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Or rather justifying why it does what it does
knock knock
no one is here, move on.
@RoyiNamir see this is offensive ^ and meant to be
why move on
Because none of us can help
No use asking repeatedly
got it. thanks guys. ( till the next annoying question)
'cause everybody's got a price
I wonder how you sleep at night
@RoyiNamir you missed my point on this dude, i wasn't saying the questions were annoying or anything - I was just wondering what it was you were working on that produced such obscure questions
And obscure has many connotations, and carries quite a few inferences, but 'annoying' doesn't seem to be one of them.
...albeit that's clearly a very personal opinion
CSS - liner-gradient border : possible ?
everyone see the star trek google today?
@rlemon: yup, was indeed awesome
@dievardump: I don't think I understand your question
@DavidThomas ... like... the hamburger guy?
@dievardump linear gradient the behind element then put a solid one infront
setting border: 1px solid linear-gradient(#000 0%, #fff 100%);
something like that
@dievardump; that should be; though I think it'd depend on the border-image property, rather than simply border
Q: CSS3 Gradient Borders

MarkI'm trying to apply a gradient to a border, I thought it was as simple as doing this: border-color: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #555555, #111111); This does not work, does anyone know what the correct way to do border gradients is. Thanks. Answer: http://caniuse.com/#feat=border-image

-webkit-border-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#00abeb), to(#fff), color-stop(0.5, #fff), color-stop(0.5, #66cc00)) 21 30 30 21 repeat repeat;
cool , I didn't know about this little gem
Neither did I; though I understood that CSS gradients are regarded as/are images, so it made sense to assume border-image, but it's nice to have something that corroborates the assumption
@rlemon should do it. thanks, love
@DavidThomas thanks
:) my eyes are not that long
and your humor is not that good?
@rlemon .on() works with ajax content too?
^_^ <--- my eyes are not that pointy
@epic_syntax: as long as it's attached to an element present in the DOM at the time of binding, yes

$('body').on('event', 'newAjaxContentSelector', function(e){ /*...*/ });

would work.
@DavidThomas LessonDivButton.on("click", function(){ right usage?
That depends on your markup, but the syntax looks fine. So long as your Ajax-loaded/generated content is loaded into a child element of the LessonDivButton element/node
.on() doesn't work with ajax loaded content
yes it does
@rlemon LessonDivButton.on("click", function(){ right usage?
Yeah, it does. Did you read what I wrote above? .on() has to be attached to an element present in the DOM
...present in the DOM on $(document).ready() that is
@DavidThomas I'm using functions in separate JS document inside dom ready function
$(document).on('click', '.some > selector', function(event) {

It doesn't matter, the functions assigned by jQuery methods have to be bound to elements present in the DOM at the point the functions are executed.
delegation from the document is overkill - find a parent that will exist, or use the element type?
OMG... WHy not to use just live() ??
> The .on() method attaches event handlers to the currently selected set of elements in the jQuery object. As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. For help in converting from older jQuery event methods, see .bind(), .delegate(), and .live(). To remove events bound with .on(), see .off(). To attach an event that runs only once and then removes itself, see .one()
then you goto .live and you get this
> As of jQuery 1.7, the .live() method is deprecated. Use .on() to attach event handlers. Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live().
Why would you want to use live()? It's slow, and inefficient. If on() isn't available use delegate().
well, why would you use jQuery if slow things bother you
Q: jQuery .live() vs .on() method for adding a click event after loading dynamic html

Sean ThomanI am using jQuery v.1.7.1 where the .live() method is apparently deprecated. The problem I am having is that when dynamically loading html into an element using: $('#parent').load("http://..."); If I try and add a click event afterwards it does not register the event using either of these m...

@dievardump BAM
It's not so much the slow it's the inefficient.
...but you knew that, I suspect.
Q: What's wrong with the jQuery live method?

Peter OlsonThe live() method was deprecated in jQuery 1.7. The jQuery docs now recommend Use .on() to attach event handlers. Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live(). I understand how on and delegate work, but I don't understand why they are better. live() is s...

pfft... =b
dunno anything about jQuery except it's the evil
You can’t use live for reusable widgets.

stopPropagation() doesn’t work with live

live is slower

live isn’t chainable
does stopPropagation() work with on()?
They should do :
    live: jQuery.on
ok. got this work
@dievardump thats just not enuff
they should do :{
 live : $.on
Now my js works 0.00000..00001 nano second faster then live(). Yahoooo!!!
@epic_syntax actually thats far more then that
Nop. They always refer themselves as jQuery, because $ is BAD
@epic_syntax are you a troll ?
We tell you that live is DEPRECATED by the jQuery team
@dievardump I said got this work with on()
You all know something ?
Yes but you make inappropriate sarcasm
I am so frigging happy and i know it (x
maybe not inappropriate
@Abhishek did you see the link I pinged you ?
about libuv
uvbook ?
I read that
its good
@DavidThomas yes
but makes me scared of so much inside 1 package
with on actually (and delegate iirc) return false executes stopProp and preventDefault.
people :3
i have never been so happy ever
nodejs//v8 i just love u infinitely
wow.... I just took off my shoes.... I really shouldn't have.. :(
ok so add another project to my list of never ending projects - learn about openVPN and setup a server + configure a couple hundred devices to be shipped to clients for plug and play network access.
Software Designer === Network Specialist // apparently this is TRUE.
@rlemon omg :')
they arn't usually bad. today idk. maybe i put on old socks without realizing it?? don't see how that is possible... but.. maybe..
One of my facebook friends just posted a status with "Someone buy me a little pom", and I did a double take. Is it dirty (with bad kerning) or an innocent dog lover?
Which is the best JavaScript framework to write object oriented javascript?
Ahahah I masterized ExtJS 4
I kicked its ass
Does Dojo also compare to VanillaJS in terms of OOPS concepts?
but EXTJS is paid and not used in all kind of applications and by all clients
@Sandeep you don't need a framework and tbh there are not many js libs that would be considered a framework
ExtJS is not for all purpose
And I wasn't talking to you
And VanillaJS is the best framework ever
JavaScript + DOM API is all you need to master POOP (prototypical object oriented programming)
ok I will read VanillaJS. Yes I am aware of OOPS concepts in JavaScript but want to make use of some library or framework to make writing code easier
VanillaJS is just js dude. i'll save you the hassle of us making fun of you for falling for it (don't worry many in here have)
it's meant as a joke to tell you that you don't need a library - the language is fully capable as is.
if browser support is an issue use a shim
if RAD is a concern then maybe adopt a library or toolkit
As much as I hate to admit it, you might consider @Raynos's pd
But if you really looks for something like :
var Animal = new Class({
    Implements: [Options, Events],
    initialize: function (options) {
		this.fireEvent('initialized mouhahaha');

var Fish = new Class({
    Extends: Animal,

	kind: null,

    initialize: function (options, kind) {
		this.kind = kind;

Then MooTools is your Friend
I will probably go for Prototype.JS and use its Object based System to enhance what is already provided by VanillaJS
@Sandeep how well do you know javascript?
why do you need to use any lib?
I am intermediate level
you will learn tonnes more by trying to do it yourself.
because VanillaJS involves writing too much of code even for simple tasks and I shall be focusing more on OOPS concepts in JavaScript in my application
like I said libraries are only well used if you are A) already knowledgeable, and B) if you need to develop the application under a time crunch.
@Sandeep so do your own.
@Sandeep ugh. this is a common misconception - unless you need to support IE6, the code is actually not bad at all.
ok will reconsider my decision
thanks for your inputs
That's easy, I rewrited MooTools' one (and so almost the PrototypeJs one) without all the dependencies in a very little time.
function clearChildren(node) {
     while(node.hasChildNodes() ) {
// bam, now I cna clear nodes like a bauce! no innerHTML no libraries. 5 lines of code that I can keep in a gist or something to use in all my projects.
basically you just write the few "tools" you need
the rest is bloat (and is in all libs to date)
@rlemon humpf
function clearChildren(node) {
     while(node.hasChildNodes() ) {
You have to clear the children node.
That's better
(no but well you know)
how? I cleared it's parents. the children are gone.
And removeeventListener on its
Because there is always event Listeners
Because you didn't use .on
It's time to take a real look at it
It's coming
Is there anyway to write to both an input text field and a div using the same function in javascript or jQuery?
And it will be huge.
nfm: create a userscript for StackOverflow, hide every post including "in JavaScript or jQuery"
function writeToBoth(element1, element2, value) {
   function writeTo(element) {
    if( "value" in element ) {
        element.value = value;
    } else {
       element.textContent = value;
There isn't any one line way of doing this in jQuery, perhaps with ternary operators?
why? this code will work and is much faster
why one line ? why jQuery ?
you know, jQuery is a tool. you don't use the same tool for every job.
also, consider everything in jQuery executes like 100 lines of code before it even decides what it is you wanted to do.
jQuery = toolkit
I agree. And while it needn't be in jQuery, for code format reasons, it should be on the same line.
@dievardump the sentence sounded better with "tool"
@Vap0r lol, wow.
code format ?
troll friday
for aesthetic formatting reasons my car must now only have one door.
@Vap0r did you even understand what the code he provided does ?
I give you, jCar
Yes, I understand just fine.
So, Uglify it yourslef, then use the function.
function writeToBoth(element1, element2, value) {
   function writeTo(element) {
    if( "value" in element ) {
        element.value = value;
    } else {
       element.textContent = value;

// now you SINGLE LINE is
writeToBoth(document.getElementById('somediv'), document.forms.someForm.elements.someInput, "FOO BAR!");
I just wanted jQuery because I already have it as a jQuery object, and my end result should be a jQuery object, so I was worried about performance of converting down then converting up.
And if you know jQuery, you'll be able to make it a jQuery plugin
@Vap0r seriously? you are concerned about performance so you want to wrap the elements up in jQuery?
just do it this way and pass the element itself to jQuery - point and case:
is actually 30% faster than
No, I'm concerned about performance, so I don't want to keep creating and disposing of jQuery objects if I can just stay within the jQuery scope.
the jQuery scope? jQuery invades all other scopes. you got this thinking backwards.
you want to keep things as far away from jQuery as long as possible.
@rlemon no, false.
jQuery only provide jQuery and $...
And then everything is in the jQuery scope.
yes, but doesn't it tack itself to the global scope - which is pretty far down the scope chain iirc
MooTools invades every others scope
ahh well. @Vap0r either way, if you pass an HTMLElement as the selector, jQuery is quick at wrapping it up - you will not see any concernable performance differences here.
omfg, DON'T LOOK if you are afraid by blood: globalpost.com/photo-galleries/planet-pic/5718451/…
Prototype is worst. Even though they stopped messing with Object.prototype some time ago.. or didn't they?
@ThiefMaster yes, yes it is.
@ThiefMaster MooTools still does.
With EVERY scope.
Array, Number, Object, Event ...
Not the v2, wich provide a way to activate it, but it's desactivate by default
And that looks pretty bad. Couldn't I do something to effect of:
element[typeOf element.value!=="undefined"?"value":"innerHTML"] = varToBeInserted;
typeof not typeOf
Not with jQuery, mind you, but if I were to just go ahead and go with a pure javascript approach.
innerHTML ..... :(
new standard @rlemon
What's wrong with innerHTML?
less code is not always better code.
innerHTML, before HTML 5 was proprietary
Implemented by all, but proprietary
Wow, really? Oh. If it's implemented by all is it really that bad to use it? I think I remember even using it in IE6.
Yes because IE 5.5 (I think, maybe 4) introduced it
> The innerHTML property is quick and easy to use. But it’s also proprietary and heavy-handed. DOM methods like createElement and createTextNode, on the other hand, are precise and part of a standard but they can be finicky and repetitive to use.
that page is so ugly ... :(
Huh, interesting, thanks. What should I use instead?
" Can be set, to replace the contents of the element with nodes parsed from the given string. "
for text, element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
That's slick.
hehe I screwed that up pretty bad
Never mind then....
textContent is good for what you did @rlemon
no ?
textContent support is splotchy as hell though, isn't it?
@Vap0r it is by far not "production ready" but you can review rlemon.github.com/FragBuilder.js
@Vap0r new IE (9?) supports it
Chrome and Firefox too?
Chrome and FF supports it since... a lot
var tContent = "textContent" in element ? "textContent" : "innerText";
element[tContent] = "foo";
element[typeOf element.value!=="undefined"?"value": ("textContent" in element ? "textContent" : "innerText")] = varToBeInserted;
so horrible
It's what I was doing 3 years ago
It looks read bad, yeah.
And now if one of my dev do that
I think I could ask him to go home
With all the JavaScript sources I can find
And ask him to make them all JSLint friendly
Yeah, I was looking for something real slick and easy to use, that's browser independent. Oh well.
slick ?
That not slick
that's inelegant
I didn't say it was slick, I said that was something I was looking for.
That's a: Dude, you really want me to slap you in the face on Friday ?
@RyanKinal don't, it's abandoned
Raynos will agree
What is? You're not quite making sense. I want something slick, the one liner turned out not being that. I believe we are in agreement, no?
@Raynos SMASH!
@Vap0r not at all
@dievardump how so?
One line code is totally inappropriate for sources when they are not minified.
5 mins ago, by dievardump
element[typeOf element.value!=="undefined"?"value": ("textContent" in element ? "textContent" : "innerText")] = varToBeInserted;
You're going to have to expand a little bit:
var equation = 2+2;
that's horrible
is that bad?
can you read equation = 2+2; without having a headache ?
And @dievardump I said that that looked terrible. I wasn't looking for anything near that involved.
element[typeOf element.value!=="undefined"?"value":"innerHTML"] = varToBeInserted;
it's the same.
20 mins ago, by rlemon
function writeToBoth(element1, element2, value) {
   function writeTo(element) {
    if( "value" in element ) {
        element.value = value;
    } else {
       element.textContent = value;

// now you SINGLE LINE is
writeToBoth(document.getElementById('somediv'), document.forms.someForm.elements.someInput, "FOO BAR!");
That however doesn't give me a headache. I can read it left to right without ever having to double take. I read that about as quick as the 2+2
Ok fine, we won't agree. this code is horrible for me, fine for you. That's ok
writeToBoth(document.getElementById('somediv'), document.forms.someForm.elements.someInput, "FOO BAR!");
That looks better to you? Are you daft?
It was for the function I pasted this message
Not the "one line code" YOU wanted
function updateElements(value) {
    var elements = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1);
    for( var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++ ) {
        var k = "value" in elements[i] ? "value" : "textContent" in elements[i] ? "textContent" : "innerText";
        elements[i][k] = value;
there, elegant. slick, clean.
you can't ask for more
no two ternaries in the same line is not elegant :(
updateElements(value, el1, el2, el3, etc)
@dievardump that was the "slick" part
oh ok
not enough jQuery though
Yeah, I like it.
And I don't need any jQuery.
function updateElements(value) {
    var elements = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1);
    function getType(element) {
        if ("value" in element) return "value";
        if ("textContent" in element) return "textContent";
        return "innerText";
    for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++) {

        elements[i][getType(elements[i])] = value;
Yeah sure.
I would have add a element = elements[i];
Using ES5 without fallbacks and I don't even care!
@tbranyen I do that all the time on personal projects too. Why should I care if the user obviously don't (by using IE).
yeah BRO
Can someone please help with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/12323853/php-inside-javascript
Has anyone else run into an issue with Chrome not displaying any sources in the debugger?
It's only happening in developer chrome (not canary) and only one one computer, and I can't figure out for the life of me why
ui.linksys.com OMG life just got so much better
Router emulators
Did you read the JavaScript weekly Ryan ?
@dievardump Nope. Haven't gotten around to it this week.
Good stuff? Bad stuff?
Ooh, genetic algorithms
Well I asked because I wanted to know if it worth the time to take on eye on it ^^
Ugh... C# to JS transpiler
Lisp for JS? Kind of interesting...
Remote controlled reveal.js presentation from @ulfbjo, love it! http://preso.xsockets.net/
That's good
A: How to auto generate regex from given list of strings?

HandcraftsmanOne way to solve this is with a genetic algorithm. I happen to have a genetic solver laying around so I applied it to your problem with the following algorithm: get the distinct tokens from the desired inputs as genes add the Regex specials to the genes for the fitness algorithm make sure the ...

And it works
@dievardump That's sweet
@dievardump what's that?
sounds nice
98% of browsers have querySelectorAll
(according to Irish)
omg I should work
@dievardump That's friggin sweet
Q: Only do work on the first page load, not when the user comes via back/foward

aleembI want to do some work when the user first lands on my page (via a link or directly entering the URL). However, if the user goes off somewhere else and comes back to my page via back/forward buttons, I don't want to do the work again. What's the best way to achieve this?

@dievardump OMG... I think I need a change of pants.
@rlemon I saw your tweet ^^
@RyanKinal people need to learn http
you use localStorage as an array @rlemon ?
no getItem / removeItem ?
@FlorianMargaine No kidding.
bracket notation works. why not use it
'cause innerHTML works, why not use it
that is not the same comparison
I know
I searched for bracket in the spec but they never use the word. But they use the . notation in the spec, so maybe it's normal
also, diveintohtml5 is a good read
I want to add this as an answer
> There is no way to differentiate between a refresh or the back button usage.
and... that's it.
A: Only do work on the first page load, not when the user comes via back/foward

rlemonLocalStorage would be nice here. Works similar to cookies but only exists on the client side, Nothing is sent with the headers. Others have said the same or similar, I hope this example shows you how easy it all is to do. So you will set the value of the variable to the identifier for the curre...

does this concept seem sound ?
if (localStorage)
you forgot it.
You have to check its existence
w/e he can do his own browser compatibility checks. I never provide those.
1 hour ago, by dievardump
Using ES5 without fallbacks and I don't even care!
I was sure someone will do that
and you would answer "it's not using fallback"?
> Note: localStorage is not available by older version of IE (maybe others) and cookies could be used here for a fallback. Same concept.
@dievardump oh btw, first week at smile done, it's really nice for now
I heaqrd too much bad things
you told me two of your friends worked there and had a bad experience
maybe they were in Paris, but in Grenoble it's really nice
coz it's more of a startup environment (new agency, we're 5)
oh? I went there today
the director of lyon is the director of grenoble too
"rhônes-alpes smile"
no, that's the commercial director
I had a lunch with him, he looks nice
He is the same for both too
yeah he's taking care of grenoble too, there's no commercial at grenoble's agency

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