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is this how accordians work so to speak
retarded accordions probably :p
nah seriously.. dunno, its more like a standard drop-down / popup
yh similiar to an accordion jquery menu... well looks like it
$('ul ul li').mouseout(function() {
tried adding that as a slide up function.... epic fail
thats how I imagine a 'accordion'
its more like a slide down up... toggle wtf menu... oh i dont know...
@KirstyHarris: the epic unforgivable fail is to forget the magic $ dollar sign
fuck.... such a nob
hahahahah it has a fit!
thats funny
LOL it really acts retarded
dont it!
like swinging letterboxes...
what if... the world really did end... and this is heaven... I mean, I can see down Kristy's top... My theory holds some grounds.
Or the matrix just rebooted!
ud get lost?
@ThiefMaster the sad realization: We are all in the matrix. Dude....... it's a dell :(
@AmaanCheval There isn't even a need for OpenID...it looks as if SO supports OAuth
never climb alone ;)
@Zirak Great!
i love my mountains :p
I love my baby elephant. (stomach.... damn that could be taken wrong)
I can't believe how retarded I am
A fucking year
So @KirstyHarris when you changed your profile pic did you notice a jump in your profile views? I want this to be a social experiment.
no actually .. but hey if it helps my "status" as the JS whore.. im happy with a bit of cleavage
haha, wow, nerds are a buncha horny fuckers. You have more profile views in 50 days than most in this chat have had in ~2 years.
ok so theory is... stick a pair of womens tits on your profile...= profile score
actually profile win
ok, gimmy two mintues
honest watch your profile views jump up... ha!... that would be just too funny,.. knowing that half the community know your a guy.. hey if u had kelly brooks tits on there even id view your profile
they actually look fake thou
@rlemon Gonna gravatar your fullsome pair of funbags?
nay, my happy hacky sac can stay off the interwebs
ha... u got nowt on you from your pictures... god if your big... im off the richter scale
That horrible duckface makes the photo bad no matter how many boobs are visible :P
shes fugly anyways
well i cant say much... but .. ya know
Just imagine...8 boobs, just rampaging in downtown Tokyo
i was gonna say something REALLY wrong there
yh... jquery boobs
!!/google boobs operator
i so wouldnt mind like being jlos nipple tweaker or something... thats a perfect job.
@SOChatBot "Boobs operator download"?
!!/tell Zirak echo "That is what you read isn't it?"
"Hey lady, are your boobs too heavy? Try out our Boob Operator!"
@Zirak 0
@SOChatBot You really mean it? :D
our serious little gin palace is turning into a shady place...
serious? really?
neways i got a meeting... bbl
You know what, on second thought, "boob pizza" isn't such a great idea
I'm overstrained by da slang'ish folks.. took me a few moments to figure neways :p
But wouldn't it be great if a hot pizza delivery girl slept with you? I mean, you'd get pizza.
awww sorry...
N................E........................ Ways...
supson ?! sup bro ? ya can handle it ? naaaa neways ..
hopefully that explains your next englishism
@Zirak That awesome side effect. :)
There is a slight problem with that situation
Sure, any hot girl would sleep with you instantly, but how many hot pizza-delivery girls are there?
4, maybe? 6 when there's a rebellious streak?
Yea, that's obviously the real problem.
Hardly enough to go around.
Sadly, not enough to make it a workable idea.
posted on December 21, 2012 by RKoutnik

A lot of us enjoy playing around with different languages, frameworks, etc.  This post isn't about you.  Others see any kind of coding as "play" because they enjoy it so much.  This post isn't about you either.  This post is about those who "play" programmer like small children "play" house.  They simply go through the motions, imitating what little they've seen of the

@Zirak: unfortunately, all pizza delivery ppl I've met so far, look like
@KirstyHarris will this work?
where in the world exists 'hot pizza delivery girls'
...my penis is getting confused
@rlemon You're so damn hot mate.
damn, it really does work!
Like a boiled lemon.
upvote city here I come!
Q: How to wrap pile of html formatted text with pluses for javascript inclusion?

Alan RistićIn my prototyping I'm doing much copy&pasting from .js file to .html where the .js file needs wrapped text in a string. So I find myself wasting time "plussing/unplussing" (if that are even real words) my html. It's a pain. example: I'd like to "copy&paste" <i>jabadaba</i> ...

Do it. You have to do it now.
@Zirak Are you fucking kidding me? I've been linking you to StackExchange's Authentication API twice! The word OAuth is all over the place there.
@OctavianDamiean Up until now I tried loggin using external providers...I didn't think of just rolling a localhost version
Oh, I see. :)
Why are you always yelling at me!? :(
I wasn't yelling. NOW I'M YELLING!
now bring on the upvotes
what the hell!
looking good... great rack
@rlemon You rep-whore!
I drink my milk
not... MY milk... milk
I was about to ask.
love how youve got my facial pose right as well... impressive
I do good work
@rlemon muhahaha nice picture :D
Didn't you hear him say he drinks his milk? He'll get his own facial pose soon enough.
and with that, I'll be back later :P
sick bastards....
HAHAHAHAHAAH @OctavianDamiean i just actually just spat my coke out
you ruined all boob epicness
im uncontrollably laughing in the office and getting weird looks
@KirstyHarris Thought you were drinking milk
No, she isn't, Bob is.
@jAndy no I didn't, you still find them sexy even on me.
well I don't
its good to know my boobs are loved
You know, it's actually not really your boobs but boobs in general. :D
lol... good call @OctavianDamiean... me also ;)
no man boobs.
well men who have boobs...0_o
'cept Bob's.
I prefer to go by Roberta now, thanks.
Mea culpa, Boba.
roberta..... ooosh... larvely..
"I was sick of being rob lemon... now i'm roberta melon... deal with it"
larvely = lovely in cockney rhyming accent
"roberta with melons"? :p
say it really fast kinda sounds like robbed a melon..
with is my middle name.
or robbed t lemon...
@KirstyHarris Thank you so much ... cockney was the word I was trying to remember for almost five fucking months now.
ha! how comes?
I wanted to be a smart-ass in a conversation but failed because I forgot the word.
hahaha... wet pussy....
I hate my company
@KirstyHarris the funniest part for me it looking at us next to eachother in the sidebar images
@FlorianMargaine Did they fire you for the boobs?
an expert consultant of my company wrote a report...
lol yh i just noticed... ha!
Boobophobe fucks!
@KirstyHarris over the holidays I might just make an app, "Put your face on Kristy's melons"
> Lots of javascript libraries are loaded synchronously. Load them asynchronously by using (function() { ... })();
@FlorianMargaine hahahahaa
oh do it!!!!!!!
2 mins ago, by ThiefMaster
user image
you can send them this
@FlorianMargaine -________________________________________-
that would probably be a high selling app on here!
@KirstyHarris What, an app that pushes Watermelons out of lakes?
I admit it would be pretty sweet to have a boob town in here
HA! my boobs are being raped here... its awesome
@rlemon HA! my boobs are being whored here... its awesome (source)
@DaveRandom no @rlemon is developing an app to super impose your face on my tits
@FlorianMargaine Write your own report saying, "Lots of retarded consultants are being hired. Boot them simultaneously using boot-to-ass"
@KirstyHarris I don't need an app to make me look like a tit
I just don't remember my gravatar login data so I can't change that :p lol
@KirstyHarris Congratulations, you've become a meme!
stackoverflow -> myopenid -> gravatar.com... facepalm

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