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@Loktar why can't i right-click on your canvas?
idk actually
I was wondering it myself
wasn't on purpose or anything
you can right click in the modal though
@Loktar yep. Do you have an eventListener on your Canvas?
Like a click one that you preventDefault?
@Loktar any chance you have some time to explain that ship random pattern now?
@SomeKittens their site is awfull
that reminds me ;) placekitten.com
Q: Textual input to seeded random

TgwizmanThis is more of a theoretical question, but here it is anyways. Question: How would I take a textual input from the user (anything their keyboard would allow them to type), and transfer it to a number? From there, I would probably take that number, and feed it into a seeded random number genera...

@Tgwizman sorry playing SC2
^ seeded random library
the best one for JS that exists
4 hours later…
Q: Using copyrighted sprites

ZertalxI was thinking about making a pacman clone, I know there is a similar question here Using Copyrighted Images , but I know i can't use the original art from the game because it belongs to Namco, so if I design a character that has the shape of the slice circle it will look exactly like pacman, may...

1 hour later…
@Raynos o/
check my latest project
Looks nice
i am messing with 3d rendering in pure css
@Raynos A tool for generating HTML live examples from soure code. - Why not call it Examplifier ?
2 hours later…
>function () { [native code] }
@Abhishek Whaa?
open gmail
and type $ in console
question I have regarding VLANs that got me confused
The MTU for a standard 802.3 Ethernet frame is 1518 bytes; how many bytes make up the 802.3 header?
> undefined
$$ is native code, though
for me $
is aswell which scares me
WHat the heck is that ?
@FlorianMargaine I think you'll like this lifehacker.com/5925220/…
there are 217 users using remoteprez
@AmaanCheval I already use that :p
@FlorianMargaine That's great!
and this has an unexpected number of views...
Someone tweeted about it, maybe?
one of the biggest french blogs talked about it, that's why korben.info/…
@dievardump korben.info/…
I like the second last one
i encountered today the
<font> tag the <small> tag
and developers think that things like -webkit-text-secuirty cant be emulated by js
jQuery fanboy code :3
i feel so different then ever today
Great Job @FlorianMargaine
Hi guys
Anyone could say me why this stroke is not being applied? jsfiddle.net/EW6cg I think i'm doing it correctly, an #fff stroke
else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
    //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
    WINDOW_WIDTH = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    WINDOW_HEIGHT = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
    //IE 4 compatible
    WINDOW_WIDTH = document.body.clientWidth;
    WINDOW_HEIGHT = document.body.clientHeight;
Canvas? IE4? IE6+?
My first time working with canvas, forget that little details. I was just getting the window size.
Because you use fillRect
You'll have to use strokeRect
stroke() will apply to a path
so I should use strokeRect instead of stroke()?
got it :)
Nobody cares about IE4 today. You don't need to add code for it.
(does IE4 even have DOM methods?)
> IE4 introduced the idea that every HTML node should be programmable and interactive in a generalized way. If you knew the HTML properties for an element, you already knew its programmatic interface. It was a simple, powerful idea that hasn't been improved dramatically since.
Meh, bountied a question and the first answer it got is utter crap not answering the question at all
"I'm able to connect to the same website using curl.exe --cacert CAFile.pem. I'd like to be able use the same trusted CA certificates from the C# program." - how exactly can anyone think that posting code for completely disabling certificate validation answers this question?!
Can anyone suggest the best way to load images from the server using the href..?
@Dan <a href="path/to/server" />
I've got the href from an <a> tag, and I want to take that link and call the image with it.
"call" the image?
I actually need to call them 4 or 5 at a time, it's to populate a slider.
I was assuming this would be AJAX, but I don't know. I've been reading up on the jQuery $.post and load functions...can't seem to get anything to work.
why don't you just set the href portion of the a tag?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
At the moment it's a list of links, leading to images. That's my no script fall back.
Q: Repeat a part of spritesheet as background

MoiblpaddeSo I'm trying to repeat a part of my spritesheet as a background (js, canvas). My code so far: var canvas = $("#board")[0], ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), sprite = new Image(); sprite.src = "spritesheet.png"; sprite.onload = function(){ ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(spriteBg...

Try and show us the code: jsfiddle.net
Ok, I'll see if I can get a fiddle going : )
@Abhishek Hahaha
its true though
one more
specially for programmers , cause we need more sleep then anybody but we lose it to caffaine
"India is a place where everything's in English except the joke."
the most basic idea... jsfiddle.net/2WQ7E
So...turning those href's into images on the page (in my slider in the end)
Any ideas what function I should use, or how I'd output several in one go? I'm trying to do this so I don't have to load 30-40 images at once.
@SomeKittens lol
well on the road everybody is like
@SomeKittens translation
If the other person is slower then em : "Hes driving like his in a garden"
If the other person is faster then em : " Hes got an appointment with the doom for sure".

If the other person is driving parallel : "So you wanna race with your daddy ? "
@FlorianMargaine o/
what up ?
not much
lotsa stuff to do
always fun
@RemcoRos yes! that looks more like it. Do you know how I could do several at once? Maybe 4 or 5?
Can I use something like .each() on an array?
you want it preloaded on document load?
I'm making a slider that's got to take a lot of images. Basically I need to load 4 or 5 when the page opens, and then as the slider is used I need to make the others load.
The list of links will be the fallback and for SEO purposes.
ah, then you need to write some preload and load more logic.
remember which images have already been loaded, etc
The proloaded images can be separate using PHP
leaving say, 25 or so, that the jQuery will need to look after
well, you need to think out what you want exactly and code it :d. will be more then a few lines tough
Yes, I know : \
Two weeks in of trying to learn jQuery too fast and I'm near the end of time on my project..
@Dan you should learn JavaScript , you will autolearn jQuery :P
Yes, I've gathered that. jQuery is just a library that makes certain things easier and cleaner from what I can tell..?
I'm a designer, and I work with PHP quite a lot. My JS is utter crap.
easier:" yes " , cleaner:"not sure"
its fine after your project in free time pay some time to enjoying javascript , you will do good :-)
Yeah, I know you guys that do this stuff are very picky about it, but I'm after the easiest solution at the moment. Seriously, when I'm starved of sleep under a lot of pressure I don't care about saving milliseconds on a piece of script. : (
@RemcoRos How hard would this be for you to do?
i would just grab a free library :)
lots of good jquery sliders out there.
@RemcoRos and even better pure js ones aswell
@rlemon o/
Yeah, I would but this project requires something different.
The slider i've made is full width,
and the height is set according to the window height.
The slider moves in steps of one image's width.
It's got to hold portrait and landscape pics, and this is the only option I could find, doing it myself.
I don't know how bad my script is, but it works ok - it needs a few more tweaks but it's not that bad for my second effort. It's the most jQuery i've written by miles.
Hmm...what if I have an array with all the hrefs in, and using a "counter" I append an image from the array each time the user clicks through the slider..?
Would that be terrible for performance?
show your code to us
we can only tell if we see
i mean if you are caching jqueries and stuff then i'd be fine
but if you are abusing jQuery then ur performance is likely to be slow
Well, isn't this pretty basic stuff..? I guess I'm asking how much load appendTo() puts on the server
nothing i'd worry about
so lets say I have;

var clicks = 0;

and each time the user clicks through the slider I increment it like this;


and then I append that specific image like this..?

dw then
ha, although, how do I get my href array to contain all the hrefs I need?
ah, with each() perhaps?
well you can just mantain a javascript array
and "push" new hrefs
and then to traverse through em do ArrayName.forEach(function(element,index){
/* Do something with all elements one by one */
Ok, I'll see what I can do..
Thanks for your help so far, and Remco also @Remco
$('<li><img /></li>', { src: hrefs[arrayCounter]}).appendTo(ul);
I need to wrap it in <li> tags but that doesn't seem to work ^
@Dan, are you trying to make a carousel of images?
pretty much.
It's working though so far, but I must have those <li> tags wrapped too and I can't see how with the page on appendTo() - must be syntax I'm having issues with?
can't suggest you of anything but might I suggest you this?tympanus.net/Development/Elastislide/index4.html
That's almost the same as my script except I need an AJAX like effect too.
That's the general idea though and I'll bookmark the page, thanks.
@Dan $('<li>').append($('<img>', {src: ...})).appendTo(ul)
search google for carousel, followed by tympanus
@ThiefMaster, I think he is trying to dynamically add images to the carousel, are you @Dan?
Yes, but I have all the hrefs in an array now, and with each step of the browser I want to append one.
@ThiefMaster Great stuff, this is starting to come together now!
jQuery knows to put the closing tags too...it's smart..
@Dan, please show me your final demo on fiddle
I'd like to, but I'm so short on time I don't know if I can : \

I'm supposed to be launching this site tonight, and if I get this done I have loads of images to prepare...arghhh!
Oh, and I have that old problem with IE7 and z-index to sort of too...joy. I know this has been said so many times, but IE is so shit.
come on, they r working, even safari goes shitty at times.
I like the new IE, and I have IE on my phone which is actually pretty good and fast. But I'm talking about IE 8 and 7.
Sometimes I check IE6 for a laugh.
@Dan It doesn't have to
It does not create a HTML string but elements
and elements do not have something like a closing tag - they just have a tagName and possibly children
(and a parent of course, but that's not important in this case)
@ThiefMaster How long did it take you to learn a decent amount about jQuery/JS?
No idea, I just started using it at some point
I'm trying to use my PHP knowledge to help me out a bit, but I must say I'm finding it hard.
Don't use PHP knowledge for anything but PHP.
CSS is still my favorite language but JS is growing on me so much..ever since I saw this amazing animation on the apple site.
I gather that, I'm more talking about "theory" I guess, like I could loop through this or do an IF statement.
guys, threepeppercorn.com/twitter.html help me out. The facebook like button does not "likes" the current page though I have used the XFBML code. The twitter button works just fine.
PHP is a bad language; you don't want to transfer PHP habits to other languages
@ThiefMaster That's an interesting read...are you involved in CMS stuff? The open source ones are all PHP aren't there?
Otherwise there is .net? I've heard of Cold Fusion but I don't know what it is/does.
therer is ASP.net for php
@AnujKaithwas: wth?
@Dan: CF is horrible. Just look at its syntax. And it's proprietary...
we use asp.net in place of php
Well, good news, I have enough to learn to last me more than my lifetime.
I'm 24 already : \
Ah well, in a microsoft environment not a bad thing unless you use the horrible WebForms stuff etc
There are tons of other technologies out there. Python and NodeJS just to mention two that are pretty nice
I've heard of NodeJS, what's the use in knowing this?
what do you suggest for a pretty cool websites with smooth server side codes
I mainly work with WordPress, and I'd like to know more about AJAX so I can load posts and stuff
that don't consume your badnwidth for nothing
Bandwidth? It mostly doesn't matter what you use.
unless you use asp.net with updatepanels :p
@ThiefMaster Have you looked at Magento? I'd assume you hate that...haha
No, but I saw enough questions about it on SO
And deleted enough crap/spam related to it
It's a pig to work with, from a design point of view.
I heard XTCommerce is pretty horrible, too
mix of HTML and PHP etc.
The file structure is worse than the London Underground.
Are there any good open source e-commerce solutions..?
@AnujKaithwas noise.
No idea, never needed one
Ah, well music IS my thing : )
At least, more than JS..
hopefully not hiphop :p
is it even availabe for developers?
Nah, I play guitar.
Much more into rock and blues.
@AnujKaithwas: Ah, you mean the facebook PHP thing? Yes, it's open source: github.com/facebook/hiphop-php
If I could swap my ten years on guitar for ten years of coding I'd be a shit load better.
$('<li>').append($('<img>', {src:hrefs[arrayCounter]})).appendTo(ul)

I need to apply my CSS to this too (set img height and width:auto)
appendTo has no callback so how can I trigger this?
That's my other bit of code:

just give it a class. or use .css() on the img.
like $('<img>', {src:hrefs[arrayCounter], 'class': 'blaabla'})
or $('<img>', {src:hrefs[arrayCounter]}).css({}).appendTo
@RemcoRos Thank you. I'm pleased this is looking ok now. I'm going to try and move this from my test folder to the actual site and now and pack it full of images. I have my fingers crossed...
FYI, you can use backticks to get monospace/code formatting here just like on SO
and you can press ctrl+k to indent a lot of code
Q: How much it will cost to create tile-set similar to HoM&M 2?

Alexey PetrushinHow much it will cost to create tile-set similar to HoM&M 2? I'm mostly interested in the tile-set graphics only, no animation needed, the big images of town and creatures can be done as quick and dirty pensil sketches. The quality of tiles and its amount should be roughly the same as in H...

Q: How to Optimize Merge of Two Objects That Include Arrays of Objects

user17164I need to merge two objects in a code path that is going to be heavily used. The code works, but I am concerned it is not optimized enough for speed and I am looking for any suggestions to improve/replace what I have come up with. I originally started working off an example at the end of this i...

I have a quick question, that I cant seem to fix although it is simple
I need to send a request to another page using ajax
Ill paste the code in a moment
here it is
what I need to do is to send the text that has been input
to a yaws page, which reads the text, sends the request and return it as it is
request is in JSON
same for response
!!/choose sleep allnighter
@Zirak where are you when i need it
Q: Game development with javascript

rupoJSWhich books and resources should I follow to build a real time interactive game with applied physics in javascript,,please help..

1 hour later…
@Feeds CV
@FlorianMargaine lol thanks, I know that ^^' It was about the behavior. When is the onclick handled? before - after - at the same time of the eventListener?
hi guys, I have a uploadify problem of its settings not working. Here is the question stackoverflow.com/questions/12773346/…
Help me guys
Please, I have been stuck in this for a long time
@Ramco Ros, @dievardump, any answers?
This is my answer.
ok, sorry to disturb
anyone to help??
as in, you can help..?
Sadly, nope : |
18:19 was my last post, it's now 23:43 and I'm still stuck. Horrah!
Dan, sorry for you
Well, I don't mind if I learn something, it's when it's hour after hour of moving back and forward doing nothing much.
My question on stackoverflow has only 4 views, no answers. Have stackoverflow users gone dumb?
posted on October 07, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Surreal Photos: CubeSats Launched from the Space Station OpenBSD 5.2 it's out there and also it's song, "Aquarela do Linux!" The Best Way to Find Aliens: Look for Their Solar Power Plants

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