reload(forceget) Reload the document from the current URL. forceget is a boolean, which, when it is true, causes the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the browser may reload the page from its cache.
I've got shortcode that needs to include JS library only once and only there where it's used.
function shortcode_function($atts, $content = null) {
$class = shortcode_atts( array('something' => '0'), $atts );
return "<script src=\"
Question: Using jQuery, I am sending a AJAX request to PHP with the variables from the form. The form has about 18 checkboxes. Their values - checked / unchecked, is sent as true / false. How do I have to be sent as 0 / 1 respectively?
!!/choose "work on lemon meme design" "get drunk and play video games" "get drunk and try to work on lemon meme design" "tandem bike ride to a neighboring city"
@AmaanCheval A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.,A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.,A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.1)0 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.,A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.,A robot must protect its own existence…
var cmd = bot.getCommand( cmdName );
//if cmd has an error property, then cmdName was invalid. you can check that if it's dynamic or something.
//to check if a user can use it:
cmd.canUse( args.get('user_id') ); //assuming args is the argument passed to the command
cmd.canDel( args.get('user_id') ); //same thing, only whether a user can delete
cmd.exec( args ); //if the command is syncrhonous. if it's async, you can provide a second argument, the callback, like
cmd.exec( args, cb );
@KendallFrey your room is annoying when they try to talk about js. just sayin. I might get a little ragey at times. sorry. langauges that compile down to other high level languages are a gimmick. they won't stick. they are a hip way of showing off and being different. people who use the languages will always argue that it is not. but then most of them struggle with vanilla js....
Well, if anyone wants to try my guitar tuner, go to chrome://flags enable to Web Audio Input flag, go to, (sorrry for my website) click the middle one and have fun.
> The getUserMedia API lets users grant web apps access to their camera and microphone without a plug-in. This API is now available in Chrome Stable (as of version 21) without the need for any flag.
2 things: 1. Why is `req.body` undefined when I specified `server.use(restify.bodyParser())`? 2. Why doesn't this [redirect]( work? It just timeouts.
I have two scripts written by my co-workers for auto-filling a form with information from the facebook graph-api. I am trying to figure out which has been coded in a more efficient style?
This is the first one.
tl-dr-update we talked about some code, currency, regex, how alerts block, teresko got the pings meant for another user, double !== tripple, bobby tables showed up, robots must follow the three laws, Linux >>>> Mac, HELLO!!!, bot talk, rlemon ragequit, input.value is cool. input.val() does some magic. getUserMedia() is not readily available, Amaan lies!
anyone here down with the serial communication? I have a slave monitor / controller application which acts as the master. cool. Boss wants the application to also act as a slave (so it can essentially be run in two separate instances and talk to itself.) - this type of functional change will completely change how almost every element on the UI works.. I think it should be a separate application (all code behind is changed by this change)
thoughts? two apps and save the developers sanity, or one app and the client is happy but I go bat-crap-crazy
rlemon going insane has got to have at least a little bit of entertainment value for the rest of us. Yeah, it'd be the greater good. Trickle-down amusement at the expense of a single mind :P