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@SomeKittens: if you live each day as if it was your last, some day, you most certainly be right
@GNi33 hahaha upside down clock is awesome!
@rlemon: betrayer !
@KirstyHarris It will, but due to a funny coincidence the "new world" starts at the EXACT same time, and is exactly the same as the old world in every single detail including us and our memories, There is a small exception, all fingernails will appear to have grown 65nm
i just think its a load of balls to be fair
what about the hair...
Mayan Long cycle is ending (if you really want an answer and not a troll).
at the end of it, a new long cycle starts.
It would be like if every year they claimed the world ends on dec 31st because the calendar ends.
The Mayan Calendar did not account for leap years... the date passed LOOOONG ago.
@Neal the mayan calendar is based on celestial events, not our pre-determined "number of days to a year"... so actually.... your wrong.
our whole.. time measurment and calenders are so full of shit, error and mistake.. its not funny how wrong we actually are
(even if only looking at one calender)
@jAndy agreed, time measurement is flawed to begin with.
@rlemon baaah. so where di the 21st come up?
@Neal your comparing apples and hop scotch.
i just think theres more important things to worry about... speaking of that.. mrs birthday tonight... hmmm off to an american style pulled pork bbq... NOM!
@rlemon bananas.
Ooh, scotch?
if I remember correct, there are two major systems how we "try" and "believe" to measure well.. one is about the trees and their rings and the other is some chemical process measurement
mayans based their calendar 100% on star and planet movement.
we based our calendar on the same thing but simplified it and introduced leap years.

They are not comparable.
both are full of errors, and we "corrected" the errors and uncertainties with measurements from the other system
all this crap
I'm just glad the Mayans let me have my whole birthday. I feel sorry for people born on the 22nd.
My gf is batcrap crazy and actually is freaking out about this. I plan 11:11 UTC (6:11am EST) to start shaking the bed violently and yelling "OMG OMG ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING!!!"
poor gal... tell her its ok..
At least in Australia, the world hasn't ended:
@rlemon: that sounds like a perfect exploit to convince her for having sex until the end
is no one else thinking it?
The puns are so much fun
because, today, it really is the day after tomorrow.
10 mins ago, by GNi33
@AmaanCheval Ouch. Can't believe I missed it.
Unfortunately can't delete mine
honestly some people will actually believe this shit
i was expecting it though
@KirstyHarris just dropped out of my book of cool people
Android, C++, or any other real "hardcode" development language basically saying that ecmascript is for tools :p
JavaScript is hardcore. Oh, look at all the things I can do better than your so-called 'hardcore' languages, in a 'toy' language!
lol...i class those hardcore... they confuse me lol!
i never say never... but only so much my little brain can take
@SomeKittens even JS confuses me...
@jAndy not to mention the shanghai timezone thingie
how do i refresh.... ie to show my new gravatar
Ctrl + r
hmmm... it must not be live yet
either that or they are still vetting it
Q: Can someone explain the Shiver Me Timbers hat?

amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM AThe explanation is like so: Shiver Me Timbers provide the highest scoring answer that outscores an accepted answer with a score of 3 or more by 2x or more So does that mean: I need an answer that has 3 or more upvotes that is higher in votes than the accepted answer or outscore the ac...

@KirstyHarris it takes abt 10-15 to fully propogate
ah right okies @Neal... i did a dedication for you @jAndy
:P... :P
So you only like people who threaten you? ...Interesting. How was your relationship with your father?
i get used to it ;)
the dedication is boobs ?
yea looks pretty.. its tongue is spot on
thats what i thought lol
i should surely win the prize for the best placed hat here!
seriously admits that he fired up chromes dev tools to remove that ugly hat, just to see kirsty's new gravatar
A: implementing html in a html5 canvas

Simon SarrisHave a look at html2canvas, which renders a DOM in Canvas. I'm building a web UI. I'm going to try and save us both trouble and let you know that building an entire UI in Canvas is a really bad idea. I'd advise against this. Heavily. And so would the canvas specification. As the spec says:...

Save this poor lad before its too late
if there was a prize for the best placed hat.... i would surely win... i would have to hehe...
right im off, food time xxx laters all
holy cow
cow is holy
haha :D
Anyone used any javascript+HTML presentation framework ?
holy cow is holy
@RakeshJuyal yep
@RakeshJuyal I did even better: remoteprez.margaine.com
@rlemon did you use it btw?
@FlorianMargaine Would you please suggest one with least learning curve.
@jAndy ;)
I somehow feel deck.js needs no learning at all.
then reveal.js and then impress.js
dunno, didn't try it
@FlorianMargaine umm ur demo is a video. shouldnt it be a functioning demo?
@Neal how do you want me to show you a functioning demo?
Hmm that is actually looking good @remoteprez
aw wait, is it just the control only.
A: There should be a hat for well-placed hat

SomeKittensI nominate this fine gentleman for the "Close, but no cigar" category.

oh you guys
So reveal.js is what you suggest.
@FlorianMargaine lol wadya mean? make a functioning presentation site. idk...
@RakeshJuyal its like this
if you want uber sexy madness Impress.js [ but webkit only ]
if You want x-browser powerhouse with professionalism [ Reveal.js ]
with reveal.js you might wanna use rvl.io as writing tool
and with impress there is strut
> x-browser powerhouse with professionalism
@FlorianMargaine "X" CROSS!
wow :D
anyone know if it is at all possible to have a javascript object that I defined that I can access with array notation?
@Abhishek reveal.js isn't cross-browser...
I really don't care about SEXY MADNESS
meaning: var blah = new myThing()
@FlorianMargaine works on firefox , chrome
wait there are more real browser ?
blah[0] = "stuff"
@JamesP.Wright yeah
Man... 217 new messages when I get back. Y'all have been busy.
var o = {0: 'yo'};
console.log(o[0]); // "yo"
I should point out that this object is basically meant to be a wrapper for an array, but with custom events
you guys are a riot
If I blog about issues I had with the company I used to work for, can I use their name or do I just have to say "the company I used to work for"?
@SomeKittens consult lawyers.
I'm kind of trying to mimic Backbone.js Collection, but I want to be able to go through myObject.localArray via "myObject[12]", etc
Depends on how sued you want to get.
Rather just say previous employer thts it @SomeKittens
@RyanKinal LOL
Ah, well.
var foo = {
    0: 'bar',
    1: 'baz'

foo.prototype = Array.prototype;

foo.push( 'wtf' );
console.log( foo ); // { 0: 'wtf', 1:'baz' }
@JamesP.Wright You can access any object with subscript notation (the square brackets). Integer-keys are fake; all keys are transformed to strings. Short answer: Yes. you can.
ok this feels wierd a little
@SomeKittens kool
@jAndy erm, no.
BTW, whts the name of your previous employer :P
@jAndy You need a length property?
Can I override methods like "push"?
just interesting how arrays are treated internally.. yet its just another Object with prototypal sugar
You can override anything you like, objects are dynamic
@jAndy If anything, foo.__proto__ = Array.prototype might work
obj.prototype is meaningless
obj.constructor.prototype could work too
@Zirak it is meaningful as meaningful as stemcell . dna
In few hours world is going to end and we are discussing javascript! Shigh!
y typo
but the problem really was the .length
without that.. .push() just fills up beginning at zero
@Abhishek Dude, only functions have a meaningless prototype property
@RakeshJuyal Was there a time involved? Are we looking at 00:00 GMT?
powerful little .length
Everything else it's just another property
@RakeshJuyal $($); //here i started the end of world
Because, you know... I'm on Eastern Daylight Time right now
var foo = {
    0: 'bar',
    1: 'baz',
    length: 2

foo.__proto__ = Array.prototype;

foo.push( 'wtf' );
@RyanKinal unfortunately Mayans didn't said about the exact time. Expect some delay.
ok thats now working as expected
@jAndy : I will mess around with this and see what I can get out of it
The world can't end as I have not finished Assassins creed 3 yet.
Neither have I...
Zirak have the best hats
Of course, I haven't started it yet either.
@RyanKinal lol
Dear Mayans: If you give me a PS3, Assassins Creed 3, and the time to play and finish it, then you can commence the end of the world.
@RyanKinal :P
ahh damn.. now there actually is a picture.. they had an apocalyptic looking test-pattern there, couple of minutes ago
thought it was somekind of nasty joke
was hilarious actually
The world cant end ... cause i am still a virgin [no , i am joking]
@jAndy thats a legit enough reason (XD)
@jAndy Damn... the end of the world is pretty friggin' borking
@Abhishek You're lying
sup guys
@AmaanCheval You are right.
The world can't end, I haven't destroyed it myself
...or have I?
@8ch8ch End of the World discussions
@8ch8ch hansleyhansen is here with his silly new name!
@Zirak Dude you have best hats and nicely placed too.
@RakeshJuyal: bork.. bork... BORG ! That might be a great world ending. IF ANYBODY SEES A FLYING CUBE APPROACHING -> RUN
Why thank you kind fan
@AmaanCheval january 4th i can change it lol
I know :p
Here comes the NullPointer !!!
17 hats now
Good dog
@FlorianMargaine wadya do?
@FlorianMargaine who is having 17 f*** hats?
End of the world comes when God divides by zero
A: First person to get 20 hats on ANY site

Florian Margaine20 hats. Congratulations. You can be proud, so can your family, etc.

thinking of getting to any skyscraper and dancing around with some poster ontop of it
Aw its you
@FlorianMargaine lol
20 freaking hats.
@AmaanCheval i am Not
@Neal looks like I got over 50 views on my question
@FlorianMargaine ahh
y'know, most of my hats are nice ones like jester hat or spoiler alert hat
But not nicely placed.
Eminem cap
anyone know where i can find info and best practices on API robustness & scalability as well as restricting/authenticating clients (tokens, asymmetric cipher, etc.)
I like how my hat looks :p
What he just said?
@AmaanCheval i cant see it :-(
@Abhishek Authenticate Winter Bash
@AmaanCheval Nicely placed hat.
Wait thats not hat at all.
@RakeshJuyal He wants info on maintaining servers that let people log in and shit
Yeah, it's a bowtie
yeah i see now
@AmaanCheval That's a good hat
I'm using the same one. Although it is not placed nearly as well.
@RyanKinal its ur chair ^_^
@RyanKinal LOL it is nicelt placed actually :P
Heh... yep
Why close? It is good.
looks like there is a hat if you have your question closed.
@FlorianMargaine seriously? there shouldnt be... link?
Q: First person to get 20 hats on ANY site

Austin HenleyAt about 10:40 central time today the first user on ANY of the sites reached 20 hats. What prize does he receive? UPDATE: The closing of this question got me my 21st hat.

@FlorianMargaine hahahaha
@KirstyHarris I like your website. Nice design.
@FlorianMargaine ?
look at the update in the question...
21st hat ;)
He must be kidding.
@RakeshJuyal lol thats bc he voted to close. I have that one already
I don't really care though
something's funny
winterba.sh <<< This doesn't says about that hat.
Thats how u get the bow tie
May be some hidden hat I wonder.
all my questions are closed :D
I am going to close one question; any question ;
wwhat shoulld i play
Anyone other than @OctavianDamiean interested? github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/29
if tomorrow is the last day of the world ... I just wanted to make this noted anyways ..

Jquery sucks!
@Zirak useless :/
Cya all :-)
setTimeout isn't really a stopwatch; console.time (and console.timeEnd) is
@Zirak baaah same idea.
and the point of using the bot is to be lazy and not use the console
Oh I love the disencouraging feeling if dumb and even partially wrong answers, are marked as correct
Q: jquery changing src attribute end

kevin11189Alright, so I'm trying to have a toggle switch between two images. One an animated gif and the other a jpg. Basically, the client wants a ton of these animated gifs of the functionality of his product, but I want to add a switch to turn it on and off because it gets really busy. So, I was wonderi...

@jAndy 60 rep left...
I am going to use rvl.io @FlorianMargaine
Hakim loves you
he's aware of my existence? :P
Proposal: The quality of a library can be approximated as the inverse of how many time's you've said "fuck" while (trying) to use it.
that means I shouldn't call my lib fuck and use fuck as constructor function
fuck( this ); is glittering
And that's a problem because you read code aloud
oooo you just wanna stay the hat king on SO, now don't ya? ^_^ — Neal 9 secs ago
I love when people use $(this) like 10 times in a jquery event handler.
just close this already
@Esailija That question makes no sense. Take a malformed string and turn it into something useful!
anyone familiar with the jquery.scrollTo plugin?
@canon see his latest comment on my answer :D
@Esailija Oh, Jesus...
@Esailija Just tell him to echo 'Helo world!' and call it a day...
I I I... What about me? you never think about me! — Neal 14 secs ago
who the hell down-marked this? Stack overflow is going to the dogs it really is run by nazis.. forget it i'll do it myself.. the fact stack overflow spams the hell out of google is getting to be a real problem - monopoly of the idiots — conners 1 min ago
@FlorianMargaine I did not, only because the "clicker" worked fine.
it was my backup for if the clicker didn't work
can someone please help me yell that that OP?
w00t 19 hats!
hatwhores everywhere
@conners if the answer is in "one line of code", and you know it, then why do you ask the question? Furthermore your question was poorly written (you don't show effort at all, no code, no attempts, nothing). So downvote and close are likely going to occur. Your banter about this site being "run by nazis" is insulting and hopefully will result in a ban on your account for a time period so you can reflect on how to properly ask for help. please see the FAQrlemon 25 secs ago
There you go Neal.
I hath already shamelessly upvoted
:-) 3 more for the hat! and then ill be #1 MOOOOO HA HA HA HA HA
@jAndy :-P
Connor, What we are trying to lead you into is: You need to show a little effort. Even if your first attempt was horrible and failed and returned "hotdog" instead of a date object we would still like to see it. This shows us that you are willing to learn and not just trying to get someone to do your work for you so you can copy and paste it and get paid. — rlemon 22 secs ago
and now i'm done with that :P
@rlemon uppity
new official channel logo nonetheless
adding to the rules page
yea well 2 hours ago I wasn't listening to you
@rlemon baaah
"omg I posted that like 4 years ago, how dare you repost that so users who are here right now and were not 2 hours ago can enjoy it as well"
@rlemon baah x 2
I need a meme generator link
can I use custom images ?
from url
drag and drop from desktop
:( no
not yet*
ahhhh do that.. UBER FEATURE
in the planning.
people found lememe and liked it so there are like 10 clones out there right now. some other guy is also trying to make claim to the script and is actually illegally selling it against the copyright and license agreement.
so for the "next version" I'm posting nothing on github, and I'm hosting it myself.
f those fing fers
love it
Q: need some advice for developing proffessional browser games

decoderI have just started game development using Jquery and ave developed some gaem like snakes, tictactoe,checkers etc.I just want to know are there any tools availalble for enhacing the speed of process because it's taking too much time and also something info on how sound can be added to give game a...

People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow.
lol thats a good one
I couldn't think of a last line :(
ya.... s/a vampire!/cptn. obvious
Please have a look and suggest answers for this question!
talking about vampiric activity
I suggest the answer "42". It's a nice answer, round number, the second half of it is the first part squared, and if your read it backwards it's 24. pretty cool huh
[tag:javascript-*] would be an easier tag for you
hehe he's asking Qs in the PHP room.
I like his name.
oh gosh.. today 9 packages from amazon arrived here at the office.. pretty sizeable..
I need to carry those to my car which is like.. 34639048394853 miles away
"I have a table with over 100 bible quotes in it, and I need it to echo out one quote a day" stackoverflow.com/questions/13553994/…
@jAndy interns!
@canon: was my plan too, but I forgot about it over the day and now, no interns are here anymore
@jAndy pity :P
Q: ReferenceError: require is not defined

user507410I get ReferenceError: require is not defined when trying to do a require call require(["$views/tabbar#TabBar"], function () { var tabBar = TabBar.withTabs([{ id: 'Overview', name: 'Overview', active: true }, { id: 'Album', name: 'Albums' } ]); tabB...

lol, really.. ?
@jAndy jAndy has 58864 reputation, earned 160 rep today, asked 48 questions, gave 1759 answers, for a q:a ratio of 48:1759.
FFS where did I put my coffee down.
Your throat?
thats what i'm trying to do
..... and I just sneased all over my monitor.... fucking perfect.
In an entirely unrelated news, I know understand why Valve make so much money on their hats-based economy. — Joachim Sauer 2 hours ago
I get upvotes on my q/a
but I'm rep capped :(
@FlorianMargaine Florian Margaine has 9276 reputation, earned 260 rep today, asked 21 questions, gave 452 answers, for a q:a ratio of 21:452.
@rlemon That dude sucks
!!/stat rlemon
little bastard had it coming
@FlorianMargaine And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
!!/stat rlemon
@FlorianMargaine rlemon has 6434 reputation, earned 68 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 340 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:340.
alright, gotta get going
yea I could use a smoke and I should go find my coffee
alas you have reminded me of this thermos full of coff!

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