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Hi all, i strat to work with Three.js library, i don't know what to include exactly in my HTML file in order to benefit from all Three.js functionalities.
when downloaded, Three.js has several folders: docs, build, example, gui, etc. what is the one that i need exactly.
Sounds like you should rtfd and/or look at the example.
1 hour later…
Q: Programmaticaly finding the Landau notation (Big O or Theta notation) of an algorithm?

Julien LI'm used to search for the Landau (Big O, Theta...) notation of my algorithms by hand to make sure they are as optimized as they can be, but when the functions are getting really big and complex, it's taking way too much time to do it by hand. it's also prone to human errors. I spent some time o...

3 hours later…
Q: A few questions about how JavaScript works

KayoticSullyI originally posted on Stack Overflow and was told I might get some better answers here. I have been looking deeply into JavaScript lately to fully understand the language and have a few nagging questions that I can not seem to find answers to (Specifically dealing with Object Oriented programmi...

1 hour later…
Hello guys do you know how to write the text in canvas in counter clockwise direction and the text should come down please refer stackoverflow.com/questions/12312752/…
using javascript
hello I have a small problem. wanna ask question.
so, I have site with pjax navigation
some pages consist of links with class .play and jquery code if .play then it can play via jplayer
when I'm loading this page directly it's works.
but when I loading it via pjax it won't work
ie9 back
Hi people!
Anyone in here who uses Ext Js 4.x on a day-to-day basis?
Hi all
HI @Esailija :) can you please tell me why this alerts false ?
`function f(){ return f; }
new f() instanceof f;`
f() is (!) instance of f
ok I see no one is here :) will be back later... :) thanks
1 hour later…
hi to all good afternoon
exactly what i need means i have two div box i drag one div box then second div box follow that first div box using pure javascript
Hello all, ineed to close all sections of an accordion menu but couldnt
can anyone please help
please if someone answers, ping me
1 hour later…
@RoyiNamir return f; means that new f() is equal to f, the original function
So what you're doing is, f instanceof f
need 1 upvote for the reversal badge :D
+20 answer on a -5 question
thanks whoever upvoted <3
oh, nice
> ThiefMaster♦ 77,777
Hello all, ineed to close all sections of an accordion menu but couldnt
can anyone please help
@Amaan Hello, i need to close all sections of an accordion menu but couldnt
can anyone please help
as soon as I saw him post any code like that I knew it was copypasted from somewhere
yesterday he posted an answer that said nothing but not to use whitespace before a colon inside object literal...
@Esailija I voted to close, but I also had to upvote because the question and how she asked it genuinely made me lul
can we give the eventListener for canvas object(html5)
@Ritesh Of course.
@Amaan Can you show one example pls?
Do you know how to add event listeners to other elements?
canvasElement.addEventListener( ' whatever ' , function(omega){
  /* Do stuff shenron */
' whatever ' is the event you want to listen for
Like click or keyup
@GNi33 \o
is code: $('.apple').text('/') okay to replace all spans (with class apple) content to '-'; Or is there any better solution?
Ya that is correct Abhishek.but what my intention is i have taken the canvas area of width:600 ,height:292.Within this area i am drawing the line like moveTo(),lineTo().I need to give the event listener for the line
@GNi33 \o
how are you guys?
@Ritesh Please learn basic JavaScript before jumping into things
We aren't here to code for you.
@GNi33 Hakimel didn't come :/
@Amaan first of all you see the code for html5 and then you speak
And ignored.
^ @Amaan probably u meant and ignored*
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
    width = canvas.width = 500,
    height = canvas.height = 500,
    mouseX = 250,
    mouseY = 250;

ctx.fillStyle = "black";

function draw() {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
    ctx.fillRect(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);
    setTimeout(draw, 1000 / 60);
 // if you don't read / watch these then you are refusing to help yourself. in which case ... well... pfft.
// chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/conversation/…
@Amaan velocityreviews.com/forums/… see this link you will understand
I don't like ignoring people :P Too curious
@Ritesh That wasn't what you asked us.
@Amaan i ignore them then when you're all talking to them i'm like "????" so I "show posts" and remember why they were ignored.
Those lines aren't HTML elements, so no, you can't.
Add an event to the canvas element, and figure out which line was clicked based on the co-ordinates
looking for some JS library which has got tree(not just binary) data structure...with all methods like parent,top,elementsAtLevel etc....
@Amaan i have done like that,but there are many ropes nearer which we cannot give like this
function mouseMoveHandler(e) {
mouseX = e.clientX;
mouseY = e.clientY;
@Amaan damn, well, maybe he'll show up sometime :)
you know the AMA's on Reddit?
i'd love to do something like this with js devs and authors of interesting projects here on SO
Maybe we could get something like that done
seperate chatroom to ask questions and chat a little
But I doubt there'd be many questions to ask
oh, there are
John Resig AMA::
me -- "Yea, just one question.... WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
about projects, coding styles, preferred ways, best practices, development in jobs, freelancing, open-source... you name it
@rlemon haha ;)
i need to close all sections of an accordion menu but couldnt
can anyone please help
hello all
@rlemon lol
my buffers still aint moving
but what would you guys think of something like this? interesting questions get starred for the person answering to know, what people want to know about
i think there could be some very interesting chats then
mrdoob is active on SO anyhow... where is he? :D
looking for some JS library which has got tree(not just binary) data structure...with all methods like parent,top,elementsAtLevel etc....
stalk his questions/answers and just comment with
Why don't you join us in the chat mrdoob???
then link the chat room
he'll show up
@CodeJack we all saw it the first time
sry..just trying to get the solution...
@rlemon yeah, maybe, don't want to be a stalking prick though ;)
i'm thinking more about a scheduled event with fixed date, just like the ama's on reddit. but maybe that's just me ;)
if a chat is a good place for this, is a different question though
I just took the bingiton.com test
4 Google, 1 draw.
> Google may have won this round, but others picked Bing web search results over Google nearly 2 to 1 in blind comparison tests.*
RT @mathias: Google released a polyfill for DOM Level 3 XPath: http://mths.be/bjd
@rlemon Thanks a lot..let me check
> © 2012 Microsoft
Well, yeah
It's by Bing
I'm just amused at how much my result differs from what they expected
May be because Google finds things depending on past searches, and I actually have past searches on Google
I got 2 google, 2 bing 1 draw
but Bing has a way better results page for zombie games, than google
I knew it was bings but had to select it.
@Amaan context.beginPath();

context.moveTo(10,10 );
This is my code .i have constructed the line like this.I need to give the event listener particular point ,How to do it?
you cant.
You can monitor the canvas and figure out where a user clicked, and then check if its near or on the point you are "listening" to
But i need click event for particular point
@Amaan LOL.... google -> all 5 times
cuttherope.ie see this cut the rope it triggers for point
All of us, huh?
@Ritesh attach an event listener to the canvas, then monitor the mouse
what Loktar said
the canvas is like an image basically
@Loktar we said this a while ago
you cant attach event listeners to pixels.
24 mins ago, by rlemon
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
    width = canvas.width = 500,
    height = canvas.height = 500,
    mouseX = 250,
    mouseY = 250;

ctx.fillStyle = "black";

function draw() {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
    ctx.fillRect(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);
    setTimeout(draw, 1000 / 60);
 // if you don't read / watch these then you are refusing to help yourself. in which case ... well... pfft.
// http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/conversation/javascript-resources
first of all, he's just awesome with canvas, so you can believe him and second...
@rlemon ah I didnt see that /me stops repeating
that's how you need to do it
@Loktar he's a vamp, don't waste your time :P
@GNi33 heh thanks :P
i stumbled over a good article regarding this a while ago on ibm, maybe i'll find it
theres some really good libraries now too for controlling layers and such
@Loktar you cant attach event listeners to pixels. is there any link ?
that one is actually pretty good i think
sorry for the reping, fixed the link
OMG i'm being chased by a square! jsfiddle.net/rlemon/NJUkD/1
@rlemon XD
@rlemon You're using Firefox?
Why the -moz CSS prefix?
Copy paste?
custom cursor wouldn't work otherwise
seriously. Chrome + Ubuntu needs it
I'm on Ubuntu too
ah I just handle my cursors in canvas
@Amaan remove it and see
Yeah, I do too. But this is probably better
zoom-in works fine for me
only drawback is cursor changing
in games you change the cursor based on what its over etc.
Yeah. But it'd complicate it more to make the square follow the cursor
like an rts, hit a now you have crosshairs
situations like that
He'd have to store previous co-ordinates
@rlemon zoom-in doesn't work for you?
that was a copy paste
(I'm doing this so @rlemon gets confused :p)
@dievardump What are you replying to?
silly @Amaan, i'm always confused.
We use "Yep" for "Hello" in French, sorry.
Ooh. Didn't know that. Hi!
But if it helps to confuse rlemon, it's even better.
hehe, some sort of
I thought it was guten tag
it's an austrian version of "Servus"
like "hawidere" for "Habe die Ehre"
We don't say "Guten Tag" a lot in Austria
RT @greenido: jquery mobile 1.2 is out there... http://jquerymobile.com/blog/2012/09/05/jquery-mobile-1-2-beta-released/ Cool news for mobile web apps with #jqm and #html5
it's more a formal greeting
Hmm. Seas!
@Amaan helo
can i ask a question
Need help with the accordion?
yes acordion
any idea?
i need to close all sections of an accordion menu but couldnt
can anyone please help
Well, we haven't seen any of your code, so no
Show us some code, and we may be able to help
@ilis BINGO!
wait a minute please
i'm logging in to my pastebin account
whenever someone in our office asks to ask something, it's a BINGO! one point for me, folks
@GNi33 i pasted my question before but nobody turn me back, so i tried to ask permission before:)
@ilis That's only because there was no way we could help
You just asked a question without context
hi guys! quick question, as you all know Safari 6 blocks outdated flash versions. Is there a way to detect if flash was blocked by safari? swfobject just states that flash is not installed, which might not be true because it's outdated.
here is my code
and this is the sample i follwed
but i want all my sections be closed
it is not as how i want in that tutorial
A: Collapse all the tabs in a Accordion on jquery?

Beau SmithView the jQuery, there is most likely an option to specify the tab to show; by default this is probably the first. You can override the behavior by adding additional jQuery. If the accordian is a nested UL, the jQuery to hide all the nested UL elements would be like this: $('ul.accordian ul').h...

Did you try .hide()?
@Amaan i did that man
no solution
try those links you will se what i mean
How do I "try"?
Give me a demo on JSFiddle or something
You aren't showing us your HTML either
the code is a little complicated, it will take a litlle time to prepare a jsfiddle, i just ask for idea, not code
I've never used jQuery for myself, so I don't have any ideas
Try the jQuery chat room
Or ask a question on SO if you've done enough research
have a nice weekend, everyone!
You too!
@ilis Can't you just .click() the tab thing that's currently open?
If you click() the one that's open, they'll all be shut
So a simple solution would be to click on the first accordion thing, and then click it again
$(function() {
    $("#accordion").accordion({ collapsible: true, active: false });
@ilis done and done
Apparently, that doesn't work.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/B4NnD orly - how about I prove it does. :)
Apparently. He said in his comments that it doesn't.
Anyone attending JS.everywhere()?
@rlemon that works! Thanks a lot
Ahh the power of RTFD
the issue is i have wrote "collapsible: true, active: false"like this:
$("#accordion").accordion(){ collapsible: true, active: false};
yea... you need to seriously take a look at this

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 at 13:40 by rlemon

{ collapsible: true, active: false} is an object.
you want to pass it in the function call for accordion()
i'm not so familiar wit js
sorry :)
var options = { collapsible: true, active: false};
$("#accordion").accordion(options); // this is the same thing
Why does everybody go gaga over "The Good Parts" so much? I really didn't find it that useful.
don't apologize, just go through those videos and links and try to improve your game.
@ErikReppen it's good book, together with The definitive guide you can pretty much learn all of the basics.
@ErikReppen I did
@rlemon is that for me? Thanks anyway:)
Definitive is a good reference book for skimming. I just feel like people give way too much credit to Crockford for doing nothing more than pointing out language features and having (sometimes bizarre) opinions about them.
@ErikReppen I think The Good Parts best viewed as a critique of the language, from the ground up. It covers Crockford's perceived good practices (many of which I choose follow), as well as the flaws and critical missteps in the language.
@$("*"); please shoot
Developers please shoot me , take ur jqueries and give me a painful death! - Dom
It just happens to be the critique that gained popularity. There are many such critiques out there.
And it's a known good source that you can go to every time, assuming it's on your shelf.
@rlemon i would ask something elsetoo, even tough there is no css on this link how does it appear so good shaped?
my accordion is just in a plain html appearance
@ilis at the side, under manage resources you'll see I am in fact including code.jquery.com/ui/1.8.23/themes/base/jquery-ui.css
@abhishek I've often wondered how JQ parses $('* *');
$('* > *:not(* > *)')
@rlemon i have also included that
well dude, what can I say - you can see all of my code with your own eyes
Girlfriend got me this http://t.co/knCTymnw
Awesome isn't it. http://t.co/RgQW5ekj
@ilis Learn to use firebug in Firefox or developer tools in Chrome. There is definitely a link somewhere because the accordion items have background images referenced from a folder, but also a lot of those styles are set with CSS3.
@rlemon It's your birthday today?
Happy birthday!
You don't seem like someone who'd come to a chat room on his birthday
lol no dude. the fifth.
just got around to uploading it now
and I was in here on my bday :P
Hahaha, I was here on my birthday too
@ErikReppen lets try
gave me 3188 elements
while $("*"); gave me 3205 lol
I think it'd get elements with any attributes, then
@Abhishek Whew. That always made me nervous like the super-collider turning our solar system into a black hole or something.
Just a guess
Coworker: "I don't understand ViewState sometimes"
Me: "I hate ViewState"
Lucky I don't really know what that is then, I guess :p
Ick. Yet another problem that should have been solved on the client side in the first place.
$("*:not(* *)")
that is going to be my new way to suggest people to get the HTML element
@RyanKinal Looks like a good review!
.net MVC + Razor is bordering on competent and reasonable. Hell, preferable to Rails, IMO and I've hated .net for a lot of the ASP stuff and webforms. Now if Visual Studio would just stop crashing every time I try to change an HTML attribute too fast...

Sounds fake/hoax.
Yeah... I still have to try out MVC + Razor
I did a little bit of it, but I haven't done anything even close to significant
@dievardump its coming on 12th
@RyanKinal so which phone did u end up buying ?
i4s ?
Hah... I haven't actually replaced my phone yet.
My parents, my brother, and my sister are all on the same plan as me, and we don't have data... so no smartphone for me
At least, not yet
@RyanKinal :o
okay if my resampler doesnt works in next 1 hour
you guys should start calling me a n00b
Setting timer...
3 hours ago, by Amaan
The Chinese are smart. http://www.bgr.com/2012/09/05/iphone-5-design-copied-patented-goophone-i5/
I do wonder what they patented in the design
@RyanKinal No use. :(
function patent(anything)
    /* Commented out for debugging
    if (anything.isValidForPatent())
        return true;
        return true;
    return true;  // remove for production
@RyanKinal thanks for setting the timer btw
Good job ;-)
hi to all
i have some doubt in javascript
i am doing little task, my goal is i have two images , both are individually drag by mouse successfully but i need first image only drag by mouse and second image follow on first image
Someone should give me 1€ everytime someone uses "I have some doubt" or "kindly provide me code" on SO :p
@karthys So, they should both drag at the same time?
yes, we drag first image only but second image also dragging using pure javascript only, not use jquery
Put them both in a container, and add the drag functionality to that container.
@RyanKinal my code here pastie.org/4680294
how i will do this one?
@karthys Remove the class "drag" from the images and put it on the div
That should work, I think
k @Amaan
Yeah, what he said
@RyanKinal @Amaan not working ya, both images are not dragging
Oh yeah, the target isn't going to have class="drag" anymore...
I am using smartlogin.js , i am getting Object doesn't support property or method 'update' in IE browsers at this line $$('#smartlogin .error .error-text')[0].update(message);
kindly advice
@RyanKinal: Hi we had a chat before also I need some help
@Dinesh Try using .first() instead of [0]
@RyanKinal okay let me do that
like this $$('#smartlogin .error .error-text').first().update(message); ?

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