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A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged. The Earth's field has alternated between periods of normal polarity, in which the direction of the field was the same as the present direction, and reverse polarity, in which the field was the opposite. These periods are called chrons. The time spans of chrons are randomly distributed with most being between 0.1 and 1million years with an average of 450,000 years. Most reversals are estimated to take between 1,000 and 10,000 years. The latest one...
Well, its the 21st here now
So far so good
@FlorianMargaine What is that one selected?
It's the 20th here
Wait for the rest of the world to catch up with you
Yeah, but then it will be the 22nd here won't it
@FlorianMargaine Gotta catch em all?
Or do we assume it's the 21st in whatever timezone the Mayans had...
Fucking idiots, some people are.
@phenomnomnominal I'm quite a bit into astronomy, astrophysics and so on, even planning to launch my own nano satellite in the next three or four years, so that's the reason I'm not really bothered and buy all the crap. :)
@FlorianMargaine I still doubt about trollface and megusta
@VisioN hah
dunno what they'd be for, yeah
@OctavianDamiean, Awesome! I would hope to presume not too many people on SO would believe it haha
I'm just really hoping people don't do what they did when they thought the rapture was coming.
People putting down pets and stuff
Just awful
Ah yeah, tomorrow is the doomsday..
What do you plan to do? :)
Enjoy the beautiful New Zealand summer
And then again on the 22nd
@phenomnomnominal What's the temperature you have now?
The only scenario I can't dispute is the hypothetical arrival of a superior race.
btw if i dont get on over xmas i hope you guys that celebrate it have a good one :)
Well it's midnight, so it's a bit cold, but today was a lovely 27 degrees C
That's only because there is no evidence against nor for the existence of a superior race.
@phenomnomnominal luck. it's -12 here
and hell lot of snow
@OctavianDamiean Law of large numbers says there must have been or will be though
@VisioN Well ... you're in Russia, that's where snow was invented, of course you have lots of it. :D
@VisioN, Gotta be honest, I'd quite like a white christmas, haven't had one since I was in Scotland 10 years ago!
Does anyone want to try to build a browser-based multitrack recorder with me?
Uhm, I'll admit that I have no idea what that is.
Web Audio API stuff! Like a pro-tools clone? In JS
Oh, such a thing.
Mhmm, I just had the idea of canvas based Minecraft, that'd rock!
I'm sure someone's on it but I didn't notice.
I should really try Minecraft
You should.
loves killing others productivity
how to resize the div to fit the window sizes in javascript?
@OctavianDamiean Hahaha, I'm not that easy :p
you're even easier.
look! a butterfly!
Where where?
@Ritesh You should probably use CSS
@SomeKittens Happy birthday!
css i have used and given width and height as 100% .But also not working
I hope you the world doesn't end today. It'd totally ruin your day
Oh what? Happy birthday @SomeKittens
Just saw that it's his birthday on Facebook
Assuming that's not a fake date :p
@SomeKittens happy maybe fake birthday!
@Ritesh, what sort of positioning does the element/it's parents have, and also any actual width values?
Q: How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Can't be done, it's a hardware problem.
Light bulbs are scary anyway.
Who needs light anyway?
Right, LEDs are way better.
Can't burn yourself as easily as with light bulbs (if you don't use > 1W LEDs that is).
loving the joke @zirak
Somebody appreciates something I've done! calls mom
What to do when you cant find the button' code that is disabling elements in an application ?
Is the following a sane way to do deal with JS impossibility to "return" from a timeout function? This tries Y times each X milliseconds a function Z and on success / maximum tries (whatever comes first) finally a callback function:
	multitry = function(time, tries, func, callback) {
		counter = 0;
		timer = setInterval(function() {
			((success = func(++counter)) || (counter >= tries))
				&& !clearInterval(timer)
				&& callback(success, counter);
		}, time);

	result = undefined;
	multitry(250, 30, function(counter) {
		console.log('try: ' + counter);
		result = $('#tagnames').length;
		return (result != 0);
	}, function (success, counter) {
		console.log('tried ' + counter + ' time(s) with success:', success, ' and result:', result);
,o´ `o,
 / \
Wooo! All my code passed straight through JSHint
Oh the joy ... I have to analyze a plain CSS file to estimate how much work it would take to convert it to Less.
How can I write this css to work? pre > div:before{margin-left:attr(data-indent)+px}
data-indent holds a number, I'm trying to indent based on that
This works: pre > div:before{content:attr(data-indent)}
> Support for attributes other than content is Experimental.
!!/tell andrewjackson mdn css attr
Well shouldn't it work in a browser that supports experimental stuff??
Just found calc(), but doesn't support attr() yet, so that's pretty much useless
That's what I needed, I guess I just can't yet
Okay, I just wrapped it in a question, in case someone has some feedback to share, please do so:
Q: Try a Function Multiple Times on Timeout, Return on Success or when Maximum Tries Passed

hakreI'm wondering if it is possible in Javascript to call a function up to a number of N times to get a truthy value back. It should immediately return if the return is true. It should at least return regardless of the return value after N times. I read a bit through existing resources and came to t...

The problem with experimental support is that no one can tell when something gets removed or changed in a breaking way.
@OctavianDamiean Is there something I'm missing there? I already know it's experimental
Was just looking for the experimental way to do it ;)
It's not implemented yet, as far as I can tell
I have to say, using content with before/after seems to be much quicker than creating/appending text nodes for many of the same type of content
calc(attr()) is not implemented
I found out calc() is what I need
@andrewjackson Wanna put that piece in a fiddle for me? I'd like to try something.
Yeah, one sec
@OctavianDamiean jsfiddle.net/ZAMRk
Maybe it'll work if I found some way to repeat a tab
Goddamn jsfiddle being slow again ...
Yeah for me too
Oh but I see what you'd like to do.
Is it just me or is calc() kinda useless without attr()?
I mean, what's the point of calculating something, is there's not a variable integer?
@OctavianDamiean (et al, I just leeched on you since you're the one talking atm) I'm gonna leave chat, try to log-in to it dynamically, and then come back. Can you tell me if you saw me reappear?
In the interval between departing and asking if I reappeared, that is.
Sure go ahead.
I think he's trolled me.
Nothing, I presume
You're back.
bah...I authenticated with SO, MyOpenId log says so...
That's the interval, between my "Sure go ahead message" and "You're back"
Ouh, new SO chat bot feature idea. :)
some one plz help with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/13960797/…
Writing a GitHub issue right now.
@OctavianDamiean It's been an issue for almost a year now
The logging in programtically, that is
@Zirak If OpenID says you were logged in, you're close, right? What are you using? Zombie?
Q: Jquery Optimization for multiple filters

Andy FosterI have the code below on an internal site I've built to handle some php generated table data. The data is a mix of int, string, and date, sometimes with markup in rows. The code all works, and it's relatively quick already, but sometimes javascript will break and none of the filters will work. ...

Yeah, using Zombie, but really because it makes redirects easy...so far. It looks as if submitting the form doesn't make it completely follow redirects.
@Hrishi It would appear either jQuery has broken or you're not properly including it
GitHub issue submitted (with German accent).
I'm guessing it's the latter
erm, ok...when would you use it is beyond me
I agree that it's slightly localized but meh.
Still cool to have. :D
wow i wonder if they have @_win64
Yeah, it doesn't redirect after signin_submit. which is weird...on the other hand, that page gives a 301, and I have no idea how it redirects after it
Oh yeah, location response header
IE10 runs on 16bit Windows?
@Zirak Did you take a look at this already?
Wanna bet it's for the browser?
Q: Stack.JS - Powerful Event-driven Library for Accessing the Stack Exchange API in JavaScript.

George Edison About Stack.JS is the JavaScript equivalent of Stack.PHP and aims to replicate the request structure of that library as much as possible. The library is still a long ways from being complete but is functional at this point. As was the case with Stack.PHP, Stack.JS is 100% fully documente...

This could be helpful as well.
Oh wait, that one looked like it would be a Node module at first ...
I totally forgot what we were looking for? An OAuth client right?
wot! @GNi33 this gabtub guy is Austrian too!
Really? Really @hakre? It's 21st in Europe?
Well ignore. It's just a feature here on SO ;)
Wait what? That still doesn't make sense. :D
You can't get a hat for posting or voting on 21st December if it's still 20th. :D
meh, 17 hats...
I don't care anymore
I just wanted the pokemon hat
the monarch hat is interesting though
Hats=? where to get hats=?
At your local hat shop.
The hat store
Orgh :P
/me has the noob hat
Get me a Fedora when you're there please.
Clapping hat for me. Classy.
Nope. To be honest, the question/answer was for hat hunting. I honestly prefer the way shown in my answer. As said in my previous comment, I did know about your way already -- I just don't especially like it. Besides, why rep whoring when I'm already rep capped?! — Florian Margaine 22 secs ago
lol @ my comment
does that sound condescending?
Answering your own question isn't something new
meh, that was for the hat
Fuck Zombie is annoying me. Suddenly spits out an empty document for no coherent reason.
maybe the document.write bug?
A document which was retrieved just fine 10 minutes ago
Uh-oh @FlorianMargaine, you're danger close to 10k, better get some of your questions down-voted or something like that.
Status code undefined as well
@OctavianDamiean hehe :p
2 rep capped days in a row
on my way.
No I was being serious.
You don't want to go there.
but I want to see the flags :(
Yea, now ... but once you can see them not so much.
So I just went around the office with a box of chocolate and Merry Christmas'ed everybody, almost half of the people suspected I was trying to poison them.
I felt so proud by their security awareness.
@Zirak It's probably the document.write bug, yeah
well. I'll see
if it's so worse, I'll just delete and recreate an account
@AmaanCheval Read a little bit down
@FlorianMargaine lol :D
@Zirak Yeah, it still could be that bug. iframes messed it up for me once
That's quite a radical way to deal with it. You could have written a user script but yea ...
weird...it was. But...it didn't happen on the same document before...bah
g+ uses the fullscreen api, nice
And shit's still messed up
@OctavianDamiean hm, yeah, that actually may be a better idea :D
Her face is ugly
@FlorianMargaine Who is that ugly biatch? :)
@Zirak You'd still do her if you had the chance :)
look where obama is :D
@Zirak put a bag on it
or do her by behind
Obviously, I wouldn't want an std
@FlorianMargaine Solid argument. Hitler was a firm supporter of Oxygen. No more breathing!
@rlemon ^
...what NOW? AGH
I set runScripts to false! I didn't change anything! Tell me what you desire, oh strange and fragile software!
It still runs scripts?
Well, it ran fine until it didn't. In which point I disabled runScripts, and then it ran fine. Until it didn't.
doesn't it cache stuff?
Guys, need some help, does js use references ?
I have a function like this:
function processData(data){
       globalOld = data;
So I can change in New and when it's time to save, I can check it VS the old one...
But both of them seems to change when I alter in the new one..=?
So I passed in the options argument with {runScripts:false}, and it worked! Once! YAY!
Now it doesn't, though
@AndersMetnik in js, all the objects are passed by reference
@AndersMetnik No references, unless you're directly dealing with objects (non-primitives), and then you can sorta treat them like references
So how to "clone" it ? :)
But they're not references
How to make them independant ?
Changing properties and shit will work, but again, not references
Q: What is the most efficient way to clone a JavaScript object?

Jeffrey SchrabWhat is the most efficient way to clone a JavaScript object? I've seen: obj = eval(uneval(o)); but that's not cross platform (FF only). I've done (in Mootools 1.2) things like this: obj = JSON.decode(JSON.encode(o)); but question the efficiency. I've also seen recursive copying function, et...

Either clone (go through properties and copy), or don't directly mess with it
Wth is it this difficult ?
Because the universe doesn't like you
Yeah seems like it

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