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tried google like "finding element position using javascript" ?
I have about 20 google chrome tabs open
from search results
I can give you a screenshot if you don't believe me lol
It works just fine here jsfiddle.net/DhKYk/5
The second link give you all the code.
I honestly don't see whats wrong. But I've never used jquery.
Needed to find a position
@jAndy I learn by re writing other peoples stuff
@JosiahSouth nothing's wrong.
@Raynos: o/
Except the inline JavaScript
Lol excuse my ignorance... But why doesn't it work?
So why does the exact same inline JS work on an <h2> tag but not with my table?
@dievardump Been on that already.
I find it very unclear to how I'd use that code to resolve my case.
Or even if I give the img tag a class. Just not with the <tr>
basically using no syntax here's what i'm trying to do

saveme = blah.position:


blah.position = saveme
@JordanRichards It gives you the way to find an element position
Then you need to find a way to send an Ajax request
I know how to use ajax pfft lol
And then you'll have everything you need
@JordanRichards How?
@dievardump What do you mean 'How?'
I learnt it a while back
@JosiahSouth how would I use that though?
How do you manage to create and handle the results and errors of an Ajax request?
@dievardump normally to save time i use $.post(), or $.ajax()
Would like to know, I never remember how to do that.
You know how to use jQuery
A part of jQuery*
@dievardump yes... not all of it though
jQuery provide you everything you need to find an element position
@JordanRichards Oh my god. Just copy the damn code and change id's and tell us what you get. You aren't even trying your just waiting for someone to give you a cut and paste answer.
As far as I can tell you haven't tried anything at all.
if you can not find by yourself how to use $(element).position and $.ajax it's not the code you need
@JosiahSouth I am not wanting for a cut and paste answer at all.
I'm wanting a good sample
I'm not good at understanding things, as you can tell.
That's why I came here because I can talk to real people
It's not even understanding
@dievardump hmm?
how so?
$(element).position and $.ajax
That's all you need.
wow, nice!
actually not
@jAndy oh.. :(
its $.fn.css and .ajax you need
@jAndy ?
if you want to set the position of an element which data came from php
.position does not work anymore?
.position is readonly
Oh, for after.
He wanted to know "how to retrieve the position"
not just that
if you read everything I said..
let me quote if you like
I kinda hoped he known how to write a string and use $(element).css
I want to know #How can I save the position of an element (for use with ajax) #how can I use what position was sent from php TO PLACE the element at that position.
@JordanRichards yes, you also ask for an example. Maybe you wwant us to make you a coffee and some cake while you wait for the code?
@jAndy :) yep
@dievardump I don't thanks
however, you just need to grab the coordinates and apply the x and y values as css attributes top and left
@dievardump While you're up I could use some more coffee if ya don't mind.
@JosiahSouth If it's only what you need, I can. It's code or coffee
easiest scenario is that the Node of invocation is absolute within the document. If its a child and relative to some other node, well, you have to do the math and calculcate offsets possibly
@dievardump Haha. But I still can't seem to find out why I can't animate the hiding of a <tr> element.
@jAndy righto, I'll search around on google for a bit and optimise my search using the keywords 'css element position storeing' and if I have any problems I'll come here?
@JordanRichards Lol did you think big words would be better than saying "I'll search for 'css element position storing'"?
@JordanRichards: well if you got a precise/concrete question, some people will most likely try to help out, sure
Sorry to be the dick... I just get the feeling you're 15 and looking for a handout.
from the topic: (if you ask 'fix my code' we will ignore you. be warned.)
ok, I want to apologise for making you feel that way @JosiahSouth but honestly, I hate handouts
woo0t I was removed from room owners. Thats an affair !
I'm not asking for a handout
I'm asking for help on understanding HOW to do something
there's a massive difference
....WHO... ?
seriously, someone need's to work on they're sketches lol.
no - I'm dead serious.
the shoulder-head ratio is waaayyy too unrealistic .
if you want to get serious.
@JordanRichards No you aren't asking for help on understanding something. You're asking how to do something. You're told how to learn and you say "I need an example".
I know how to learn, everyone does even when your born. I'm asking how to do something, that's right congratulations for reading "
I'm asking for help on understanding HOW to do something", it's nice.
@jAndy who removed you you mean?
@Loktar: y !
few week/month back there was a lot of owner changes going on . idk who sparked it - one day Florian just make me a owner and GN and Abhishek iirc
it wasnt me, I just was confused
I made @Abhishek owner
dunno who started it all. (FTR was also not I)
I was surprised he wasn't since hes been here forever, and always is here
@Loktar whut ?
I'm in here too much :<
Raynos was removing a lot of em someday iirc
I would never remove you @jAndy!
@FlorianMargaine thanks mate: final outcome in C#
private List<List<ushort>> chunkRegisters(ushort[] registers)
    List<List<ushort>> ret = new List<List<ushort>>();
    List<ushort> tmp = new List<ushort>();
    foreach( ushort register in registers ) {
        if (tmp.Count > 0)
            if( tmp[tmp.Count - 1] + 1 == register ) {
            } else {
nah I'm nah really mad about it, anyway I really wasn't around here that often last couple of weeks, so... I kinda deserve it :p
ah must of been Raynos
just search it
Raynos... is evil
@Raynos is the root of all evil
bah you cannot search it
@JordanRichards `If you can't tell already everyone else thinks this is stupid also.
@JosiahSouth ok, sorry to bother you all. I'll leave you all in peace.
:) I apologise for my stupidness.
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/hSBbQ/12/show/#omg cool <- wow i discovered a new one
Anyway, I read more and can see that table rows aren't supported with slideToggle. I'm using fadeToggle instead.
@Abhishek those are so neat man
love the emotions
@Loktar this is the third and last time they are being seen on jsfiddle
next time they shall be demoed in tapeer ;D @FlorianMargaine
Seems you can but there is not everything
bah that is stupid
Apr 5 at 16:51, by Stack Exchange
hahaha I forgot I was once long ago an owner before recently
long ago? like 6 Month ago?
lolwut (also, some of the worst UX I've seen)
@RyanKinal When they rebuild it, it was nominated as the best UX
A lot of UX expert loved it.
@RyanKinal +1
They all were speaking about it.
it reminds me of something
yeah metro
with shiny and colors
My problem is that I clicked outside of the article, and then went "Okay, where the hell did my article go, and how do I get back to it?"
You click back, and it comes back
Well, I know that now, but it wasn't obviously navigation, and it was confusing that clicking on what was apparently negative space should have that effect.
I'm not a big fan of that website (especially all the things that open automatically without asking me anything)
But the UX... i'm ok with it
So I have sort of a logic issue haha. I have about 8 genres to sort through with jquery on my table. I use fadeToggle to hide the table rows. But it gets all weird and crazy if you click one genre and then immediately another... Any ideas? I've tried having the function hide all bands first, then fadeIn the right genre. But it doesn't work out right.
Nevermind. Got it working
Hey guys
How is google since Friday?
I did not see any article
Explaining why and how this could have happend
" Google blamed the misfire on an unauthorized filing by financial printers RR Donnelley & Sons Co. (NASDAQ:RRD), but later confirmed that the numbers were, unfortunately, accurate. "
RRD might pay a lot... if it's true they shouldn't have release that files
wait what?
Hey there, I'm back. I had a think over about what I said and I apologise for asking so much. I have now been trying things out and now I'm stuck on why this code won't move the div.
Why isn't there an id specified here `
var ele = document.getElementById(id);
var top = 0;
var left = 0;
@JosiahSouth hmm? that's a function.
the id is specified in the arguments.
I'm confused. If you are going to use jQuery, you can just rely on $.fn.offset() respectively $.fn.position() to get the correct offset values
Turned out, I needed 'px' on the end
This is confusing... Mind posting the working fiddle?
Yeah, I found that too. Looks fine to me now... You had some unnecessary shit confusing me haha.
that **** is one of the examples you told me to look at haha electrictoolbox.com/javascript-element-position
Haha yeah, but you didn't do it right... Doesn't matter though! You got it all figured out now?
ouch, @mdo was hired by Github
@JosiahSouth Almost, just wondering if what I've done is fine?
@jAndy threw me...
jAndy, could you explain further?
Don't ask me man... Sorry, First time i ACTUALLY used jquery was today.
@JosiahSouth opinion on jquery?
Oh! I saw jAndy's fiddle and thought it was yours. In that case you should get rid of the extra crap.
@JosiahSouth oh the *** you gave me haha?
@JordanRichards My opinion? Very simple and straight forward. I'll keep using it. And yes that shit haha
@JosiahSouth lol
Is swearing allowed on stack?
I don't recommend it.
@JosiahSouth: you don't need to find the offset value to the document root by looping over the parentNodes if you're using a library which already offers that functionality. $.fn.offset() makes just that
alright my ladies
good night :P
kidding :P
@jAndy neat.
So could I ask some bullet questions?
@jAndy What relevance does that have to me post..?
if I had a div, say where I had some sticky notes
and I wanted to make it so, that's the drag and drop area
@JosiahSouth: wrong name, hate the "tab too early" mistake O_o
how would I limit the position to that area?
whoops wrong..
@RyanKinal less on his plate? but... I think it's a message from the society to tell him " Do something better, or we will find someone else "
sorry what I meant was..
How can I make it so the position is relative to the div itself
(yeah sorry open tab... 5 hours later... )
@JordanRichards position:relative?
say for example I had a box, 1px, 1px would give me 1px away from the corner of that box
instead of the whole document
It's basic css...
@dievardump I use position:relative all the time
But what I mean is... relative when positioning
IS it relative if I use position:relative?
or does it get the offset from the window itself
An absolute element will be positioned relatively to his nearest positioned ancestor.
But I'll be using position:relative
wait.. I just realised, I shouldn't be asking this.
absolute on the positioned element. Relative on the "relevant"(-» the one you want the position to be relative on) ancestor
I should be trying it for myself.
Not sure. You seems to have "too much" lack on the Front-end part
Just find someone that gives you the code
You try "too high" for your level, and if you don't have time to properly learn, considering going back from the basics to the top level, then just find someone that'll make it for you.
@dievardump CSS??
4 mins ago, by dievardump
An absolute element will be positioned relatively to his nearest positioned ancestor.
who doesnt realied that ?
@dievardump Lol, I've made myself look stupider than I am.
would you look at that..
now then.
@dievardump Well, that's true too. But we're looking at hiring another designer here, not so much to replace our current one, but so we can get more design work done.
since you said the example function was terrible
what can I do instead?
@RyanKinal Yes but you didn't see what can do our designer...
Ah, understood :-)
@JordanRichards this is not useful
Oh wait nevermind
Because you set it "absolute" after.
@dievardump I realize, I need to use offset()
@dievardump haha good point, didn't notice that.
Hey all anyone in here have IE7 by chance? :)
Why isn't the #box being draggable?
Highly doubt it
@matt I have IE9 with the "browser mode" dropdown
Which, you know, works
browser mode dropdown?
Hit F12
Does it actaully work ok?
At the top of the dev tools is something that says "Browser Mode: IE9"
Click it.
And then win.
It works very well
Cool man thanks
@matt Are you a web developer?
Im a OSX guy, so never go on IE.
Yeah but I dont support IE7 anymore, and could not install it on my machine for this one case.
I have IE8 and IE9.
When you have IE8 you have IE7
And when you have IE9... You have IE 8 and 7
There is not "a lot" of issues, except PNG transparency bug that you don't have in IE9 (maybe 8 also) on IE7 mode
I just installed IE9. I used to use IE8 and I never trusted the compatiblity mode.
Thanks for the tips!
If there is one thing you can trust Microsoft for, is providing you a way to see the bugs even when you shouldn't.
Hey @dievardump, know why the object can only be moved like half way through the div on the x axis? jsfiddle.net/9TpfT/16
I can't figure out why it's doing that
@JordanRichards It's wider than it looks.
@JordanRichards Hum it's not
It's exactly 50px 50px
but if you put 250px it'll go
Change #object's position to absolute, and it should be kosher
Do someone know this guy twitter.com/The1Master1?
@RyanKinal worked :)
@dievardump Don't think so
@JordanRichards Do you understand why?
@RyanKinal Not exactly
All people are bitching against AWS today
A block-level element will automatically take the width of its container. Which means that, previously, your object was the width of #box
Due to padding or margin or something, it allowed you to move it a little ways but not too far.
@RyanKinal ah
If you use float or position: absolute, the element will take the width of its content. So, the size of the element matches the size of the content.
ignore the text-shadow mistake, I forgot to specify the radius of the shadow
thanks for the explanation @RyanKinal
No problem
Q: jquery is not working over local network

Kortyell Davisi have a fedora server running apache web server. the server is connected to a home network. i have a laptop connected to the same network. i can enter the ip address of my server into the browser of my laptop and pull up the index.html file located in the document root directory of the fedora ho...

why does it get the offset of the document
rather than the offset from it's parent?
anyone here do c#.net and wanna take a stab at my issue?
@rlemon sure
paste.ubuntu.com/1298378 only does two passes then jumps out
crumbs it's relative to the document
that looks like ugly code
but heh, I'll take a stab at it :p
you look like ugly code!
"crumbs" is kind of hilarious
it's hard to determine the problem without the rest of the project files
Aha! api.jquery.com/position this is what I was looking for
Hooray for reading!
@RyanKinal how so? I'm welsh... it's kind of.. well a habbit of saying
@FlorianMargaine background: I'm building an application to basically read and write to modbus rtu holding registers as real-time as possible.
@RyanKinal ]I read a lot, it's finding where to read is where I fall
monitor / debugger for embedded systems talking to PLCs
@dievardump so many canadians... that's sick
the code is ugly and overly verbose right now :P i'll clean it up once I get it working :)
@FlorianMargaine Canadian's FTW

@rlemon so I guess port_DataReceived (wth is this convention mixing?!) is an event called when the port gets some data?
@rlemon how come there are more than two btw? there are many more?
@JordanRichards try this
$('button').click(function() {
    var obj = $('#object'),
        Left = obj.position().left,
        Top = obj.position().top,
        saveMe = Top + ',' + Left,
        split = saveMe.split(','),
        a = split[0] + 'px',
        b = split[1] + 'px';
    alert(a + ',' + b);
looks prettier to me
@FlorianMargaine the event does fire when data is received. I get two outputs to the Log
the mixed case is auto-generated VS crap
like I said i'll clean it up
Thanks guys.
@rlemon yeah, but why is it wrong that you only get two outputs?
You've been a great help.
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean by this
Thanks for 'putting up with me' haha
because look at the code - it should scan the same list of registers endlessly shouldn't it
I have to go for dinner now.
Bye guys!
@rlemon hm, no
1) scan register over rs232
-> on return DataReceived is fired
2) port_DataReceived checks the count of all scans and manages this
-> all cases should now run the scan function again.
unless I'm missing something :/
my test case is three registers on a single point range
so if it returns once it should do it endlessly
as real-time as possible is my goal
modbus rtu is effing slow as hell
i need a smoke
and like you can't even test the program if I send you the source files unless you have a serial device that communicates via modbus rtu.... :/
@rlemon I think there's something wrong there if (++current_scan_index >= point_ranges.Count) but I can't really check it
@rlemon and use VS debugger, it's an awesome one (iirc, it even has backward step since 2012)
Q: Multiple if/else statements

finspinI'm learning programming and would appreciate any feedback on my code. I've come up with the below code. The logic works fine but the code itself seems rather confusing to me. Are there some patters I could use to improve this code? if (buy.indexOf(ingr) != -1) { if (weHave.indexOf(ingr)...

@FlorianMargaine yea that is what i'm doing... ugh
@dievardump that's what makes me want to learn latex
The Universe Label

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