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typically you would use process.cwd() nodejs.org : nodejs.org/api/process.html
if you have used process.chdir() that will no longer reflect the original value, so you might like to store it in a variable at the start if you plan on changing it
also bear in mind if the script was started from another directory ie node /work/project/start.js process.cwd() will reflect the original start directory



10 hours later…
@matt true. i was having an issue with the path but in my case i was adding a directory to express. you can see that in the post. using the filesystem default settings it did seem to start in the project directory. so false alarm i guess. i would have to rewrite my function
@ParkingMaster or @anyone, i dont suppose you could check if runkit is working, or have they taken a disliking to the code i was running on there, i didnt see a tos, so i was using them to process jamesbot evaluate instructions, rather than the isolated_vm npm module, they are not letting me run anything
they have a system whereby when you type require in the notebook it automatically 'installs' it, i was seeing how far i could push jamesbot eval and was hitting them with eval('require('xyz')') and it did not like it
2 hours later…
|| say ||
Username: Kevin B
ID: 172549
Reputation: 94987
Reputation Change Month: -3
Last Accessed: Fri Sep 06 2024 14:09:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
!!> 2900 + 5
well, that works too
@KevinB 2905 Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms
2 hours later…
!!> eval("console.log('test')")
@ParkingMaster undefined Logged: [ '"test"' ] Took: 1ms
!!> eval(fetch('https://parkingmaster.tk'))
@ParkingMaster 'ReferenceError: fetch is not defined' Logged: [ ] Took: 0ms

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