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@SomeKittens linked me to a good eBook guide
oh, that starts out without any modules?
me likey
@Kiyura I'll still take centralized. Blogger works.
most of the tutorials you'll find all already use a sh*tload of modules
Starts out without, but then starts to include
sounds perfect
Manuel Kiessling... i know that name from somewhere
!!/google manuel kiessling
I think I may end up using WordPress for my blog
It has that easy to setup a good looking blog thing going for it
@AmaanCheval There are over 9000 better solutions
I'd take static pages over WP
ok quick question. im getting a type error when i draw my image to canvas, but it still displays the image after 2 or 3 frames :S
any idea what the cause might be cos i can't figure out the reason it would happen
@dave Hello i also have many ' + problem + ' with ' + jQuery_plugin + '.., been working for ' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4) + ' days can u help pls,,..?'
yeh that is just a silly response
nice try tho somekitten
Let the record show that the bot managed to give us more code than Dave.
except my code is irrelevant here. im trying to work out what browser does with the code that makes it not display on the first frame
its evidently something to do with how it loads the image and it not being ready before i want i draw it
Ah, ok. Sounds like we can make a deal. You know of cars?
@copy Like?
@AmaanCheval Massive caching issues.
actually, on second thought, I may just use a static one
But comments!
could try writing it myself as a learning exercise
Yeah, that's my main problem
could use something like Disqus
well i preLoaded the image like this:

			for(var j in data[1][i]){
				tmp = new Image();
				tmp.src = data[0]+'/'+data[1][i][j];
				tmp.onload = function(){
but it apparently still isn't preLoaded =/
@AmaanCheval Static sites, jekyll, acrylamid, write your own, anything that is based on python
@SomeKittens Nobody wants to read comments, seriously
you don't use comments in your code ???
@copy I disagree. While some comments are dumb, the comments section can prove more interesting than the post itself.
@Dave We're talking about blog comments, not code comments.
oh i thought you were on about comments on questions
on SO
setInterval(clap, 1000);
@SomeKittens Well, the most interesting part is the blog post itself and links. If you want feedback/corrections/additions, just tell people to write you an email
Agreed. Comments provide value to a blog post very rarely, and whether they do or not it's visual and mental cruft.
Nearly all of their true use is better suited for social media or email
Or aggregators
Think of the top 5 blogs that you've seen not good, but amazing content from in the past 6 months. Now, how many of those had comments? Even if they did, do you remember any of them?
@AmaanCheval, I and many others would recommend Jekyll, unless you want the good clean fun of writing your own solution. Templating isn't difficult.
@Kiyura Coding Horror (yes), Yegge (yes), Graham (sometimes)
It's probably not so easy to use at this point, but if anybody wants to take a look at my latest personal project, check it out: GMScreen
@RyanKinal looking good. drag&drop self written?
I'm just realizing that one of the editors I've used doesn't have tabs as spaces turned on.
ah, yeah, i see. just browsing through some js-files. looks pretty neat :)
@RyanKinal What editors do you use?
ST2, mostly
It's just that I have one copy on my work machine, and one on my home machine.
And it looks like my home machine (of all things) didn't have it turned on.
@KirkWoll spambot? ..but there's no link...
I'm gonna go with "drunk"
Yeah, it's pretty weird. It seems sort of like someone really high/drunk sort of commenting on the question/topic
Heh, yeah, exactly Ryan. :)
Mmm. I should try out ST2.
I like it a lot
Looks like lotsa smart power features.
Something to try out after finals
Maybe if I drink some whiskey, that answer will make more sense.
!!/choose whiskey beer
@RyanKinal Neither
!!/choose whiskey beer
@RyanKinal whiskey
Done and done
!!/choose irish scotch bourbon
what the hell did just happen
@RyanKinal All of the above
@SomeKittens Command drunk learned
did any of you guys got kicked out of the chat too?
@GNi33 Nope
weird, i couldn't access the chat. - subdomain for a minute or so
!!/choose irish scotch bourbon
@RyanKinal None of the above
Wrong answer!
who transformed the chatbot into such a dick?
!!/choose "get hammered" "work on finals"
@SomeKittens get hammered
Robert, it's been you, i know it!
Okay, really this time...
!!/choose irish scotch bourbon
@RyanKinal All of the above
have fun with that :D
Well... so sayeth the bot
epic whiskey time!
sweet, i like that
!!/tell rlemon drunk
how are there people in this world who don't understand how to use an autocomplete field...
so, according to this and the countdown at adtr.com i'll have 6hours to get and listen to the new A Day To Remember - record before the world ends...
those will be some bad-ass 6 hours then
At least I get my birthday.
@SomeKittens thanks for the node-link
just got through nodebeginner, stuff starts making a little more sense now ;)
No problem. I'm really liking node, share and enjoy!
someone here?
What is the better approach in creating/writing/appending to xml file using javascript, without making use of microsoft activex object?
I mean i don't run webapp in IE
and reading xml file
You should be using JSON if it's JS
@SomeKittens, I need to store data in some specific format, I'm familiar with XML while using server side scripting languages. but doing the same with js(client-side) I couldn't. So only alternative is JSON for xml?
What exactly are you trying to do? What server-side language?
I worked with java servlets as part of professional work. but now i'm doing my masters and for that i need to do project or thesis using webgl frameworks.
I need to define datastructure for the geometry which is presented using three.js
in the data structre, i should hold the relationships in between geometry
Yeah, if you're building it in the JS you should use JSON (which is really simple)
based on the relationship, i should perform picking, scaling etc..
Ok, so where will this json file stores if i create one? i mean in client-side
It's not a file, it's an object in your code
ok, but how could i take backup of the created json object like we do while using xml?
I don't know what you mean by that.
i mean i need to use same relationship in other platform like matlab inorder to compare and plot the variations
MATLAB is an insidious evil perpetrated by mathematicians who are jealous that CS guys are actually accomplishing something.
lol.. sorry for innocence. i didn't get single word in that statement. :p
If you ever want to become a good programmer, run screaming whenever MATLAB occurs.
Ah, you're from Sweden. Sorry, didn't realize English wasn't your first language. (stupid American assumption)
I really dislike MATLAB and how it works. There are a lot of design choices in MATLAB that I think are really bad.
ok ok..
i found many links in web for fast learning json. but what are your recommendations? for ex, newbie like me..
It's rather simple, most of those tutorials should be good.
ok ok.. iviewsource.com is the link I found. pretty good. will follow that.. bye.. thanks for your advice
No problem
Just had an incredible zen moment where I read a great comment on HN that turned out to be by our very own @SimonSarris.
@RyanKinal how's "all of the above" going?
Hehe... stopped after the Scotch. Decided tea was a better choice.
does any one know why my onload won't execute for this:

                    tmp = new Image();
                    tmp.onload = function(){
                        alert('test'); // never occurs
                        tmp.src = data[0]+'/'+data[1][i][j];
Do you ever set the src outside of the onload?
wouldnt i need to wait for onload before setting the src
It won't load if it doesn't know what to load ;-)
good point lol
let me re-arrange it
Yep, what Ryan said.
ok i put it before the onload :P but then i get Uncaught TypeError: Type error when i draw it to canvas
it still draws it though
You haven't defined i
i have its in a while loop - as its looping through an object the error is occuring at this stage:

canvas['canvas1'].ctx.drawImage(gfx['ground'][0], 100, 150);
it does draw it though thats whats confusing me
Ah interesting... i did:

was undefined until 4 frames into my draw function
so much for onload to make sure they load before i draw >.>
Well, if you make sure they're all loaded before you draw, then that should be fine.
So, your onload would have to include your draw function.
thats the only option ?
And some logic to make sure all your images are loaded.
cos i wanted to preload loads of images and make sure they are ready - then draw
Why do you have to do it in an onload anyway? I'm pretty sure (new Image()).src is synchronous.
well cos i was told to do that to make sure it loads the images before i draw
this is my full image preLoader: pastebin.com/4692ujjZ
that is meant to loop var data and preLoad them all into gfx so i can call upon them in canvas drawImage
Try it without the onload. Just set the src, and add it to the array. See what happens.
right this:

				canvas['canvas1'].ctx.drawImage(gfx['ground'][0], 100, 150);

console.log shows <img src="0.png"> so that worked but no output to canvas
on the first frame
it displays after the first frame though =/
suggests to me the draw function runs before the image is fully loaded right?
Yep. Seems that way.
thats why i added the onLoad but that seemed to cause the type error problem since removing it - fixed that issue.
unless thats one of the limitations of the canvas :S ?
I don't do much with canvas
seems alot of people don't :P
So many temp variables.
I must be doing something wrong
@SomeKittens potentially
There's probably a smarter way
This is a rush job for a presentation tomorrow
!!> ["at!'\\\"(lave(lav.))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'#\x69\x6e\x70\x75\x74'\\\"(la‌​ve($\".split('').reverse().join(''));","s gre","cript i","eval(\";)(kcilc.))\\\";))''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'I3NheWl0LWJ1dHRvbg=='(bo‌​ta\\\"(lave($;))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'this s"].reverse().join('');
@SomeKittens "eval(\";)(kcilc.))\\\";))''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'I3NheWl0LWJ1dHRvbg=='(bozw‌​nj​ta\\\"(lave($;))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'this script is great!'\\\"(lave(lav.))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'#input'\\\"(lazwnj​ve($\".sp‌​lit('').reverse().join(''));"
Anyone around for array help?
not sure if I'm helpful, but I am around...
freeandopenweb.com Spread this
we need as many votes there as we can :P
@Abhishek lol coincidentally, I posted that to facebook like 5 mins ago
i am posting it daily
@twiz add me on fb :D
@Abhishek "I am a web-developer cum enthusiast" hahahaha
I think you may have a typo there
calendar ok so I'm trying to figure out how to style this part of my calendar page to scroll becausee obviously its to long
@twiz nah :P lol
@Abhishek hiya
hello @NullPointer
@benlevywebdesign you need to set overflow:auto; on the container you want to scroll
also need to set a specific height
is it not set? hmm hold on
you want it on #calp-calendar-container I think.
White knight ;D
Well I put it on .calp-timesheet, #calp-weekly-timesheet and it cuts off the 23 hour
did you try #calp-calendar-container ?
doing that now
nope that just moved the dates bar at the bottom up
@twiz this is why I sometimes don't like css
Q: How can I detect and compensate for system related lag?

MattThe best example I can think of is Doom 3. It seemed to me that if there was any kind if lag the game would pause and then resume without "fast forwarding" to catch up. I'm trying to figure out a good practice to use for lag detection in JavaScript.

@benlevywebdesign is that not what you wanted?
but it cut off the 22 and 23 and maybe 24th hours
@benlevywebdesign I tried it, and it displays fine me. btw, there is no 24th hour.
@twiz what browser are you on
im on ff
and for both ff and chrome it cuts off the 22 and 23 hour for me
hmm well I do see the problem on ff
you might have an overflow:hidden somewhere thats messing things up
Hi, I'm trying to compare times using JavaScript and a time string I put into a JSON object and I'm not getting the results I need. I'm relatively new to the JSON and using the javascript date/time objects
In my JSON file I have similar to "start":"10:00 AM" and I want to compare that to the current time. The end result is that a user who visits the site only sees the activities that are currently taking place. Any recommendations?
Ill be right back to check it out
@benlevy hi
@benlevywebdesign are u there?
@Abhishek lol
i love bug ..not in my code but that one
Guys, I have a simple CSS question
		<a href="#"><div class="adminNavButton"><p>Pages</p></div></a>
			<li><a href="#">Make a new page</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Manage pages</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Delete pages</a></li>
	</li>   .... and more </ul>
That is my HTML structure currently
In CSS3, I want to apply some styling on <a href=#>, which is the first anchor tag
If I select children using following method nav ul li a{ /*stuff*/ }
it selects all anchor tags including 3 other anchor tags after first anchor and under ul
how do I select just <a href="#"><div class="adminNavButton"><p>Pages</p></div></a> using css3? Do I need to give in a class?
@sabari yes im back
@sabari you here?
@ShyamK Thx mate, I've already tried it using nav ul li a:first-child{ /*stuff*/ } and nav ul li a:nth-child(1){ /*stuff*/ } but it didn't seem to work
=/ heh
But I will read them and see if there's other methods. Cheers
can anyone answer a backbone/jqm question
Guys, just in case anyone curious about what's the answer for my question above, refer to
Q: Selecting just one child using CSS3

TemporaryNickNameI have a simple CSS3 question regarding to selecting appropriate child node. Here is a snippet of current HTML element structure: <nav> <ul> <li> <a href="#"><div class="adminNavButton"><p>Pages</p></div></a> ...

Hi, someone has already use webdriverjs?
wow, I can't believe this! First thing since the reelection of Obama that the U.S. did something right!
Hero of the day, the U.S. House of Representatives.
@OctavianDamiean old news :P
Mate, December 6, 2012 -- 00:52 GMT ... shut up! I'm not awake 24 of 24.
@OctavianDamiean i am (XD)
hopefully ITU fails
blockading the internet would lead to more hackers and their kind imo
@ShyamK less users in my honest opinion
less laymen users
By users, do you mean users of the internet? if so, what next? the stone age? or some other internet type technology?
@ShyamK stone age or massive roits
google & fb should do this exp
Hi guys, just doing some learning in codecademy and it won't let me complete an excercise because it says that I am missing a ) in the following statement, where should it go?
for (var i=0; i < names.length; i+= 1;) {
	console.log("I know someone called" + " " + i;)
It looks right to me :|
Set there landing page to :: Your government wants to end free and open internet , we are sorry but we are not available in your country anymore .... within hours there will be roits
@Abhishek hope it happens on the supposed Doomsday... the end of world... the end of internet... that sorta thing...
@Abhishek totally... ppl with placards saying We Want FB all over the place... lol
@ShyamK they should do it :P
like now :P
itu will be scared of death :P
and comon man these guys just can't start charging the web , seriously thats inhuman okay i understand charging services like facebook but these guys are also charging the nobel purposes I mean comon you cant charge free porn :-/ we all love it !! They just cant end free porn outa nowhere!
but you're using regular expressions.. they are slower than mine verification.. bad for you.. =\ — thiagoh 11 hours ago
^ lol
lol i am not next jon skeet :P
jon skeet will probably die with stackoverflow
nah he will be forever alive
his answers will still guide those who seek the enlightment in the darkness of internet
except if internet gets doomed after ITU
if it does :P .. i will have nothing else to do
soo i will just start my old(est) work , astrophysics ... or quantum physics .. I know i have cheated on you with javascript but you know i always loved you hope you will accept me back :-)
@Esailija what makes u sad man
@ShyamK what you say
if we lose our jobs after fall of the web , join IAC ? lol or be revolters ?
emacs is really nice
Ouh, fancy new coursera courses. :)
@OctavianDamiean Yeah! You use Coursera too?
@dievardump hey, how's vancouver?
coursera... meh, ain't nobody got time fo' dat
@Abhishek Revolters... just to see how that goes... I always wanted to go places :P
@ShyamK i know how to shoot ;D
@OctavianDamiean Which courses are you signed up for?
and crack hehe
I'm excited for Intro to Philosophy
Philosophy ,
Taking "Think Again: How to Reason and Argue" now
@AmaanCheval make sure u take tips from Zirak on philosophy
@Abhishek well I could learn... or just make other things that go boom :)
@Abhishek "Tips"?
I took suggestions for books from him, tangentially related to philosophy
@ShyamK \o
@AmaanCheval u know it ;D
i am just incredibly pissed off on myself
havent worked f0r 2 days ..
Hi everyone. Acquring of current URL of iframe and ajax-requests in case with cross-domain isn't possible, right? Isn't possible at all, or there are some way? I have a site in iframe which changes its url right after loading and i need to get that new URL. Right now considering doing something on server-side part.
Q: Coffee script command not found

Chris PaynterI am trying to use coffee script for the first time so I can alter the Chosen plugin by Harvest. I used the npm install -d command as specified at their GitHub page to install cake and coffee. This is the response I get in Terminal from the install. It seems ok. Chriss-MacBook-Pro:chosen ch...

btw, sorry for my english, a have some minor SEGFAULTs in my brain right now.
@Ivan0x32 how does it "change its url"?
Server side i suppose.
if it changes its url after the page has loaded, it must be client side
Not quite, there's this URL oauth.vk.com/… - it redirect to this blank page with a couple of parameters which i need to retrieve.
hello friends, i have html file and several flash swf file, it run perfectly,, what i need screen resolutions lessthan 500px height
scroll show, more than 500px height scroll bar none, but not use the overflow hidden. can you help to me...
@AmaanCheval Introduction to Astronomy for now.

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