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apple computer?
i need to open console on it
idk how.
On chrome?
Just right click in the browser and go inspect element
ok ty i forgot ahahahaa
oh dear... can write all kinds of code directly to console and run without page refresh!! The quality of my life just increased dramatically
Woohoo! Just hit 5K rep
@bushdiver, the chrome console is a beautiful thing
@phenomnomnominal yes, have been using it more and more recently. especially since I learned could edit css files in chrome and save automatically with plugin
One of my favs is LiveReload
@RoyiNamir Reloads your page once you save it
I used it as a plugin with SublimeText
@phenomnomnominal Does it help get around cache problems too? If it does, I should start using it again
Amaan ?
Royi ?
!!/tell RoyiNamir google LiveReload
@AmaanCheval Command livereload does not exist.
@AmaanCheval, seems to!
HOw does it related to the question I asked :-) ?
I'd completely forgotten about it. Started using incognito, which gets pretty hectic
When I write in console '\xe1' - does it refer to unicode codeprint or utf-8 encoding ?
@RoyiNamir Which question?
That was so far above that there's no way you could have thought he was replying to you
We were talking about the console being a great help, and in relation LiveReload
that's why I asked :-)
oh I thought you answered me:-)
@AmaanCheval im not seeing the sublime text plugin
nice, thanks
No problem
whats that !!/ thing here ?
Does LiveReload work out the box with localhost/xampp? took like an hour of configuring to get Chrome-DevTools-Autosave to work with localhost..
@gdoron Age-wise?
!!/tell 7165325 help
What is that !!/ ?
how to convert decimal # to whole number w/ javascript
Take just the integer part? Rounding?
rounding, thanks
!!> Math.floor(10.725);
@Zirak 10
You could have googled that
What benefit do I get by using the ChatBot ? ( I did see the link)
Eternal life
And this dirty raisin
Here, take it
Go on, don't be shy
Don't want a dirty raisin? Fine. I'll keep it.
Zirak ....?
what is this
It's my dirty raisin now!
You'll never get it!
Why you always try to be funny ?
...Nobody takes raisins seriously anymore
why b serious
Just because your life is hollow doesn't mean you have to take it out on us. I tried to help you, give you eternal life and a raisin. You refused. What more can I do?
@bushdiver If I would have answered you to you'r question with jokes , that wouldn't been funny to you...right ?
I'd rather have taken your question with humour rather than tell you that it's a stupid question, but realize that there is no such thing as stupid questions, and all the implications arising from that.
What benefit? As you see fit. If you find something useful, use it. If you don't, don't. It's a tool.
you right there is no such thing as stupid question.
Just asked what is this !!> thing , and when should I use it
cause I DONT know
and it would be nice to learn
idk , does anyone have joke answer for this? i've been working on this for like 2 hours i feel like an idiot..
I have multiple divs at 100px - want to find out how much pixels are left over after as many divs fit on the page as possible (to apply to padding-left)..

var deviceWidth = window.innerWidth,
divAmount = deviceWidth / $('.divClass').width(); now im stuck, how to get whats left over
bah, this depresses me. bye.
@bushdiver use parseInt
in this case... divAmount = deviceWidth / $('.divClass').width(); = 3.6 - so I have 60 pixels left.. but How do i work with that?
parseInt(divAmount)? ( 3.6 )
i dont get it
I should have become a construction worker, im not good at thinking
or a plumber
I see it already returns an int
moar jquery
so you dont need parstInt
@bushdiver are you aware that selecting by class will return an array ?
use flexbox.
but i'm trying not to use flexbox :|
just want to apply paddings with jquery
but i can't figure out the math
Is there a way to round down only?
so that Math.round(3.6) rounds to 3?
ah nice
I think you want to do:
var numberDivs = deviceWidth / $('.divClass').width()
var padTotal = ((numberDivs % 1) * $('.divClass').width()) / Math.floor(numberDivs)
$('.divClass').css({paddingLeft: padTotal / 2, paddingRight: padTotal / 2 })
Something like that
@phenomnomnominal thansk
ended up with this: ..
var deviceWidth = window.innerWidth, // total device width
divAmountTotal = deviceWidth / $('.div').width(), // divide device width by div widths
divAmount = Math.floor(divAmountTotal), // how many divs
leftOverSpace = deviceWidth - (divAmount * 100), // whats left over
paddingAdjust = leftOverSpace / divAmount; // distrubite among padding
When posting code, use the Fixed Font button
hey all is anyone good with lightbox at all?
@bushdiver: window.innerWidth might be deceptive. Better go with screen.width or similar to get the device width
I wouldn't use the original Lightbox.
It requires Prototype which doesn't work well together with jQuery
well ive tried to install it and its screwed up my carousel :S
yes, prototype breaks jquery's $
feck, any ideas where i can get a decent one that wont screw up my jquery?
google shows this one for example: leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox
no idea if it works with recent jquery versions though
yh thats the one ive tried and its messed up my caoursel
wh0t ?
nobody can break the $
unbreakable !
for moi, if u can i would love u forever
seriously this code has done something to it
as its stopped my carousel working as i want to use this carousel with lightbox
did you by any change include the jquery.js that is most likely in the lightbox archive?
if yes, don't include it.
no i didnt, i just loaded the lightbox.js
i just changed the #gallery to #foo2 which is the wrapper which the links are in
and im proper confused
i would really appreciate anyones comments if they have any ideas :)
@jAndy would you elaborate a bit? my current project is littered with window.innerWidth / height ..
@bushdiver: I was just saying that the "device width" is not necesarry (totally not) the window.innerWidth nor .outerWidth value
$(window).width() is fairly reliable though yes?
oh.. just read this is in the docs.. This method is not applicable to window and document objects; for these, use .width() instead.
how can i catch when user types "@" in a textarea?
it doesnt say why though
i would like to catch the "@" and all the chars typed after typed "@"
a sort of autocomplete tagging when typing "@"
any idea ? tutorials or links?
@Badaboooooom keep track, if they hit keycode 16, then 98 , its @
oh yes!
actually i'm searching for a good images search API
or add a listener once they hit keycode 16, if they next is 98 activate something, if not remove the listener
google has 100 request per day limit :/
yep true!
yah google killed it
damn 100 request i expected at least 1K :/
5$ for 1K :/
yah it's ridiculous
but i think its the cheapest
bing ,yahoo, they are all ridiculous price now
maybe flickr could help?:P
i would like to make user able to tag images with tags in textarea
flickr is free of course but using it as a search is sketchy
if you type iphone you can tag the iphone photo trough the api
hope is possible
well after @ and then they type the tag, just make sure to stop it at the space (16) or something
or comma separate or something to allow natural spaces in tags..
does scraping images.google.com could be a solution?
don't know if scraping is legal
of course legal
but is annoying, going to do a natural hit and then parse the response? thats a headache
and hard to make flexible
the reason $5 / 1k , because its easy to use and the best image search ever - but how can you commit when you're not sure how much your app is going to make? you almost have to have a subscription app to support it.. what if your app stops selling? how do you support the existing users that paid once? it's bullocks
yep true
so it's legal? i don't think so :/
you can't scrape owner contents
i think
they surely avoid this
wikipedia: Legal issues

Web scraping may be against the terms of use of some websites. The enforceability of these terms is unclear.[3] While outright duplication of original expression will in many cases be illegal, in the United States the courts ruled in Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service that duplication of facts is allowable
idk - i would do it
well ...
what i'm sure is the images are not owned by google
but scraping implies connect to google
so me ->google -> images
google is mediator
and i can't scrape they i think
i need to grab the google images without google to be on legal i think
a quick look at google's terms doesn't show anything about scraping..
damn they are foxes :D
i really think that i'll go developing somenthing not legal by scraping
damn :/
they will ban me for sure
i'm sure
oh yah didnt think of that, your server will be blacklisted
better just payup 5$ / 1k
sure, or somenthing like that so better to avoid scraping :/ damn
looking at flicker api :P
also bign and yahoo should have images search
i think
bing and yahoo are more expensive
i dont remember what the prices are but you'll cry a little inside when you see them
what about pinterest ? yep yep :O
they uses images
maybe ... uhm ... these damn of copyrights
are the problem i think
or maybe the best solution is to make my site users to post their photos :D
tag -> insert image url or upload photo
think is best way :P
depends on the goal/point of the app i guess
well the goal is to sell
so you can tag products
with images (hope)
and i thought it was clever to make users choose from a large set of product images
instead of upload them by themselfs :/
like an ebay/craigslist where people could quickly tag images instead of have to upload ?
oh yeah should be perfect
you tag @iphone and it comes up a popover for binding an image to the tag
should be perfect!!
could work well generically, but would have problems with a lot namebrand products
good luck
I just implemented the ben alman hashchange and it would seem that the content shows up in the correct place but the content CANNOT be seen in the src.
yep :/
is that supposed to happen?
I didnt expect that!
it wont show in a 'View Source' but it will in devtools source
now a bot crawling will see the content though right?
A: vanilla javascript vs jquery

Dumb SearchjQuery is a scripting language based on JavaScript. It provides short-hand methods of things that could be otherwise coded in JavaScript. jQuery is coded in JavaScript, and is not built-in inside the browser, so you have to embed it. jQuery UI, on the other hand, is a UI library which allows you...

I just upvoted that. Should I feel bad?
jQuery is a scripting language based on JavaScript.
wanted to link the answer with that statement
but Jamie looks great at least :p
Way to go Dumb Search
@Charlie no, a bot wont see it immediately, have to use ! first for google
ok reading that now
I keep getting to a point where I am like Woohooo this is going good and then thinking about things like seo and so on
and stumping myself for an hour
\so to implement the '!'
do I just write all my a href="#!....php"?
yah the hashchange event will catch it
ok kool
and there are a few other words that are slightly concerning
if your site supplies HTML snapshots.
yah it's a mess, just read on
Im reading further on
and I dont believe that I am going to need to give an html snapshot are all of my links are real simple
#!aboutus.php | #!home.php etc etc etc
@ThiefMaster yes I did. "It provides short-handed methods of accomplishing things that could other-wise be accomplished in JavaScript" read on wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JQueryDumb Search 2 mins ago
no long winded computed urls
wikipedia as a source.. really? :x
i dont think you'll need to do snapshots, i don't remember doing that..
@Charlie: Why not use the history API instead of those ugly hashes?
Use normal links and enhance them with JavaScript to use AJAX.
because I do not yet no what that is
stand by whilst I read
you want that. uses the HTML5 history api but falls back to hashes if necessary
im reading now
looks smart
but he can't use normal links
he load()s them
so he's doing with hashchange - now he's trying to get his hashes indexed
history.js is just going to confuse the process..
thats correct
ok well I am one that really doesnt care about how a link looks as long as it is functional and serves a purpose
JSONP is a stupid name
@phenomnomnominal: Rename it to "intentional XSS" :P
so with what I have now using the hashchange deal, is there any incredibly good reasons to switch to history?
@Charlie: Well, one advantage if normal links it that all search engines will understand them. #!path is google-specific.
I see
Yes, you have nicer URLs and if people bookmark an url they actually bookmark the correct url and no ajax loading has to happen if they open it later
But I .load() pages
Yeah, you can still do that when people click links
@ThiefMaster that's a really good point about #! being google-specific, I sometimes get into the habit of thinking of google as the internet..
Well, google and partially bing are the only relevant search engines if china doesn't matter
Google is the internet, everything else is just there to take up space
Like France...
Nobody likes it but we don't get rid of it
France is fine.. we need some space where we can test tanks, nukes, etc!
china uses the same search engines as everybody else no?
Most of Europe?
I think most people there use baidu
send them to Greece
63% marked share according to german wikipedia
couldn't you just use a standard site map for the other search engines?
ok so I have 2 options...
I have got 2 ways of using my page loads
one of them being the hashchange
the other being an onclick of a get the id and change the page
if i want to use history api I need to use it with the a on click right?
Yes, but you could easily bind a single event for all click events from links
dudes how do you split with several characters "pub:ok?efe=ef".split("/[:?]/")
 $("a").on('click', function () {
    if (this.id == 'callback') {
      if (open == false) {
          'left': 0
        open = true;
      } else {
          'left': -360
        open = false;
    if (this.id !== '' && this.id !== null) {
      $('#content').load(this.id + '.php');
    return false;
dam no quotes ^^
Press the up key to edit your posts
window.width() = Uncaught TypeError: Object [object DOMWindow] has no method 'width'
$(window).width() if you are using jQuery; if not i'd check its code to see which property contains it. i think older IEs use a different one
So I am have real trouble finding documentation for history.js
or working examples
history.js was a headache for me i gave up on it ..
I am so confused
I just want to give my <a> an id or a class and listen for it and then changestate
not write a million lines
Hi, I had a vim/replacement question. How can I change in my document all instances of \cite{something} to [@something]?

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