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if I preventDefault() on a checkbox being checked until some xhr call is done, how do I check the box using the original event? (the event is a click on a label that is attached to the checkbox)
do I have to sniff the "for" from the label and toggle the applicable control?
That's a tough one
hrmm, whatever.
trying to use dispatchEvent but the tough part is this
<input type="checkbox" id="foo" />
<label for="foo"><img src="bar.png" /></label>
fuck, nvm.
I read this question and answers and decided you need a little boost. jsfiddle.net/4G9f8 check this out. Google each function if you need to (use MDN, not w3schools). Cheers. — rlemon 19 secs ago
overkill? :P
I'm not sure what you're asking
he wants to swap images, I provided that fiddle for him to learn.
overkill? or justified.
I ask you only because you're the only other person active here I eKnow.
I'd say it's fine. It's a good, general solution.
Consider using NodeList if you want to insert whatever you need in any other position, so you return the node and then use insertBefore. Also, consider using jQuery for heavy DOM editing, it's not that hard. — user1231958 2 mins ago
does he know who he is talking too? really?
Apparently not :-P
There's no good dataset shim, is there?
Does that show 'Did you mean' for everyone?
Protip: If you want to see if it's like that for "everyone" look at the search in incognito
I meant for other countries
I guess it would be the same
@RyanKinal: I hate dataset !
@jAndy Yeah... I've converted to getAttribute instead
it's one of those things.. were you seriously can ask.. W3C.. whatwg.. browser vendors.. all together
there are no object methods on it, just pure DOMstring sugar, magically detecting new properties or removed properties and applying it on a node/shadow
whereas.. other 'new' stuff like classList, does have object methods like .add() and .remove()
@jAndy You make some good points
you guys see my "hat" in the profile ?
lol - fun stuff ! challenge accepted
@jAndy That's all easily explainable
New stuff is test phase whereas old stuff get cemented into the program
Or idk what you're talking about
So, fun challenge: Can anybody show me the "Download" link on apple.com/safari ?
@RyanKinal $('body').append('<button>Download</button>')
I think I've got the lowest useful:funny ratio in the room
Something to be proud of, for sure
It's going on my resume
'The latest version of Safari is available in Mountain Lion. The latest version of Safari for Lion is available through Software Update'
FF I guess
I know apple.com/safari/download is there because apple.com/safari/shitballs gives a 404
So it must be OS
I bet if you spoof your headers to look more like Mountain Lion, it will work
Oh, I could have just Googled it -_-
It all makes sense now, why Google would started Chrome
Q: Fastest way to remove/hide a lot of elements from a list

Errol GongsonI have a dropdown that contains around 100,000 rows which make up a list. <input id="search" type="text" /> <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> ... <li>item 100,000</li> </ul> I have a text box which acts as a search, s...

They needed a good, cross platform, open source browser to do their testing on, that was consistent across platforms. I guess the problem was that some liked Apple, some liked Linux, and some liked Windows
Anyone having Twitter problems?
Made some improvements to GMScreen. Any testing/feedback would be appreciated.
@RyanKinal for the ordered list, the title doesn't get saved
of course, I have no clue what the purpose of your app is so.....
oh actually, I don't mean the title. I mean the item
The title doesn't get saved?
What browser?
I meant the name of the item
but chrome
The name of the item? I'm not sure what you mean.
where it says "1. [click to edit]"
For a bit, one of the .css files wasn't loading
when you edit it, clicking the checkmark doesn't seem to work
it just goes back to "[click to edit]"
@twiz Oh, the check mark isn't for saving
ohhh haha well that might explain it
@RyanKinal but that being the case, it may be a UI confusion problem
It definitely took me a long time to realize you hit enter... ha
I'd say you should at least make it save when you click away as well
Yeah, that's something in the works. There's an oddity in Chrome where it fires the blur event when the element is removed from the DOM, and that's tough to deal with.
@RyanKinal hhmmm. That does sound like the logical thing to happen though, no?
Kind of.
None of the other major browsers do it, though
And it's a PITA to deal with.
@SomeKittens "For a bit"? Like, high latency, or do you mean the style-switching?
I guess you could always do the listen for click on <body> thing instead of blur
Except it won't just be a click away... I can picture this being used on tab as well.
I assume the blur event fires even if you just display:none the element? maybe thats what you already do...
I actually remove it entirely. I don't know about just hiding it.
> werd. me test
^ sound like a CEO to you? :-P
@RyanKinal CEO of what? haha
Well... I kind of get the feeling that "speaking professionally" only matters to people over 40 or 50
And I'm assuming he is not... haha
I had a phone interview a few months ago, and I really was not prepared for the amount of vulgarity in that conversation... haha
@RyanKinal The css (and a few images) 404'd
Huh. That's odd.
Could someone help me with a problem I'm having? It seems that on my site: onx.im whenever I click on the submit button it doesn't disable (I've written a function to disable it temporarily for 5 seconds). It doesn't disable upon the first click on the first load but on the second click it works fine.
Just some background information about my issue.
i see a modal
what do you want it to do?
disable? and grey out?
but for 5 seconds
whats with the popup?
you probably didn't check tos :P
or its an invalid link
function checkSubmitValue(selectedValue, forcedisable){?
then setTimeout
try that
anyone help me on getting position( collision: "flipfit flip". to work on some tooltips?
@mwong Don't try to disable the submit button. Not sure why but that's nigh impossible. Disable the form submit.

`myForm.addEventListener('submit',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });`
@ErikReppen good point
that was more a code aimed to disable a grey-ed out div over the button
know anything about horizontal collision detection for jQuery plugin tooltips?
@mwong $('#timeout').click(function(){ is inside the function checkTos() why? I don't think that is right...
then again I may be wrong... :)
well let me get to @Christo's code
@ShyamK I've tried many combinations as in putting the code in its own function
but that didn't work
so my last revision was to put it in checkTos()
:) @mwong you should create a div around the button and forcedisable and make inactive the div for the 5sec. I used a similar code to disable / enable onSelect for a multiselect jump menu - good solution for a query page
and it would still allow for submit btn functionality outside the 5sec interval
use checkTos() but use onSelect to temp hide and inactive the surrounding div
do you have a fiddle?
i could create one right now
do that. i'll show you my idea
but i can't guarantee it will look well
who cares, functionality first
@mwong collision-detection with tooltips? I would just make them appear relative to the cursor when it sits on top of something interesting. Should never be more than one tooltip at a time. Once you move, the tooltip fades.
might need to // out your first script
first script as in init()?
@ErikReppen this is my current code for my tooltips: how do I alter it to allow for a collision?
$("a:not(.tooltipquestion, .accountnav, #hat_icon)").aToolTip({
// no need to change/override
closeTipBtn: 'aToolTipCloseBtn',
toolTipId: 'aToolTip',
// ok to override
// fixed: false, // Set true to activate fixed position
fixed: false, // Set true to activate fixed position -- chris/peter 12/9
clickIt: false, // set to true for click activated tooltip
@mwong no sorry, function checkTos()
ahh okay
sorry for the sloppy code
works tho
Oh, sorry, that was your question. It's just a CSS problem to me. You have one span set to position:absolute, sitting at the bottom of the body tag. When you get a mouseover over something interesting and no movement, you drop a message in the span and position relative to the last mouse-coords before it stopped moving. No need for collision unless you mean something else by tooltip.
okay thanks. i wish i could try it now but its 12:30
i like the css option!
its a jQuery plugin called aToolTip
CSS eliminates massive amounts of JavaScript if you use it well for UI stuff.
I rarely use the plug-ins. They tend to be inflexible to the point where by the time I've worked out how to bend/fold/mutilate to work in a given project, I could have home-brewed my own (more flexible) widget extension.
absolutely! so your saying span.aToolTip {position:relative; "mouse coords"?
i have, sadly, like 4 jquery cores in my current build, sigh
I have no idea. I've never used that one. I'm saying a span with text replaced when you stop moving your mouse and it happens to have mouseovered on top of something interesting. I would go with absolute since relative continues to affect layout at the non-adjusted position.
okay. thank you
@RyanKinal help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, github-status, google, hang, learn, gtfo, guesswhat, whyiwonthelpyou, zenmaster, rules, asl, teleportgoat, porn, wish, _, binary, encode, empty_ping, echo, test1, echo6, n, nudge, spec, stat, todo, undo
:-P @SOChatBot
@phenomnomnominal Invalid command / porn?
@phenomnomnominal Google MUST perfect its porn algorithm, so it doesn't end up like MySpace
function spendTime()
    var time = 0,
        awake = true;

    while (awake)

        awake = (time >= 14 + projects.length);

    while (time--)

awake = false; // going to bed
@twiz 1 2
!!/help echo6
@twiz echo6: User-taught command: \w+ $1 $2
!!/help _
@twiz _: User-taught command: $rand(0,.1)
I wonder if you can see the hats on user oneboxes
hello everybody
someone can help me?
@Zirak @AndersMetnik @AndyE @AmaanCheval help me
@9891541 read room rules fucktard
@AndersMetnik please help
@AndersMetnik yeap. Thanks
@9891541 Do you know the Nocturne in D flat (op. 27/2), by Chopin? It's one of my favourite pieces.
It gets less lovely when there's a sharp PING noise in the middle.
(1)actually ask your question and (2)don't annoy people, and there's an increased chance you'll be helped
@Zirak ok thanks
Someone can help me create a solution to get youtube video download link?
What the heck? PlanetSide 2 is 10 GB?!
@Zirak Is it worth it?
10gb, big deal
It is a big deal with speeds like mine
I'd have to stay in Windows till it downloaded
well, does somebody know java ee /j2ee here
Hello. Is anybody there ?
That's a good question, really.
And it depends on who you ask
@blackbee a bit, though it aint the room for it :)
I wanted some help regarding JQUERY Block UI Component. Can anybody help ?
@Kumar I'm not here
@Zirak is people just stupid this morning?
Q: JQuery Block UI element blocking issues

KumarI am developing a Web application which is based on ASP.NET 4.0, jQuery, Ajax and JavaScript. I have used AJAX for binding the cascaded comboBoxes, populating values on fields and etc etc. I wanted to block an element if AJAX request is in progress for e.g. If I select country so the State combo...

I think it's because you have been a bad boy, then santa sent you an army of help vampires against this room ;-P
"Anybody" and "there" are ambiguous - if you ask an overly melodramatic 23 year old female after a breakup, she'll reply that "no, there isn't anybody there", but she refers to emotional availability instead of physical existence.
Which further hones our point to solipsism and subjective reality.
So, is anybody there? I don't know. I just don't know.
Lol @Zirak
@Kumar What's so funny, bitch?
Omg @AmaanCheval morning cranky ? ;)
Na, just kidding :p
That time of the month
Kindly look into the question I have posted. :)
JQuery Block UI element blocking issues
If anyone has the urge to do so, it will be done :)
@Zirak A co.il again?
@AmaanCheval Happy?
Nah, I don't care about that
You're from Israel then?
I am inside of you.
You see, when we were just embryos, a few cells old, we were twins.
I loved you more than anything in the world.
And then you consumed me.
Zirak your are one creepy guy
You just spread out and enveloped me in your cells.
The days wore out, and you were born. And there I was, an array of cells scattered about your body.
I am part of you, yet I am nothing
Q: Twitter Bootstrap Collapse (Accordion) With Knockout JSON mapping

Jacques BronkhorstI want to create a Dynamic Accordion control using Knockout JSON Mapping and Twitter bootstrap. var ProductViewmodel; function bindProductModel(Products) { var self = this; self.items = ko.mapping.fromJS([]); ProductViewmodel = ko.mapping.fromJS(Products.d, self.items); ko.apply...

> MacFarlane concluded, "Our elegant approach didn't work, so we hired a Perl hacker to go dig up the personal details on all 38 accounts that had ever upvoted a Haskell post, and the only one we didn't know was Seth Briars.
@Zirak nice one
> Briars says he is pleased to have been recognized for his apparently unique shit-giving about Haskell. "I've been giving a shit about Haskell for a long as I can remember. I follow all their announcements and developments closely, just in case I ever get the urge to use the language for something someday."
Hi everybody !
Somebody know the library jsPlumb ?
I'm feeling stupid
where's the syntax error?!
Object.keys(d).forEach(function(k) {
    if (/^function/.test(d[k])) {
        d[k] = new Function(d[k]);
@WhitneyR. Searching on google, looks like a kick-ass library
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
This is not the code portion you are looking for
It could be that you forgot to close a block right before it
@Neil kick-ass library ?
@WhitneyR. Yes, that's a technical term. It means highly likely to cause impact to buttocks.
I'd trust him. He's a cat.
@WhitneyR. If you give us a jsfiddle, I'm confident that I could fix your problem even if I don't know how jsPlumb works
npm, you cunning bastard. npm isntall is mapped to npm install
I read this interesting book about the birth of an AI
Some university develops a program to interpret e-mails in order to filter them for spam
Though it started being able to write e-mails itself, and it would always send e-mails on behalf of a real person, like he pretends he's the boss of the protagonist sending an e-mail saying not worry about the purging of the ai
By the end of the book, it continues to manipulate and spread until it is controlling military subsystems
It was quite cool
A fictional book you mean :)
@AndersMetnik I thought that was a given :P
Well when I read the first line, I was hey, interesting, and then blah :P
But anyways sounds like a decent book :P
It'd be pretty funny if there was an all-out machine outbreak now.
The more I think about it, the more I think the birth of an AI would be like that
it wouldn't be like a skynet
"ANNIHILATE THE HUMAN TYRANT!", shouted the toaster at the chair.
It would probably learn to imitate us
In fact the book never indicates that the AI had an identity.. only a survival instinct
I still don't know if I'm willing to admit the possibility that we could genuinely create AI
@WhitneyR. I'd be willing to guess that jsPlumb doesn't support "double bonds".. two nodes are connected are they aren't
@Neil That's more of a biological/philosophical question, whether the want of power is truly rational (so that the truly rational machine will want to be at the higher-end of the chain), or whether it's just animal nature (after all, in animal kingdom that's the food chain, but lacking the threat...)
However, the good news is that you probably could modify the stroke in order to look like two nodes are double bonded, but you'd have to manage that completely yourself
@Zirak I think everyone assumes an AI would be human-like, but I don't think it has to have anything more than a survival instinct to be true AI
The point is if you could calculate an AI's next action, it isn't true AI is it?
I think before we can develop true AI, we'd have to be able to develop programs dynamically, like say in Genetic Algorithms Programming
@Neil Why is the will to survive the highest rationale? I may be taking the definition of "intelligence" a little further, to mean "rationality", which isn't quite so in nature.
In which case, yeah, you can ignore me.
I am looking for a JavaScript tree library. Can anyone recommend one? I looked at Dynatree but it is rather big. Are there other up to date tree implementations?
@Zirak Where does the line between a rational being and a non-rational being lie?
@Zirak the problem was in the object, actually
I tried something like new Function("function() { stuff; }") while it should've been new Function("stuff;")
A: Using object methods on Node server and web client over JSON?

Florian MargaineJSON.stringify only stringifies the objects that have the toJSON method. So you could simply add the toJSON method to your methods. function A() { this.method = function() { console.log(1); }; } var c = new A(); JSON.stringify(c) "{}" A.prototype.otherMethod = function() { console.log(1); ...

    // Get the body of the function
    var f = d[k].match(/{(.*)}/).reverse()[0];
morning my little js people... have a fab day!
@KirstyHarris You changed your photo again
It bother you too much that someone thought you looked like Vegeta?
lol no its the same one lol
ive had this a week nearly lol
all the guys said i should had used a picture of my tits then i may get an answer lol
oh no didnt bother me lol
lol/sentence = 1
@FlorianMargaine yucky
@FlorianMargaine meh
god why aint there enough tutorials for thick people like me to understand stuff lol
@KirstyHarris You would have gotten an answer, yes, though it probably wouldn't have been helpful or appropriate
yeah, "lol" really has lost all meaning
probably... thats what @rlemon said
@KirstyHarris There are enough tutorials, just not enough decent tutorials
need to find a good walkthrough on creating a category template somewhere... the codex isnt really explaining much to me
well i intend to change that!... my mission... to make some good, understandable, dummy tutorials for people who are not CODE savvy like me
Naïve optimism is so amusing (when it's observed)
@Zirak meh :p
lol i will do it... watch this space.... :P
end of the day some of this shit is far over my head.. but after playing im understanding it... and i want to pass on that knowledge to others and not write some shitty pointless tutorial that people cant understand
@FlorianMargaine It took me a few moments to fully comprehend how oddly you handled that .match
@Zirak heh
I just wanted the last item... .reverse()[0] is the best way I know to do this.
how to use html5 validation attr in jquery validation like required="required"
Since the last items happens to always be the 2nd one, how about... .match(...)[1]?
Also, .pop?
or should i define class="required" for jquery validation
@Zirak "function() { console.log(1); if (true) { console.log(2); } }".match(/{(.*)}/); // ["{ console.log(1); if (true) { console.log(2); } }", " console.log(1); if (true) { console.log(2); } "]
And of course, your test will fail on things like {err : "function foobar does not contains enough cowbell"}, but the question is inherently weird, so I'll pass over that.
hm wait
Only a global match returns each occurence
Non-global return an array of capturing groups
ah yeah my bad
yeah yeah, I just thought I'd seen a third item when I tested
@Zirak yeah...
@copy ah! I never think about this one :(
ok, c#, now you're just being a dick.
public class LineWriter : StreamWriter {
    public LineWriter (string path) : base(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8) {}
Error: The best overloaded match for StreamWriter(string, bool) has some invalid arguments
No shit, maybe because I called it for the string, Encoding overload?
dafuq, it doesn't have it? ...but it has stream, Encoding
bah, an extra parameter...I don't like you
@ Florian
@Zirak hi
@gowri hi
@sabari Don't.
That's just annoying. If you have a question, ask it, and maybe someone who wants to help will.
@zirak i have bug form slider and star rating integration
i have bug form slider and star rating integration
You have a bug form slider and star rating integration!?
@zirak s
I resolved my problem by upgrading jquery validation plugin 1.10 :)
C'est increuxdible !
@zirak this slider url: bxslider.com/examples/ticker and rating url: wbotelhos.com/raty
@copy incroyable*
wohoo i submitted my own answer to a question... it works... fuck im good
@kirstyharris hi
hey @sabari :D
@kirstyharris i have bug form slider and star rating integration
now to figure out query posts in nivo slider........ watch this space lol...
@sabari hunni your asking the wrong person here lol... im just the chat bitch.... im not very js savvy :)
have you posted a question?
hahahah :D
@kirstyharris why is coming to here
sorry? @sabari
@sabari can you explain you problem
@dext0r didnt think i was being unreasonable saying did u ask a question lol!
ya ;D
my accept rate is 52%
pretty good
(for answers, every other answer gets accepted)
@KirstyHarris We don't use that sort of language here...
yadda yadda
Not so gullable, fine ok :P
ive heard worse... u know that
i got the asw
thanks to all
@Esailija got some hats? :p
the what? asw.... whats that?
i want a hat!!!
2 hats so far :P
pretty shitty timing
I am moving in with my girlfriend in a couple of weeks
no time for farming hats :(
aww thats cool haha
got a n00b hat and an abby hat
n00b lol
@Esailija gratz :)

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