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yea yea feature detection is better than browser detection blah blah but what if there's a bug in a browser? that has nothing to do with features? whats the best way to detect safari for example
what kind of bug
a css rendering problem
where it works in chrome and firefox
and to hell with ie
well if you can reproduce it you can probably automatically feature detect it
can anyone please help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/13982481/…
ok it looks like its just not bringing in a stylesheet with an import statement...
and its because there was no semi-colon at the end
Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas?
Because Oct 31 equals Dec 25.4
var a=0;var b=usersByActivity();for(var c=0;c<b.length;c++){if(b[c].name.match(/user\d+/)){a++;}}var d=a==1;var e='There '+(d?'is':'are')+' '+a+' user'+(d?'':'s')+' who ha'+(d?'s':'ve')+'n\'t changed their username in the room.';alert(e);
is this ad a lie? i.sstatic.net/o5wrJ.png
can't do it :D jsfiddle.net/wfxLn
here's with helper lines, the function for upper heart is screwed probably? jsfiddle.net/wfxLn/1
@Esailija You screwed up the outer limits
They should go past 1.61735
something like 2.4
just 2 works
Though there's still an odd gap on the right: jsfiddle.net/somekittens/wfxLn/2
works with 2.4
oh I screwed the helper lines but doesn't matter
full solution jsfiddle.net/wfxLn/4
2 hours later…
@RebeccaChernoff I think I'm pregnant ... and you're the father
posted on December 21, 2012

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} My redorkening progresses.

2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Feeds good job "feeds". something worth clicking on.
@copy and I thought I was the only one :(
@Raynos nice :)
I want to replace the "stuff" only "some stuff for real".replace(/\w+ (\w+) .*/, 'hahaha');
it goes without saying that this code doesn't work
oi oi :)
ok, the solution was: "some stuff for real".replace(/\s\w+/, ' hahaha');
@GNi33 hey o/
so wrong
woah, it's mixed feelings-friday for me i guess
what about?
everything's pretty complicated in my live again right now + i have to buy a lot of freaking presents today when the shops will be crowded as hell BUT my favorite band released a song off the upcoming new album today that gets me pumped like crazy
it's one of those days where i consider music one of the most important things in my life
Why do you need jquery-1.8.2.js and jquery-1.8.3.js together..? They will make conflict. — A.V 2 hours ago
feeling bad -> headphones on -> everything will eventually be fine :D
awwww hugs hunni :(
Any ExtJS specialists in here please take a look at my why vbox is all messed up? jsfiddle.net/auVez
surely everything is not THAT bad :(
well, i'll see if it's bad or not ;)
if you've got people to buy presents for, it's not that bad :)
but seriously, what is wrong with you females? you are slowly driving me to insanity ;)
erm....not sure :P
@GNi33 boobs
yes posess two
i wouldn't have a problem with that
my problem is that just everything is so... complicated
but maybe i just fall in love with the complicated type, who knows
hmmm ive been there, trust me
@GNi33 dude, just be glad the world hasn't ended yet, and that you have the chance to be miserable!
sure, i'm not deeply depressed or something
2nd try: any Ext-JS ninjas out there please take a look at this vbox layout and help me figure out why it's displaying collapsed. I've spent about 3 hours I don't have trying to get it to work :/ jsfiddle.net/auVez
If you are, then go talk to someone, honestly, it helps. If you're not then just enjoy xmas! Go hug a stranger!
Q: JQUERY (adding values from table TDs)

user1815822Hello SCENARIO: I have a table with digit values it its cells. OBJECTIVE: Be clicking on table cells and get their values but adding them up as I click at will. It should keep track of the sum and show it in a separate div. WHAT I HAVE DONE: Clicking the TDs adds a class, which, among other...

> Because classes are being added on the fly, I use LIVE.
Q: jquery conflict when using slide gallery

unkownI am not able to call function on button click when using slider gallery. When I remove all slider content from my project then it works fine. var dec_Options=[]; var dec_Details=[]; window.onload = function(){ // fix height width of screen.... var width=(parseInt($...

well, at least he put some effort and structure into his question
yeah, I like the question
I even answered.
see that goes over my head...
what abut me
God why can't url-pattern /auth/*.jsf match anything
It's got to be .jsf or /auth/ but god forgive if I combine them
Too complicated!
15 mins ago, by unkown
Q: jquery conflict when using slide gallery

unkownI am not able to call function on button click when using slider gallery. When I remove all slider content from my project then it works fine. var dec_Options=[]; var dec_Details=[]; window.onload = function(){ // fix height width of screen.... var width=(parseInt($...

it's hard to get rep today :|
it's hard to get rep always. at least for me :P
u talking about a gym ;)
I got rep capped 2 days in a row yesterday and the day before
18 hats now
you can be proud.. so can your family..
I just got the cow boy hat :p
but I don't care anymore btw
i want more,... but i wont get any as half the questions posted go over my head
then answer the other half ;)
ha i try to find stuff that i actually know about... however they are VERY limited ;)
Your time will come, no need to hurry up the rep ladder :)
stupid question here... why the hell isnt this applying padding to my menu.... jsfiddle.net/rusticblonde/7zB8a/34
oh no, im fine, im just being useful in other ways.
That's what she said yesterday ;)
im confused as to why its only applying the left and right padding but not the top (im just fucking about here btw) trying to get my head round accordion menus...
@Kirsty I think it's because <a> is an inline element. If you add `display: inline-block' to it, the top padding works
oh right ok.... thanks @RoryMcCrossan
No problemo :)
surely you can apply a padding though right???
On inline elements, only left and right will work
actually i will apply it to the actual DIV... that should do it.
ah!... thanks for that explanation.. learn something new everyday lol
top/bottom will be applied, but they'll go outside the bounds of the element so they'll appear to do nothing
oooo ok,... best not to that then ha!
if u talk to me more ... u will realise im fucking useless me lol aint i @FlorianMargaine @jAndy
im like a js useless chat whore... they love me really
Q: How do I check if file exists in jQuery or Javascript?

usertestHow do I check if a file on my server exists in jQuery or Javascript? Thanks in advance.

how did this get so many upvotes?
that sounds a fucking useless question to ask... maybe im missing something here
I'd imagine it gets a lot of traffic from Google searches.
Shame as it's a pretty poor question.
em vs. px... .... who prefers what...
Use them both :)
lol trying....
this is my project rory im doing...
I tend to use em for fonts, line-heights, scalable divs etc
and px for stuff that is always the same size, not matter screen/window res
@FlorianMargaine lol synchronous ajax getting 82 upvotes
ignore the giant slider that dont work lol... im peeing about with that lol... im just trying to learn stuff atm @RoryMcCrossan
@Kirsty if you want to blow your mind, check out the new 'vh' and 'vw' in CSS3 :D
oooooo okies lol.. runs to google
thats a really nice theme. I love the little wobble you've put on the widget titles
heheheh :) thankyou :)
I love a good wobble :D
not bad i feel for a beginner lol
thats why half the guys in here have patience with me i think... as im willing to learn, once i have im not producing bad results... well... mine standard either way lol
man the questions are bad today
Q: code igniter view contets of userdata

RajeevHow to view the contents of userdata.I want to know what are the contents of userdata.How can i do this. log_message($this->CI->session->userdata) //array

2 upvotes for that!?!!
you cant upvote your own.... so im assuming that some peoples friends upvoting?
it has to be the Christmas spirit
or lack of common sense?
@Esailija Wth is those upvotes for?
guy with multiple accounts?
I guess it's down to Robo reviewers as that question probably got flagged as low quality due to it's length
@KirstyHarris: you're allowed to stay anyway. Special gravatar approval
dive hugs Andy
@jAndy @KirstyHarris it's definitely a memorable gravatar :D
lol well i had to do it! Dedication to my JS homeboys!
well after christmas its gone.... so love it whilst you can boys ha!
hi, is there a better way to put this <a href="#'+data.id+'" onclick="$('body').trigger('hashchange')">New publication!</a>
I need to generate a link that change the hash, but need to trigger hashchange when you were already on the hash, so the even pops up
hmm wait me doing it wrong
$('<a>', {
    text:    'New publication!',
    href:    '#' + data.id,
    click:    function() {
}).appendTo( someNode );
@jAndy question is: is it ok to have a link with href and onclick?
@cyril: sure, you probably want to prevent the default click behavior anyway by either calling .preventDefault() on the event object or just return false; from the jQuery event handler function
ok,( never really understood what's better with preventing Default/returning false)
can you find someone's stackexchange profile with the gravatar id?
@cyril i prefer preventDefault, as returning false also stops bubbling.
More often than not that's fine, but there's always that edge case which will have you scratching your head :)
I can't believe this is my 2nd most-voted answer on SO
@Esailija guess it's a one direction relation only
What's more, the ridiculous view count of the question...
I found their github profile
@Zirak there -1 :p
but can't find SE
@cyril Liar
@Zirak Holy shit!
@Zirak: I can't believe any str.slice( -5 ); answer didn't make it
@AmaanCheval I know!
It was staring at us all this fucking time
I can't believe substr and slice aren't merged
Gonna load it up as a heroku or nodejitsu app or some shit
substr could easily accept negative as well
@Esailija: don't forget about substring
substring is different and more convenient in some situations
@Esailija: anyway, there should only be one method for that
(.slice() imho)
not slice ;<
bad name
I like slice
it's known as substring everywhere else
slice of pizzaa maybe ??!
...So it has come to this
How to implement doubly linked list in javascript? for ex: I've three layers, each layer has some information, the information from one layer should be related to other information on other layer. I should be able to track the info from one layer to the final layer. How could I do that?
guys, simple question: if i want to write an application on js for linux system, and this application would use an Oauth-mechanizm, it will need an appKey for this. Is it normal? about security issues and etc?
You really don't use linked list in js
@webGLnoobie erm, write it like you would anywhere else?
still I think slice is most convenient anyway since its also used on arrays and substring doenst make any sense there
@AndersMetnik You don't. I've used it at times.
but anyone coming from any other language would search for substring
also there is subArray for the typed arrays :D
true story, I hate it :p
whoever is responsible or in charge.. sometimes it really looks brainless
"hmmm. probably I should introduce just another method name for the same shit, lets call it subarray"
Have you seen some of the string methods?
!!> 'foo'.italics()
@Zirak "<i>foo</i>"
there are plenty of those right
like.. sub, anchor ..
!!> Object.getOwnPropertyNames( String.prototype );
@Zirak ["length","constructor","valueOf","toString","charAt","charCodeAt","concat","in‌​dexOf","lastIndexOf","localeCompare","match","replace","search","slice","split","‌​substring","substr","toLowerCase","toLocaleLowerCase","toUpperCase","toLocaleUppe‌​rCase","trim","trimLeft","trimRight","link","anchor","fontcolor","fontsize","big"‌​,"blink","bold","fixed","italics","small","strike","sub","sup"]
!!> 'abc'.fontcolor( 'magenta' )
@Zirak "<font color=\"magenta\">abc</font>"
got that problem: my code expects a hashchange event to show icons on a map, but when I'm already on the url hash #foo, I'd like that clicking <a href='#foo'>click</a> trigger again the event, I'm tempted to do href = location.hash !== data.id ? data.id : data.id +" "; and then trim in the hashchange function, but it's ugly isn't it?
Why not just trigger the hashchange event manually?
because it would be triggered twice
if I click <a href='#foo' onclick="$('body').trigger('hashchange')">click</a> from #bar
Do the check before triggering, I mean
onclick="$('body').trigger('hashchange')" only if location.hash === data.id ... ok right thx
me==stupid the morning (and afternoon also)
I wonder if hosting an OpenID provider on localhost will be enough for stackoverflow authentication...
hmm no, normally
Why not?
On login you can provide your own openid address
I'v not learned the process, don't know if the client contacts the provider directly or if it's SO who would do it
SO (asks) -> OpenID (authenticates) -> SO (accepts)
it should work yes, sorry
hey guys,... can someone look at my fiddle and give me some pointers pretty please :) jsfiddle.net/rusticblonde/7zB8a/84
@KirstyHarris: just for you <3
@Esailija yeah... only 51 rep today :/
@jAndy jAndy has 59004 reputation, earned 40 rep today, asked 48 questions, gave 1761 answers, for a q:a ratio of 16:587.
40 :(
lol what the feck....
you asked for pointers
whats the issue anyway there? seems like just nothing happens at all
nope thats the thing... im confused.. 0-o
i put on entering a ul li... do this...
obviously the sub menu aint visible..
@AndersMetnik Anders Metnik has 1114 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 54 questions, gave 107 answers, for a q:a ratio of 54:107.
even on a fade out just on the entering the div it aint working... so im confused as to what ive missed even to do a simple fade out...fuck... back to CC
forget it,... worked it out
jsfiddle.net/rusticblonde/7zB8a/89... see it doesnt fade in the submenu.... is it because its not visible in the first place @jandy
god... this is sooo hard! :(
honest my heads completely screwed with this
var hashId = el.href.match(/id=(\w+)/);
if (hashId && location.hash ===hashId[1]){ /* < is it correct to check inline if hashId not null and its content? */
@KirstyHarris: you're setting the parent ul to display: none, hence all children won't be visible either
@KirstyHarris: set the ul ul to display: block and just the ul ul li to display: none
should do it
also.. javascript code block looks broken :)
yh im trying to fix it lol
this shit proper blags my head

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