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@JamesHolloway Depends. Heart Attack? Go to the hospital. Decent JS question? You're in the right place
We used to have a notification that said "Just ask your question, don't ask if anyone can help" but no one read it.
But I only wanted to know if someone could help, not that I had a specific question
Well I do have one question. What's up with the jQuery site?
It's fine?
@AmaanCheval It's an awesome book. My copy is a little worn, because I've read it several times.
If( Questions[0] === "Can I ask a Question?" ) {
^ seriously. This needs to be implemented ASAP
i suppose shift would be the right method :P
lol, true
I can't download plugins
Ahaha. The designer sent the mobile psd.
@jAndy adampetersen.se/articles/lispweb.htm this makes me want to use it now
I think our current designer should begin to find another work
@dievardump weren't you going to quit your current job?
@FlorianMargaine I am
In one week
Then... New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver
@rlemon Ripoff.
mines in JS
if I were Apple I'd be suing you
If I were Apple, I'd have worms too.
from the jQuery website I can't get Firefox to download any of the plug-ins, same for the jQueryUI site...
Ooh, my bad. I implemented a feature that keeps people from doing stupid crap.
Good one.
Like downloading jQuery plugins?
I'm just kidding... that' is odd, though
Yeah, also a I get a lot of broken links, and they don't seem to use their own jQuery unless its in a demo or example...
Are you sure this is the jQuery site?
What is the module pattern?
Because it sounds kind of like a phishing attempt.
Oh, hah.
When you click "download", it's bringing you to the source.
Try right-click -> save as
Yeah, I figured out that one, but look up plugins
and try to find a download link
yeah, but why?
That's what I get :-)
Shouldn't they have left the old site up until the new one was ready/
So no one can download plugins until they finish then?
(and there is an Archive link)
click it
That's not a bad thing you know.
Less jQuery crap
What do you use instead of jQuery?
Maybe you'll learn to code your own plugin
@RyanKinal you SOB now I want to go fishing
@JamesHolloway Vanilla JavaScript
Oh, so you recreate everything that is already done before several times...?
Instead of just using pre-developed and pre-tested code?
@JamesHolloway pre-developed?
@rlemon :-D
@JamesHolloway Not everything. But I prefer to use micro-libraries where possible.
Yeah, you know instead of using a 1 line jQuery function call you have to code 347 lines of code everytime you want to do something?
Clicking on the links it says "Page not found"
In the archive for jQuery plugins
could i get a bit of help?
I already asked that...
What do you need @steven
JMenuItem square = new JMenuItem("Square");
square.addActionListener(new ShapeAction());

JMenuItem circle = new JMenuItem("Circle");
circle.addActionListener(new ShapeAction());

JMenuItem triangle = new JMenuItem("Triangle");
triangle.addActionListener(new ShapeAction());
Wow, the mods are on top of stuff...
im getting error saying cannot find symbol ShapeAction
class ShapeAction implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
JMenuItem clickedMenu = (JMenuItem)e.getSource();

if (clickedMenu.getText().equals("Square")){
//implement abstract methods
MyShape aSquare = new ASquare();

else if (clickedMenu.getText().equals("Circle")){
//implement abstract methods
MyShape ACircle = new ACircle();

else if (clickedMenu.getText().equals("Triangle")){
//implement abstract methods
MyShape ATriangle = new ATriangle();

What are you using?
I've got no clue about that...
This is not the Java room
@JamesHolloway so you add 30k gzipped + 340 lines of crappy code to do something you'll be able to develop in 35 lines of good code?
Yeah, unless you are running 1970's hardware 30k shouldn't hurt and the advantages of a full developed, tested, and optimized code is well worth it, plus jQuery fails gracefully...
Its also developed to run on the specific browser version, so if someone is using an older browser the code will adapt to that browser...
@JamesHolloway Welcome to the world of mobile?
I don't know what mobile platform your running on, but my 2nd generation Android phone has 2mb of ram. The newer mobile devices have upwards of 100mb even on the cheap ones...
I don't know have they started making eyeball chips that only have 100k memory on them?
A: How is the speed of a page affected?

Florian MargaineWell, check out by yourself: http://jsperf.com/gebi-vs-sizzle/2 jQuery slows down your application. A lot. However, as you can see on this jsperf, the operation, even though it's 10x slower than vanilla javascript, it can still run over 400k operations per second. Except if you're programming ...

You got cut off
Sure, mobile is improving, but it's still better to have less of a load. Less data over the wire (or, perhaps, "the air"), and less processing needed.
In the words of Google, "The web should be fast"
can anybody give me a sample of objective setting??
The jQuery libraries are cached on your browser so you only download them once, which actually means less data over the wire
@Kevin "I will run a mile today"
@JamesHolloway Unless you're using lots of plugins.
And you still have processing to worry about
i need to finish my 2012 objective setting by the end of this month
Shake your android phone and say "Set object ..."
Ok, I gotta go. laterz
@Kevin ... so... set some goals for yourself that you'd like to accomplish in 2012?
they demand be SMART
I can see how that might be difficult
@RyanKinal yes
Realistic and
Time Framed.
i'm a chinese
@Kevin And you can't do this yourself why?
i'm a chinese
@Kevin And I have ADD. That's not an excuse.
Objective 1: Move to Pittsburgh
Objective 2: Reach the $5k/month gross revenue mark for Slick Text
Objective 3: Redesign my website
Objective 4: Write at least one blog post every two weeks
^ examples of specific, achievable goals
The chat rooms are not magic "Type your problem into a box and get them solved" machines.
@JamesHolloway optimized? jQuery?
Like the jQuery crap is optimized?
You kidding? its effing slow man
Cut all the trimmings!
It's not because it's fully used, and designed to be used by noobs that it's efficient optimized and well-coded
why they will know i cheated? @RyanKinal
I'm beginning to understand why this is so difficult for you
Whether they know or not should never be the issue when deciding whether or not to cheat
@RyanKinal come on, just an example, i feel bad about me english
I gave you an example
Four of them, in fact
They didn't have time frames, but that's easy to add
"I will move to Pittsburgh by the end of January 2013"
Bam! Time frame!
good for u
That's an example of an objective setting
is that SMART?
I think so, looks like it hit all of those
Moving to Pittsburgh? I think it's very smart. For me.
why u want to move to Pittsburgh
I didn't realize "Kevin" was a Chinese name...
where r u, for now
@RyanKinal The Chinese are trying to track you down. Run, while you can.
I'm in the middle of nowhere... a.k.a. Warren, PA
@Kevin Huh. I guess you learn something new every day :-D
Speaking of that, invitation's still open if you want to crash in Rochester.
i'm communist haha
Objective 2: Reach the $5k/month gross revenue mark for Slick Text

@SomeKittens actually i'm tracking you
@dievardump Yep
@SomeKittens Oh yeah, I forgot you were there. I was there last weekend.
Slick Text -» The phone spaming society? (a)
@dievardump ... not so much "phone spamming"... but SMS marketing, yes.
It was on purpose, sorry ^^
@RyanKinal something new? yes
Something new?
(Ahaha my co-worker HAS to go through Apache logs because of a misconfiguration and non catched errors on mobile devices :o)
Ps: if one day you have to do that, use "asql" that's crazy
@FlorianMargaine did you see Hakimel last tweet?
Use your phone to remote control any reveal.js presentation with @remot_io http://remot.io/
haha the bitch!
not sure @remot_io is him.
pbbly is
Not with THAT design
but great for him
No way with that Design
He comes from Flash.
The stuff he does, they are NEAT
Look at this website.
I don't feel like supporting remoteprez btw, so it's ok <<
I just came here to post the tweet
@dievardump Stop ninja'ing me, man
> Malmö, Sweden
mornin, ladies and gents
Hello :-)
jsfiddle.net/WRr4v is meant to detect multiple presses of ajacent buttons
i can't even look at this bootstrap-header anymore
If button A is down, and button B next to it is pressed, it should fire as long as button A is down
Astonishing! I'm currently controling a reveal.js presentation via my smartphone thanks to http://remot.io. @hakimel is a true genius.
You are a true genius @FlorianMargaine
Question is, where should I assign myGrid so it stays equal to button A and does not become button B
@dievardump wut?
and remot.io is not hakimel
I know.
But if the guy who did that is a true genius, you're way ahead with reveal.js impress.js html5slides and csss
@FlorianMargaine is more than a genius. Hes a friggin badass. Flag me if you must but the truth must be spoken!
if only that was true!
ok @FlorianMargaine we need to do : A website, a bookmarklet and a FF Extension for Remoteprez
then, we conquere the world
But I have no time
@remot_io, Malmö, Sweden
http://remot.io - your html presentation deserves an html remote
6 tweets, 6 followers, following 4 users
Hum, seems it exists for a long time
And was (is) able to control impressjs and slideshare too
Need a good name for a #nodejs module that outputs PCM audio data to the speaker…
@FlorianMargaine Hmmm... I think it's missing something...
what? the french version? NO!
it's right there!
I'm just making my first wordpress theme and need some help
@FlorianMargaine nodio
I'm trying to do a navigation of pages at the top of my page
pcmaudio-to-speaker! OH THE CREATIVITY!
@Abhishek that's for podio :/
Anyone have any backbone.js experience/knowledge? I have a backbone model that on save gets an error response from the server, and triggers the save's error function, however my model on the client side still updates ?!
Any ideas? My understanding is that backbone should not be updating my model if the save runs the error function if I include the wait: true property, however this seams to have no effect :/
Hi all ^_^
No, the thing is not impressive by itself. But the idea is...
@Neal Hello bizarro world, Neil
@benlevywebdesign you're not on wordpress here. There is a StackExchange site dedicated to wordpress
backbone docs say:
Pass {wait: true} if you'd like to wait for the server before setting the new attributes on the model.
@Neil Who the? What the?
@dievardump woa it's pretty
@dievardump there is?
@Neal Yes, it is I! Your arch-ene.. well no not really
@dievardump link? Name?
@Neil Where did you come from?
@Neal I could ask you the same
woa, first try is right!
@Neil I came from my mother's womb. (please do not answer the same...)
Where's @zirak when you need him?
@Neal I came from.. my.. um.. How can I not say that?
@Neil Ahhhh. many many ways ^_^
@Neal I came in your mother's womb too.
@FlorianMargaine Thanks!
@FlorianMargaine ummmm
@FlorianMargaine Sick, man
As in, "That burn was sick!"
@Neil I agree.
@Neil AAAAAAAAAAAND u ruined it
@jAndy (ql:quickload 'weblocks)
@Neal o_O
@Neil So hows life?
yea. you know it.
@Neal If I told you I had more rep and badges, would you check if it were true?
@Neal what is the website you put as your profile website?
Is it a joke?
You kidding right?
@dievardump FRACK
i forgot to renew it
well that site is gone...
time for an edit...
@dievardump Sooo annoying... I put time into that site...

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