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Why var update = null;?
because if i'm not around there is null updates
var update; should be fine, no?
no that is undefined
null is more semantic in this case
   |    |
Almost a cat
What is this language....?
Aw, no more carets
@monners intardish
Good fun? :-D
Welcome to the Tardetnet?
> tish
> ish
> h
So we lost a day of updates because rlemon is the only person doing them. cool. I see how it is. so i'll recap everything till the top of the page: 20 rules site was a bust, comments were funny. Chrome console is drunk and screws with jQuery devs. Loktar is uneducated and proud (same with me)! Ext.js made a appearance. Ivo is an INFIDEL! we got carried away with <^> and it was all binned. Pickle Turnip!... that is all
@rlemon Do you have a degree?
Dayumn. This is starting to look so convincing
@rlemon Unclean!
18 mins ago, by Loktar
I don't even have a HS Diploma
Me neither actually
But I have a degree :D
So BAM! I've got more debt than you!
Basically while I was in HS I got a job as a SQA for a startup e-learning company - the company exploded and was HUGE. so after HS I just worked full time for them for like 3-4 more years.... at that point I was left with the choice...
High school is 12 grades for you guys, right?
Not exactly
For Aus it is, not sure about the U.S.
A) goto school, and go in HUGE debt because I cannot afford to NOT get a descent salary ..
B) rock my experience to get another job and take the ~10-20% pay cut because I have no degree (until I can prove myself and get a raise)
@RyanKinal Not in the same institution, but still called high school?
Grade school = 0 - 5 (ish)
Middle school = 6 - 8 (ish)
High school = 9 - 12 (ish)
All of those could be in the same building, or they could be separated, depending on the size of the school district
Kickass resource for learning ruby? Aaaaand, Go!
Don't learn ruby! </win>
Why not?
It's sad that education is a financial decision.
@monners I don't have a good reason, it just seemed like the easy thing to say.
It's even sadder that education establishments aren't for educational purposes, but for financial purposes
@RyanKinal lol
'strue :-D
Anyone got any education in bizzarre or alternative subjects?
I apprenticed as a typesetter and print maker for about 10 days
Such as?
I'm a Dr. of looooove, professional STD carrier.
Well, can anyone top my two years here... nica.com.au
It feels like it's right out of an episode from The Simpsons
I'm a juggling ninja
Did you have to sign saying you wouldn't perform in the same area as other clowns?
@rlemon reveal.js
Nah, we'd settle turf disputes battle royale style
Hey, you have a degree in Psychology! That's cool
@AmaanCheval Interesting that you should say that... Tell me about your mother?
What you doing here? Go write The Secret or some other shitty book :p
Hmmm. Has anybody written a FreudBot?
How about I learn some code so I can actually communicate with developers for UX stuff?
Eliza almost counts
@RyanKinal A bot? You're an anal person.
@monners sure. Tell me about your mother first.
I think someone tried that once, but it kept arresting in the genital stage
How do you feel about her?
Is it because of your plans that you say o_O?
!!/tell RyanKinal google anal stage
... I don't even want to click those
The anal stage is the second stage in Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, lasting from age 18 months to three years. According to Freud, the anus is the primary erogenous zone and pleasure is derived from controlling bladder and bowel movement. The major conflict issue during this stage is toilet training. A fixation at this stage can result in a personality that is too rigid or one that is too disordered. According to Freud’s theory, personality developed through a series of stages throughout childhood. These stages are focused on erogenous areas. Freud believed in the li...
@RyanKinal do. They're interesting.
@RyanKinal "Maybe your life has something to do with this."
Freud is interesting in a funny way
it's about freud theory, not something weird
Oh Freud... Setting the progress of women back since 19xx
@FlorianMargaine An oxymoron if I've ever heard one ;-)
@FlorianMargaine Psychoanalytic Theory. Get it right, jeez...
What is this I don't even....
@AmaanCheval Nice!
The online version won't load for me, though
@tereško Is that a local number you can try?
I've considered making SMS Zork (or similar text-adventure)
@AmaanCheval Gotta love the fourth bot response
for us it is
Grade School (primary school) - K(indergarden) -> 6
Middle School (jr high) - 7 -> 8
High School (pre 2002) 9 -> OAC (Ontario Academic Credit is grade 13, it has been removed but many students still stay for a fifth year in Ontario highschools)
sorry more phone calls - i'm behind in my convo
It would cost me a lot, though. Text messages ain't cheap.
I started working on Zork once. Read the parser's source code and gave up.
Canvas Sim City classic clone anyone? the source code to the original is public.
time for Tea!
it could be fun
@rlemon It is?
@RyanKinal They're free for me.
@rlemon !!/listcommands
@KendallFrey What?
^^ @SomeKittens Like that ^^
@AmaanCheval Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, hang, learn
@AmaanCheval I know. I had an exploit I wanted to try.
Like, programmatically sending SMS messages from a server for free?
@SomeKittens ooohhhh, what is it?
@RyanKinal I've got a website that lets me send texts for free without any adverts or anything
!!/learn foo "!!/foo"
@SomeKittens Command foo learned
Only a 100, but you can keep making new accounts
sadly, you've got it covered
@SomeKittens !!/foo
....aaaand no recursion
@RyanKinal As in, unlimited texts.
You aren't the first to try
I think people tried that ever since I added /learn
@KendallFrey Oh. Like, on your cellular service plan
The actual price I pay per text is outrageous though.
A few dollars I'd guess.
Because I'm talking about sending from a server. Because, well, that's the business I'm in.
I've probably tried it before.
SlickText doing good?
Yeah, that could be a bit of a drain.
And if I could send them for free, that would make my business better
@AmaanCheval Yes! We're at a couple grand of profit per month
How do you send them?
Have to register with carriers and all?
Nah, we pay somebody to do that: Twilio
@RyanKinal Nice!
<3 Twilio
@RyanKinal Oh. Why use SlickText then? I've heard of Twilio a lot
We provide the "marketing" bits on top of Twilio's texting
Opt-in, opt-out, list management, sending to lists, running contests, etc.
Even analytics
does anyone have a good reference for styling nice looking tables in html? Im talking about look and feel, not structure.
I think i found something acceptable with a quick google search
@JohnMerlino Do you have a TutsPlus membership?
They just release a course covering exactly that
no, but ill look into it, thanks for response
!!> console.log('hi');
My membership to that site's been well worth the cost of the subscription
@FlorianMargaine [object ErrorEvent]
@FlorianMargaine [object ErrorEvent]
what's '!!>'?
!!> console.log("[object ErrorEvent]");
@monners is supposed to run some javascript
@SomeKittens Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> function a() { a(); } a();
@FlorianMargaine Oh, so it's just shorthand for "Something happens, and then..."?
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6237688 Maximum execution time exceeded
Are you doing this on purpose? Is my slow tumble to insanity amusing in any way?
@monners There's a bot running. !!> will (usually) execute some javascript;
No, it won't. It's broken. It's been broken for months. Which I've been repeating over and over and over.
!! is the prefix to alert the bot. There are quite a few commands available.
@Zirak Oh, I guess I missed that bit
So "!!>console.log();" will actually execute in the browser?
No matter what code you give it, no matter how much your eyes sparkle, it won't work. Because it's broken. Yes? Yes? Broken? hehe. hehehe.
In theory, anyway :P
!!> does nothing
It dose not exist
It never existed. Forget about it.
!!/tell monners help
That's what they said about Pluto, NOW look at it!
Wow. I think we broke Zirak
!!/ list commands
@monners Command list does not exist.
you don't exist
Does anyone know when YC releases their interview decision?
@SomeKittens Still haven't gotten a reply about that?
Yeah. I'm really tense and stressed and I'd like to have closure. They said it'd be today.
(Yes, "today" isn't over yet)
I'm wondering if I still want to use lisp
Still, today's just a guess. The job posting was taken down, so they might have already filled it.
Well, depending on where YC is (California?), it may still be early-ish in the day
FFS, there is two hours I'll never get back.
@AndyPerlitch We're all uneducated slobs. Don't ask.
guy verified to me the wrong IP address THREE TIMES!
hehe :-D
finally I called his ISP and they told me he was giving me the wrong IP address
this one is a humdinger... was hoping to get any bit of help
Worst part is I had him going to whatsmyip.org
and he mistook a 6 for an 8
Maybe the 6 mistook itself for an 8?
@RyanKinal Yep, just about lunchtime.
@RyanKinal In other words, too lazy, get help elsewhere? :p
@AmaanCheval Not really. If I was any good at trig, I'd help. But I'm not.
PHP, please make up your mind about under_scores vs. camelCase.
And did we not just have a discussion of how few of us are formally educated?
@RyanKinal Yeah, but I thought you'd still be able to do that
We're not formally educated but we can know our stuff
@SomeKittens Can we also get them to make up their mind about array_func($needle, $haystack) vs. array_func($haystack, $needle)?
Poll: How many of you working full-time in CS actually have a CS degree?
@SomeKittens Post it to HN
@SomeKittens not me
I don't think you'll get many responses on Twitter
@SomeKittens I do :P
A more interesting poll: How many of those who have a CS degree did it for the job market?
v > <
What's with that ^? It's our own Like, Digg or +1 version?
I should sleep
The only reason I consider going back and getting a formal education is for the increased pay scale.
@SomeKittens Could have made it an actual poll as well for easier counting
...I can do that?
With the amount of free or cheap resources available to me, paying the exorbitant amount of money for the actual "education" seems like a waste.
I've seen that be there. I don't know how
@Zirak I think of ^ as "QFT"
QFT == QuantiFERON?
!!/define QFT
Quoted for truth
Has a karma threshold, though
Could not find definition for QFT. Trying Urban Dictionary
@rlemon [QFT](http://qft.urbanup.com/730109) QUOTED FOR TRUTH

Used on internet forums when quoting someone with similar views as yours.
@AmaanCheval > Sorry, you need 200 karma to create a poll.
QFT = Quantum Fucking Teleportation
ohhh cool, so if no definition is found it falls back on urban now
@RyanKinal got pics?
@rlemon You're welcome :D
45th place. Wow!
@Zirak Nah, wave-function collapsed
45th place in?
@robjb Hacker News
Q: Javascript Syntax Error "out of range"

JoshI"ve been doing web development for quite sometime and have never seen this behavior with javascript. This is the code I started out with: function processLogin() { if (loginReq.readyState == 4) { var data = eval('(' + loginReq.responseText + ')'); data = data.userDat...

Why do so many people use var data = eval('(' + loginReq.responseText + ')');
and if he was doing web development for "some time" why is he fucking using EVAL?
> On a few of the sections, IE10 handily beats Chrome on timing. For example, in a test where we simulate typing 1500 characters into one of our custom rich-text editors, IE finished in 4.8 seconds vs. Chrome at 10.3 seconds. In a test of rotating a few dozen different shapes simultaneously, IE finished in 8.3 seconds vs. Chrome’s 17.3 seconds.
> However, when we actually watched the benchmark run, it was obvious that IE10 was skipping a lot of frames. All of the Javascript was run for each frame, but IE fully rendered about half of the frames to the actual screen. Chrome showed each and every frame of animation on-screen.
So... IE10 is running faster because it's doing less
Q: conflict between filter & pagination (jquery)

user143822I created a table and I added a couple of javascript for some features, including: Search (filter) impagination Sorting see my http://nathan4000.altervista.org/tabella_js/docs/index.html For the pagination and sorting I used the tablesorter plugin, whose package also contains a script for pa...

Yes! Class database JSON'd. Off to nodeland!
lol you guys watch the Thanksgiving video yet? Its by the same producer Rebecca Black used for Friday
I've been actively avoiding it
lol theres no way this could of been as something serious
@Loktar workshop.chromeexperiments.com/stars @ALL THIS IS AMAZING
oh yeah man I saw that this morning
thats really impressive
@rlemon s/ALL/those who don't read HN/
no, at ALL
I've seen it three times and i'm still shitting my pants from the first time
I actually saw it on reddit
in /r/webdesign Im pretty sure
@rlemon stop trolling me :(
trolling you?
how did I troll you now
That stars link crashes the VM I was running in when you posted it ;)

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