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dafuq ...
> ... Very Brightness ...
The last line scared me worse , well thats probably some Rich kid who never cared about speaking proper language
The fuck are awesome fetchers!?
@OctavianDamiean You see the kind of things we have to deal with?!
> 53% of 15 users found this review helpful.
@AmaanCheval am deing laughing the last line
Well, it is kind of helpful :p
Btw, Abhishek, you can permalink to comments
You know he probably meant "it was" right? :p
awesome touching
@AmaanCheval i do but
I'd love to reply on comments. :D
Hello Zirak!
var stuffTarget = document.getElementById('stufftarget');
stuffTarget.onclick = function() { /* do stuff */ };
^^ still a memory leak in modern browsers?
I know I was discussing it with someone in here recently, I can't remember what the conclusion was.
The fact that you're assigning a function...?
The fact that the closure has a reference to stuffTarget and the element has a copy of a reference to the closure, circular reference
Modern GCCs are smart enough and graduated from elementary school, so they don't rely solely on reference-counting anymore
@Zirak Oh right nice one. Thanks for using your brain so I don't have to. I really will stop coming in here and asking dumbass questions one day, I promise.
If it's a true circular reference (nothing points to them, they only point at one another), then it'll be GCd
"thanks for using your brains so I don't have to" teehee
@KamilTomšík hi?
Yeh, I just had cause to revisit it and there's a lot of conflicting info. The "it's a leak" yea-sayers seem to be adamant that the DOM GC and the JS GC are different entities, which is why it happens. I guessed that by now this would be sorted out, but there are some recently dated articles on it, I guess written by people regurgitating stuff they have read elsewhere.
IE6 is the latest browser I know about which has this dumb GC
Good news. People using IE6 deserve everything they get.
And tell them they're stupid. The DOM is a js API, not it's own language/platform/something.
Guys, what's the proper way to fix a div to the top of the page?
width: 100%;
min-width: 998px;
height: 43px;
color: #fff;
margin:0px auto;
I have used this but when I zoom in the page, the div gets loose from the right side
top of page, or top of visual ?
position : absolute, for top of page as far as i know
top of the browser's page of display
Hail you Chrome !
finally, on top of desktop browser share ! Horay! Hoooray !
:6511266 .stickyMain {
   position: fixed;
   top: 0px;
@FlorianMargaine Wee! I'm involved in OPEN SOURCE!
You're aware that excrement belongs into the toilet right? You don't just push it to GitHub... lol should have been
You're aware that excrement belongs into the toilet right? You don't just flush it to GitHub.
@AndersMetnik, did you try zooming in and out with that?
Y NO git -flush
$(this).addClass("I need another weekend");
$('.I.need.another.weekend').toggleClass('I need another weekend forget it sincerely your boss');
"Hey dude, nice to finally meet you. Wanna fuck my girlfriend?" - 1d ago by Zirak hmmm, I wonder if is gf is nice....
@AnujKaithwas Works fine on mine. But it's a css class i add to my navbar, if needed :)
right, so im doing this wonderful script to animate an image (just a kid waving his arms)
can u gimme ur css code @AndersMetnik
I'll post the code here with the hope that someone can actually help me
now my problem is that I want to have more than 1 animation here so I'd like to have the direction var (tells the animation if the arm needs to go up or down) linked with a function, basically animation1 needs to have his own "direction"
@AnujKaithwas It's written in less, and i ain't done yet so havn't precompiled it yet
@Loktar \o
Octavian why did u bin my msg?
@AngeloMoreira unformatted code
@AngeloMoreira Read the room roles.
Glad to see the discourse in this room is running at its usual high standard
oh, sorry I did not know how to format the code
clearly not good :)
Hit Ctrl+K to format code
Remove the <code> from around it
:?.. you removed me saying hi..
@Loktar He hates you
eeks (XD)
haha its no big deal
@Loktar Stop spamming "hi" messages. :D
I know why you removed them :P
sorry :$ loktar knows me loves him :P
lol yeah was just messing with you
anyways anybody knows how to hell i stop jQuery Ui sortable from firing on an "Click"
event ?
@Loktar Everyday you join the chat you say "hi", what a spammer.
stop using jQuery UI !
@jAndy cant help , boss :P
its evil... its the root of all evil
yeah, put the js code in comments and then carry on :P
boss is rigged
$(function () {
	var direction = "down";
	var animations=setInterval(function(){
		animate($("#animation1"), 3);

	window.animate = function(target, steps){
		var thisClass = target.attr("class");
		var nextStep = 0;
		var thisStep = 0;

		thisStep = parseInt(thisClass.substring(4, thisClass.length));

		if(direction == "down" && thisStep < steps){
			nextStep = parseInt(thisStep)+1;
		} else {
			direction = "up";
		if(direction == "up" && thisStep > 1){
			nextStep = parseInt(thisStep)-1;
is this good?
@OctavianDamiean I know man :?
does your boss look like so ?
@AngeloMoreira Better,
sorry about that, kinda new here
Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you alive (for now).
I need to reuse that animate() so every single function needs to have its own variable, do I need to like create a class or something?
Well , i think his code is messing jQuery UI up , which doesnt surprize me , jQuery Ui is more fragile then glass
its written by fragile people..
don't even have a clue how it got related so much to the jQuery "core" project
much of jQuerys bad reputation comes from this horrible thing
@jAndy That sir, is an understatement !
@jAndy relax
Gm all
relax , i am going Oppa CSS Style [ not for the sortables ofc ]
nobody knows? will it help if i put it up on pastbin?
Guys, I freaking love y'all
@AngeloMoreira if anything something like fiddle is better
esp @Zirak
@AngeloMoreira angelo
i dont think you can
do it like window.animate
i mean seriously
@jAndy, u made that?
@AnujKaithwas: made what ?
@Abhishek why not abhishek?
eek mis-understood it (x
z red and white buffoon
@AngeloMoreira parseInt without the radix parameter? really?
whats it supposed to do again , angelo ?
so I imagine you all saw Notch's fiddle right?
@FlorianMargaine hey my boss did that too
@AngeloMoreira lol...not like that
@FlorianMargaine: o/
@Loktar i did, yeah
@Abhishek I just did it in window.animate so I could test it in chrome dev tools (calling like animate() on the console)
Q: Possible to create "fake" forum (for prototyping) using html, javascript, jquery, css?

htmlNewbieI am trying to figure out if it might be possible to create a small forum without any use of a database and php coding. I have created a small (local and will only be local) webpage with a couple of menus. I have a forum button which will take me to another .html location. Here i would like to...

your boss sucks
@GNi33 was pretty cool
@FlorianMargaine: you sent me a link for that awesome "UDP joke" printed on shirt some days ago
do you still have it O_o ?
@FlorianMargaine probably he got som1 else to write the code (xD)
@Loktar indeed, i was expecting a lot more code. hello btw :)
how are you?
cause its nowhere anything like any experience in the code which i am fixing
yeah, he did it for the java4k, so thats why the code was pretty condensed. Im good, you?
@Loktar Nope.
I took a break from coding for the whole weeked lol, I worked too hard on my github entry
what's the problem of using parseInt("5") ?
make it parseInt("05"); for more fun !
@AngeloMoreira you need a radix.
a lot of people complain if you don't
For valid reasons.
ah ok.. 05 still works
at 08 the fun begins
ok reading documentation, im new to this js thing, please dont take the piss :D
@jAndy I just googled something like "self made tee shirt" and wrote the thing
dont worry dude I never take the piss. Sometimes I give it, but never take it.
pretty sweet tutorial for making multiplayer games
@FlorianMargaine: ok ok.. caught me. I was even too lazy for that and hoped I just get a link which leads me to a site, where the joke is already written down and its nicely formated and everything (maybe it gives a blowjob also) and I just have to click on "order"
buldnewgames.com is turning into a really good site actually.
but now.. I'll just go and look for it myself.. pah
@Loktar Ouh, fancy. Thanks for the tip. :)
np, Im going to convert my match game to be multiplayer :)
going to make it a bit more like tetris attack first
I'm too dumb for your game. :(
@Loktar just me or ur game can be insanely hard the first time ?
/. or randomly
@OctavianDamiean: that makes us a perfect matchup then
@Loktar yes, it's getting better. i got a little node-project set up for my rpg - prototype, will try to make it multiplayer too
even on easy difficulty the resource / credits u gain is too less sometimes
@Abhishek haha yeah its difficult
and i'm fine, thanks. grats on your game, it looks fantastic!
best strategy is to make matches and spam Q
@Loktar nay sometimes u just dont get anything
@GNi33 thanks :) although theres a lot I want to change
@Loktar q fllowed by a quick w
I kind of flew through it because of the time limit
@FlorianMargaine: Wooooot !
sometimes arches can be handy :P
like the overhead lane thing I didnt want to do
jsfiddle.net/wYvya/2 I have this code. If I want to wrap that in this sort of thing $(".class").each( //in here ); will I be able to get at the this object in the top scope? In any way?
@Abhishek haha yeah they are bugged
they will stack on eachother I noticed
hahahaa... its so funny
jsfiddle.net/sUaH4/1 updated with radix on parseInt, how do u guys think I can have a "direction" variable for every function? do I have to create an object and then duplicate it or there is a simpler solution?
that why i say .. use some .. prototype inheritance :P
@Abhishek yeah I normally would
but I had like 24 hours left to include archers
anyways i am going back to fixing what i have to .. eeks man this is goin to take long
I only didn't get 2 things in I really wanted, a restart button, and sound
Alrighty, off to get my new gaming headset.
@OctavianDamiean which one?
@FlorianMargaine hahaha, awesome!
@Loktar Logitech G930
Ive got the G35's pretty amazing
ah nice I want those
mine are the same.. but wired
2 mins ago, by Sean
http://jsfiddle.net/wYvya/2/ I have this code. If I want to wrap that in this sort of thing $(".class").each( //in here ); will I be able to get at the this object in the top scope? In any way?
@Loktar Yea, they've been plan B if I don't find the G930's.
Please? "jsfiddle.net/sUaH4/1 updated with radix on parseInt, how do u guys think I can have a "direction" variable for every function? do I have to create an object and then duplicate it or there is a simpler solution?"
@OctavianDamiean: can i get such an awesome @pron4u.com email address ???
@Abhishek No I'm talking about the question I have literally just posted twice because this chat scrolls quickly. And not even had it recognised =P
Dafuk ?!
@Sean :P
ok, I got ignore I'm going and try to wrap it on a class
4 mins ago, by Sean
2 mins ago, by Sean
http://jsfiddle.net/wYvya/2/ I have this code. If I want to wrap that in this sort of thing $(".class").each( //in here ); will I be able to get at the this object in the top scope? In any way?
thank you very much guys, at least I learnt something new :D (redix)
Actually it was more likely to be the egg. Animals don't just evolve overnight. The genetic mutation that turned whatever came before into the chickens we know today would have been passed down to the offspring through the egg. Before it wouldn't have been a chicken, thus the egg came first.
> mv 3.3.3_bugattack eea.py $2
That was incredibly stupid
@FlorianMargaine yes monsieur
I don't get why people find talking to the bot so difficult, since, y'know, that's what you practically do all the time:
@Zirak Thank you for noticing
we understand your deepest concern regarding the bot and this place becoming a place to hijack and play with bot, we apologize
Day two in NE... I haven't been shot yet
@rlemon NE ?
lol Nebraska?
!!/define NE
@rlemon NE: ne definition: Nebraska. (source)
what is so wrong trying to make our bitch out of the bot ?!
Why would you get shot in Nebraska.. unless you're talking about hunting season
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/wYvya/2 I have this code. If I want to wrap that in this sort of thing $(".class").each( //in here ); will I be able to get at the this object in the top scope? In any way?
he's canadian
@FlorianMargaine Nebraska is insanely safe.
Passing through Lincoln I saw some guy walking down the side of the road with his shotgun
I grew up in Detroit...
Sean... no.
@rlemon ah it is hunting season, might of been why.
@Loktar Dude. He's Canadian.
I'm not even in my own country
haha its just funny because you hear of hotbeds of crime in the US and no one would ever mention NE :P
most people in the US have no idea where the hell it is even
Lol. Omaha I'd very nice place actually
You passed through Omaha??
@rlemon Is there any way I can do what I want to do? At all?
lol you were like 10 mins from me!
Landed in omaha
I thought you were flying in farther into the state
ahhh ok
@Loktar Bitch please me and @AmaanCheval grew up in India
yeah that airport is small but pretty nice.
aka world 2.5
@Abhishek lol
Loktar yea I'll be back in Omaha tomorrow night
A mere walk to cross road in central india can be a adventure of a lifetime ... all indians should agree upon this >< cause damn it is!
@Sean yup...try left way
@Abhishek: you're saying they can't drive ?
@NullPointer I.. You... What?
does anyone know what was the browser side library called
that uses the 1.7 yield keyword to implement fibers on client side?
@Abhishek lol... and if its highway than ... dangerous adventure
@Abhishek Detroit vs. India
@jAndy They can except for you can expect trucks on wrong side at full speed coming straight at you , nobody gives a damn to pedestrians its your own concern if u wanna walk .. and oh the special case you might have a oows or bullocks or buffalos running out on ur , without warning
@FlorianMargaine: Man, I know the feeling.
@FlorianMargaine: damn.. I'm seeing it.. but I don't get how it works !!!!
I don't know which would be safer
@AmaanCheval India's crazier
its like
Wish I didn't live in India.
+ u wont have health service
@ColorfulTrauma You do?
@ColorfulTrauma switch quick
The ISPs have this stupid thing called FUP.
@Armaan: Yeah
You lot are absolutely useless.
@ColorfulTrauma the ISP here are planning to get rid of facebook soon :P
LOL @ the profile info
@FlorianMargaine now i see why (x
I'm glad you're amused.
he worships cows!
I had a laugh when I saw this pic.
o it was this one taskjs.org
traffic in india looks like a perfect learning ground for theoretical swarm intelligence and chaos theory researchers
Seems pakistan .. is malaysia but relevant
I get an error saying "Uncaught ReferenceError: thisClass is not defined" jsfiddle.net/sUaH4/2 but it is defined in the top of the script any help please?
youtube.com/watch?v=QxHM_oPj_5E @AmaanCheval look at this LMFAO , @FlorianMargaine
@Abhishek looks like you have never visited to high traffic road
@NullPointer Null , come in my town ;D
i will show u cows right in the middle of main road , when u honk horn they slowly look at u chew a few times and ignore u out :P

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