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looks like everyone is sleeping all around the world =)
Germany says no
I bet you are sleepy bot
Computer says no
if (beers >= 5)
    drunk(); // just sayin'
@RyanKinal throw new drunk();
hello guys
is there anybody who can help me with a js issue?
im trying to do document.getelementbyname
I used chrome to inspect and got the following
I am trying to hide a button
<input value=" Edit " class="btn" title="Edit" name="edit" onclick="navigateToUrl('/001d000000JXhAX/e?retURL=%2F001d000000JXhAX','DETAIL','‌​edit');" type="button">
I am using JS and trying to do
document.getElementsByName('edit')[1].style.display = 'none';}
the if block doesn't seem to pass
and so the button is still visiblke
any help will be a big help to me
is there a way to alert all the names of the buttons on the form
or the id's of the form?
i mean the id's of the butt0ns in the form ?
Right click -> inspect element
i did
the name i got is
Really ???!
<input value=" Edit " class="btn" title="Edit" name="edit" onclick="navigateToUrl('/001d000000JXhAX/e?retURL=%2F001d000000JXhAX','DETAIL','‌​‌​edit');" type="button">
Be right back, sleep 7 hours
@rao values are case sensitive. Your if block is looking for elements with name="Edit", but your elements have name="edit"
See the difference?
stackoverflow.com/questions/13963889/… any idea how to solve this?
Q: Javascript will not run properly

Steven HI have this code which runs perfectly on jsFiddle. When I try to run that code on my self-hosted WordPress site, however, it will not run. (The code is exactly the same on my page, except that I added <script type="text/javascript" src="/files/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script> before the...

quick Q does this :
document.getElementById('menu_panel').style.background = "url=('build_h.png')";

allow me to also add position and repeat property on the same line or will i have to do .style.background-repeat etc
I guessing no... since this would add style="background:url('build_h.png')"
@Dave but what harm would it bring if you tried it out for yourself?
I have no pings :D
@rlemon hello ?
@Dave, just tried it in the console and it works in chrome. No idea about anything else though.
Good Morning all btw
@Dave Dud dudedude
you know...
all the cssProperties which have "-"
become camelCase in JavaScript
!!/define paranoid
@SomeKittens paranoid: Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others: a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged. (source)
A: Automatically scroll down as text appears on screen

Abhishek@Marronsuisse if you are adding content directly to your body and the height of your body gets dynamically changed as the elements get added then you need to do this. div.show().find('span').each(function(i) { $(this).delay(delay * i).fadeIn(fadeIn,function(){ var body = $("body"); ...

^ I answered!
@Dave you do .style.backgroundRepeat = values;
!!/urban paranoid
@phenomnomnominal [Paranoid](http://paranoid.urbanup.com/383574) The condition of believing you're being stalked/hunted/spied on by someone. These stalkers ALWAYS come into one of 4 categories:

1) The Corporation: e.g. [Microsoft]
2) The Government: e.g. The [CIA]
3) Independant Stalkers: e.g. Me
4) Aliens: e.g. erm.. [Coneheads]?

It can also mean that you think everyone in general is against you, or that your friends are talking about/plotting against you behind your back.
Q: A jQuery "utility" plugin template: Looking for peer/pro feedback

Micky HulseI need to write a jQuery plugin that doesn't take an element to work. Example call: $.funkyTown(); ... not called like this: $('#foo').funkyTown(); ...in other words, I need this plugin to act more like a "utility" plugin (vs. apply itself directly to a matched element(s)). Here's what I ...

Anybody remembers this ?
@Abhishek Nope, what is it?
hi frd
did some work with kendo modal window?
is anybody there?
hello hello hello
@Abhishek Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand listcommands
@Abhishek help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, gtfo, guesswhat, whyiwonthelpyou, zenmaster, rules, asl, teleportgoat, porn, wish, _, binary, encode, empty_ping, echo, test1, echo6, convert, nudge, undo, stat, beautify, hang, todo, google, spec
!!/info porn
@Abhishek Command porn, created by twiz on Fri, 14 Dec 2012 05:53:00 GMT but hasn't been used yet
Like hell porn hasnt been used yet ;)
@Abhishek Google MUST perfect its porn algorithm, so it doesn't end up like MySpace
!!/tell AndersMetnik porn
@AndersMetnik Google MUST perfect its porn algorithm, so it doesn't end up like MySpace
!!/choose cool supercoool uber awesome
@Abhishek No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@Abhishek None of the above
whats going on dudes
can i get any help from this chat room
hi all
@Saikat have you asked a question?
is there a way to capture a keyup event using jquery live, and switch it to a different key? e.g. if the user presses the right arrow key, I want to treat it as a tab. If the user presses the left arrow key, I want to treat it was a shift-tab.
@IPretendToBeAChickLindsay hello
lol, I really am a woman :P
Okay ;) but not quite sure how to trigger a left arrow key event, but you can definitely capture the keyup event ;-)
maybe @Abhishek knows, he is an awesome jquery dude :P
I could handle it myself, but it'd be easier to somehow change the keycode to a tab key and have the browser handle it for me
@AndersMetnik ka mee
you know whats next ?
I'm also wondering how to capture the shift-tab, idk how to get 2 keys at once...
@Abhishek Sorry I have no idea what so ever what that is :-)
dragon ball z?
Is it some pokemon thingy ?
@AndersMetnik read dragonballz :P or if u know enough physics
its a beam of pure energy / plasma [ i prefer energy .. cause it makes more sense ]
coming stragiht at ur face
Fair... I'll just matrix dodge it ;)
Matrix dodge cant be faster then
um speed of light :P
Of cause it can :-)
Since it's bending the laws of physics everything is possible :)
@AndersMetnik true
did anyone work with kendo ui?
@AndersMetnik i have worse for u thien :P
No @Saikat
@Abhishek What?
or $.call(Anders,$);
kendo kendo kendo.....
@Saikat i use Ninjato sorry
thank @abhishek
So you undefined me?
thank @anders
@AndersMetnik dont u know what $($); does ?
Infinite loop ?
ctrl + shift + j
and run it ^^
garunteed* browser / tab crash
@Abhishek just said Anders is undefined
just run $($);
But if you wan't me to go...
$.call(Anders,$); will do it in ur context :P
is there any one else who could help me
sorry, not familiar with it Saikat
kendo ui is a tool for jquery from telerik
Saikat why not write a complete question, instead of asking for knowledge about kendo, it might be something that people can answer just from the look of it? :-)
ok anders.
can anyone tell me how to close a popup window by a button which is in that pop up. But the parent window in one domain and the content of the popup window in another domain
i used kendo ui modal window for popup.
in popup window
works only on js opened windows btw
not working friend. Abhishek. window.parent(".k-window-content").data("kendoWindow").close();
i also tried this
read the friken docs there must be something
cross domain problem occurs
friken docs? plese tell me about that
the documentation -_-
btw cross-domain issues can be solved if you have
server side access
using CORS headers
google them
if u dont have server side access forget it think of different way
.. cya i have to go
thank anders
cya laters @AndersMetnik :-)
btw never push jQuery people on me :P
@Abhishek laters hf :)
Hahah but it's so fun :D
for u not me :P
i searched it in their doc. but did not find the solution anders. actually if the two thing is in same domain no issue occurs. but the popup window is in different domain
make a SO question then :)
?? anders
Stackoverflow ?
@Abhishek And okay, I'll stop having fun :-i
yes i already made it. but no reply.
Then instead of describing it here, just post question in single line :)
I'm tempted to just add SMBC to the room's feeds :p
hey guys, stupid question, why would i be downvoted for something that works in my theme and i post it as a solution...
not really that nice :S
@AmaanCheval SMBC = ?
@KirstyHarris Paste me the Q or A and ill take a look
add it :D
<3 comics
Nah, it has nothing to do with JavaScript directly :p
okies will do @AndersMetnik if u can it would be lovely, as i want this for a pointer for future :)
Oh, who cares :p
this one is horrible
@FlorianMargaine it's awesome imo
haha @FlorianMargaine
what the hell is imo.... ive not a clue
in my opinion
I see no problem in that Q and A unless it's asked a bunch of times
imho = in my humble opinion
well someone has downvoted my answer :(... as in i posted it as a solution myself.... just thought it were a bit harsh :(
oh! thx @FlorianMargaine
Yeah and I fixed that :)
awww thankyou hunni xxx
Not your hunni though, that might get you a random downvote :-o
its like i told people how i fixed it.. heres a downvote... awesome lol..
@KirstyHarris Only reason I can think of is unformatted code :p Which still isn't really reason to downvote
Just let it be
lol... formatted... christ... i need to learn to do that properly lol!
shit.... lol... fuck....
@AmaanCheval shit.... ... fuck.... (source)
btw anyone had a play with a Raspberry PI yet... im going to have a play with the work one today :P
they are pretty cool
we sell them at work, the 1st launch of the 1st version crashed our website ha!
!!s/Raspberry PI/my pussy/
@FlorianMargaine btw anyone had a play with a my pussy yet... im going to have a play with the work one today :P (source)
omg... lol that sounds wrong
shit... there goes lol again... i need to get another phrase....
posted on December 20, 2012

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Did you know that if Ryan North's kickstarter breaks 500k, he'll lit

Hello All
hope you are good
@FlorianMargaine What'd you change?
Q: $.mobile.changePage() changes page with No data(white screen)?

Fawad Ghafoori have many links in my page each with two attributes that are format & src. <a class="play" src="'.$p['video_path'].'" format="'.$p['video_type'].'"></a> what its clicked i get its 2 attr and make HTML in js like this. $(".play").live('click',function(){ var src = $(this)....

@AmaanCheval added xkcd
cau you guys please see what i am doing wrong here
Ah! Awesome
i am getting no error :( in my firebug
@InfraStank Use a regexp with the global flag
!!> 'something and something'.replace(/ /g, '_');
@AmaanCheval "something_and_something"
next feat...... to integrate the comments lol... (hides head)
oh feck... there it is again... @amaancheval slap me next time i say it
slap you where?
wherever.. just as long as i get the hint
well my new theme is SLOWLY coming on... i need to tidy the code thou
Is anybody there
I need a small help from u people
read the room rules @PravinKumar
i hate HTML markup errors
@PravinKumar what ?
4 errors and i will be free of errors lol
I hate splice right now :)
@AndersMetnik Why?
u know when u have an error on validator but you cant see it.... annoyance ...
Well, the error is your clue
Try splitting up on different lines. That may help
@AmaanCheval "we like you, the change will only apply 30 days from now, make your choice"
Seriously? Thought "we're listening" would mean they'd change the policy a little, at least
well i have a double </div> somewhere and i cant see it ha!
@AmaanCheval it also says "you misunderstood our new policy"
Ownership Rights Instagram users own their content and Instagram does not claim any ownership rights over your photos. Nothing about this has changed. We respect that there are creative artists and hobbyists alike that pour their heart into creating beautiful photos, and we respect that your photos are your photos. Period.
Privacy Settings Nothing has changed about the control you have over who can see your photos. If you set your photos to private, Instagram only shares your photos with the people you’ve approved to follow you. We hope that this simple control makes it easy for everyone to decide what level of privacy makes sense.
hmmm its a dodgy wording that me thinks
feels quite happy that my code has 4 errors and some peoples themes on themeforest have like 24 errors... :)
Don't compare yourself to other WordPress users
Doubt they care about the errors at all
Doesn't matter as long as it looks okay
well the functionality of mine is not there yet, but i would rather it be perfect
yh well w3 validator has had a fit with one i just looked at, :)
do wished i was advanced as them thou :S
@Florian, have you got your Cheddarhead? :)
Me not! =)
I even got the spoiler alert :P
This one is on the edge:
A: jquery: add variable into variable

VisioNUnquote it: { // ... subtitle: $now, }

I'm trying to get the "Yer a wizard"
@FlorianMargaine I got it :D
that'd be my 15th
What about Cat on the Hat? :)
which'd mean I'd automatically get a 16th
@AmaanCheval String splice just didn't work the way I wanted it too ;O
got gangnam style though
ha ha! :)
@AndersMetnik String splice?
Gangnam, Copacabana and Cat on the Hat done :P
splice is for arrays only, I think
That's slice
But didn't work, so I used substr instead
Not splice
Woops might be the reason then :P
Yeah, probably :p
writing slice one place splice the other :-i
ohh well substr works fine :P
@VisioN gratz
Ant you work now?
ah, on MSO
My always question was, what the heck people do if 24/7 they are at SO
@Esailija Where is your great answer about list of all methods of jQuery? =)
@FlorianMargaine I think someone is rep whoring?? — NULL 9 mins ago
I had 42 upvotes on that
and a Reversal badge
and some asshats go and delete it
@Esailija That was pure lmao answer... bad to see it deleted
but it was by community vote.. so we can undelete stackoverflow.com/questions/11846088/…
2 more undelete votes plz :D
Done Undeleted.
It can stay closed but there's no reason to delete it imo.
deleting is just brutal now
I thought when the question is deleted, you have minus repo for that
didn't you find it?
no just for when the answer itself is deleted
That may be
<random> I think there should be a .cum TLD accompanying the .xxx TLDs. </ranodm>
rep capped again
congrats ? :)
@FlorianMargaine That useless to get the same caps
there is a hat for 5 rep caps
ah, looks like you found a new target?
@FlorianMargaine Right, you've got that crown yet you're wearing your troll helmet.
Cowboy hat is cute :)
Q: Image when load in content

WobotI load in some content to a div from an external page divs, based on select-box options. I noticed that sometimes it takes a while when loading a div containing alot of information and I wounder if there is a way to make a image-loader (gif) meanwhile the div loads? Here is the code I am using t...

Q: What are Web runtime environments and programming languages

Bradly SpicerI've been looking into the details behind these two different categories: Web runtime environments Web application programming languages I believe I have the correct information and have phrased it correctly but I am unsure. I have been searching for a while but only find snippets of informat...

@Wobot Why bother? It's 20th of December, tomorrow it's gonna be irrelevant anyway ...
@OctavianDamiean Becuse I want it to work.
If I die tomorrow, I want to know this work
I see.
guys... I need one upvote there, there and there. After that, new hat \o/
and... not rep whoring.
Well dudes, we'll know in 9 minutes.
Its 11.51pm here
is it time to die?
@FlorianMargaine Done, done, and done
@FlorianMargaine, done, that's my final act of goodwill before the end of the world
You owe me your first-born.
Let's hope Satan can forgive me
thanks people!
@AmaanCheval my.
got a new hat
Florian Margaine, Grenoble, France
9.2k 1 7 33
how will the world end then? or thats not written somewhere?
Various ways have been described
Another planet collides with us
Cosmic radiation
Magnetic poles shifting
@phenomnomnominal Just up-vote some of this answer too and you'll be fine.
etc etc etc
@OctavianDamiean, which one?
@phenomnomnominal Very very unlikely 'cept the other planet would just spawn right next to us. .D
@OctavianDamiean, did you see the NASA video?
@phenomnomnominal Which one?
are you kidding ahahaha
@phenomnomnominal Nah, didn't watch it but I'm just saying a planet on collision course with us would have been visible even to hobby astronomers for ages.
@OctavianDamiean, yeah exactly haha
@phenomnomnominal Magnetic poles shifting is also quite unlikely.
And it happens regularly enough anyway
Once every few million years or so
All that would happen is that compasses would point the other way
I mean it is unlikely that it changes dramatically in such a short time span that we'd immediately notice or be harmed by it.

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