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Sure. It's really just a guess.
<aside> :gonna be one of those days: </aside>
@RyanKinal no still facing the same
Don't know what to tell you, then
@RyanKinal :)
I've never even heard of smartlogin.js :-P
@RyanKinal it is magento module
... I've never used Magento
@RyanKinal Hai I am trying to solve it but I am unable to. jsfiddle.net/T657N/4 I need some help
@RyanKinal i am facing issue with prototype library.....not with magento ....okay let me debug it once again ....thanks
Yeah, I have about 1 hour worth of "experience" (fscking around with) prototype
@RyanKinal :)
@Dinesh: Hai I am trying to solve it but I am unable to. jsfiddle.net/T657N/4 I need some help
@ui1 Dude, you have to tell us what "it" is. What are you trying to solve?
@Loktar did you see your waves on codepen.io homepage ? ^^'
@ui1 sorry i cant now , your iframe content is blocked by my server firewall.....whats your issue
@RyanKinal: I created a gallery holding both images and videos. So onlick of every thumbnail Imae or Video the particular larger Image or Video should open. Initially I need to hide the larger Image gallery. onclick of every thumbnail the particaular image or video should open
@RyanKinal I created a gallery holding both images and videos. So onlick of every thumbnail Image or Video the particular larger Image or Video should open. Initially I need to hide the larger Image gallery.
@Dinesh I created a gallery holding both images and videos. So onlick of every thumbnail Image or Video the particular larger Image or Video should open. Initially I need to hide the larger Image gallery.
Okay, you can stop that
Also, that's a veeeeerry general problem. VERY general.
wasssup guys
@dievardump huh? no
oh nice wow
I made that yesterday
<aside> :aw crap: </aside>
maybe they dont like two things from one author on the main page
because now my cards are gone
maybe he is the only one that pick up things and go from the latest
haha Ryan, thanks to you I now know what aside tag is used for
So he only saw your waves today ?
ah yeah could be
they picked a clock yesterday though
that was submitted after my waves
I love the site though, heh makes me think of creative things to do
@RyanKinal: can you please fix the issues
@ui1 lol no
@Loktar same as dribbble.com
I'm not going to write code for you
I think it's the same company
Especially not that much code
@RyanKinal: why?
wat is the problem @ui1?
so guys.. im worried about @zirak
where the eff is he :(
@ui1 Because I'm here to help with specific problems, and discuss JS and web development in general. Your problem is too large and general for me.
I have my own code to write.
@AnujKaithwas: I wrote a script for Image Gallery which is not working
what did you refer to? and show me the code
hmm, what does it do ^-^
@Loktar did you try this game : thenazgul.com/fors/LD48/TheHighbredPixel ?
Evening everyone!
Morning :-)
Guys, does anyone have any ideas, how this navigation works? amazon.com
I've looked into that, but I just don't get it. What is called
click a link - get the content. seems pretty straight forward to me.
Hover link, show menu. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
on mouse hover a div tag pops out of the same height and on mouse out, it disappears
@AnujKaithwas: Shall I explain explain again or you understood the issue
tht is what is happening
@dievardump nope chceking it now
@Eugene My guess is $('.submenu', this).animate({'width': 'show'}, 'fast');
@ui1 they are not aligned properly?
@Loktar kind of good
@Eugene jsfiddle.net/UvPt9 like uber easy dude.
@AnujKaithwas Yeah If you remove Videos then it works fine upto images. but the videos too should include in them
try using this: display: inline block; float: left
and use a ul li
it should help
@AnujKaithwas But I cant use ul and li this structure oonly I have to follow bro
@rlemon It seems Amazon is doing A LOT of DOM manipulation, for some reason
But anyway... lunch time
on that amazon site, does it happen to me only that when I mouseover the cart, the image below it disappears?
@ui1 well man, that structure is bad, and I am not getting the design concept of that code.
I styled it in an order
ok but what do u wanna do with tht?
@AnujKaithwas: Yes brother
i don't know ur exavt problem dude
> i = $("#thumbs").prop('data-index'), i += num_thumbs * incr;
Hi there guys, my function onLoadAll doesn't run, can you tell me what's wrong with it? jsfiddle.net/AkD6x/1
i = parseInt($("#thumbs").prop('data-index'),2) + num_thumbs * incr;
@AnujKaithwas here I am creating a thumbnail gallery with images and videos, now initially two thumbnail Images should display. So as we click on next the other two new images/Videos should displays. As we click on any of the thumbnail Image or Video then the particular thumbnail clicked larger Image/Video should open. if I click next in larger image then from the open image/video onwards, the other new images/videos should display
@Irakli your function should alert ?
@dievardump yes
So it works.
@Irakli I was global in the first loop
@dievardump it should Alert image: 0, 1, 2, 3, and then hi there number: 0 , 1, 2 , 3"
hmm, tht is cool, I think you r making it complicated if this is what you want to do:
You have a thumbnail gallery and when you click on any of the thumbnails, then that particular thumbnail should pop out and then display whatever was in it. Am i correct?@ui1
@dievardump function onLoadAll doesn't works
@dievardump: Is that punk HULK?
@Irakli because you are not loading the images anywhere
so the onload never decrements the counter?
Facing issue with prototype
Any one knows ?
displayError: function(message){
$$('#smartlogin .error .error-text')[0].update(message);
@Irakli it works. but there is no onload fired
Object doesn't support property or method 'update at this line $$('#smartlogin .error .error-text')[0].update(message);
because all your images are 404
so it's an onerror
I'd say the issue is that you are using prototype instead of jQuery! :P
@ThiefMaster yes .....but i am using magento module created using prototype
Error coming in IE browsers only
@dievardump Thanks, yes you are right
its just like html() in jquery
wish you could save codepen's as draft
Write a user script, then.
IE browser makes error with update method
I tried like this var errorWindow = $$('#smartlogin .error .error-text')[0]; errorWindow.update(message); ...but still facing
@Dinesh you're calling update on a dom object, not à prototype one (because of the [0])
Use :first or whatever prototype uses.
@FlorianMargaine o/
@FlorianMargaine like $$('#smartlogin .error .error-text').first().update(message); ?
i tried with first()...not working
@abhishek i'm on my phone, riding home in the train, not very much available :p
@dinesh look up prototype's doc :)
you have been xtremely busy !
Q: Why does Javascript use JSON.stringify instead of JSON.serialize?

Chase FlorellI'm just wondering about "stringify" vs "serialize". To me they're the same thing (though I could be wrong), but in my past experience (mostly with asp.net) I use Serialize() and never use Stringify(). I know I can create a simple alias in Javascript, // either JSON.serialize = function(input) ...

@Dinesh use :first at the end of your selector
@Abhishek yeah new job...
@FlorianMargaine okay let me try it
haha nice
@FlorianMargaine fun!!
i am using tartempion for work stuff aswell :P
it just makes life easy
@Amaan its not working ya
@karthys I don't know what you can do
Abhishek I have to add session stores support before it gets usable in prod, but nice to know it has some use :p
pastie.org/4680294 my code post here
and i am doing drag a ball
Stop pinging me.
so sorry ya,
@hakim welcome! welcome! your experiments are so uber cool, makes me wish I had hw accl on this machine.
@Amaan PING
@Neal Ass
@Amaan Usually.
@rlemon Seen 14 mins ago. You've got your stalker on
OMFG @hakim hello dude , you sir are the person who makes me feel inferior when i write css!
** inferior as hell
@rlemon wanna do me a lil favour bro
He isn't even here, @Abhishek
Looks comfy as a Dalek
thanks for the welcome :)
@Amaan ^ ?
Oh, you are!
oh I'm here-ish
anybody wanna give me a small test ?
@Abhishek What is the capital of Austria?
s6.voscast.com:8002 , can somebody tune into this ?
@SimonSarris Canberra
Austria, not Australia :D:D:D
@Abhishek And?
that is being broadcasted , resampled , encoded by nodejs
downloading the .pls file seems to let me play it well enough in VLC @Abhishek
@Abhishek i'm back, was having a smoke.
@SimonSarris helped
so :-)
@SimonSarris stream might bounce a bit
I'm starring that to stroke my ego
but just gimme 1 more test :$
sure thing
@hakim we're a somewhat good little community here. we got all walks of life and js competency
tune in once more
you should listen an akon song
live is deprecated - please use .on or .delegate (for older versions) — rlemon 7 secs ago
Server is currently down.
bragh :-/ seg fault never mind @SimonSarris
Oh hey a celebrity, welcome @hakim!
@hakim Get used to it :p
You'll be ping'ed a lot too
iz only because we love your work... and by association, you
So downsampling works , upsampling still a mess :-/
now back to my phone calls... telephone IT consulting with a farmer. fun times fun times.
@rlemon What?!
keeps calling his ethernet cables "the big phone lines"
@SimonSarris lol
@Abhishek lol
someone ping me with a lol!
@rlemon lol ...damn
if u are still tuned , u might be listening packets of song outa nowhere
i am ashamed on my C code :-/
If it makes you feel better I'm ashamed of all the C code I've ever written, and that was all I used for school really
@SimonSarris You guys learned C in school?
i did and did not
We learned Microsoft Office
I learned JS on my own
I did in last 2 years
the computer science teacher was better then the ones that teach at college
We had "IT" in school
Got computer science in college now. Lot better now
We had specifically Computer Science
We're learning C++
Okay can i have yall's attention please
I need some help with general issue , that can be solved in any language
@Amaan I went to RPI for computer science and most courses were taught in C. The ones where you could choose I usually chose python
@Amaan I, what?
It's IT. No programming.
It was learning how to make stupid PPT's
oooh, actually in high school we learned C# :D:D:D:D which is the most darling language there is
** preface **
When u re-sample some audio the number of samples you get is either above or below the number of samples you provided the resampler. Downsampling is a cake as the number of sample in > number of sample out , hence u get no memory leaks and no seg faults
C# is like the mom of languages. Mature, comforting, lets you do whatever you want but stops you from getting into real trouble
When you try to upsample you get a few samples more then u need or can put inside a frame
:-/ can somebody help me on how to approach this crowd of extra samples ?
@SimonSarris C# is Microsoft's, right?
@SimonSarris Meet C++ , the total opposite on last part of ur definition makes it dad
ok so bare with me i'm no network specialist. What is involved in setting up a VPN server?
google will help u for sure!
yea i'm reading on openVPN with ubuntu - just wondering if anyone here maintains or has set up a VPN server
or that
I never have dealt with it and atm were discussing how to get this guys device seen publicly. his isp has him on a shared IP so my options are now : VPN or make him buy a static ip
Or DynDNS?
@rlemon the latter is costly but sounds better
and reliable
@Amaan I called his ISP and they suggested the VPN option for cost savings.
so, if i'm reading this all correctly, I have my vpn server (just a desktop in the corner) with my openVPN installed and configured connected to the internet. he buys a router? or something for the client vpn and we configure it as well. locally I just log in to the vpn server and bam i'm on his network?
Yeah, pretty much, I think.
hmmm. well shit this looks complicated. (I hate networking)
Can someone please tell me why it alerts undefined ? function f(){ return f; }
new f() instanceof f;
@RoyiNamir why do you always come in here with the most obscure scope related questions
function f(){ return f; }
new f() instanceof f;
> false
@rlemon Because he's learning?
I like his questions
lol i'm not saying he should stop - i am just wondering where he is coming up with them
Thanks amaan
@RoyiNamir That returned undefined?
This is from the quiz which we talked about few days ago
It returned false for me
Sorry amman its false but why
I ping'ed you earlier
And you said it returned false when you asked earlier
Sorry again its false but why
@AndyE you still lurking?
@RoyiNamir Because new f() is f
6 hours ago, by Amaan
@RoyiNamir return f; means that new f() is equal to f, the original function
see ^
6 hours ago, by Amaan
So what you're doing is, f instanceof f
@Amaan I like to show with code :P makes more sense this way to me at least
Yeah, it does
What do you use to crop your screenshots?
I find it too tedious to do on Ubuntu
shift + print screen
amaan , again It returns false
by mistake i wrote undefined
@RoyiNamir it should return false.
still , I dont understand why its false
Q: Ie7 Redraw bug when i am scrolling the page

SACHINWhen i am scrolling the page the search button is not proper.I have used bootstrap here. if i am reducing the font size and making the font-weight:normal its fine else i am doing the same in twitter bootstrap document same problem is coming. HERE IS THE test server url http://www.onetravel.c...

you are returning the function code itself, the function code is not an instance of itself.
well that was an easy ignore
Looks like he's got his caps lock stuck
mmm interesring
@Amaan lol you like that huh. I was pretty pleased with myself when I figured that out.
I was always under the impression that nothing like that existed!
I used imagemagick earlier
(ok, that would be inappropriate in case the question is not crappy - didn't look at it yet)
@SACHIN: Don't come in a chat and shout for help.
@RoyiNamir try this example
function foo() { return foo; }
console.log(new foo(), foo, new foo() instanceof foo);
i m not shouting
see how the first two are identical.
> function foo() { return foo; } function foo() { return foo; } false
does the f inside the function declaration knows thres is already "f" function ?

function f() { do somwthing with f }
@RoyiNamir yes
How do you think recursion works?
now please help me
but not if you define the function like
var f = function() { }
at least I don't think , maybe wrong... lemmy check
nope it doesn't :) \o/ yay me
I'm not all pro with the difference between declarations and expressions yet
any one helping ?
var f = function() { console.log(f); };
> undefined
thats becuase function expressions are not hoisted
@rlemon Well?
and by this im answering myself
A function expression assignment thing doesn't return anything
@RoyiNamir see we all just needed to talk it out :P
yeah,, :-)
Why aren't you doing this? What am I confused on?
@jcolebrand I think this is just a learning experiment. no real application in mind.
But the other way should always return false, no?
@rlemon , you first comment was pretty offensive man :-) the question was taken from here kourge.net/node/130 the quiz) number #13
@jcolebrand Yeah!
@RoyiNamir if you took offence then idk what to tell you, there was nothing offensive in it. I just asked why you always ask such obscure scope related questions. o_O?
And we're seeing if we can predict what it does without actually running it

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