I have a value of A and B
I have another set of value of C = [1,2]: "M", [2,1]: "N"
if A = 1 and B = 2, Find the value of X.
I need the value of X = 'M'. How to do this in javascript friends?
Somebody help me to get this value friends..
how to map the value of x = c and the set of array?
@neil... when im doing a fadeIn on a div... if i include anything inside this, and i have a fadeOut on exit... and i run into another div for example its going to auto close aint it?
I wrote this Sundaram's sieve in Coffeescript to quickly generate prime numbers up to limit:
sieve_sundaram = (limit) ->
numbers = (n for n in [3...limit+1] by 2)
half = limit / 2
start = 4
for step in [3...limit+1] by 2
for i in [start...half] by step
But that's catering to bad key names. I didn't ask exactly how, because I assumed it'd be something meaningless to me. Change how the key names are handled - they're not really arrays
@zirak... quick one... yep understand the point about the children displayng, however when i was mousing over the children it was closing as if the fadeout kicked in?
Not all people think in terms of sound. Just like you don't have to actually hear complete sounds in order to understand the meaning, deaf people think in pseudo-motion; i.e. sign language
I'm more interested in alarm clocks for the deaf. Those ought to be useful to non-deaf people as well.
because ive also got a bit of a jumpy animation... its weird as so many different things do the same thing,... and im trying to learn the differences between them
I thought it'd be interesting to try and implement this...been checking some sites, free shipping for my locale, got either disappointing results or no results. sigh
@KirstyHarris It's not necessarily wrong...it's just blegh. But everything to do with graphics is blegh for me, so shrug
> Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class. A Buffer is similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap -nodejs.org/api/buffer.html
We are using Geolocation (getCurrentPosition()) in a website to determine a users position when using our site from a mobile device.
I want to write an article explaining how the user can obtain the best results.
Am I correct in assuming:
Enabling GPS will yield the best result when in rural ...