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who thought of these is a genius lol
ty :)
@KirstyHarris yeah, for downvoting an answer
hahaha! awesomeness
btw anyone know if the <--more--> function in Wordpress is already there or if i have to add something to functions?
Hi, does chrome.windows.update(id, { 'width': 200}) work on Linux?
I tried using this on Mac and Linux and Mac works fine
So wondering if this actually has some issue with Linux
@SrikanthRayabhagi It has nothing to do with linux..
When you're talking about javascript compatibility, you talk about browsers, since they are the operating systems of the javascript language
@Neil yeah I understand, but what can be reason for not updating the width of existing window only in Linux?
So logically, if it worked in Chrome on a Mac, it'll work in Chrome in Linux
@SrikanthRayabhagi Were you using chrome in both instances? Were they the exact same version?
Did they have the same number of plugins and the same versions on each?
Rest assured, it has nothing to do with the operating system
second usage of new Function() in the same day
A: How to count the no of open brackets and no of close brackets

Florian Margainevar expression1 = "count(machineId)+count(toolId)"; var expression2 = "count(machineId)+count(toolId))"; if (matches(expression1)) { alert("Matched"); // Triggered! } else { alert("Not matched"); } if (matches(expression2)) { alert("Matched"); } else { alert("Not matched"); // T...

@FlorianMargaine are you working on anything atm
what do you mean "atm"?
like, right now, these days...?
at the moment @FlorianMargaine
which one?
still doing the lisp stuff aren't you? :D
what for my question?
@KirstyHarris I know, but I want to disambiguate. Does he mean "right now" or "these days"?
btw in your answer, shouldn't you check for e instanceof SyntaxError
oh right!
@Neil Yeah I was using the same exact versions. I am still confused about that. I read some where that screen.avail* properties won't work well with GTK, but I haven't used them
@Esailija yeah, but I have an idea for a node.js module too. But I don't have so much time... last time I did something was 2 weeks ago
@Esailija doesn't matter :/
@Esailija your speaking to a person who aint a scoobie about that lol!!!!!... as far as im aware i got no errors, i inserted a function into functions... but bugger knows
@Esailija this should be "the right way", but meh
aren't you using new Function to check if parentheses are balanced?
and it will throw a TypeError
but before that it will throw a SyntaxError if parentheses aren't balanced
catch (e) {
    return e instanceof SyntaxError;
started with an if/else
how many keywords can you use legitly in a row
and then... oh wait, so pretty :3
return this instanceof this
that's 4
return e instanceof typeof undefined;
dunno if that works
return this instanceof typeof void 0;
You can probably chain instanceof, void, typeof and the variables (this null undefined) for greater glory
that looks like coffeescript :D
new rule: no duplicate keywords allowed
and dudes
upvote my answer, I want the hats :(
ok I upvoted
@Esailija 0 is not a keyword
@FlorianMargaine But you're cheating!
lol, he accepted it
yeah cos that's quite genius answer
@SrikanthRayabhagi It should be something else then, but not the operating system
it doesn't execute the code at all
am i right
does it?
it doesn't
I'd have to do new Function().call()
or (new Function())()
return this instanceof typeof void function(){} in new ???
ok just something in place of ???
not a keyword
I don't like the (){} though...
well yea but function is a keyword
That has to throw a syntax error
new can't just be there, it needs a right-hand value
1 min ago, by Esailija
ok just something in place of ???
!!> (function () { return this instanceof typeof void function(){} in new Object; })
@Esailija "function () { return this instanceof typeof void function(){} in new Object; }"
this is where it fails though
!!> (function () { return this instanceof typeof void function(){} in new Object; })()
@Esailija "TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got undefined"
but it's syntactically valid
it returns a string
new has to be paired with function(){}
yeah, the hanging ones are void and new. They both need a value
Well, not exactly...maybe if you wrap them all with the void...
this and function are the only ones I can think of
No, it's instanceof which is a bitch
No words. That's perfect. +100. — VisioN 2 mins ago
yay :D
Aren't true false and null somehow keywords?
they're like undefined
no they aren't like undefined
they're keywords indeed
ah no
yeah they are
var false = true
SyntaxError: Unexpected token false
this just got interesting
it's not in the list though
return this instanceof typeof void function(){} in null;
You can shove new before function(){}
ok we'll widen it to ReserverdWords
ReservedWord ::
that adds null, false and true
!!> (function(){return this instanceof typeof void new function(){} in null;})
@Esailija "function (){return this instanceof typeof void new function(){} in null;}"
ok gotta go
!!> (function(){return this instanceof typeof void new Function in null;})
@FlorianMargaine "function (){return this instanceof typeof void new Function in null;}"
Function is not a ReservedWord
but it's prettier than function(){} :(
@Esailija Nice
if you sacrifice return, it can stand alone
You can move the return to inside the function
And add true or false in the same swing
!!> this instanceof typeof void new function(){return false} in null;
@Zirak "TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got undefined"
i neeeed sleeeeeep
ok that's 10
Now, true and it's all the reserved words!
but yea now I really gotta go
@KirstyHarris At 11:30 AM?
im ill :(
!!> this instanceof typeof void new function(){return false} in null, true;
absolutely full of cold, cough, headache.. the whole lot,... so i need lemsip, hot water bottle and bed
@FlorianMargaine "TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got undefined"
c'mon, that's cheating
lol im cheating lol
You can do this.true as well
@KirstyHarris We don't always refer to you when we talk
!!> this instanceof typeof void new function(){ if true return false } in null;
@FlorianMargaine "SyntaxError: Unexpected token if"
lol sorry... i didnt know what u were refering to lol
@FlorianMargaine "SyntaxError: Unexpected token true"
@FlorianMargaine Syntax, dude.
I was thinking ternary then moved to if...
!!> this instanceof typeof void new function(){ return true ? false : continue } in null;
@FlorianMargaine "SyntaxError: Unexpected token continue"
paste from jesus?
@KirstyHarris Holy software developers Batman!
@copy Do it as a reply to him, so there's a chance he'll notice
Golfscript looks...peculiar.
^ my best codegolf'd project so far
That's pretty fuckin impressive
A: Using $.Deferred() with nested ajax calls in a loop

jAndyYou could use an Array which is located in a higher context to push Promise / Deferred objects into. Then you could then use jQuery.when alongside Function.prototype.apply to pass all entries as arguments. (function() { var promises = [ ], when = Function.prototype.apply.bind( jQ...

Does one "deserialize" or "unserialize"?
That's what I thought too. But un- can fit as well. de- can be used for reversal (like detract), but so can un- (unfasten)
Just blame PHP for the bad name if you use "unserialize" and someone complains :P
Q: How to disable keyboard shortcut on web applications?

Takayuki SatoI'm a Vimium user. So I want to operate everything in vim's way. But some web application override keyboard shortcuts. For example, gmail, JIRA, most of rich text editors and so on. It is very stressful especially in the case that I voluntarily submit an html form. Is there any good way to autom...

can somebody just have a wuick look at my last post here, I think there is some really basic misstake I dont see (kinda noob) : stackoverflow.com/questions/13950242/…
@Wobot try pasting link on separate line
Q: Load in div based on choice in selectbox

WobotI have an box in Page1 with some different alternatives and below this a div where I want to load in content (different divs) from an external page (Page2) based on choosen alternative. Page1 <select id="choose_alternative"> <option> Books </option> <option> Paper </...

That indeed looks newbish, but i have no idea what you want sorry
I want to load different pages into a div depending on choice in selectbox
Q: how to set horizontal scroll in dropdownlist?

Ghost AnswerI want to create a drop down list that shows max 10 no. of item and more than 10, it should use horizontal scroll to move up and down. I am working in vs2005 with c#. Please tell me if it is possible by any property, javascript, jquery, css and any other way. thanks

@jAndy Flamewar much?
not.. but I'm thankful it didn't develop into a pure flamewar, still annoying
hi everybody
somebody is wrong!! on the internet !!!
@jAndy all i see on the internet isn't all true?
You were a bit too pissy about a measly downvote
He didn't kill your firstborn
people on stackoverflow downvote to fast...
    //mission: write more comments than code.
    //status: accomplished.
lol :>
@Zirak: I can stand critice very well and I like it.. and I'm happy to admit if I was wrong and I could learn some, but I can't stand... stupid things which are presented as a reason
Germans ...
somebody can explain me how can modernizr can enhance my scripts?
do many people here use it?
@jAndy cheese cake!!
Modernizr can't enhance anything. It's a feature detection tool.
You can use Modernizr for great justice, but Modernizr by itself doesn't actually do anything.
@Zirak Course it does something ... it increases the HTTP requests count by one.
@FlorianMargaine Nice, an invisible hat
@OctavianDamiean No it doesn't. You increase the http requests by including it - modernizr doesn't send any by itself.
@Zirak want!!
which one is it?
@Zirak Well, that's what I meant.
@copy Click the "Winter Bash" link at the top of the page
Le Magritte
@FlorianMargaine Do 5 review items, something like that.
@OctavianDamiean Mean harder
means harder
means even harder
(yes. I did it just for the bad "mean like you mean it" sentence.)
@FlorianMargaine: :p
I like my troll hat
(was it worth it? perhaps.)
right hat for the right mood
(but now I'm trapped in parentheses)
heh, I like mine.
!!(help me, I'm stuck in parentheses!)
@Zirak Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand (help me, I'm stuck in parentheses!)
Seems like you've got too much lisp.
You never get enough lisp.
(see what I did there? ...I'll stop now)
rlemon, Ontario
6.3k 1 15 35
(though (needed (first (operator))))
@rlemon Almost spot on.
@Zirak I can't hear you through your bubble
(it looks like rlemon is diddling with himself)
(()((()()))(()(( wtf )()))))()))())
!!cowsay I am confused
< I am confused >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
have to remember that one
!!cowthink They will never guess what I did to Timmy...
( They will never guess what I did to  )
( Timmy...                             )
        O   ^__^
         O  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
so how is everyone anyways, ready for christmas break?
break ?
I'm ready for boxing day steam sales.
translation of break : holidays, jollies, break, vacations....
Q: what do you call cheese that is not your cheese?
A: Nacho Cheese
slaps head @rlemon thats terrible
what I meant: I don't have those.
:O... how comes @florianmargaine
You don't have nachos!? What did the frenchies do to him!
he's french
I'm just hoping any praying that all xmas presents I bought on amazon will arrive this week.. because they'll deliver all the stuff to here.. the office. If they don't make it, I have to mothereffin GET HERE on monday or tuesday and wait the hole day
oh! goodness, i swore they had a bit of christmas in France
At least 0.5 christmas units
oh man, that sucks @jandy
ive done all mine, ... just a few bits left and boosh, im ready
funny thing was, when I ordered them yesterday O_o amazon stated on almost ALL things that its very likely that they can't deliver in time = after 24th and I should choose another delivery method = pay more.. but today I receive a ton of emails and confirmations ... like ohhhh we have good news !! We can deliver in time all the sudden
..."few bits and I'm ready" made me think "hrm, almost finished the http requests...DOMContentReady will fire soon".
9,{.9\-' '*\2*1+'*'*n}/]''*
@Zirak OH NO! Something blew up there!
@Zirak makes me think of this
ahhh the memories.
woooo, crazy
woah, that pictures mental! @zirak what the hell blew up!
That's a cloud you morons
the.... sun
@zirak.... one im not a moron... two ive never seen a cloud like that in my life
That's what makes it so awesome
@Zirak More of a mushroom cloud.
No dude. An AT-AT cloud.
Yea, or that.
lol exactly @OctavianDamiean....
...you're not fun.
I don't wanna play with you anymore
Take your dildos and leave
I don't even care.
lol how the hell u get that lol
@Zirak That reminds me of a joke
HAH! Good one.
@KirstyHarris Your lol/sentence ratio is astounding
ok @zirak i will try and think of something more imaginative to end a sentence or statement or in reply to... just for you
this guy got way too many hats
Woman checking out at the supermarket when a guy approaches her and says, "You're single, aren't you?" She looks at the items she's buying and sees a tampon, some pasta, and some yogurt and she says, "That's right.. how'd you guess?" He says, "Because you're fucking ugly."
he's event got a pokemon hat :(
@FlorianMargaine There's a Pokemon hat?!
Holy shit, I've got to get in on this
i aint read them all yet... pokemon hat.. hehe
@AmaanCheval yeah, look, your neighbor got one
hahaha @zirak
Q: Use of "var that = this" in javascript with knockoutJs

balteoI have a general interrogation regarding the code below: function ChatViewModel() { var that = this; that.userName = ko.observable(''); that.chatContent = ko.observable(''); that.message = ko.observable(''); ... that.postMessage = function() { if (that.message().trim() != '')...

someone can find a duplicate of this?
@AmaanCheval Probably one to get all the other hats
erm, you get it once you have all the other hats. Something of the sorts.
@Zirak Hahaaha, nice
i want the gangnam style hat... just for the sheer fun of it
Not only =) Looks like we still missing Trollface "hat" and Me Gusta as well: cdn.prom.sstatic.net/WinterBash/img/sprite-32.png.
@AmaanCheval Seen my profile?
you get it after 15 hats
@VisioN hey
@Zirak Hahaha, just saw it
Florian, I am disappointed in this answer. I know you can produce a much better answer for this question regarding scope. — rlemon 19 secs ago
@rlemon I don't think OP would benefit from a long answer. — Florian Margaine 18 secs ago
@FlorianMargaine Are you sure? =)
nice cupcake hat/face.... — rlemon 6 secs ago
> I am poop. — Poop 17 secs ago
@rlemon the title is even better: winterba.sh/cake-is-not-a-lie
ugh, I hate learning new markups
fucking blogger templates
Hahahaha dafuq XD
thats funny as!
@Zirak Omg
haha I love reddit
meh, was also on reddit day or two ago
internet: regurgitating the same crap out of every orifice since 1995
I like the dude in the back
Q: Need to pass cookie information to a child iFrame - Are there any security concerns?

Jim G.I have a child iframe in my page that will load content from a different web application in a different virtual directory than the parent page. The DOM will look roughly like this: <html> <!-- Content from www.contoso.com/WebApp1/Home --> <div id="parentDiv" /> <if...

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