fair enough - I do like to dabble in them, I have with coffee/type script and DART
however I only RAGE because I feel they are hurting the industry and not helping it.
if there was only js, and no abstraction libs, but only shims, every developer would be essentially learning the same thing and there would be no seperation.
I hate seeing that a cool script is "only in CoffeeScript" - and I have to reverse engineer it because the spew the compiler puts out is so effing ugly.
top three results, albeit not EXACTLY what you want, show how to use <object> elements to change the src (looks like)
and after a 30 second google search (basically I clicked on a link I posted earlier) embed tags are dumb and you need to change the attribute not the property of the src value for it to take effect
Quick and dirty solution is to change the Attribute not the element Property. This will update the stream source.
mediaPlayer.src = "http://go.erad.io/asx/choice.asx";
mediaPlayer.setAttribute("src", "http://go.erad.io/asx/choice.asx");
I don't have a proper explanation why th...
element.src = srcValue; should be element.setAttribute('src', srcValue);
sorry for the yell-type (no i'm not) but you were not listening
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url, false);
chr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if( xhr.readState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 ) {
// the page is available and responded with data
@Loclip Ajax is just a term used for content that is delivered dynamically (no browser refresh), among other things. So if you're streaming video, you're doing AJAX
and for future reference @Loclip when people are talking about "AJAX" they are really talking about using XMLHttpRequest to send/receive data Asynchronously to the server.
Before, Chrome had an alias to document.getElementById with the $ variable.
Recently (probably on Chrome 23 release), it has been changed to an alias to document.querySelector.
So your code is the equivalent of document.querySelector('body').
I don't bother to answer most questions anymore. When I devote time to research and explain, someone already posted a quickie and rode the upvote surge
And I hate dropping in snipplets of mindless answers without brains behind them
From "6 Simple Tips to Get Stackoverflow Reputation Fast" at codexon.com:
Be the First to Answer. Even at the cost of quality.
Use Downvotes and Comments Strategically
Use obnoxious in-your-face formatting and lists.
Be Aware of the 200 rep/day Limit
Edit, But Don’t Edit Too Much
Associate your...
@Esailija I hate you. You make me realize how stupid I am for breaking stuff (more specifically, the bot's eval.) And now I want to fix them (it.) But I'm also lazy and tired.
@Neil So you come in, downvote answers that work, and post an answer that only half works (shade doesn't come up, popup won't close) and then just mock others on top of it all...nice man. — VIDesignz56 secs ago
@Neil Then why hack together an answer when the question included using the plugin. Maybe you should focus on actually working while your at the office... — VIDesignz8 mins ago
Alright, so I'm doing a simple search feature. I'll be AJAXing the search term back to the server and it'll return table data. How would I insert that?
:( but it's faster than innerHTML && jQuery(htmlString) *in Chrome *and dependent on the size of the fragment you are building - some very small frags are out preformed by innerHTML
i'm actually a little proud of that. but the syntax is very verbose for writing :(
Is anyone here particularly good with web design, and would be willing to look at a few low res photos I took on my phone of a drawing of what I kinda want lemon meme to look like on some lined paper, and produce a stunning webpage for me to use (just the HTML and CSS, I can do the rest) . I offer no pay, minimal credit, a photo of me posing however you'd like me too, and I will forever star every crappy joke or link you post. ??
i can do it, for one resolution, one browser.... and with some pretty shit html/css, so I would really need someone to just fix the code and make it responsive
I convinced my boss HTML is the future of everything and that the entire HMI for our product should be done using node.js running a http server as our main interface.
LESS is similar, but more restrictive. but the point is you only need know enough to alter their LESS to be what you want it to be. you don't need to create your own. it's much much simpler that way (imo)
i'm planning on using cough godaddy as a VPS provider. good prices... and my work uses them, aside from being dicks (company) and email service sucking they're not bad and cheap.