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that guy is totally french
french everywhere in his questions
Turns out my code is incredibly non memory leaky and doesn't leaks even a bit of memory
its node.js buffers :-/
incredible, you say, buffers you say!
hey guys
has any of you encountered an upload limit in flash ?
because that's my current theory
i am using SwfUploader and it fails when file is larger then 10MB
is there such a thing ? or am i barking up the wrong tree here ?
@FlorianMargaine Not sure if I should be offended or honored. :P
@tereško Have you already checked if the web server imposes some limit?
I had a similar issue once due to a misconfiguration.
if the problem isn't there, it's on server side
hey @FlorianMargaine I'm Tom Selleck's son : fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/…
@dievardump rofl
@dievardump dude, what's your fb? :p
Not sure you can add me
well, that's up to you.
            Local<Buffer> slowBuffer = Buffer::New((char *)(actx->outBuf.data()),(actx->outBuf.size()));
		actx->outBuf.clear(); // bbye
		Handle<Value> argv[1];
		argv[0] = slowBuffer->handle_;

		actx->AudioProcessCallback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1,
Anything supposed to cause mem leak here ?
@Abhishek report bug then
@FlorianMargaine yeah , found it already
@FlorianMargaine just trying to figure out if i am doing something wrong
it turns out that for php you have to configure not only upload size limit ,but also POST size limit
@Abhishek (char *)(actx->outBuf.data()), is that really necessary?
@tereško ah, nice to know
@FlorianMargaine yes
it throws a nice lil message saying cant convert unsingned char * to char * :-|
encoder.cpp:525:97: error: invalid conversion from ‘std::vector<unsigned char>::pointer {aka unsigned char*}’ to ‘char*’
you'd get better help on #libuv btw
lemme try something else btw
@tereško It may very well be the server side
Most library defaults will automatically impose upload limits and you have to explicitly state that there is no upload limit
Acme stands for what ?
I can see in many projects. it's also used as namespace in symfony
Q: What does 'Acme' stand for in Symfony2?

SherlockThe standard bundle in Symfony2 is 'Acme', but what does that stand for?

wow. looks like may of them had same question
interesting event !
Pray to become rich
no, i refuse
i work to become rich instead :)
i found it to be much more efficient :D
y u no pray?
don't you believe in his almighty noodliness?
you shall be punished by having to eat 2 dishes of delicious spaghetti!
you forgot some caps there
the noodlieness of the pastafarianism, you say
@FlorianMargaine could be
Ahoy hoy
@GNi33 \o
@limelights well, you could be like me and just follow Cthulhu, but that's some dangerous business sometimes
@GNi33 i follow rivers
freaks me out everytime, when the fucker just pops up in my dreams and shouts at me
that's why you don't sleep?
vulgar or restricted , which one is good for word filtering
which one globally used
Let me use reserved ?
Memory managament is giving me a headache now :-/
probably should re-factor my code and slightly re-write it
with newly aqquired knowledge , what ya say ?
wasn't your code incredible? ;)
that sounds like a painful, depressing, but ultimately productive idea
@GNi33 Yeah, but the hellish life of pain and torture when he arrives will be well worth a life of devotion in the end
I have a value of A and B
I have another set of value of C = [1,2]: "M", [2,1]: "N"

if A = 1 and B = 2, Find the value of X.

I need the value of X = 'M'. How to do this in javascript friends?
Somebody help me to get this value friends..
how to map the value of x = c and the set of array?
@Vinay Sorry, what the heck is C = [1,2]: "M", [2,1]: "N"?
You mean you want to use an object?
thats the object
JSON Object
C[x] = {
valueC: c,
arrayStuff: [1, 2]
You mean something like this?
I need to use the value of A and B and find the set in the JSON Object and get the value of the object as X
var map = JSON.parse(myJSONtext);
var x = map[A].array[B];
Depends on what your json looks like
And what you want to accomplish
[1, 1]: "M"
[1, 2]: "M"
[1, 3]: "M"
[1, 4]: "M"
[1, 5]: "M"
[1, 6]: "M"
[1, 7]: "M"
[1, 8]: "M"
[1, 9]: "M"
[1, 10]: "D"
the value of C is looks like this
var map = JSON.parse(C);
var x = map[A, B];
@Neil No luck... I am a newbie Neil. Would you explain in detail please....
morning peeps
@neil... when im doing a fadeIn on a div... if i include anything inside this, and i have a fadeOut on exit... and i run into another div for example its going to auto close aint it?
@Neil SyntaxError: Unexpected token o
There you are
It was a little different than what I initially thought, but this works fine too
Notice that in the json, the value for "1" is another grouping
its ok i sorted mine @Neil
@Neil let me check it .. Thank you....
@KirstyHarris Ah sorry, I was in jsfiddle and I didn't see
its cool thats what im in ;)
i worked out my issue yesterday after sleeping on it
@Neil yeah, i am confused about the 1 .. what does that mean by another grouping?
@Vinay map[1] means, give me what is represented under property "1"
And in javascript, it translates to a map
@Neil if i have the proper object... do i need the JSON.parse
If you wanted to write map[2][1], you'd have to modify the json
bcz its say unexpected token o..
@Vinay I don't think it's always needed, but it's better to use it
@Vinay what are you trying?
my JSON object has lot of numbers like.... [1,3]: 'M' [4, 6]: 'T' like that...
if we not using JSON.parse, it says undefined... if we use JSON.parse.. its throwing syntax error.. unexpected token o :-(
First of all, are you sure it's unparsed json?
A hopeful guess, but maybe you already have the object you want?
And looking up, yeah, looks like you have the object, with semi-array stuff as keys (all object keys are converted to strings, btw)
So....what's the problem?
get in... fucking @zirak be proud of me... i finally did it...
now i want to get the value of the object by the user defined A and B value...
@KirstyHarris wow, that's uhm...great...yeah
Q: Functional Sundaram's sieve

sindikatI wrote this Sundaram's sieve in Coffeescript to quickly generate prime numbers up to limit: sieve_sundaram = (limit) -> numbers = (n for n in [3...limit+1] by 2) half = limit / 2 start = 4 for step in [3...limit+1] by 2 for i in [start...half] by step num...

lol.. come on... i only been learning a day!
@Vinay hrm?
A JSON object is a string represented by a string, you know
If it's not, you're dealing with a javascript object
i dont think its THAT bad for a newbie lol.. when thats the menu i wanted to create.
so whats the way if its a javascript object
Can you paste somewhere sample data you have, example input and example output?
@Vinay object[A][B]
Assuming you have a multidimensional array
Assuming A and B are variables containing the proper keys
A and B are the dropdown values selected by users....
2 mins ago, by Zirak
Can you paste somewhere sample data you have, example input and example output?
@Zirak .. OK.. here is the javascript object
[1, 1]: "M"
[1, 2]: "M"
[1, 3]: "M"
[1, 4]: "M"
[1, 5]: "M"
[1, 6]: "M"
[1, 7]: "M"
[1, 8]: "M"
[1, 9]: "M"
[1, 10]: "D"
[2, 1]: "M"
[2, 2]: "M"
[2, 3]: "M"
[2, 4]: "M"
[2, 5]: "M"
[2, 6]: "M"
[2, 7]: "M"
[2, 8]: "M"
~_~ and k.
so when you type the C in the console... the output is displaying 'Object'
when we open the object, its looks like the above values
How is that object created? The key names are meh
can you post a screenshot?
var survey_answer_types = <%=
  Condition::SubElement.all.inject({}) {|result, se| result[[se.Element_Code, se.Sub_Element_Code]] = se.Answer_Type; result}.to_json.html_safe
its a ruby on rails project
in this case.... A is Element Code and B is Sub Element Code
//you can do something like...
obj[ '[' + A + ', ' + B + ']' ]
so the C is survey_answer_types
But that's catering to bad key names. I didn't ask exactly how, because I assumed it'd be something meaningless to me. Change how the key names are handled - they're not really arrays
am confused...sorry..
@Neil @Zirak
Look, the object you printed out has badly formatted key names
js object keys can't be arrays, they're converted to strings
So whatever handling you do with them will suck.
is any other way to do that?
Change how the key names look, and it'll be easier overall
change like?
I won't touch Ruby or RoR with a 20 feet pole, so shrug, but there's obviously different ways to print an object
@Zirak lol
this is how arrays are made in js: [1, 2], this is how your keys look like: obj['[1, 2]']
do you see the difference?
the keys are strings, not objects
(they can be objects in special cases, but that's not the point here)
(special cases = ES6 Maps)
If you want to map a value from an x, and y coordinate, you must make a two-dimensional array
Or as the case is here, in json, you must properly represent a two-dimensional array and not map of coordinate strings
@Neil OK..
I assume you can modify the ruby code?
we can get the value without using map ryt?
i could not.. thats the problem..
what's your job, exactly?
I need to get the value by javascript only
@KirstyHarris jsfiddle.net/Jc7X2/59
You see the example here jsfiddle.net/UWYnQ ?
@Vinay Then the way I showed you earlier should work
See how the json is written? That's how you represent a two-dimensional array
@zirak... quick one... yep understand the point about the children displayng, however when i was mousing over the children it was closing as if the fadeout kicked in?
@Neil yeah i tried your code neil,.... but i think its an javascript object.. so its threw syntax error unexpected token o
as for containers.. i didnt touch on that yesterday in the tutorial...
@Vinay Well depends on how you're using your AJAX
Some libraries will convert the json to javascript before it gets to you
so instead of json.parse.. is any other way @Neil
the this i just did it as it said that would be specifying it more? 0_o
its not zero... its o
and mouse out was having a fit at me
he showed me with .animate i think
@Vinay The answer is simple, if it is a string, it's json, and if it's an object, it's already javascript
Just make sure that the json string that gets sent to your browser has the format like the example I made
And you can access it like in the example I made
@Neil its an object
i just gotta smooth it up
see that elements container has just threw me as i dont understand that yet... this is basic shit it taught me
@Neil Would you tell the way to do if its an object...??? Thanks
@Vinay If it is already an object, the only difference is that you don't have to call JSON.parse(C)
It is already javascript
@Neil ... if i dont use the json.parse.. ... the result is undefined..
now i got the output as undefined
If it is undefined your have a spelling error or a like
@Vinay I think your problem lies in the fact that it's undefined
@Neil Yeah.. Sorry
@Vinay make a fiddle ? :)
If it works correctly, you should be able to do "alert(C)" and see valid json string
console.log(C) you mean ;)
the alert box shows the same undefined
is it wrong with me writing this then?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#div1').hover(function () {
$(".CloseClick").click(function () {
$("#div4").mouseleave(function() {
@KirstyHarris Absolutely not.. I don't have a problem if you write (removed)
lol the above...
im just formatting it
@Vinay If not, either you're messing up order of arguments or something went wrong on the server side
it just looks alot different to @zirak.s and i dont wanna get it wrong when im learning.. although it appears to be doing the same :S
@KirstyHarris You might get a weird effect where the object fades out, then fades out again if you click on it
Since clicking on it will animate it, and when your mouse is no longer on it, you call fadeOut again
oh right ok
how would i get round that thou
@Neil Thank you neil.. i try to sort out .. Thanks for your time.. and I really appreciate your help
a mean ziraks version was using stuff i aint learnt yet
You might want to do a if(!$(this).is(':hidden')) { $(this).fadeOut(1000); } if that happens
@Zirak @FlorianMargaine Thanks
@Vinay Sorry I couldn't help you any more than that
You already helped and taught me .. Thanks... @Neil
yea its kinda double loading it
@Vinay Understanding is far more valuable than making a program work
Think of it that way :)
@FlorianMargaine how to test gc ?
@Neil hrhr :D
@KirstyHarris ctrl + k
i did i reditted it about :)
@KirstyHarris It has a weird flash in flash out thing going on if you roll out of the fade in area and onto the "Roll over me" button
yh i figured that...
i think its due to no stop
Didn't we have that discussion before?
Not all people think in terms of sound. Just like you don't have to actually hear complete sounds in order to understand the meaning, deaf people think in pseudo-motion; i.e. sign language
I'm more interested in alarm clocks for the deaf. Those ought to be useful to non-deaf people as well.
@Zirak for waking up the have a little vibrator attached to the bed afaik.
Atleast some of them
I'm not sure that's for waking up, fits pre-sleep activities
oh dear.. i still trying to wake up.. .i been up early
@zirak... jsfiddle.net/rusticblonde/Jc7X2/76... is that wrong then like that?... as i dont know the way you have coded it...
because ive also got a bit of a jumpy animation... its weird as so many different things do the same thing,... and im trying to learn the differences between them
I thought it'd be interesting to try and implement this...been checking some sites, free shipping for my locale, got either disappointing results or no results. sigh
@KirstyHarris It's not necessarily wrong...it's just blegh. But everything to do with graphics is blegh for me, so shrug
ah ok... fair comment
i basically wanted to create this menu
but his appears to be a slide down job anyways
@Abhishek silent films... no audio just video...
just gotta find a way of making the animation a lil less choppy..
feck ive just realised id have to write a shit load of functions for different parts right... 0_0
@ShyamK lol
> final minified size: 111110
I'm listening to "call me maybe" in loop
@copy the universal language ;)
@FlorianMargaine i hope in the right version or at least with the right video
@Abhishek if the memory suddenly goes down, the gc went there
@GNi33 grooveshark, the one by Carly Rae Jepsen
@FlorianMargaine well i found it out
it will log for u when gc goes
@copy Whadya think of a brainfuck-eval command?
@Zirak Conway's Game of Life
But yeah, Brainfuck would be nice too
/bf ,[>,]<[.<] Every noncode is stdin
nidts si edocnon yrevE
Implementing GoL is only a problem because of the medium
Brainfuck is really easy to implement
what about a lisp interpreter?
you can keep the same lexical scope rules as javascript
so basically run through parser to handle the parens, go with new Function(code).call() and it's alright
Actually, implementing any language is meh because of the medium. js works because, well, this is the js room and we use evaling for examples.
But it's useless for anything beyond snippets
Anyone familiar with actionscript?
/bf --------[-->+++<]>.------------.---.--[--->+<]>-.++[->+++<]>+.------.++++++++++++.--------.--[--->+<]>-.
Nice try
excuse me people, can you help me with my geoloc testing? just visiting a web page and pasting here the result
i need to know if the result is near to your loc
Yes, that is very close to where I live
@copy damnit
@Loktar \o
@Abhishek hows the project going?
you finish prince of persia 2 yet?
did it yesterday
project is giving me a headache :-/
garbage cleaner never fires
lets explicitely fire gc now :-|
:( 23 minutes to upload 90meg :(
@rlemon thats fast
and it's dominating my other internet speeds.
messages in the chat take a few seconds to submit
then local isp
if u write something with v8 .. this is helpful
"AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory" what a function name!
I Wasn't aware V8 was programmed in Java
@Abhishek In this chat, check out window.TheThingThatGetsDataFromTheServer
@Abhishek nice
How would you call a function that adjusts the amount of externally allocated memory ?
@copy its v8
@Zirak hehehehe
if you associate C++ objects with JavaScript ones
and most importantly BUFFERS
they wont be counted in the v8 heap , by the GC
so u have to explicitely tell it .. HEY I HAVE GOT n Bytes! used .. make sure u count em too
@Abhishek yeah that's what I understood from the article
I would've thought buffers were accounted though
Hey thats explicetly mentioned that they are not
+ u have your internal objects aswell
so kinda good discovery!
copy, are you there?
> Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class. A Buffer is similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap -nodejs.org/api/buffer.html
@Abhishek ah :)
i see why return country:null
One more thing
if u dont need to process the buffer in JS later just want to flush it to a stream or something
you can just do
A1,"Anonymous Proxy"
you are navigating throug proxy
Local<Buffer> b = Buffer::New("Oh MY God",10);
it will just give u a slow buffer [ that you cannot access with the [] ]
Q: Whats steps can I suggest to achieve the best Geolocation Result

MattWe are using Geolocation (getCurrentPosition()) in a website to determine a users position when using our site from a mobile device. I want to write an article explaining how the user can obtain the best results. Am I correct in assuming: Enabling GPS will yield the best result when in rural ...

@Abhishek ah, got it
I don't wanna work
@FlorianMargaine why so ?
it's friday
fu , thanks for reminding me (xD)

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