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@AmaanCheval yeap
thanks @eicto how do you insert the question in the chat thread?
and hence idk why it's running faster and using less data
How much do you pay for it?
does apple compresses all ur data ?
if so i <3 apple
cause a utube video caused me amazing 1 meg download for normal quality :P
Don't think so
whereas same vid with same quality on my mums android is 4 megs :-\
Same quality? Resolution?
@wyem it would be nice if you clean your jsfiddle from php code
@Feeds Woo!
@Abhishek how would apple compress a data stream coming from a server... it still needs to take the entire stream to compress it smaller, ergo bandwidth would remain the same
unless you are pulling from a different source - i don't think apple has anything to do with it
but its just extremely chunked
seriously internet feels faster on apple :-/
maybe indian web (x_x)
@Abhishek Apple what? MacBook?
@eicto done, here is the updated one jsfiddle.net/RF6df/44
@AmaanCheval iPod and ANdroid
remind me to smack you once for these pro apple comments when you do end up coming to Canada... (not hard, just enough to leave a bruise and reminder that you are a dork)
@Abhishek The Android phone may have its background data enabled
@SomeKittens Really?
@AmaanCheval maybe
@SomeKittens I'm going with G+.
@rlemon not necessarily, maybe it goes through some Apple proxy to compress first
can I do this with CSS: .someElement has[ ul ] { margin-bottom: -10px; }
@SomeKittens ... I don't even know who the first one is.
I don't either
You guys kid?
I'm ashamed to say I know who the second one is
@FlorianMargaine Which would bring up the privacy debate
No, really, I have no idea who the first one is.
@OctavianDamiean nope :/
@OctavianDamiean I don't
@FlorianMargaine thats why I said unless you're pulling from a different source.
@Olli maybe a lil bit later
no spec yet
@OctavianDamiean who is she?
@FlorianMargaine rihanna
She looks different.... less blood and bruises maybe (too soon?)
okay not pure ai but still
@Abhishek ok...
@OctavianDamiean I had a feeling it was either her or a Kardashian
@OctavianDamiean ah, didn't recognize her
Guys, come on that's not about liking her music but about liking a hawt chick!
Oooh, that's Rihanna? Huh...
waith, hawt chicks?
@Zirak The examples given in /source/plugins/ don't follow the pattern you've established in the API
The real question is: who is the last old guy? and what is up with that hair!?!?!?!
where hot chicks?
ahhh, he's like the 6th doctor or something right?
@rlemon meh, probably some dead guy (I mean, it's not even a colored pic)
@ChadRuppert Rihanna. ;)
and I'm pretty sure he's got less fans than jb
@FlorianMargaine JB Fans are not real fans
they are kids with no sense
Someone here is an expert with Sencha Touch ? I have a problem.
@SomeKittens Why not?
googled "hottest girl alive"
@FlorianMargaine Probably, just that his fans are definitely a magnitude more educated than the average JB fan. :D
@rlemon So you won't get an incredibly hot dead chick?
@Abhishek trust me, JB fans are real fans
^doesn't have bot.listen or bot.register
@SomeKittens That one's different :P
etc, etc
@rlemon :|
Ok, but that's not the only one
It only uses the bot for IO, not for its commands/listeners
@Zirak no because I want only currently living chicks for the purpose of freaky fan stalker status.... dead chicks are not as fun to stalk... they never return my letters and they don't fight back!
Notice that it doesn't get triggered by the invocation, but by anything at all (not anything, but I think you get what I mean)
@rlemon I don't get this girl. I get lots of naked chicks and some cocks though.
@FlorianMargaine i refuse
Linkin Park Fans are real fans
AC-DC fans are real fans
@FlorianMargaine I had to turn on safe search filter (moderate) otherwise I get the same
DBZ fans are real fans
@Abhishek did you see the image right after?
@rlemon Also it's not hard to track them down.
what the hell has the js room turned into? the porn menagerie?
@FlorianMargaine Same
@FlorianMargaine nope
@Abhishek See it.
@ChadRuppert pron.js
@Zirak Ok. Still, I thought that a plugin needed both addCommand and listen
@ChadRuppert Turned into? When was it different?
that could be explained better
there is "this" with strict safesearch
@SomeKittens A plugin can be whatever it likes. It doesn't even have to use the bot at all
for "hottest girl alive"
also, "this", still on the first line of results
@ChadRuppert Turned? It wasn't already?
who are those people
@Zirak it wasnt like this when I left yesterday.
1 message moved to recycle bin
@Olli My grandmother
safesearch off gives me this in first line of results pornshare4u.com/…
And whoops...
jesus christ
@Zirak ok :D
i have got kids in here
@Abhishek In where?
@Abhishek read the ffs!
@Abhishek Dude, we talked about pedophilia before
@Zirak Hahahaha
And isn't the "porn" in the domain-name a huge warning sign?
@AmaanCheval my grannies house
@AmaanCheval all of us have the start of many millions of children inside of us.
@Abhishek Seriously, not cool!
down get over-excited i am still not dad :D
he thought it was pom
It was some sort of hint
@Loktar Exclusive to men?
Yeah women have a bit less
he was hoping to share pomegranate juice
@Loktar true
Women have apparently around 1.5 million eggs
@Loktar hey you!
thats a TON of omelets
@FlorianMargaine hey :)
@Loktar want to share our many millions of children? ;)
@Loktar Best. Startup. Ever.
@Loktar They can also have the start of many million of children inside of them.
Amaan posted some indian meme sites = it is awesome! I suggest you visit it. Kristy got a taste of real world developer problems, Zirak's glass is always half empty. Abhishek is concerned about bandwidth so we're fucking with him now. Bieber found his way into a Rihanna/Einstein sandwich.. (and I think he likes it). user1403317 was ignored. I don't dig necrophilia (Zirak doesn't understand this). Florian googled "hottest girl alive" and got dudes. now it's sex talk!
@OctavianDamiean thats what I was saying. 1.5 million approximatly
since women start off with all of the eggs theyll ever have
@Loktar I'm not talking about eggs ...
@rlemon There is no glass
Also, /ring!
@Zirak What brought you all this pessimism?
@Loktar you're slow!
no @FlorianMargaine Im "special"
@AmaanCheval 92 fucking years of fucking life
!!/ring register tldr
@Loktar like, sterile?
@Zirak Registered to ring tldr in room #17
I'm so sure he was born in 1992. Sooo sure.
@FlorianMargaine actually..
!!/ring activate tldr bloop
Im not steril but I had the snip snip procedure
@Zirak @Zirak: Ring tldr activated by Zirak! bloop
@Loktar well, after 3 kids, understandable to have a vasectomy
your wife must be happy :p
I have one who lives in MI as well
oh, right, sorry
@Zirak Ah. Then I'd put it in the docs...
actually she wants another now..
Im like no way woman!
how can I disable JS in IE10 (for testing purposes. )
Wait a minute! 4!?
only one way to fix that Loktar, steal one.
@SomeKittens Why? Plugins are scripts. Scripts can do whatever
@OctavianDamiean yeah
All planned?
3 that live with me, 1 in an offsite storage location
^ lol I kid
@Zirak It's your bot, so it's totally up to you. However, I'd recommend writing more detailed docs
no, only 1 was planned
@Loktar I can help with that
my first son with my wife.
@Zirak lawls :P
@Loktar jacob?
my oldest (with a prev gf) I didnt even know about until she was 8 months along..
@FlorianMargaine yeah
I require a dark room, an old chair, grappling hook, a chinese midwife and your finest rice.
@Zirak LOL wtf so random man
@Zirak i thought that said finest niece for a moment
The Ziraks have a way for breeding.
@SomeKittens Fine fine fine. I'll write a template or something.
Woo! Being annoyingly right worked!
(I'd love to help, but I'm a bit inexperienced.)
pro tip- body groomer - spend the $50 and never have to deal with disposables by your junk again!
Oh, by the way, @Loktar
@amaanc let us know if you need some pro #voiceovers! #ggo12 peeps get $100 VoiceBunny credit. Just tweet us for details. Good luck!
heh crazy
thats pretty cool @AmaanCheval
WebRTC is live on a stable build of Chrome
@rlemon I think we need a tldr update to change the topic
@AmaanCheval yay!
Zirak is still angry at the world. we don't know why, Florian is a perv (but we already knew that). Amaan is getting some street cred with his game. I DONT KNOW WHAT FLORIANS ROOSTER TASTES LIKE!!!! - stay tuned for more, same bat network, same bat channel
Brought you by the SO JavaScript room.
...I have no idea what's going on....
@rlemon Hahahaha
@SomeKittens I think it's safe to assume no one in here has.
Did you guys know about the PageVisibility API? :O
@AmaanCheval yep
enough people invited to the recycle bin, I think
@AmaanCheval I think I made a shim for it once
I did too like a year ago
wow that sucks
@FlorianMargaine What's that supposed to connect to?
... me I guess
I have "connecting"
Same here
Except mine faces a wall
your connection sucks
@AmaanCheval meh, that sucks
anyone get Black Ops II?
@FlorianMargaine old is old
@FlorianMargaine It does. Initializing now
@Loktar Depends.
@AmaanCheval I just disconnected
On what?
@Abhishek I see you!
You gonna get it?
And your mom?
yes lol
@Abhishek yeah I'm quite sure it's old
I already have it :P
I got it for PC and the Vita
lol, the room is full
Can u hear me ?
dissapointed theres no server list for the PC though
Oh, so I have to get it then.
@FlorianMargaine its 1 to 1
not using any p2p api's
@Abhishek I hear you typing
You on Steam @OctavianDamiean?
Yeah, I hear you
I'm pretty
@Loktar ma1nz0r
Don't ask, my handle was taken. :D
room is full
can u hear me now ?
cool Ill try and remember to add you when I get home
Im loktar00
@Abhishek I could hear you fine
@FlorianMargaine room is fool
@AmaanCheval i changed my mic to the wireless just before quitting
@Abhishek meh, I was alone, just left
but sadly coundt hear u
40 secs ago, by rlemon
room is full
@Abhishek Because I wasn't talking :p
> Sorry, this room is full. Click here to try again.
its too full
What are you guys trying to do there?
@OctavianDamiean I have no clue
Just start a hangout if you want to chat ...
In case anyone wants to see my wall: apprtc.appspot.com/?r=amaan
@OctavianDamiean or they can use tapeer ;D @FlorianMargaine :P
It has cracks in it.
@OctavianDamiean it's using webRTC!
like, getUserMedia()
@rlemon Which one is?
@FlorianMargaine dunno
all of them I've tried!
@rlemon Mine is empty
And it's full now
Failed to get access to local media. Error code was 1.
full full full full full
@rlemon update chrome and turn flags on u ****\
stupid full rooms
what flags
webrtc peerconnection
he doesn't have to in chrome 23
> Connecting...
and mediastream
@FlorianMargaine Me. MWHAHAHAHAHAHHA
too slow
you indian people stop connecting on me :(
Yeah :p
It worked fine for me with Abhishek
You hung up :'(
it was slow for me and amaan aswell
amaan just didnt realized that lol
btw any browser implemented OPUS yet ?
@Abhishek Slow how?
I wasn't sending any data from the mic
Failed to get access to local media. Error code was 1.
what about Andy?
and I have enabled pretty much everything from chrome://flags
@rlemon so you probably disabled the thing
chrome flags have negative features... "enable to disable" stuff -_-
ENABLED pretty much everything... I didn't touch the 'disable X' flags
stupid flags...
@rlemon also, maybe you don't have a webcam?
no I do not. but I should be able to view shouldn't I
if not, stupid website is stupid
ah yeah
stupid website is stupid
@rlemon Probably
I so much wanna work on wiki - voice :'( FUCK EXAMS
How the heck do I get a flippin' upvote on HN?
looks like it requires it
@SomeKittens Post at the correct time
I did, this morning.
There was this Heroku app that showed you the best time to post
@Abhishek Yeah, pretty much the same here, except s/EXAMS/presentations/
@AmaanCheval 9-10 AM
AC-DC Warmachine is great song!
how do you change flags on chrome mobile
@SomeKittens Its worse here beecuase i am in a college because of my family >_>
@SomeKittens No, no, with weekdays and all accounted for
i dont wanna even friken study this shit , i know this when i was 12-16

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