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posted on September 06, 2024 by Giuliana Pritchard

A new LTC-126 version 126.0.6478.252 (Platform Version: 15886.77.0), is being rolled out for most ChromeOS devices.  This version includes fixes for: 356196918 High CVE-2024-7965 Inappropriate implementation in V8 351327767 High CVE-2024-6779 Out of bounds memory access in V8 If you have devices in the LTC channel, they will be updated to this v

2 hours later…
6 hours later…
just to clarify, when jamesbot went down i quickly rewrote it, its a single file - i'll try and post it - when jamesbot came back up obviously the official is still being used


14 aug 2024

no cors headers on stackoverflow so need node.js
need origin header on websocket upgrade


(function james(){
                                                                                console.log('\n',' james.node.js','\n');
                                                                                console.json    = json=>console.log(JSON.stringify(json));
it requires github : wsmod
i made some 'improvements' to the eval capabilities, being able to eval the next message for one, so longer / prettier code could be executed
anyway runkit seems to be working sort of, its their endpoints that dont seem to work for me
i rewrote the isolated_vm code
function isolated_vm(){

  var obj   = {};


              var ivm                           = require('isolated-vm');
              var crypto                        = require('crypto');

              var timeout                       = 500;

              var REPLACERS   = {
                    NaN                         : crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'),
                    Infinity                    : crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'),
its still a bit sloppy, i never really finished it
@KevinB @VLAZ ive just made the school boy error of including my login details, can i have a moderator to change the message?
3 hours later…
@matt flag for moderator attention. We can't edit messages. The most we can do is move them to another room.
sorry vlaz i got it sorted in the end, i went into so close vote reviewers and luckily a moderator was there and i pinged was able to ping the mod
the mod said they had to change the edit history as well
@matt Ah, it was a post on the site. I thought you meant a message in chat. OK, mostly the same applies, in that case. For the future, if notice credentials in your own post (or another's) you can edit the credentials out - that limits the immediate spread. You can then flag for a moderator to remove the credentials from the edit history - more of a long term solution. Regardless of that, though, you should also change the credentials ASAP. Once they are out, they are out.
no it was a post in chat
but yeah i immediately changed them in so, i had to google a so question to find out where to do it though lol
i should of just done this anyway, rather than post all that
.. my name is ..


14 aug 2024

no cors headers on stackoverflow so need node.js
need origin header on websocket upgrade


(function james(){
                                                                                console.log('\n',' james.node.js','\n');
                                                                                console.json    = json=>console.log(JSON.stringify(json));


31-10-22    - multiple connections


function wsmod(){

  var obj               = {};

        var crypto      = require('crypto');
        var http        = require('http');
        var https       = require('https');

        const two16     = Math.pow(2,16);
        const two64     = Math.pow(2,64);

        var op          = {};
        var frame       = {};
        obj.frame       = frame;
        var rd          = {};
        var wt          = {};
        var pos         = {};
function isolated_vm(){

  var obj   = {};


              var ivm                           = require('isolated-vm');
              var crypto                        = require('crypto');

              var timeout                       = 500;

              var REPLACERS   = {
                    NaN                         : crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'),
                    Infinity                    : crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'),
test  ............  just a quickly accessible test function
admin  ...........  admin functions
echo  ............  echos user message
choose  ..........  choose an option from a space delimited string of options. strips 'or's
funfact  .........  tell a fun fact
joke  ............  tell a joke
random  ..........  generates random number in range of [min,max]
stat  ............  generates user stats
timer  ...........  sets a timer to remind a user a message at a specific time relative to the current time
2 hours later…
just out of interest this was the runkit code i was using, i figured if you can type it freely on the website, i might as well send it in a post request, i was going to add some encryption and it all stopped working runkit.com
exports.endpoint = async function(request,response){

        var headers   = {'access-control-allow-origin':'*'};


        var body    = '';
        request.on('end',async ()=>{

              var json      = JSON.parse(body);
              var result    = await sandbox(json.code);
any additional requires that would be needed can be typed in manually, such as jsdom or whatever and the notebook restarted
the only thing these bots are limited to is outputting text and images

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