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feck thats trippy!
I hope not too manly
that shows great understanding of UX works!
im trying so hard to do it like the bentley menu lol
@FlorianMargaine If you would make that swing more realistically it would be pretty sick.
i not like that!
thats wrong
@jAndy Impressive Fu-Manchu though.
hah, there was this awesome question on stackexchange... let me have a look
Q: Is this rotating cube interface user-friendly?

Peter OlsonI'm working on a prototype for an innovative form interface, where different parts of the form are shown on different sides of a cube. The cube rotates, and the user can fill it out as the cube spins. Here is a working example. To me, it seems like a pretty robust solution to our problem (i.e., ...

ha because i have brown hair and i like dark eye makeup lol
closest i get to goth is madina lake... none of this slipknot, rammstein shit
we Austrians like blonde! get blonde!
lol hold that lol one mo
sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/… ..... That was 3 mths ago... i got bored
Goth, clearly goth. You don't smile.
@KirstyHarris r u girl or boy
lol... i pose @OctavianDamiean
i never changed my haircolor because of boredom -> put that on the "to do in life - checklist"
and Sandeep i am a girl... all girl!
@KirstyHarris ohh sorry
I do smile!!!
haha its ok :)
just to prove i aint a man anymore... even thou this fecking av still hasnt updated after nearly a mth!
is that mean to think "fat"?
@FlorianMargaine so so
I might go back to Montréal sooner than I expected
@KirstyHarris sorry dear here all boys are online expect you so i did the mistake
Like... before the end of this month.
so you think im fat @FlorianMargaine... ?
well, this pic sure doesn't show you in a thin shape
Florian Margaine - straight to the point.
well i dont expect people in here to think im fit or fanciable, end of the day im not on the market... and for me beauty is skin deep
Why would he lie?
@KirstyHarris r u really same as which is uploaded your pic
yes i am
Saying you look* fat does not mean you are not fanciable.
@dievardump I didn't say he should.
and people who poke fun at other peoples "shapes" clearly have insecurities with their own bodies :)
Or not "beautiful"
i am the blonde one
^That is mean.
my partner has short hair one one side, and shes a girl
@Sandeep Can't tell if you are trying to be funny or just being stupid.
unfortunately some people are very oblivious... obviously he cant see she has tits.
@KirstyHarris uh? just saying my opinion :|
I'm fat too, doesn't matter, had sex last night
well its just the word fat kinda offends me, sorry
@KirstyHarris What word do you want to use?
"not thin"?
@dievardump Overweight?
i like the word cuddly :D
yeah, whatever, fattie
@FlorianMargaine Wait a minute? You're cuddly?
Ok. Same meaning. It's just the word. So maybe it's not Florian who has problem with it.
j/k :p
@OctavianDamiean yeah
90kg for 1m80
Hows that cuddly?
i dont have a problem with my weight in the slightest. I just have a problem assuming that a person is defined by their weight... its just rude!... lol
@OctavianDamiean I don't have so many muscles :p
Ah, that's another story.
@KirstyHarris It is. Did I define you by your weight?
but then again i wouldnt expect any less from a very male dominated enviroment in here
It's the same as if I said " No I'm not gay, I just like have relations with guys."
you went oh, is it mean to think fat... erm yea... it is
@dievardump you always amaze me :D
No it's not.
You think "fat" has a bad meaning.
not everyone is a size zero :) i happen to think that size zero
well maybe it dont in your country but in UK it does...
But fat is fat. Not "effing fat" not "ridiculously fat" just "fat"
No. In YOUR HEAD it does.
@OctavianDamiean another story which makes me have boobs. You'd like them.
In almost all country "gay" has a bad meaning.
well i dont give a shit what people who think that is bad.... thats their problem
want size zero get a Egyptian mummy? I hear they are the thinnest
@FlorianMargaine hahah that puts you in a totally different light.
But you think that "fat" has a bad meaning.
@FlorianMargaine did your hand enjo..... ah, dammit, i'll cut it out :D
as i said i just have a problem with that word... its insulting to me.. end of ... im sure that florian is a really nice guy in real life... however i cannot be judged by a picture...
@GNi33 but I live with my fiancee, doesn't work the same :(
It's not judging that relaying on facts.
If something is yellow you don't judge by saying " OH ITS YELLOW"
@GNi33 and dude, you thought a lot about it, seeing how long you took to answer .p
@dievardump depends on what "yellow" means to the person saying that
so what if its a fact if im a big girl.. u just dont say oh is it mean to say fat... u may has well had came out with your fat!..... at least a person can at least think... shit what a cunt! :D
@dievardump if someone is yellow they got the yellow fever... maybe
@dievardump if some homophobe calls you "gay", it's judging, for him, although it's true
@ShyamK Or they're Asian.
@GNi33 Yeah. And I ask him if he wants a blowjob. Usually.
thankyou @GNi33!!!
thats just narrowminded ness @dievardump
@FlorianMargaine well, i got other stuff to do then just watch this chatroom FFS! :D
@KirstyHarris He wasn't judging you for being fat!
That's the difference
@GNi33 than* :p
@dievardump now that's a strong response, but that doesn't change anything about what i said
u said above oh hes stating the obvious.... did u read?
so thats like a back handed one that!
@AmaanCheval damn, happens sometimes :(
Wait a minute! How did we end up with this!?
i have no idea
I was just making an observation that @KirstyHarris wasn't smiling and we ended up with this ...
@AmaanCheval i dont give a flying shit about that fact of what or who i am, however if a person says is it mean to think fat to my pic? its like backhanded saying oh shes fat but i will reword it slightly...
no @OctavianDamiean... wasnt your comment
"its like backhanded saying oh shes fat but i will reword it slightly..."
What is slightly...
Come on.
read @GNi33 @dievardump
his comments that is.
big girls over skinny ones any day... imo
I read and I disagree.
well thats your opinion, we are all entitled to them
I - with my supernatural SO chat veteran senses - sense the chat derailing and flags flying around soon.
Perfect timing to take cover before shit hits the fan.
There is no slightly way to say someone he/she is fat. Fat is an adjective. If this person think that this adjective is bad connoted, that it's problem. If you don't have problem with this adjective then the person can be mean when saying that, "you" don't give a shit.
@dievardump why? just because it's not insulting to you, doesn't mean the person wasn't saying that with "insulting purpose"
And? She said it. We don't give a shit about purpose.
An adjective is an adjective. Don't pay attention to assholes
i pay attention when it is a direct aim at me!
Uh-oh... this is gettting violent...
@KirstyHarris So you're fat and selfish.
im not even going to lower myself to your idiotic tone @dievardump
@dievardump Just one quick question before I retake cover. Are you a native Canadian?
french :P
Absolutly not. I'm an effing French with the big mouth and all that shit.
I figured.
Just wanted to make sure.
Canadian would have excuse themselves to be so "mean" to someone.
okay, let's all cut the bullshit and get back to normal. agree to disagree
says it all really!
@jAndy All because of you ... that happens when you release the kraken ...
what happened :p
damn... should've gotten some popcorn.
@jAndy has actually been quite helpful
@FlorianMargaine it was your comment that started it in the 1st place... if u think im big big fucking deal.... :)
ur not on the market, neither am i... we are both loved, so who gives a shit.. :)
I say something and should've gotten popcorn watching you
But on the other hand he's French too. :D
there is a girl in this nerdery chat and not even on the market ?
says it all
the fuck why was I helpful ?!
as in available florian
yeah @FlorianMargaine, you have a girlfriend. Or your hand' Whatever.
swore u knew that
i think im practically the only girl ive ever seen here
@jAndy and she has a she for partner. So in all case you'd have been screwed.
I know but...
what does that have to do with being fat?!
@jAndy I know right? How was it possible that you were actually helpful? Can't make any sense out of it either ... :D
Quick question
@KirstyHarris: no, @Raynos is a fellow girl for sure
Oh yes he is.
can I edit some javascript code using Chrome?
He might be lesbian though
way too bitchy to be a dude
lol i can be a right bitch... bring it on!
@OctavianDamiean: I can be.. but girls which are on the market do have a certain bonus :p
@N3sh Nope.
like, freshness?
girls who just pretend to be on the market, follow closely
Now you can
@OctavianDamiean yes, he can
@GNi33 Lies.
Since the last version, if my "little" watch during my holidays was right
@jandy how do i get it to spread over the full box again?
@GNi33 Pics or it didn't happen.
@OctavianDamiean you LIES
its ok done it
!!/tell OctavianDamiean "Even the bot says so"
The occasional "thanks" or "I'm sorry" would be nice...
@GNi33 Command even the bot says so does not exist.
ah screw you, bot
@KirstyHarris: you need to call the .split() method on your boyfriend object before asking now
@SOChatBot no thanks for that!
@GNi33 No really, did I miss something?
boyfriend object lol!
@SOChatBot ??
yes, you can actually edit code in the dev-tools
under the sources-tab
4 mins ago, by dievardump
@jAndy and she has a she for partner. So in all case you'd have been screwed.
and with tin.cr you can actually auto-save stuff you edit in the elements-panel (styling and such) direclty to the source file
is there something wrong with having a she as a partner @dievardump i take it that some people are still living in the 1940s
@KirstyHarris: I didn't get the question either, spread what ?
@GNi33 Well, I can't edit shyte there.
Chrome is getting better and better, give Canary a try
u went about the .split?
@KirstyHarris I'm gay. Stop being an effing victim and take it all bad.
we're all gay
Wait a minute!
im not,... im just asking,... u know like i got judged before???? its not nice is it!
neways Andy
room topic changed to JavaScript: Welcome. Please be kind and don't ask to ask, just ask. Sparkly Vampires please join #Transylvania [ecmascript-5] [gay] [javascript]
@jAndy Just because @GNi33 happened to eat a pink ice it doesn't mean that every Austrian is!
u know if wanted a different back on each one i would just have to make a shed load of classes?
hah! :D
@KirstyHarris: you would to bind the hover aka mouseenter and mouseleave event on the <li> nodes instead
@GNi33 I'm still waiting for an explanation on how to edit scripts in the dev tools.
@KirstyHarris: and yes, if you really want to have different images, you would either need a shitload of classes, or you just set the .css() background property in-code
ok... will run with the shit load of classes then... i think i need to play
touch @FlorianMargaine tits
@OctavianDamiean I just found the way. Thanks anyway ;)
@FlorianMargaine: I'm no threat, relax :p
@N3sh :o
You might want to show me how then. :D
I seriously can't find that option. :P
ya think thats what bentley have done Andy?
uh, link me again please
they done one funky ass CSS on that
@FlorianMargaine and you? When do you move?
@OctavianDamiean just go to Sources, select the js and edit it ;)
@dievardump not soon :/
@KirstyHarris: no they did it worse
how they done it?
@KirstyHarris: they are using individual image nodes which have hardcoded image pathes
oh right ok
as in the link backs?
but that can be done right?
its like <li><a></a><small></small><sup>/sup></li>
the <small> tag probably should make sure everybody knows the developer has a small penis tho
they also put some form of opacity change on rollover
pfff.. cheap, and thats for bentley.. I bet he got a ton of money for that
@OctavianDamiean open the sources tab -> open a .js - file -> double click in it -> start editing?
lol... well it just looks funky... all i gotta do is play lol
@GNi33 By sources tab you mean the resources tab right?
nope... the "Sources" - Tab :D
think im going to have a nosy at the css behind it me thinks..
the 4th one
just a shite load of CSS with an on hover event listener... so i got the on hover ish.. just not to mess with the css
yay in general, I'd agree. its good learning ground to dig into code from good apps/pages
@GNi33 Oh wow, I feel dumb now. I've been trying to edit an inline script all the time which apparently doesn't work. :D
@FlorianMargaine :/
but.. since I had a look into the source from bentley, I doubt that a little :p
too young to not move
im still learning... but ive got alot to learn!
we all have.
that's normal
I just write them.. "I create a serious page for you guys, just throw me some of your crappy cars for payment"
@jAndy speaking of that, do you guys know any great projects on github that show some good ways of code organization?
or in general, just great js-projects which people should have a look at to learn something
hard to say.
see im still trying to figure out how this dude has got his featured image outside the main page content on a wP site!!!.. now ive figured the featured image bit... but its inside the div lol!.... FML!
@dievardump I know... but my gf doesn't want to move :|
@GNi33 Are you looking for projects using frameworks to organize their code or self-made solutions?
@GNi33: not out of the box, but I'll post some later from, what I think at least, is great work
yay!! :D
too bad
Good night!
Shameless plug right there.
@OctavianDamiean well, self-made would be nice to look at some concepts, but after all, i don't care
i should really have a look at some mvc-frameworks i think
@GNi33 an MV* pattern is not a bad idea for bigger projects.
any preferred ones?
bbl ... luncj
Mine's Backbone.js for now.
had a look at backbone ages ago
but didn't dig too far though
what about ember?
I'm still no friend of backbone, angular or bootstrap. Imo thats way more worse than toolkit libs like YUI, jQuery or Mootools
I didn't give it a go yet, mainly because I didn't like their website and documentation. :D
since those totally restrict you on their model and structure
hm, i do like the website
thats really task which should be developed individually for any project
@jAndy 'cept Backbone has nothing to do with YUI, jQuery and Mootools. :D
@OctavianDamiean: I know, thats what I'm saying
@GNi33 these frameworks force you a structure... the basic idea of a nice organization is mainly separation of concerns
@jAndy yep, that's were basic knowledge about best practices or good concepts would come in handy
@jAndy I don't understand the comparison then. You're comparing peaches with screws.
as long as you have some modular structure, it's okay
@OctavianDamiean: no? I'm saying its worse, just comparing "3rd party code someone might include"
backbone etc help you initially get this kind of structure
yep, i split up everything in modules
when a project gets "stressy", stuff gets screwed up anyhow though
@jAndy And saying something is worse is not comparing? :D
comparing "3rd party code someone might include"
all you need is a modular script loader, the rest should be on your own
but thats just one mans opinion
grrr... displaying inline does ones tits in!
I got that but those six 3rd party libraries you've listed are split in two categories.
that reminds me andy i lost ur email ;)
@KirstyHarris: andreas.g@pron4u.com
Two idiots one thought.
nah, I still got no login data so thats a bad idea to send anything to that
checks for porn4u.com's availability
pornking@porn4u.com is up for grabs
oh well i wont send owt... was gonna ask u a quick q.
Sounds like a legit domain name for a portfolio website.
brb i NEED to go get food
is so excited CouchDB 1.3.0 is just around the corner.
wishes he would work on more regular bases with CouchDB
but he is still stuck with mysql and oracle @ work, he hates it, so every night he is fooling around with Couch to get his satisfaction
I don't even know why that was closed as NaRQ.
@OctavianDamiean: are you using plain CouchDB or any wrapper ?
You asking in general?
Hello. I would like to get the font like the one in wolfie.github.com ( the handwriting one) . But I dont know how. How can I do that ? I tried set one of my own web pages font - the same font - but no success.
I'd welcome some advice on that
When possible I go with plain CouchDB, actually CouchApps which are served right out of CouchDB.
fooled around with stuff like "felix couchdb" for instance
but I have no clue if that stuff is anywhere around "good"
what's "couchbase" actually?
couchDB - wrapper or something completely different?
there are soooo many wrappers/drivers/whatnot for couchdb access in node modules
@GNi33 Couchbase is a split off from CouchDB, they inventors of CouchDB took it to the next level with memcached in between and are currently rewriting the base CouchDB implementation on which Couchbase builds in C.
@jAndy Yea, it is hard to choose the best option for the job in Node.
@GNi33 Where you go to watch the superbowl with your friends
I've been playing with Cradle.
so there is no universal greatness which everybody agrees on ?
like JQUERY like BarFoos
That's a trick question.
@Neil huh? random question? :D
You want me to answer with "yes" and admit I like jQuery. :D
I heard nano.. slightly more often than other wrappers, so that might be a start
Yea, nano seems to be good as well.
4 mins ago, by GNi33
what's "couchbase" actually?
aaaaaah :D
@jAndy In the end it's just HTTP calls, so you could also use Restler if you wish.
ok, that one took a while ;)
thats Google's answer
@OctavianDamiean: so whats the big deal then for all the couchdb-drivers ? what magic do they abstract away ?
@RoyiNamir google.com/webfonts/specimen/Reenie+Beanie You could have just looked it up in the source code.
@jAndy Mostly just the automated extraction of the current revision and insertion of it back into the next update request.
Other than that I have yet to see a valid reason to use such a library since the HTTP API is very clean and simple to use anyway.
Q: Drawning with canvas - problem with sizing

pionczFor example i made 2 canvas with size 500px x 500px and 100px x 100px to see how fillrect works and i found that canvas.fillrect doesnt takes px for arguments, and my question is: how to make pixels as arguments or how to count these arguments for pixels? This is example: <html xmlns="htt...

okies back :D
@Octavian Damiean Thanks for the reply. I DID see what was the font name. But When I got to one of my pages and edited ( via chrome developer toolbar) the font family name - it didnt work. Must I "download" it ? or something ?
is there any TTF file That I should download ? )
Well you have to include it as per Google's instructions.
Sorry. Instruction where?
Oh Ok. thank you very much !

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