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2:41 AM
Why isn't my Neural Network program outputing predictions ? Can you tell me why . here is the link to the code: jsfiddle.net/w6kbdxeo/4
3:19 AM
posted on January 27, 2022 by Krishna Govind

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Beta 98 (98.0.4758.72) for Android: it's now available on Google Play. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. For details on new features, check out the Chromium blog, and for details on web platform updates, check here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Krishna Govind Google Chrome

4 hours later…
7:19 AM
@JBis Related - I visited the Das Keyboard site to window shop. But I couldn't see the images on products because uMatrix was blocking a whole load of of external scripts. Some of them were coming from Quora of all places. Took me a while to find the exact domain to unblock scripts for, so I could see images. No idea what these scripts were doing - the <img> tags did have an src.
8:13 AM
Hi Everyone i will appreciate help with this
1 hour later…
9:28 AM
how do you scale a font relative to the width or height, which ever is smaller?
1 hour later…
10:44 AM
@MitchellvanZuylen hrm.. don't have much time to write a full answer, so short: Webpack creates a more or less isolated and optimized module/bundle, if you want to access something from inside in other JavaSript like f.e. inline scripts you actually need to export it or share it via DOM/global JavaScrip context like: like window.scene = new THREE.Scene(); and then use window.scene
2 hours later…
12:27 PM
@makadev Okay. So it's more or less working as intended, I just am not able to access it. Thank you! With this insight I managed a more targeted search and I think I understand (a little more) now. I'll try this first thing in the morning. Thanks!
3 hours later…
3:00 PM
Hi All,
Im trying to get the information of a file which is in base64 format
I recieve the file from client in Base64 format, Im trying to convert that to actual image and get the details like extension, fileName and fileSize in nodejs
how can I do that
any trick to make an absolute video 100% and keep it centered in the viewport?
the width is depandant on the original video
and 100% height will change the video width
3:23 PM
@SuperUberDuper use rem
3:36 PM
@SuperUberDuper Scroll down to Relative length units developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/…
@JBis ...yeah. Recently the options for visiting potentially problematic sites were changed. It's more roundabout to go visit them. With good reason.
And that's on PC. IIRC, both Chrome and FF did it. Edge might have been a bit stricter before them but not sure.
@VLAZ i've rarely had a website break from adblockers unless they are addy sites
but yeah can happen
On mobile it might be stricter still. Can't recognise the browser but I'd assume it's iPhone with Safari (that's what they use, right?) - I think Apple are also very careful with their users. Might not even give them an option to bypass the warning.
Can someone explain why my carousel is underneath my navbar? I am trying to get it below with a bit of a gap, but anything I add CSS wise is creating an overflow, which I do not want jsfiddle.net/BeerusDev/cLmo6hte/11
3:52 PM
@TheJOKER What sort of file information do you get? You can decode it like this: How can I do Base64 encoding in Node.js?, however what do you actually get - the image data? Some other meta data about the file?
> console.log(Buffer.from("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=", 'base64').toString('ascii'))
4:25 PM
@VLAZ yes I have tried it
but this is what I get, with toString('ascii') and toString('utf')
  !%0)!#-$*9*-13666 (;?:4>0563��C 3""33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333����"����E  !"12A#BQRaq�3b��$r������4�Cc��%Ss�5�����(!1A"2Q3aqR���� ?��9`�)�wM�CsR��h��]�t�* �:��b��\���ˋ� B�r�͕gV��.F;#�M#[�\��m�w�5l����$�#@��K8 `Z��iٴ���DN�'fˮ��:4]�
but above is what I get after conversion
Seems like binary data, in that case. You can probably convert it to a file on the disk (should also be doable in memory in some way) and then read the file information from there.
@VLAZ basically this is the file value I get from the UI
this is just part of the text, as I cant put the entire value of the file
above is the image of the value of the file property coming from Angular client, on the angular client, they are using some library to convert the selected image to base64
I'm trying to decode this base64 string back to file object
4:44 PM
what do you intend to do with it
you might be trying to do something that isn't necessary to accomplish your goal
I need the file Name and file size and then after some business logic, generate a new filename and save the file to AWS S3 bucket
the filename isn't part of that data
@KevinB my earlier implementation was using mutipart formdata
so I was recieving an file Object which I converted using "UploadedFile" after which I could get the fileName, fileSize
I indent to fetch the similar info
 const uploads = req.files.cryptoDocs as UploadedFile;
                fileName: uploads.name,
                fileSize: uploads.size
when it is sent and handled as a file upload, you have an actual file on the drive to read
you don't have that here
there is no filename
you just have the file
ohk, so how do I save this to S3 bucket, as in binary format?
4:52 PM
i've always done that from outside of node
ok @KevinB thanks for the guidance
i haven't had a need yet for moving files directly to s3 in realtime, so i just dump it into a folder and have them moved periodically
@KevinB so in the folder you would save it in base64?
well, i'd save it as an image,
otherwise it's not an image,
5:40 PM
posted on January 27, 2022 by Srinivas Sista

The Beta channel has been updated to 98.0.4758.74 for Mac ,Windows and Linux. A full list of changes in this build is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how here. If you find a new issues, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Srinivas SistaGoogle Chrome

3 hours later…
8:52 PM
What's the benefit when we as a developers create index.js in React component subfolder with single line of code - export { default } from './Button'; ?
it's common to have a folder with a number of components, and an index.js to pull them all together
if you have a folder with just one, having the index in place anyway allows you to import it just as you would anything else
and there's components in the same folder as the button folder with multiple: github.com/zimtlabs/documentation/tree/…
Does it has affect bundle size ?
8:58 PM
Also I saw a lot of examples where developers just export default from Button.js for example
it's more or less just boilerplate
Got it
both options are valid, i tend to not take it to the same extremes that repository does, but i understand why one would
i'd just not have the folder, if i only have one file
that does mean if i end up needing a second file for a component, that the change from 1 to a folder with 2 would be much larger
What if I have Services component with Service.js and Services.module.scss
9:03 PM
index.js should contain export { default } from './Service';
i've always kept styling pretty well separated
like, not even in the the same project
not because it's a good practice, but because it's what is best for our situation
in other words i haven't needed to tackle where/how to store component styles, so i'm not going to give an opinion on that
I don't know what to say

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