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@Feeds The type of pendulum you use says a lot about your personality.
42 secs ago, by Parking Master
@Feeds The type of pendulum you use says a lot about your personality.
- Parking Master, 2024
2 hours later…
@StevenWexler, ok ive looked into it again for you
disclaimer, i dont know react or typescript
ive yet to see a react project that would convince me to choose it over plain html,js, so i would only learn it for paid employment and then my advice would be to ditch it as soon as possible
and as for typescript, why anyone would take a beautiful dynamic language like javascript and add types to it is beyond me, and ive seen some crazy syntax because of it
except maybe for processing server side user input but that just takes a little getting used to
or intelli sense for new programmers, but i just find the setting to turn that off straight away, when im coding im often looking at the line/lines above and i have a stupid intelli sense box there instead
i might as well go one further and ask how many programmers dont know how to setup a simple http server without using blinking express
ok back to the task in hand haha, on your why blueprint page you could probably do with a better description, it even ends with "etc" you just have to keep building it out over time, but could definately use some more explanation
i see you have an npm library, could you not use that for cross platform project initialization, at the moment a bash script needs to be downloaded and executed, maybe grunt : gruntjs.com or yeoman : yeoman.io/learning could help there
the examples for me are still not comprehensive enough, i would consider building out a flagship project that really demonstrates the power of your library
in terms of the example code, maybe stackblitz : stackblitz.com could help to run live serverside code, ive padded out a similar example in a codepen : codepen.io/matt-2016/pen/BaEMzrj it shows an example of running nodejs code in a browser
the diagram could do with some more explanation, im sure i was clicking on the elements the other day and no links between them were showing up
in the examples page, in the user profile, the browse the full code link points to the helloworld example
im sorry i cant be more help than this, because i dont know react or typescript, but keep up the good work, i know how hard it is to get anything produced and published
and simply because i love to code, i'll include a code sample :)
        var user    = {
              email       : 'john@example.com',
              firstName   : 'john',
              lastName    : 'smith'


        async function request(req,res){

                    var body    = '';
                    for await(data of req)body   += data;
                    var post        = JSON.parse(body);
(see full text)
9 hours later…
I'm going to ask an HTML/CSS question that I'm not sure anyone can answer, but I challenge you all to anyway.
1. I want a basic 10x10 grid in HTML and CSS
2. I want the 10 rows and 10 columns to all be filled with divs that look like small circles
3. Next, this is the tricky part - Positioning. When one circle moves to the right, I want the every other circle (in that row) to move to the right. I do not want the entire column to move and I don't want only the one circle to move.
4. When a circle moves down, up, right, or left, I want the same method. However, if the circle moves in 2 directions (i.e. right and down) then I want the rows and columns in front of it to also follow along.
5. I want the circles to have the ability to overflow out of the grid, but also contain the circles by default.
If you find a way to do this, please let me know - and thanks! :D
3 hours later…
posted on April 25, 2024 by Daniel Gagnon

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@BrianVar Presumably, people who work at Reddit can fix Reddit
@ParkingMaster, you being serious?
can i divide by zero yet?
I'm trying to loop through pixels in an image and get the row
so the first pixel is 0
   row = spriteWidth / pixel;
actually that math is wrong but i'd like to know still
sure you can
infinity? hmm....
i'd think that it would it would be the same value
if width is 100 and i divide it 0 times that would be 100 right?
can i do the opposite? divide 0 by 1?
its an interesting way of looking at it, if you had 100 and divided it 0 times you would have done nothing at all
hmmm you could say the opposite too. i divide 100 "into" nothing then it would be nothing
in the code sample above, i would make two small prettier improvements
        var replace   = (...input)=>html=>input.reduce((acc,name)=>acc.replaceAll(`{${name}}`,user[name]),html);
@ParkingMaster you might want to do this with canvas or absolute positioning. loop through all the items and create them in a grid. you don't say how the circles will be moved but if you move one by 10 pixels then move all the others in that row by ten pixels at the same time. i suggest using something like pixijs pixijs.com/8.x/examples/basic/container
you'd probably want them to slide otherwise they'd just appear in their new positions and that would seem clunky, so absolute positioning would probably be best

      html,body {
            height:calc(100% - 16px);


<div id=root><div>


        var ox      = 100;
        var oy      = 100;
        var size    = 25;
        var gap     = 10;
        var grid    = [];

        for(var x=0;x<10;x++){
              grid[x]   = [];
              for(var y=0;y<10;y++){

        function create(x,y){

              var div                   = document.createElement('div');
(see full text)
@matt Please don't post unformatted code - use the up arrow to edit your post, then hit Ctrl + K to format the code in that post. See the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Hello, what's up. I wanted to ask something about Typescript but then I saw that the question was already posted in StackOverflow. However, it has no answer. It was posted 3 years ago, so there is no point waiting for a new answer. And I don't want to post a new question to ask the exact same thing because it would be closed as duplicate. Would any of you mind to check it out? Here it is: stackoverflow.com/questions/61689626/…
@Adrian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
or this

      html,body {
            height:calc(100% - 16px);


<div id=root><div>


        var ox      = 100;
        var oy      = 100;
        var size    = 25;
        var gap     = 10;
        var grid    = [];


        function setup(){

              for(var x=0;x<10;x++){
                    grid[x]   = [];
                    for(var y=0;y<10;y++){
(see full text)
Ok nervermind, I think I found the answer in another post: stackoverflow.com/questions/17515593/…
I'll mark it as duplicate. It feels odd marking as duplicate a question that was asked 3 years ago because it is identical to another one from 10 years ago. Would that make me a cyberarchaeologist?
maybe this would come in handy typescriptlang.org/play/?#code/…
posted on April 25, 2024 by Ben Mason

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Dev 126 (126.0.6437.4) for Android. It's now available on Google Play. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. For details on new features, check out the Chromium blog, and for details on web platform updates, check here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Krishna Govind Google Chrome

@1.21gigawatts Anything divided by 0 is Infinity. This is 100% true.
0 Is the opposite of infinity, because it is infinitely small instead of infinitely large.
So, dividing by 0 is basically the exact same thing as multiplying by Infinity.
10 / 0 = Infinity
Imagine this, you're dividing something that's not there an infinitely small amount of times. I like to picture that you're adding "walls" in between values when dividing in math. According to this logic, you'd be adding an Infinite amount of division walls. This makes the value of the number Infinitely big as well when you do so.
10 * Infinity = Infinity
This is basically just a shortcut for the previous example. You're appending an infinitely big value to a finite value, so it's the same thing.
In mathematics, division by zero, division where the divisor (denominator) is zero, is a unique and problematic special case. Using fraction notation, the general example can be written as a 0 {\displaystyle {\tfrac {a}{0}}} , where a {\displaystyle a} is the dividend (numerator). The usual definition of the quotient in elementary arithmetic is the number which yields the dividend when multiplied by the divisor. That is,...
@1.21gigawatts I've tried attempting this with Three.js but it extremely confusing. That's why I'm search for some info on how to do this, and do it the right way.
Then, I tried using just pure HTML elements, some CSS, and JavaScript.
Every method just does the same thing though (not what I expect)
@ParkingMaster, add some code to the example that i posted we'll see if we can do a collab on here?
just 5 mins here and there, crowd source it
for instance the scrolling motion could do with requestanimationframe and then a pixel value to scroll each frame, plus some check to find if the element is outside the grid and put it back in the start
@MicroMachine, text styling wouldd just go in style tags
@matt I cloned my copy here to understand how this can exist with other static text on the same page but I am getting overlap jsbin.com/notaseg/2/edit?html,output
@MicroMachine Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
add some content so i can see the overlap
I did add code but I can't find how to save edits in jsbin
I clicked "save snapshot" but when I open the jsbin link in a private window it doesn't have my edits
did you clone it? i not sure if theres a bug like that, copy all the code, goto jsbin.com and start a completely new one, then click save snapshot
paste the code into a completely new bin
@matt ah ok great tip thank u here's the new clone jsbin.com/huxejoy/1/edit?html,output
your style sheet is applying to both divs, if you reference them by id seperately
#sentence {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  max-width: 480px;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  color: #FFF;
  font-size: 36px;
  line-height: 1.8em;

  &:after {
    content: '"';
1 hour later…
@ParkingMaster that could be but the concept of zero didn't exist for much of math history. iiuc it's basically nothing. so 100 divided into 0 pieces would be nothing. or 100 divided 0 times would be 100.
an apple divided by 2 would be two pieces. an apple divided 0 times would be a whole apple. or if you look at it as in multiplying by fractions into smaller and smaller pieces then yes it could sort of be infinitely small - but i'd argue that's not zero. zero is nothing. i think it is based on perspective. maybe there could be multiple interpretations. but i think what happened is the guys that wrote the math class had to decide on something
Nodejs releases version 22:
Can someone explain what the require feature adds?
The release adds require() support for synchronous ECMAScript module graphs under the flag: --experimental-require-module. If this flag is enabled and the ES module meets a couple of requirements, require() will load the requested module. Additionally, Node.js 22 includes an experimental feature for the execution of scripts from package.json with the CLI flag: node --run <script-in-package-json>.
I thought you could require modules already? or maybe you had to pick to use import or require
@1.21gigawatts I think you can now import old modules using only require() now. This is good because most good modules require import statements (no pun intended) because they're older.
I had so much trouble with imports and requires. i welcome and applaud any updates in this area

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