IE altogether.
Q: Archive dropdown styling - would help many newbies

Meigo Al DozaryI am trying to add a custom dropdown for archives but struggling with couple of mistakes that might be the reason why it doesn´t work. Hope any of you could give me some advice. PHP <select id="cd-dropdown" name="cd-dropdown" class="cd-select" onChange='document.location.h...

Nope, not as a serious one
I use Parallels for IE
I see, so there are solutions
Also things like Adobe Browserlab, Browsershot, all those sort of web based tools
Yup, Mac people are covered :)
I just click on the IE icon :P
Supporting IE takes up too much of my life. We still support back to IE7 at work. Not to mention IE on WP7.5
have you ever had any trouble using requirejs on IE?
Webkit: One engine to rule them all (developers)
If only the rendering engine was the only problem with IE
gah i have no idea why this isn't working in IE
Damn i have betrayed my .Net/WPF roots for HTML completely
I am loving this
Netflix is not working for me :(
@Machinarius You can do it man, fight the power!
Netflix isn't a thing in my country :(
Point: phenomnomnominal
iz no bad maan
@SomeKittens :D Now i only need a lightweight wamp-ish server on ubuntu and i could leave windows only for gaming
Internet service just not good enough here
@Machinarius lamp
Linux Apache MySQL PHP
Not really, i mean.... you have to configure apache on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ phpmyadmin
wamp is install'n'go
what i'd really like is something that serves a directory on localhost, only by executing it in said directory
you want easy?
sudo apt-get install tasksel
sudo tasksel install lamp-server
follow the wizard.
You want easy?
sudo apt-get install nodejs
but hee wanz someting likez wampz
@SomeKittens nodejs is not exactly a server, though i could wire up connect into a script on my path....
Thats a neat idea in fact
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.end('Hello World\n');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
...and DONE!
but I want to put an external resource on the page? what do i do?
Questions you don't have to ask with a lamp stack.
I shall cook something up, something so freakishly evil and simple that will shake the very foundations of how i develop html.
@phenomnomnominal how much and what do you peddle?
No @phenomnomnominal, never do drugs
Meth, not even once
^ related
I seen 'im
Having 22 apples and giving Johnny 17 isn't normal. On Math it is. Math. Not even once.
@rlemon Use Jade/ejs/whatever you feel like
Bob Saget is funny as shit
I saw him play that song live. He's a lot dirtier than I ever would have expected prior to that night.
I mean I laughed so hard at his coked up standup
I wish I was cool enough to do drugs.
It's opposite day!
only person cool enough for that was tupac
and snoop
before he was a lion
...So it's now appropriate to pin your blog posts?
@SomeKittens, Do you think it shouldn't be?
I got criticized for starring my own Feeds posts
Personally don't see a problem with it, I think it's quite nice if we support one another. <3
Q: How do I generate a 2d grid-based map without screwing it up?

CodeMooseI'm relatively new to the mechanics of game development - catching up fast, but there are still some things that escape me. For example: generating a fully-accessible map on a 2d grid. See the example at http://crawl.s-z.org. Each floor map starts with dozens of winding labyrinthine passages and...

any one know how the @ tab feature works in this chat room
its quite nifty
@SomeKittens I didn't do that... but I'm not complaining :-P
What does being a room owner mean?
update_user({id: 1386166,name: ("phenomnomnominal"),email_hash: "7ea079654bb159fdaa4043834688f57d",reputation: 849,is_owner: true});
/me thinks he heard "Double Rainbow!!" somewhere
function tabCompleter(a,e,f,b){function c(a){var b=$("#tabcomplete");b.empty();var c=a.length;c&&(5<c&&(a=a.slice(0,4)),$.each(a,function(a,c){var d=$("<li/>").text(c).appendTo(b);c.toLowerCase()==g.toLowerCase()&&d.addClass("chosen")}),5<c&&$("<li class='too-many' />").text("(and "+(c-4)+" more matches)").appendTo(b))}function d(){var c=a.caret().start,d=a.val(),e=d.substring(c).search(/[\s!?();:+]/);-1==e&&(e=d.length-c);d=d.substring(0,c+e).match(/@[^\s!?();:+]+$/);if(!d)return null;if(f&&f()&&
Hi! I've been chancking the badges ... and found this one: Raised 80 helpful flags, whats an helpful flag?
any way to not make a <script> tag not load till a certain point?
Hello. :D
@RyanKinal I'm perfectly ok with it, so long as there's consistency.
Got a problem with uploading multipart using jQuery. I'm uploading text and binary data but the binary data is not fully uploaded as the server receives it as a string; thereby trimming it. Check this question please thank you: stackoverflow.com/questions/14595816/…
This room's pretty dead at night
What time is it for you?
All the rooms are at night really
except C++
@phenomnomnominal 10:28
yeah 9:28 here
for me at least
hi guys
i want to use xml data in .net application...i want to consume all the fields in xml into a .net app....how to do it
can i automate....this approach.....once in every 4 hours...this data extraction from xml to .net app
Hey it's the same guy
It's 4.30PM Wednesday here
PM, Tuesday
@PeterJennings This room is pretty much the opposite of what you just asked.
Yeah, all the guys on the other side of the globe are unlucky cause nobody is on chat
@SomeKittens Well,
C# guys know JS, so why shouldn't JS guys know C#?
Because that's an absolutely terrible argument.
I'm a JS guy who also knows mime, doesn't mean that all mimes should know JS.
Truth be told, the JS community is a mis-mash of all sorts
can i write database application with javascript
Some of us (me!) program purely in JS. Others are forced to learn the basics so they can finish their backend.
Still more are "artists" who just use jQuery to mash together portfolios
i am using javascript and ajax in front end...and want to use sql database....can i use db
@PeterJennings "can i [sic] use db" Yes, you can haz DB.
MongoDB is NoSQL, which I think is a fucktonne better.
@phenomnomnominal +1. We're discussing SQL vulnerabilities in our security class. I lean back and smile.
you can haz db in every language except ObjectiveC
How to avoid SQL injection...
see this form in that link...want to maitain database in sql for the data i am collecting
Params, right? That's how you avoid SQL inejction?
Don't use SQL.
3 mins ago, by CC Inc
MongoDB does have some vulnerabilities, but they're not nearly as widespread/bad/well-known as SQL
and Mongo isn't the only option
@PeterJennings You haven't filled out your location, where are you from?
@PeterJennings Native English speaker?
@ShyamK Hey there
ProTip: If you want to get help, make sure to ask clear and concise questions that explicitly lay out what you need help with (this includes providing code). It also helps a LOT to let us know what you've tried
anything happen in sandbox I missed?
Heya @CCInc. Nothing much I guess. Well... Nothing comes to mind. Guess Shaq has been away for a few days.
Yeah, its too bad.
I've never felt so dirty...
var stupidDivToFixDumbAndroidBug = $('<div/>');
setTimeout(function () { stupidDivToFixDumbAndroidBug.remove(); }, 1000);
If anyone's looking for an example of self-documenting code, there you go.
Stupid bug in default android browser...
@phenomnomnominal ugh code porn
hurts my eyes
wee bit
I came back to see if anyone will actaully respond this time
Q: jQuery $.ajax multipart/form-data not FULLY uploading images

chx101I have a mobile site that allows users to upload images they take on their devices plus some text they input. Currently it encodes images to base64 but unfortunately it inflates them by about 30%. I thought of optimizing this feature by implementing multipart/form-data method via POST. The follo...

anyone not sleeping in here?
hi I am a beginner and I read the whole eloquent javascript book, I want to advance furthur what resourcesdo you guys suggest
Another book
And maybe actually write some code
or where can I find some exercices or projects?
!!/ resources
@phenomnomnominal Command resources does not exist.

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

can anyone actually look at my question I posted.
@phenomnomnominal thanks
@chx101, if we could/wanted to answer, we would have.
Why not then?
Maybe I'm doing something else?
Or maybe I'm just an unlucky person who doesn't get their questions answered every time I ask one?
Yep, that's very likely. You're probably so advanced than none of us can comprehend the problems you're trying to solve :)
But seriously did you even peek at the question I posted?
I haz a questinoz also
Q: BackgroundWorker Result is being cleared

CC IncIn my code, I am using a backgroundworker to do a task and I set that task's return value as the DoWorkEventArgs Result. The strange thing is is that during the DoWork event, the Result is set and contains items, but when I access the result in the RunWorkerCompleted event, SOMETIMES the Result i...

@chx101, no I am currently listening to Sir Tim Berners-Lee talk, I'm a bit busy
@CCInc Answer and upvote what?
@phenomnomnominal What's he talking about? :D
The open Internet and the World Wide Web - i think there is a live stream somewhere
@chx101 My question
Well then I'll either go do my Android project or play Battlefield 3. \m/
@CCInc What about it?
2 mins ago, by chx101
@CCInc Answer and upvote what?
1 min ago, by CC Inc
@chx101 My question
Well I'm not familiar with the API you're using.
Why not just code your own HTTP bot and grab the videos from YT?
Doden't work taht way
Well then use the TY API
I can't change my base my questino is the issue
BackgroundWorker Result is being cleared
Hello Folks
@CCInc Like I said I'm not familiar with BackgroundWorker API
ok well i was kidding anyway :)
Q: show child if click on parent node not both only child

deepaThis is my xml file :- <root> <child1 entity_id = "1" value= "Asia"> <child2 entity_id = "2" value = "india"> <child3 entity_id = "3" value = "Gujarat"> <child5 entity_id = "5" value ="Rajkot"></child5> </child3> &...

hi guys
@Neal I think I created it
It was so that I could move jquery talk away from JS to the jquery ghetto
@Zirak You wouldn't be the first ;_;
can any one know ajax or jquery ?
Q: How to add meta box file upload from url with preview

user26526I am trying to build a meta box for a custom post type. The post will contain a link, a description and a thumbnail image of the sight. The idea is that you put a link in a text edit box and press a preview button. The thumbnail is generated by BitPixels.com (a great free service) by making ...

can any one know ajax or jquery ?
is there any one who help me ?
One can know ajax or jquery, one can learn it from the web.
@AndersMetnik : hi
@AndersMetnik One can learn almost anything from the web...
I have one problem in fetch data from url using ajax
One sure can :)
@NiravRanpara, If you have one problem, you only need one solution.
@phenomnomnominal : can u say me
how to fetch data from above url using ajax
Untrusted security cert, no chance sorry :)
Do you have control over that server?
I have usrename and password
If not, do they have an API?
then it is possible
If they have an API, I'd say it probably is.
I don't want to help you sorry.
@phenomnomnominal : come in that room please
@phenomnomnominal : ?
I'm busy
@phenomnomnominal: I have username and password
then can u say me how to do
Vamp detected, ignoring Vamp @NiravRanpara
Dude, let me be very fucking clear: I don't know how, I don't care how, I gave you some hints, try Googling it.
@AndersMetnik : ?
@phenomnomnominal its really helpful ...:P:P:P:P lol
@NiravRanpara If all you have is a username and password, then you probably need for that site to have an API. Check if it does. If it does, look up how to use it. If it doesn't, too bad.
I have this code but data is null
Ignore him ... @phenomnomnominal
one could see he was writing incomprehensive english ;)
Thank you for @FlorianMargaine last night for his guidance about sessions in node.
yo yo people
@AndersMetnik @phenomnomnominal any you two familiar with WP at all?
Is it just me, or are the questions tagged 'javascript' or 'jquery' of far lower quality around these hours.
than they would be, compared to 9AM to 5PM GMT -5
@FlorianMargaine are you knowledgeable on WP at all... need a little help lol
@KirstyHarris nope
well i maybe able to sort with js
basically i want the current selected link to be a different colour... :S
@ElliotB. not as yet, but will make one :)
ive posted a Q about it... but its in WP so it may not be as simple as i want it to be :S
@ElliotB. well, it's indian hour.
I dunno if it's all Indians, but late at night, there's just a massive onslaught of questions where the OP just says "I want to do _______." and just pastes their existing code base into the question.
StackOverflow should create a special flag option for those posts
call it "Lazy OP."
hey i need sum help in google app script
@MayankSaini :yes
i have a spread sheet dat has a very large no. of columns,,,,what i want is to show the first 4 columns n den dere shud be a button ,which on clicking shows all the columns
@KirstyHarris Well Played? :)
well played? :P
WP = Well played
oh! hahaha
Wordpress :P
i added this .current_page_item a { color: #36c; }
as i wanted the selected link to be a different colour, ie if on home page the home page be blue...
and its not worked,... so im confused
@NiravRanpara hope u got me...wot m tryna say..
Naah know nothing about it :)
this = ?
sorry as in the website u see its got the selected link blue?
well it's making a css class "active" and adding it to the link
twitter bootstrap has it as default :)
yh.. well the person wanted this on WP... so its making my life difficult lol!
@NiravRanpara hope u got me...wot m tryna say..
WP doesn't have ability to add CSS classes?
well yh.. .ive found the class but when i added it its not working :S
You have another class overriding it's settings?
not sure :S
You sure you set it correctly?
i believe so :S
tested it so it's there by default / that the css works ?
again i believe so... :S
show me fiddle ?
will put one together
For some reason, I can't get cloned document fragments to show up when appended. Any ideas?
well, the cloned fragment is certainly empty.
I got it.
Once they are appended, they fragment is empty and can't be cloned.
appended to anything that is, even including other fragments.
Good morning, I want to call an variable from another function in the same document. Is this important?
Sorry I mean, is this possible?
hey can anybody help me out
i have a spread sheet dat has a very large no. of columns,,,,what i want is to show the first 4 columns n den dere shud be a button ,which on clicking shows all the columns
@Casper of course, it's called arguments.
function foo(argument) {

So if I have a function, `function create_row() {
var clone = row.last().clone(true);


And a another function where i want to call the variable clone how is the syntax of it than?
you need to study about scope...
There's no great way of answering that question.
Yes there is, and you did it :) Back to basics dude :)
you need to declare var clone in the scope that both functions can see or pass it in as an argument. You should be able to find a lot of tutorials on this from google.
the worst example of this is global variables (which you should not use)
hey i need yur help guys
I don't get your problem... just make a for(var i=0;i<4;i++){add row[i]} and then on buttonclick add the rest....
the thing is i have 25 columns and the values have been populated ....i need to show d first 4 columns n den a button which on clicking shows the rest of the columns
this must be the help vampire hangout time.
I'm not usually up this late.
@MayankSaini you have access to the columns ? style.display=none
@KirstyHarris wassup? getting it done? :)
marked as a duplicate.. love it
maybe that will reduce newbie frustration when their questions are no longer closed but marked instead
@Esailija where did you see that?
It's in the list of new features
where are the new features?
@VisioN beat ya! :P
Q: Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

devinbThis is the official list of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is jointly maintained by the community and Rebecca Chernoff (a Stack Exchange, Inc team member). RSS feed for this question Return to FAQ index

@dystroy thanks
oh, accept rate isn't shown anymore :(
Yes, I'm not sure I like this too
When my question only receive a thanks, I don't say anything, I just wait because often a few months later the guy is reminded he must accept questions when his rate is too low. Now... I guess the probability will be lower.
A: Support disabling Gravatar on Stack Overflow

Jeremy TunnellWe will be rolling out an alternative to Gravatar in the next couple of weeks. You'll be able to either use Gravatar or upload your own picture from your computer - or switch between the two whenever you like. This feature is now live: Please try it out and report any bugs you find.

@dystroy yeah...
I asked for a long time for this alternative to Gravatar
@FlorianMargaine BTW, the very last version looks beautiful: stackoverflow.com/a/14600711/1249581.
@VisioN still looks ugly tbh
too much convoluted
come back to this code in 6 months and spend 1 hour on it trying to understand what it did...

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